OSP Team Descriptions
PreAward Services
The PreAward team reviews and submits proposals for external funding including grant and contract funding from federal, state and private agencies, as well as pass-through (i.e. incoming subaward) funding from other entities including institutions of higher education. Sponsored programs funding supports activities such as faculty research, training and other service activities.
The PreAward team divides responsibilities by department and will help review your UM budget along with budget justification(s) and scopes of work. Please help the PreAward team ensure that your proposal receives proper attention and review by ensuring that all materials are submitted at least five business days in advance of the due date.
Award Services
The Awards team is responsible for the receipt, review and negotiation of incoming sponsored agreements. Incoming notifications of funding such as NoAs (Notice of Award) and other award documents are received and reviewed by the Awards team. When necessary, the Awards Team will also work with the sponsor to negotiate changes to the terms and conditions of the award agreement. Once an agreement has been reviewed and deemed acceptable, the Awards team secures the signature of the OSP Director and Sponsor and then passes the signed agreement and related information to the PostAward team for setup.
The Awards Team is a small team that shares the workload as awards come in. Please help the Awards team ensure timely review of all incoming awards by verifying that your Notice of Award, grant, contract or modification document was sent to the awards@umontana.edu email address. Note: Should an award be received that does not have a completed proposal record, it will need a completed proposal record prior to signature and setup.
PostAward Services
The PostAward team is responsible for the setup of sponsored programs indexes and the fiscal management of sponsored programs funding through the life of the award including, but not limited to, billing, financial reporting, ensuring that costs associated with a sponsored project account are charged appropriately, are allowable and allocable to the project and are within the amount budgeted for those costs. The PostAward Team divides responsibilities by department. You can help the PostAward team ensure timely and accurate work by ensuring that all documents related to an award, such as the budget and scope of work, are up to date and correct and by ensuring expenses are charged to the correct index, avoiding unnecessary and time-consuming cost transfers.
Outgoing Subaward Services
The Subawards team issues outgoing subaward agreements to collaborators at other institutions and organizations; monitors subrecipients with the assistance of Internal Audit, and reviews subrecipient invoices before securing PI approval to pay, and then submitting them to the appropriate Grant & Contract Officer for payment.
The Subawards Team is a small team that shares nearly all tasks. You can help the Subawards Team issue subawards in a timely manner by ensuring that subrecipients are identified as early as possible and all required documents are provided with the proposal, submitting the proposal to the appropriate PreAward personnel at least five business days in advance of the due date and by ensuring timely responses to emails requesting PI and/or DRA approval for subaward agreements and invoices.
OSP Administration
The OSP Administrative Team has many duties including oversight and management of OSP Personnel and operations, review and approval of award setups, expenditure reporting (to Campus as well as the State and Federal Government), signing and accepting award documents on behalf of the University, managing audits, and a host of other administrative tasks.
Training Coordinator
The Training Coordinator position is a new role within OSP. Training is a documented need based on compliance requirements at federal, state and university levels. As it is new, training is currently in the design phase, and will change and increase in the future. Please reach out to Sara with questions or requests regarding training for PIs or DRAs.