Machine Element I@ Chapter 3 - 6

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Chapter 3

Strength calculation and dimensioning

Design of bolted joints

 It is necessary to determine the stresses in screw fastening due to both static and dynamic
loading in order to determine their dimensions

 When a nut is tightened over a screw following stresses are induced

1. Tensile stresses due to stretching of the bolt

2. Torsional shear stress due to frictional resistance at the threads

3. Shear stress across threads

4. Compressive or clashing stress on the threads

5. Bending stress if the surface under the bolt lead or nut are not perfectly normal to the bolt
a. Tensile stress
Since initial stress is inversely

P1 = 284d KN
T = cP1d
Where:- T – the Torque
C – is a constant depending on coefficient of friction at the meeting
P1 – is tightening up load

b. Torsional shear stress

This is given by z =
Where:- T – is the torque and
Dc – the core diameter
T = p1
 Where dm and dcm- are the mean and thread diameter and mean collar diameter respectively
 and e are the coefficients of thread and collar friction respectively and x is the semi thread angle

Then we may write T = c P1 dm

 A typical power screw configuration

C. Shear stress across the threads

b- is the base width of the thread &

n- is the number of threads shearing the load
d. Crushing stress on threads

Where:- do and dc are the outside and core diameters as shown

e. Bending stress

Where:- x- is the difference in corners of the nut or bolt head

L-is length of the bolt head shank and

E- young’s models
1. Rivets and Riveting
 A rivet is a short cylindrical rod having ahead and at appeared tail.
2. Types of riveted joints and joint efficiency
Riveted joints are mainly of two types Appoints
lap joints
Butt joints
The plates that are to be jointed are brought face to face such that an overlap exists
2. Butt joints
In this type of joint the plates are brought to each other without forming any overlap.
a. Tearing of the plate

The maximum force allowed

P1 = t (p-d)t
Where :- St = allowable tensile stress of the plate material
P = pitch,
d = diameter of the rivet hole
t= thickness of the plate

- Failure of plate in tension (tearing)

b. Shearing of the rivet
The maximum force with stood by the joint to prevent this failure is
– for lap joint, single strap butt joint
– for double strap butt joint
C. Crushing of rivet:- If the bearing stress on the rivet is too large the contact
surface b/n the rivet and the plate my get damaged.
P3 = c dt
Where:- c = allowable bearing stress between the rivet and plate matter.
d. Tearing of the plate at an edge:- If the margin is too small the plate may fail 0

 A joint may fail due to tearing of the plate at an edge as shown in Fig.

 This can be avoided by keeping the margin, m = 1.5d, where d is the diameter of
the rivet hole.

 Further the joint my fail by

i) Shearing of rivets in both rows
ii) Crushing of rivets in both rows
iii) Shearing of rivets in one row and crushing in the other row.
Introduction to welded joints
 Welding is a very commonly used permanent joining process

 A welded joint has following advantages.

1) Compared to other type of joints the welded joint has higher efficiency. An
efficiency 95% is easily possible.
2) Since the added material is minimum the joint has lighter weight
3) Welded joints hare smooth appearances
4) Put to flexibility in the welding procedure, alteration and addition are possible.
5) It is less expensive
6) Forming a joint in difficult locations is possible through welding
 Depending up on the method of heat addition this process can be further sub divided namely
Electrical heating:- Are welding
Chemical welding:- Gas welding
Types of welding
- Design of welded joints
1) Design of a butt joint
- The main failure mechanism of welded butt joint is tensile failure.
P = ST Lt
Where ST = allowable tensile strength of the weld material

2) Design of transverse fillet joint
The cross-section of the threat is easily
Where h – height

Permissible load carried by a transverse fillet weld is P= s A throat

Where:- s- allowable shear stress
A -throat-throat area
3. Design of pallet fillet joint

- Each weld carries a load

P = 2Ss AT
AT =
- The allowable load is
P= 2Ss At + Ss At
where:- AT= throat area long the longitudinal direction
At = throat area along the transverse direction
4. Design of circular fillet weld subjected to torsion
This for a given torque the maximum shear stress in the weld is
max =
Where:- T = torque applied
dt =outer diameter of the shaft
t =through = throat thickness
IP = polar moment of area of the throat section

