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Endocrine system
• The endocrine system is a network of glands that manufacture
and secrete chemical messengers. Our bloodstream carries information, along with oxygen and nutrients. It does so by serving as the communication pathway for the endocrine system. Anatomically, glands are broadly classified into two types based on the presence or absence of ducts. Endocrine glands are the glands that secrete hormones without ducts, while exocrine glands secrete hormones through ducts. • The glands comprising the endocrine system (which takes its name from the Greek endo for “within” and krinein for “secrete”) transmit information by releasing hormones into the bloodstream. Contd. • Much like neurotransmitters in the nervous system, hormones are chemical messengers that influence not only body functions but behaviors and emotions (Damasio, 2003; LeDoux, 2002). For example, hormones from the pituitary stimulate body growth. • Hormones from the ovaries and testes influence sexual development and sexual responses. • Hormones from the adrenals produce the arousal accompanying fear. • And hormones from the thyroid control metabolism (the body’s rate of energy use). Once secreted into the blood, hormones circulate throughout the body until delivered to their target muscles, glands, and organs. Contd. • Under normal (unaroused) conditions, the endocrine system works in parallel with the parasympathetic nervous system to sustain our basic body processes. But in a crisis, the endocrine system shifts into a new mode, supporting the actions of the sympathetic nervous system. So, when you encounter a stressor or an emergency (such as the speeding car headed at you), the hormone epinephrine (sometimes called adrenalin) is released into the blood stream, sustaining the body’s defensive reaction that we called “fight or flight.” In this way, the endocrine system finishes what your sympathetic nervous system started, by keeping your heart pounding and your muscles tense, ready for action. • Hormones from one endocrine gland may excite or inhibit the production of hormones by another gland or it can be said that interactions occur between endocrine glands. Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland • The endocrine system is regulated by feedback in much the same way that a thermostat regulates the temperature in a room. For the hormones that are regulated by the pituitary gland, a signal is sent from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland in the form of a "releasing hormone," which stimulates the pituitary to secrete a "stimulating hormone" into the circulation. The stimulating hormone then signals the target gland to secrete its hormone. As the level of this hormone rises in the circulation, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland shut down secretion of the releasing hormone and the stimulating hormone, which in turn slows the secretion by the target gland. This system results in stable blood concentrations of the hormones that are regulated by the pituitary gland. • All endocrine glands, with the exception of the anterior pituitary, are directly regulated by signals from the nervous system. Endocrine glands located in the brain (i.e., the pituitary and pineal glands) are regulated by cerebral neurons. In contrast, those endocrine glands located outside the CNS are innervated by the autonomic nervous system— usually by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, which often have opposite effects on hormone release. • Hormones are involved in a variety of functions and behaviors. • The endocrine system promotes the survival of an organism by helping fight infections and diseases. • It advances the survival of the species through regulation of sexual arousal, production of reproductive cells, and production of milk in nursing mothers. • In charge of the endocrine system is hypothalamus, a bundle of small nuclei that reside at the base of brain. Specialized cells in the hypothalamus receive messages from other brain cells commanding it to release a number of different hormones to the pituitary gland, where they either stimulate or inhibit the release of other hormones. • Exocrine glands are the glands of external secretion. These are those that secrete substances on the body surface through a duct. They perform functions like, regulate body temperature, lubrication, lactation, helps in digestion. • Lacrimal Glands– include tear ducts near each eye, Pancreas– Secretes pancreatic juice along with the digestive enzymes into the stomach, Salivary Glands- secretes saliva along with digestive enzymes, Liver- secretes bile that contains salts and digestive substances, Mammary Glands- secrete breast milk, Sweat Glands- release salty water through perspiration. • The endocrine system is a network of glands and organs that produce, store, and secrete hormones. • Hormone Production and Regulation • Glands and Organs • Slow but Long-lasting Effects • Feedback Mechanisms • Interconnected with the Nervous System • Chemical Messengers • Influence on multiple functions Pituitary Gland • The “master gland” that produces hormones influencing the secretions of all other endocrine glands, as well as a hormone that influences growth. • The pituitary is also known as hypophysis i.e. 0.5 to 1 gm in weight and about 1 cm in diameter . It lies at the base of brain and attached to the hypothalamus with pituitary stalk, from which it takes its orders. • Physiologically, two portions ;anterior pituitary(adenohypophysis) and posterior pituitary(neuro hypophysis). Contd. • Both portions differ in structure and functions.APG consists of chromophobe (not secretory in nature but they do play a role in regulating pituitary hormone secretion) and chromophil cells secrete GH, TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH(females) and ICSH(in males), and Prolactin. • The anterior pituitary, composed of glandular tissue, synthesizes six hormones, although the hypothalamus controls their release. • Thyroid-stimulating hormone(Thyrotric hormone): Stimulates thyroid gland ,influence the uptake of iodine, the release of stored hormones into blood stream.
