push back
verb as in dismiss
Strong matches
verb as in rebuff
Strongest matches
verb as in repel
Strong matches
Example Sentences
As cases challenging Trump’s power grabs play out, the rule of law awaiting its fate, the looming question is who will prevail- federal courts pushing back, or Trump?
When that date arrived, he said he received a phone call to tell him that his connection date had been pushed back.
Chappelle said the Haitian immigrant community saved the town and pushed back against unfounded claims that the new residents were eating household pets.
He argues that since the US "heavily subsidises" its farm sector, India should highlight these subsidies to push back against American claims.
Trump, so far, has seen little pushback from the press, and when we do push back, the press secretary uses the Brady Briefing Room lectern to criticize what she calls “dishonest narratives.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.