When throat <<d, max =

Example-1 A plate bracket used to support a machine is assembled using steel angle
section welded to a support plate and a central loading plate, as shown in fig
calculate the necessary size of the fillet weld if the allowable shear stress in the weld
is 80 Mpa. The arrangement should provide a factor of safety of 1.6

Given Find:- weld size h

W = 50 KN, = 80 Mpa,

Fos = 1.6, E = 1.8 m

 The weid structure give in the problem is subjected to direct shear and bending stresses.
Area of weld
A = (900+900+50+50+50+50)* 0.707 h
A = 1414 h mm2
 Direct shear stress =

 Bending moment Mb = Pxe

= 50
 Section modulus Zw
 Since the Zw for this type of welding is not given in the table 3.2 for PSGB 11.6
 We required to calculate by using conventional way. The symmetric about yy axis we can
consider only one sides of the weld portion

 Then the value is multiplied by 2 to get Ixx of full portion

Ixx – +(+A1h11) + (IG2 +A2 h22) +
IG3 + A3h3 t = 1mm
A1 = 1x900m = 900mm2
A2 = 50x1mm = 50mm2
A3 = 50x1mm = 50mm2
I G1 = = 60.75*106mm4
I G2 = IG3 = = 4.167mm4
H1 = Y – y, = 450 – 450 = 0
H2 = h3 = 450 – 0 – 450 mm

Ixx = (60.75*106+ 9000*02)+ (4.167+50*4502)+ (4.167*50*4503) = 81*106

6 6 2
Section modulus
Zw =
Zw = 360000mm3
If thickness of the weld is considered Zw = 360000*0.707h = 254520hmm
bending stress

Resultant stress
Z max
Z max =
Allowable shear stress
Equating the value of max to the allowable shear stresses = max
50 =
h = 3.6mm say 4mm
Example-2 A fabricated steel bracket forms the support for a machine hoisting system as shown in
fig and consists of two bolted connections and a welded plate connection calculate the required fillet
weld size for the 300mm thick plate to base plate connection if the allowable shear stress in the weld
is 80 Mpa

Given Find:- weld size – h

W = 25 KN, = 80 Mpa and E = 280 mm

 From table for this type of weld bending stress

 Direct shear stress

 According for maximum shear stress theory, result that shear stresses

 Equating this max with the given

80 =
h = 6.18 mm say 6.5mm
 The weld size, h = 6.5mm
Chapter 4
Torque Transmission Joints

Keys:- A key is a device w/c is used for connecting two machine parts for preventing
relative motion or rotation with respect to each other.
 Key are generally used as temporary fasteners and that can be easily
 Types of keys:- the commonly adopted forms of keys are classified in to four types.
1) Saddle key
2) Tangent key
3) Sunk key
4) Round key & taper pines.
1) Saddle key:- it is used for light service
 A key way is provided only in the hub of the part to be attached no key seat is
provided in the shaft

Fig. Saddle key.

Saddle key of two types
 Width of key b =
a) Hollow saddle key
 Thickness of key h =
b) Flat saddle key
 Length of key l
 The various is left flat
 where d – diameter of the shaft
2. Tangent key:- are fitted to with torsion is one direction only
 These are used in hear-duty shafts

3. Sunk key:- A key w/c goes partly in the shaft and partly in the hub
 Sunk keys are farther classified as follows
a. Parallel sunk key

 It may be rectangular or square cross-section. The cross-section is uniform in

width and thickness throughout the length
B = d/4

H = d/6

L = 1.5d to 3d

a) Rectangular sunk key b) square sunk keys

b. Taper sunk key:- the width is uniform and the height is tapered by 1/100 the bottom of the hub
key way has the same taper while the key seat shaft is not tapered

c. Gib-head key:- is similar to a square or rectangular key but is has a head at one and generally

at the larger and of the taper sunk key

B = d/4
H = d/6
H1 = 1.75 h
d. Woodruff key
 It used to transmit small amount of torque in automotive and machine tool industries. The key
seat on the shaft is in a curved shape where as the key way in the hub is usually straight