• Follicle-stimulating hormone :stimulates the growth of
ovarian follicles and secretion of estrogens, Promotes ovum maturation (female), accelerates sperm production (male). • Adenocorticotropic(ACTH): The secretion of ACTH by the pituitary is itself regulated by another polypeptide, corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH), which is discharged from the hypothalamus in the brain. Increases steroid hormone production by stimulating adrenal cortex. • Prolactin : stimulates breast to secrete milk, promotes mammary gland development and Increases milk production. • Growth hormone :Increases body growth, promotes protein anabolism, absorption of calcium, converts glycogen into glucose, conserves carbohydrates, highest concentration in blood till an individual achieves its full stature, and repairs body tissue. Applied Physiology • Hyperactivity of growth hormone leads to Gigantism, Acromegaly ( bones enlargement, jaw protrudes forward, soft tissue organs such as tongue, liver and especially kidneys become greatly enlarged), Acromegalic gigantism. • Hyperprolactinaemia(infertility, impotence). • Cushing’s disease( Harvey Cushing neurosurgeon , higher secretion of ACTH) hypertension, impaired glucose intolerance, insomnia, facial hair growth. • Hypoactivity :Dwarfism(stunted growth) • Acromicria: hypothyroidism , obesity, lethargic and loss of sexual function. • Simmond’s disease: hair loss, dry and wrinkled skin, shrunken of facial features. Posterior Gland • The posterior pituitary or neurohypophysis, composed of neural tissue, can be considered an extension of the hypothalamus. It is composed of glial cells ‘pituicytes’ which do not secrete hormones but act as supporting structure for large number of terminal nerve fibers. Neurons in the hypothalamus synthesize the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin (also known as antidiuretic hormone), which migrate down axons to the posterior pituitary, Later, the posterior pituitary releases these hormones into the blood. • Oxytocin :Uterine contractions, milk release, sexual pleasure. • Vasopressin :Raises blood pressure, decreases urine volume or Conservation of water in the body. • A combination of both is used to aid child birth. Applied Physiology • Hyperactivity: concentrated urine due to increased re absorption of water and loss of sodium in the urine. • Precocious puberty: pubertal changes prior to the age of nine. • Hypoactivity: Diabetes Insipidus ( deficient of vasopressin) a large water intake, constant headaches, visual disturbances. Thymus Gland • The thymus is located just below the breast bone. It is a soft, pinkish bi-lobed mass of lymphoid tissue and develops as a large gland of two roughly equal lobes that lie between the breast bone and the heart. It is a prominent gland at the time of birth but it gradually atrophies or becomes weaker in adults . The size of the gland increases in step with general growth in the human until the child is of 8 to 10 years. • This gland secretes hormones that are commonly referred to as humoral factors and are important during puberty. The role of these hormones is to make sure a person develops a healthy immune system. Contd. • It is the primary source of lymphocytes i.e. white blood cells that combat diseases, bacteria, viruses and react to infections. The thymus is instrumental in the production and maturation of T-lymphocytes or T cells. • It releases lymphocytes in the blood stream and lymph glands and spleen store it . Its production is at its peak before and after few days of birth. So lymphocytes perform two functions i.e. they produce antibodies that neutralize diseases, bacteria and viruses . Secondly, they recognize and react against infections. • Once T cells have fully matured in the thymus, they migrate to the lymph nodes (groups of immune system cells) throughout the body, where they aid the immune system in fighting disease. Contd. • Thymus gland is covered on the outside by loose connective tissue. There is an outer cortex of densely packed thymocytes and inner medulla having connective tissue with few lymphoid cells. The main hormone is thymosin that stimulates the development of certain kinds of white blood cells involved in producing