Third Party Billing
Third Party students are those who have an outside agency, or sponsor, funding their tuition and fees. These agencies include, but are not limited to: other Educational Institutions (private or public); College Prepaid Plans; Dept. of Rehabilitation; International Governmental Sponsors and Tribal Organizations, etc.
Military Affiliated Students utilizing VA Benefits (e.g., Chapter 31, Chapter 33, Chapter 35, Tuition Assistance, etc.) should complete a Notification of Intent with the Military and Veteran Services Office (MVSO). MVSO notifies Student Account Services Third Party Billing of the students that are approved for VA benefits.
Establishing a Third Party Billing Agreement
Sponsor and sponsored students must submit the sponsorship letter or a Third Party Billing Authorization to the third-party email address at prior to the published payment deadline. Payment deadline dates can be found here
Sponsorship Letter
Terms of the sponsorship agreement should be defined in an official Sponsorship or Financial Guarantee letter containing the following information:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s UM ID number (begins with 790)
- Sponsorship term and date of validity
- The letter should be submitted every academic term or every academic year.
- The authorized fees covered by the sponsorship per term
- Email address to submit billing invoices
- Sponsor contact information
- Purchase Order or specific agency identification number, if applicable.
Note: If the form is submitted after the student has paid fees a refund will be processed for the payment within 4 to 6 weeks.
Third Party Billing Process
The charges sponsored by the Third Party will be coded on the student account up to 7 business days after the sponsorship letter is received.
The invoices will be sent to the Third Party agency after census has passed. The sponsor has 45 days after receipt of invoice to satisfy the balance.
Note: Having an outside agency, or sponsor, does not relieve the student of their financial obligations to the University. If the sponsor fails to pay any amount for any reason, the student will remain responsible for paying their financial obligations to the University. Any payments not received by the sponsor will result in the removal of the credit posted by the University and the student will be responsible for the balance due. Past due balances will result in a hold being placed on the students account and will prevent registration for future terms.