• (QB-QB0)/Cox=((2qNASi)-1/2)
2qN A Si
C ox
• This becomes the most
general expression of the
threshold voltage with the
parameter gamma being:
The Threshold Voltage
• Gamma is called the substrate- • Further differences:
bias or the body effect coefficient. – The substrate bias coefficient is
• The general expression for the positive for nMOS and negative
threshold voltage can be used for for pMOS.
both the n-channel and p-channel – The substrate bias voltage VSB is
devices. positive in nMOS but negative
for pMOS.
• The differences are as follows:
• Typically the threshold voltage of
– Substrate Fermi potential F is
negative in nMOS but positive
an enhancement mode n-type
for pMOS. MOSFET is a positive quantity
– The depletion region charge
while that of a p-type MOSFET is
densities QB0 and QB are negative
for nMOS but positive for pMOS
Sub-Threshold Conduction