How to cancel your dining plan.
Campus Dining and UM Housing utilize the myHousingPortal to process cancellations of room and board if you are living within the residence halls. To cancel your dining plan, log into your myHousingPortal and select the Cancellation Request link from the menu. You will need to log in using your NetID and password in order to complete the form. All cancellations must be made by the student and not a parent.
If you are not living within a residence hall, you may initiate the cancellation process by visiting the Campus Dining Main Office, located in Lommasson Center Room 114.
Changing or canceling enrollment with Admissions does not automatically cancel plans made with Campus Dining or UM Housing.
As part of the cancellation process, you will be assessed a $25 cancellation fee if any refunds are applicable. Once the request has been completed, you will not be able to use the plan once processed.
Dining Plan Refunds
Room and Board refunds will be processed according to the following schedule. Percentage refunded listed below does not include the cancellation charge. In addition to the percentage schedule, a $25 cancellation charge will be assessed if any refunds are applicable.
Refund Date | % of Room & Board Refunded |
On or before the 7th day | 100% |
On or before the 14th day | 85% |
On or before the 21st day | 80% |
On or before the 28th day | 70% |
On or before the 35th day | 50% |
On or before the 42nd day | 25% |
On or after the 43rd day | 0% |