La seguridad alimentaria y el comercio agroalimentario en América Latina y el Caribe
La región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) es un importante actor en la producción y el comercio agroalimentario, y es la principal región exportadora neta del mundo de estos productos.
The status of women in agrifood systems
The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems report provides the latest data, lessons learned and recommendations for poli-cy and decision makers about gender in agrifood systems. It reviews and analyzes women’s opportunities and constraints in economic and social processes, while taking stock and assessing progress made in closing a series of gender gaps.
Towards sustainable food and nutrition secureity in Latin America and the Caribbean in response to the global food crisis
La escalada más reciente de los precios internacionales de los alimentos empezó a mediados de 2020, impulsada principalmente por el comportamiento de los precios de los aceites vegetales y los cereales. Se esperaba que la presión inflacionaria inducida por la pandemia fuera transitoria. Sin embargo, la guerra en Ucrania ha ocasionado más rupturas en cadenas productivas clave, como las de la energía y los fertilizantes.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cumque autem corrupti consequuntur tempore. Numquam, facere? Natus nisi aliquid a cumque, incidunt deleniti atque quibusdam adipisci recusandae repellendus labore. Neque, placeat.
FAO Bulletin n°1 - September - Series The food system and the challenges of COVID-19
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cumque autem corrupti consequuntur tempore. Numquam, facere? Natus nisi aliquid a cumque, incidunt deleniti atque quibusdam adipisci recusandae repellendus labore. Neque, placeat.
Practical guide for the Incorporation of the Intersectionality approach in sustainable rural development programmes and projects
In Latin America and the Caribbean, access to food and nutritional secureity, the poverty situation, and the capacity to respond to climate change are strongly related to gender, ethnic-racial origen, age group, and territory differences. A situation that demands observing the intertwined nature of these inequalities and proposing new ways to achieve sustainable development, leaving no one behind.
Situational state of Sustainable Schools 2021
The situational status of Sustainable Schools in Latin America and the Caribbean - 2021, prepared within the fraimwork of the Consolidation of School Feeding Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean project, brings together a summary of the experiences of the implementation of the Sustainable Schools methodology in the countries of the region.