in keeping
adjective as in becoming
adjective as in compatible
Strongest matches
adjective as in paradigmatic
Weak matches
- archetypal
- archetypic
- archetypical
- average
- characteristic
- classic
- classical
- common
- commonplace
- emblematic
- essential
- everyday
- exemplary
- expected
- general
- habitual
- ideal
- illustrative
- in character
- indicative
- matter-of-course
- model
- natural
- normal
- old hat
- ordinary
- orthodox
- patterned
- prevalent
- prototypal
- prototypic
- prototypical
- quintessential
- regular
- representative
- standard
- standardized
- stock
- suggestive
- symbolic
- typic
- unexceptional
adjective as in prototypal
Weak matches
- archetypal
- archetypic
- archetypical
- average
- characteristic
- classic
- classical
- common
- commonplace
- emblematic
- essential
- everyday
- exemplary
- expected
- general
- habitual
- ideal
- illustrative
- in character
- indicative
- matter-of-course
- model
- natural
- normal
- old hat
- ordinary
- orthodox
- paradigmatic
- patterned
- prevalent
- prototypic
- prototypical
- quintessential
- regular
- representative
- standard
- standardized
- stock
- suggestive
- symbolic
- typic
- unexceptional
adjective as in prototypic
Weak matches
- archetypal
- archetypic
- archetypical
- average
- characteristic
- classic
- classical
- common
- commonplace
- emblematic
- essential
- everyday
- exemplary
- expected
- general
- habitual
- ideal
- illustrative
- in character
- indicative
- matter-of-course
- model
- natural
- normal
- old hat
- ordinary
- orthodox
- paradigmatic
- patterned
- prevalent
- prototypal
- prototypical
- quintessential
- regular
- representative
- standard
- standardized
- stock
- suggestive
- symbolic
- typic
- unexceptional
adjective as in prototypical
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- archetypic
- archetypical
- average
- characteristic
- classic
- classical
- common
- commonplace
- emblematic
- essential
- everyday
- exemplary
- expected
- general
- habitual
- ideal
- illustrative
- in character
- indicative
- matter-of-course
- model
- natural
- normal
- old hat
- ordinary
- orthodox
- paradigmatic
- patterned
- prevalent
- prototypal
- prototypic
- regular
- representative
- standard
- standardized
- stock
- suggestive
- symbolic
- typic
- unexceptional
adjective as in suitable
Strongest matches
adjective as in typic
Weak matches
- archetypal
- archetypic
- archetypical
- average
- characteristic
- classic
- classical
- common
- commonplace
- emblematic
- essential
- everyday
- exemplary
- expected
- general
- habitual
- ideal
- illustrative
- in character
- indicative
- matter-of-course
- model
- natural
- normal
- old hat
- ordinary
- orthodox
- paradigmatic
- patterned
- prevalent
- prototypal
- prototypic
- prototypical
- quintessential
- regular
- representative
- standard
- standardized
- stock
- suggestive
- symbolic
- unexceptional
adjective as in typical
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
He said the district’s success in keeping water flowing was due partly to lessons learned from the Kinneloa fire in 1993, when a lack of generators and power outages kept water from fire crews.
Another old-school technique Förderer is proud of using on “September 5” was miniatures, in one case for a shot of a helicopter arriving at the Olympic Village — again, avoiding CGI in keeping with the period film’s analog spirit.
They didn't succeed in keeping Donald Trump in office but they won something even more important.
"Online platforms have got a role to play in keeping people safe online, helping law enforcement on perpetrators of violence against women and people who want to groom kids online."
To Melanie Cherry, the associate director of the Public Relations and Advertising program at USC Annenberg School of Communications and Journalism, the Lively case will further reinforce “why publicists and crisis PR teams must be diligent in keeping communications with clients and internal teams secure and private.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.