List of Blogs and Discussions
If you are a New England Conference clergy, member or friend and have a blog relevant to our life together as United Methodists, send us an email and we can list your blog here! Email the Communications Office to have your blog listed.
Check out these blogs from New England Conference churches, pastors, members, and friends
Creation Care Corner: Where stewardship meets sustainability: Grace Pugh Hubbard, Conference Climate Care Coordinator, uses this monthly blog to share resources and ideas you and your church can use to care for God's creation.
Go Green, Save Money, Save the Earth: Kim Hornung-Marcy shares info and tips on how going green saves money over the long haul and will help us to save the earth.
Rain of Grace, by Rev. Dr. Songbok "Bob" Jon, pastor of Aldersgate UMC in Chelmsford, MA. He shares a weekly lectionary commentary and sermon, and occasionally some thoughts or book reviews on Methodism and Practical Theology.
Mission Share Stories: This blog, by various authors, highlights a stories about ministries and missions that are supported by your connectional giving through Mission Shares. Your generosity is helping to spread the Good News and make disciples for Jesus Christ. We invite you to share these stories with your congregations, and to let us know how Mission Shares are at work in your faith community.
scituatedrev, blog of Rick McKinley, Director of Congregational Development
Unfolding Light, daily reflections by Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Thinking Faith, with Bill Trench, Pastor of East Greenwich UMC in Rhode Island
Unfolding Wings, Rev. John H.D. Lucy, a podcast for young adults exploring the nature of faith and practice.
A Pastor's Meditations, by Pastor Ruth Foss of Stetson Memorial UMC in Maine.
We Your People, Ours the Journey, by Becca Clark, New England Conference clergy delegate
Hacking Christianity, by Rev. Jeremy Smith, friend and former pastor in the NEC, now in OK
A Yankee Pastor, with Pastor John Nash
Weston UMC, Weston, MA
Information and viewpoints presented in these blogs are solely the thoughts, perspectives and responsibility of the authors. Inclusion of blogs in this listing does not necessarily represent an endorsement by, or an alignment with the positions of, the New England Conference or The United Methodist Church.