not noticeably
adverb as in hardly
Strongest matches
Strong match
Weak matches
- almost inconceivably
- almost not
- by a hair
- by no means
- detectably
- faintly
- gradually
- imperceptibly
- infrequently
- little
- no more than
- no way
- not a bit
- not at all
- not by much
- not likely
- not markedly
- not measurably
- not much
- not notably
- not often
- not quite
- once in a blue moon
- only
- only just
- perceptibly
- pretty near
- scantly
- slightly
- sparsely
- sporadically
- with trouble
Example Sentences
Yet this has not noticeably reduced demand for the smugglers' services.
The current Spirit CEO, longtime executive Ted Christie, has been more magnanimous in public—he acknowledged the chaos mass cancellations caused in 2019, for example—but Spirit’s foundational unwillingness to give in to customers who feel wronged has not noticeably shifted.
Irsay has said he will consider Saturday in the hiring process even though the results were not noticeably different.
Pickett did not noticeably appear to have either of those issues at any point before being taken out.
Regardless, he concluded that Doom was here to stay, writing, “Today everything will go on, a little worse maybe than last week, but not noticeably different.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.