Design of keys
1) Sunk key:- A sunk key is subjected to two equal and opposite forces w/c are distributed forces for
our analysis it is assumed that their effect it equivalent to a concentrated force acting tangential to
the diameter of the shaft as shown in figure below
 The key may fail either in shear or crushing (compressive)

 The torque transmitted by the shaft due to the direct shear force given by

Mt = Fxr where r = d

a) Shear failure condition

 The tangential force acting on the shaft radius may cause shear failure of the key. A = Lxb

(shearing area) so shear strength

F = xAs

= x Lxb

Where:- = shear stress

A = Area that resist shearing of the key

 There force. The torque transmitted by the key is given as

Mtk = Fxd/2, where F = xLxb

= x Lxbx
b. Crushing failure condition (compressing)
 Compressive stresses are produced b/n the key and the key way of the hub and shaft Portion may cause
crushing failure.

A = L x (direct crushing area)

So, crushing (compressive) strength of the key,

 There force, the torque transmitted by the key resisting crushing is
Mtk = F, where F =

Where:- crushing stress (N/mm2)

= shear stress (N/mm2)
l= length of the keys
h= thickness of the key
D = dia of the shaft

A = area that resist crushing

C. Torque transmission joints
 If the key:- is required to be equally strong in shear and crushing the shear strength may be equated to
the crushing strength

Shear strength = crushing strength

(FC) (RC)

A shear = A crashing

xLb = x L x h/2

 Generally the compressive (crushing) stress is taken twice that of shear stress for square key
(i.e : h = b) = 2
 The length of the key is found out by equating torque of the key and the shaft.
 Torque transmitted by the key = torque transmitted by the shaft (Mts)
Example-1 A square key of 10x10x75mm dimension is required to transmit 1100N.m torque from a
60mm diameter solid shaft. Determine whether type length is sufficient or not it the permissible shear
stress and crushing stress intensities limited to 60 and 170 Mpa respectively


l = 75mm, A= 10x10x75mm , d = 60mm , Mt = T = 1100 N.m

b = 10mm & h = 10mm


Check whether l is sufficient or not?

i. Check shear failure condition

 Since the calculated shear stress is less than the allowable shear stress, hence the length is
safe (sufficient) based on shear condition
ii. Check crushing condition

 Which is less than the permissible value 170 N/mm 2 hence the key is safe from crushing,
so, length is sufficient.
i. Shearing ii. crushing

= 1.7388

= 1.229
Design of splines

 Splined shaft has a number of key like projections integral with it and equally spaced the
circumference as shown in figure below. There are engaged with corresponding recces in as plien
 Splined shafts are used where in addition to transmitting hear-loads, axial sliding.
 Motion is also to be permitted the standard number of splines on the shaft as four, six, ten and
i. Considering bearing failure (crushing)
Torque transmitted Mt = P
Where :- P = permissible bearing pressure (N/mm2) , h = height of the splin key , =
length of the splined key, N = number of splined d = major dia of the shaft
ii. Considering bending failure
Bending stress

iii. Considering shear failure

Shear stress,
Mb = FxL

Mb = Fh
Example-2 a spear connection is an automobile then mission consist of 10 splines cut
on a tom mm diameter shaft the light of each splint 3mm and she key way is the hub
are 60mm long. Determine the power the and may be transmuted at 3000 rpm. If the
allowable normal pressure on the spin is eremites of 5 Mpa

Given Required power = ? Mt =?

n = 10, l = 60mm , D = 70mm

p = 5N/mm2 , l = 3mm , N= 3000 rpm


P = Mtxw

= Mt x

Beaning (cra)

Mt =

= 301.5 N.M

So that p=

= 97.72 kw
Chapter 5
Design of springs


 A spring is an elastic member of a mechanical device w/c is used for efficient

storage and release of energy. It deflects under the action of load and regains its
original shape after the load is removed.

