noun as in annihilation
Strong matches
noun as in erasure
Example Sentences
And an obliteration of this magnitude required a perfect storm of factors that few would have predicted several days ahead of time.
The director is well aware that the heyday of American musicals on both stage and screen occurred amid the Great Depression, World War II, the Holocaust and the brink of nuclear obliteration.
The problem is that Ronan is also forging her compelling warts-and-all portrait of obliteration and recovery in another type of gale storm, that of undisciplined filmmaking at odds with the patient harvesting of characterization.
Tech leaders have warned about the potential harms of A.I., including the obliteration of entire job categories, election interference, discrimination in housing and finance, and even the replacement of humankind.
Netanyahu has vowed all-out obliteration of Hamas as the only way to ensure Israelis’ long-term safety, but many experts believe that to be an unattainable goal.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.