noun as in extermination
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The measures ranged from hatching Chinook salmon to the eradication of invasive algae, and the study's authors said their findings offered a "ray of light" for those working to protect threatened animals and plants.
In his memoir, Government Gangsters, Patel called for an eradication of what he called "government tyranny" within the FBI by firing "the top ranks".
Rather, it begins with the Israeli response to the aggression of Hamas, an organization that was literally founded on the principle of genocidal eradication of Israel.
John Swinney has made the eradication of child poverty as his top priority, and as ever there is cash in the budget for the flagship Scottish Child Payment.
Yet the existential crises facing our species — climate change, plastic pollution, the eradication of species — can only be solved through realistic solutions, like reducing emissions and protecting old growth forests.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.