immunity. Secondly, it helps in acceleration of cell division, lymphocyte formation and attainment of sexual maturity. • With increase in age its production ceases. As it grows smaller, it seems the organ becomes less important. "Removal of the organ in the adult has little effect, but when the thymus is removed in the newborn, T-cells in the blood and lymphoid tissue are depleted, and failure of the immune system causes a gradual, fatal wasting disease," according to Encyclopedia Britannica. Applied Physiology •Myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune disease that may cause a disorder in transmission at the neuromuscular junction) occurs when the thymus is abnormally large and produces antibodies that block or destroy the muscles' receptor sites. This causes the muscles to become weak and easily tired. weak arms, legs or neck. difficulty making facial expressions. problems chewing and difficulty swallowing. •Pure red cell aplasia is thought to be caused commonly by the patient's own immune cells attacking blood-forming stem cells. This can happen when the thymus has a tumor. • Hypogammaglobulinemia is a disorder where the body doesn't produce enough antibodies. Infants with this condition typically grow out of it without medical intervention. Pineal Gland • It is a small pea shaped structure , develops from the roof of the diencephalon, and is located behind the third ventricle in the brain and midline between the two cerebral hemispheres. Its name is derived from its shape, which is similar to that of a pinecone (Latin pinea). In adult humans it is about 0.8 cm (0.3 inch) long and weighs approximately 0.1 gram (0.004 ounce). • It consist of pineal cells and supporting glial cells that resemble the astrocytes present in the brain. The adrenergic nerves entering the pineal gland regulate its functions. Contd. • It is the major site for melatonin secretion, which regulates the body’s internal clock (Circadian rhythm) and also certain reproductive hormones. • The pineal gland synthesizes melatonin and serotonin . It makes melatonin out of serotonin and serotonin's supply depends upon the brain reactions to the light dark cycle. • The secretion of melatonin hormone depends upon the amount of light a person is exposed to. This hormone is produced in large amounts when it is dark. The presence of light inhibits the secretion of melatonin which controls our circadian rhythms. Contd. • Melatonin concentration in the blood appears to flow with day- night cycle as it arises in evening and through the night, drops to a low around noon. Light suppresses pineal gland secretion. • It lightens skin color. • It governs the reproductive system. Melatonin inhibits the secretion of reproductive hormones from the anterior pituitary, which are responsible for the development and functioning of reproductive organs. It may affect fertility and the menstrual cycle. • It also suppresses or inhibits the activity of the gonads and therefore affects sexual behavior. • The melatonin secretion has a positive impact on the heart and blood pressure (Sun et al., 2016) . Applied Physiology • Too much of melatonin secretion (Hyper secretion) can lead to low blood pressure and improper functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands . It also results in delayed sexual development in children. • Though pineal gland malfunction is rare but due to tumor in gland, the cells multiply and secrete more melatonin. • Seasonal Affective Disorder, a depressive disorder, is caused in winters when melatonin secretion is high due to low sunlight. • Hypo secretion: if the pineal gland stops functioning, there is a disruption in sleep patterns. Low melatonin secretion also leads to anxiety, low thyroid hormone production, menopause symptoms, and precocious puberty in children. • If a tumor develops in the pineal gland, it affects several other factors in the body : Seizures, Memory disruption, Headache, Nausea, Impaired vision and other senses. Contd. • Though the conclusion by 17th-century French philosopher René Descartes that the pineal gland is the seat of the soul has endured as a historical curiosity, there is no evidence to support the notion that secretions from the pineal have a major role in cognition.