 Springs are employed to exert forces or torques in to a mechanism or to absorb the

energy of suddenly applied loads.
Classification of springs
 The most commonly types of spring are as follows
i) Helical springs iv) spiral spring
ii) Conical springs v) disc springs
iii)Leaf springs vi) rubber springs

 Helical springs are made of circular wire coiled in to a helical form the load
being applied along the axis of the helix. In these springs the major stress is
shear stress due to twisting the helical springs are classified in to
a) Close coiled or tension helical spring
b) Open coiled or compression helical spring
 The springs which are sustaining tensile force a long their axes are called helical
tensile or close-coiled springs (having helix-angle < 100)
 The springs which can sustaining compressive force along their axes are called
helical compression or open-coiled spring (having helix-angle > 100)
ii. Leaf spring
 It consist of flat b axe of varying length clam peel to gather and supported at both ends thus acting as
a simply supported beam.
 The major stresses are tensile or compressive
iii. Conical springs
 It is made of round wire wound in the shape of cone the major stresses produced in this spring are
shear due to twisting.
 It is used either where space limitation does not a new to use cylindrical helical spring or where a
variable rate of stiffness is desired with a single spring.

fig. leaf spring fig. conical and volute spring

Numen cloture of helical springs

 The most commonly used terms in connection with these springs are as following.
Consider a concentric spring as shown in Fig.
Let W = Axial load,
W1 = Load shared by outer spring,
W2 = Load shared by inner spring,
d1 = Diameter of spring wire of outer spring,
d2 = Diameter of spring wire of inner spring,
D1 = Mean diameter of outer spring,
D2 = Mean diameter of inner spring,
δ1 = Deflection of outer spring,
δ2 = Deflection of inner spring,
n1 = Number of active turns of outer spring, and
n2 = Number of active turns of inner spring.
Fig. Concentric springs.
1. Spring stiffness (k):-
 It is defined as the load required per unit of deflection

2. Spring index (c):-

 It is the ration of mean diameter to the diameter of wire for the spring
i.e. c=
3. In active coils:-
 The coils which do not take part in deflection of spring
4. Active coins
 These coils which are free to deflect under load.
5. Free length (lF)

 The full length of a spring under no load condition

6. Pitch

 The axial distance b/n adjacent coils in uncompressed state.

Design of helical springs

Stresses in helical springs

 The load p on the spring will produce torque on the spring wire

 The torque acting on the spring wire is given by

Where:- D-mean dia of spring coil.

 The max values of torsional shear stress induced in the spring wire due to torque
can be calculated by using the equitation

 By equating the above two equitation

 Torsional shear stress in the spring wire

 Again the axial force pacts as the shear force on the wire which will produce
transverse shear stress (i.e. direct shear stress) in the wire, so
 Therefore the resultant shear stress produced due to both cases is obtaining by
adding the above equitation

 The above derived equitation does not take into account the effect of stress
concentration due to curvature of coil.
Deflection of helical spring
 The torsion equitation for deflection is given by

Where:- Mt = torque exerted to the wire =

= length of spring wire

G = modulus of rigidity

= shear stress on the spring wire

Substituting all the values

Now defection of the spring is given by

Stiffness of spring (K)

Energy stored in the spring (U)
 Strain energy stored in the spring is given by

We know that
Substitute in to U equitation

Springs in series and parallel

 When two or more springs are arranged in series as shown in fig below, their
equivalent stiffness is obtain

The deflection are additive in series combination

 When two or more springs are arranged in parallel and subjected load P, their
equivalent stiffness is necessary

 Forces are additive in a parallel combination

Series compaction

() …….series compaction

Parallel competition
Ptat = P1+P2+P3+….+ Pn

Ptatal = p1+p2+p3+… +pn

K eqn. total = K11+K22+ K33
K eqn = k1+k2+k3
Helical springs subjected to variable loads.
 Helical springs in many applications are subjected to variable or fatigue loads.
 Spring will never be subjected to a completely reversed loading (i.e zm ), it is
loaded in one direction i.e. load varies from zero to maximum
 Let use consider a spring subjected to a load varies b/n Pmin and Pmax. The
mean and amplitude loads are given

Pm =
Pa =
 Hence the mean torsional shear stress is

= ksh

Where :- ksh shear stress correction factor

 The resultant amplitude torsional shear stress is given by

But ki = curvature factor w/c is give in table 2

N = active number of coils

Nt = total number of coils

Lf = p ts = d (n+1)

“d” by calculating (d=5.5mn)

Example-1:- helical spring made of C50 steal has an out diameter 80mm and wire
diameters 12mm the spring has to sepate max axial load 1KN determine the max
shear stress and total deflection it the spring have 10.5 coils with and ground flat
determine also factor of safety? Take G=0.89*105N/mm2


G=0.89*105 P Regn

C50 max=?



