not at all
adjective as in neither
Weak matches
adverb as in hardly
Strongest matches
Strong match
Weak matches
- almost inconceivably
- almost not
- by a hair
- by no means
- detectably
- faintly
- gradually
- imperceptibly
- infrequently
- little
- no more than
- no way
- not a bit
- not by much
- not likely
- not markedly
- not measurably
- not much
- not notably
- not noticeably
- not often
- not quite
- once in a blue moon
- only
- only just
- perceptibly
- pretty near
- scantly
- slightly
- sparsely
- sporadically
- with trouble
adverb as in never
adverb as in nope
interjection as in no
Strongest match
Strong match
interjection as in you're welcome
Example Sentences
“You usually don’t say, well I’ll help someone who’s drowning but only if I get a million-dollar check and a free Dodgers ticket. So I’m not at all happy with any linkage.”
In the vacuum left by mainstream TV networks that did not at all mention climate change in their fire coverage, bad-faith digital actors swooped in with their own takes.
As my colleague Shirin Ali pointed out, it is not at all clear that the judge can forbid Garland from releasing the report, since he is not party to the case.
This big 2-meter-high Dutch director of photography, she’s not at all fazed by him.
“U.S. healthcare in the twenty-first century is not facile, not efficient, and not at all patient-centered.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.