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To add a link: <a href="http://url/">link</a> To add an image: <img src="http://url/" /> Bold text: <strong>text</strong> Italic text: <em>text</em> Deleted text: <del>text</del> Monospaced text: <code>text</code> Bulleted lists: <ul><li>item</li><li>item</li></ul> Numbered lists: <ol><li>item</li><li>item</li></ol> Freshen your screen. Freshen your outlook. New desktop and device wallpapers every
Color Theory 5 - Volume 1 Color Theory 5 - Volume 1 by *Venom339 on deviantART Pacman Apple Pacman Apple by ~Jamesbinorbit on deviantART Orion Nebula Orion Nebula by =Kamikaze00X on deviantART Jeans wp pack Jeans wp pack by ~lassekongo83 on deviantART Room Room by *djeric on deviantART Ceora Ceora by ~Alexander-GG on deviantART Love Your Desktop 3 Love Your Desktop 3 by *optiv-flatworms on deviant
After Apple showed off its new Snow Leopard artwork and packaging, I immediately wanted to update my previous wallpaper, which was based on the first artwork Apple had made for it. However, I had a lot of other things to do during and after WWDC. Now, finally, after a few weeks of picking away at this during night hours, I present you new Snow Leopard wallpapers. There’s even a Server edition. By
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Don’t settle for ordinary images. Find the perfect images for your work at
Damask Widescreen Pack Damask Widescreen Pack by ~vannio on deviantART Iced Apple Iced Apple by ~Mickka on deviantART Apple Vintage Apple Vintage by ~Mickka on deviantART New Curved New Curved by ~Mickka on deviantART Gothik Tartan Gothik Tartan by ~Mickka on deviantART simplyx wallpapers simplyx wallpapers by ~art-styles on deviantART Pioneer RT-707 x2 wallpaper Pioneer RT-707 x2 wallpaper by ~0-
Online portfolio of photographer Florian Freundt.
1. Right click & Copy this text: Aluminum "without logo" by ~jNCo-01 on deviantART 2. Open (and on the "Edit Profile" page, Paste where you want to show the art) 3. Then come back to deviantART! Details Submitted: February 5, 2008 File Size: 5.7 MB Image Size: 129 KB Resolution: 500×500 Comments: 8 Favourites & Collections: 139 [who?] Views Total: 20,075 Today: 40 Downloads To
Skip to content Here are 3 more wallpapers I designed over the last few days. You can download them from the Wallpapers section. I was going to make iPhone versions of these but a lot of the detail is lost when scaled down so I decided not to. If you really want one for your iPhone or iTouch just ask and I’ll make it.
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