= 125.11 N/mm2

=14.26 mm
Example 2:- helical Subject to a load baying from 400N to 1000N having spring index of 6and to
design factor of safety is 1.5 the compression spring at the max load is 30mm design to helical
compression take the yield stress in shear 110N mm2. Endurance stress in shear ds 350N/mm2 and
to modulates of reqidtery for the spring materials as 80*103N/mm2 alsum to end of the coil is
square and ground


P min = 400N $ P max =1000N

There force for repeated loading

(Number of active coils)

Number of coils (for ground & squared)

Solid length l = 180.2mm

Free length l = ls+y = 210.2mm

Pitch P =

Helical angle (

Spring rate (K)

= 33.33N/mm
Pressure Vessels

 Any cylinder with a fluid inside subjects led to the fluid pressure is called
pressure vessel (vessels tanks, pipe less that carry stone or receiver fluids are
called pressure vessels)
 A pressure vessels is defined as containers with pressure differential b/n inside
and outside

 Pressure vessels are usually spherical or cylindrically preferred b/c of

 Easy manufacturing

 make better use of available space

 The shall thickness is the mass or design parameter and usually controlled by

 Internal pressure

 external pressure w/c can produce bucking

 applied load

 The basic thicknesses of cylindrical shells are based on simplified stress analysis and allowable
stress for the materials construction
Pipes and tubes
 The pipes are extensively used for conveying all types of fluids from one pace to another

Design of pipes
 The sitter of pipes and tubes have been stander diced a pipe is designated by its diameter, its
thicknesses and its materials

 The thicknesses of the pipe is given by

Where :- p - internal pressures

D - diameter of the pipe

- tensile allowable stress pipe material

C - Allowances for correction

0.18 t for t > 6mm

1mm for t < 6mm
 Flow equation of pipes

 The flow equation is given by

Q=A*V ()

 Where:- Q – flow rate of the fluid with in the pipe

A – cross- sectional area of the pipe

V – velocity of the fluid inside the pipe

Cylinder Thin wall/shall cylinders Cylinder thick wall /shall cylinders

(if (if


 When a thin cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure two types of tansies
stresses are set up in the wall thickness of the cylinder

1. Circumferem rential stress ( (hoop stress)

2. Longitudinal stress (


3. The stress induced with in the cylinder wall is uniform throughout its thickness
since the thickness is very small as compared to the to the cylinder diameter

4. Effect of the curvature of the cylinder well is negligible

5. Restraining action of the heads at the ends of the cylinder is neglected

 Considering equilibrium force across the out section, we have

hoop *

Which given


 Considering across- section of the shall perpend deculare to its axis , we have
 Therefore the longitudinal section must be more stronger than the transverse

 When there is a joint or seam in the cylinder, the efficiency of the cylinder joints
should be taken into account therefore

 Where - efficiency of the joint section

- for ductile materials - for brittle materials
2. Thick wall cylinder subjected to pi and po.

The analysis of the thick wall cylinder is as a follow s

Case I (if po = o)

at r = ro = (
And) –
 summary
 Stress- strain relationship thick wall cylinders

 Elongation of the cylinder

 Volumetric change of the cylinder

Example 1. A thin cylindrical pressure vessel of 1.2m diameter generates steam at
pressure of 175.mga. Find the minimum well thickness if

a. The longitudinal stress doesn’t exceed 28 Mpa

b. The circumferential stress doesn’t exceed 42 Mpa

Case A Reqn.



18.75 mm ≈ 20 mm

Case B
Example #2 A steel cylinder is 160mm di and 320mm do. If it is subjected to an
internal pressure of 150mga, determine radials tangential and longitudinal stresses
distribution and show the results an plot. Determine the maximum shear stress in the
cylinder, Assume it has closed ends.

Given Required

max =?
= 250N/mm2


= 100N/mm2 (min)
 longitudinal stress (

 Results

= 150N/mm2 to 0N/mm2

= 250N/mm2 to 100N/mm2
= 50N/mm2
 Plot:-
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