Forms, applications, reports and more are all available through this Form Finder. You can search for a specific form or set of forms, including seasonal forms, using the key word box above or by type or district using the links on the left.
Statistical Reporting information can be found here
Church/Charge Conference forms have moved online and are no longer visible here. Access them via the Church Dashboard in the People Portal
ACH Forms are on the Church Dashboard via the People Portal.
Mission Share Relief Application is on the Church Dashboard via the People Portal.
Equitable Compensation Grant Application is on the Church Dashboard via the People Portal.
The application form for agencies and ministries requesting Advance Special Status for the New England Conference (fillable PDF). Deadline is March 15. Visit for more information.
All Active HealthFlex Health Insurance participants and enrolled spouses who have an annual wellness examination (physical) and submit this verification form signed by their physician receive $100 (each).
Important annuity information that may may have an impact on your benefits - from the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of the UMC
Scholarships assist laity and clergy with travel expenses for mission outreach projects beyond their local community.
Use this form to report clergy moving expenses paid by the local church.
Adopted in 1997. Updated 2010.
Step-by-step instructions for filling out the W-2 tax form. (Also has info on W-3 and local church reporting)
It is the belief that as United Methodists we are in covenant together, united toward a common goal. In this case our common goal is the mission and ministry that is expressed in the budget of the Annual Conference as voted by the local churches that comprise the Annual Conference at its annual session in June of each year.
It is the belief that as United Methodists we are in covenant together, united toward a common goal. In this case our common goal is the mission and ministry that is expressed in the budget of the Annual Conference as voted by the local churches that comprise the Annual Conference at its annual session in June of each year.
Checklist for Churches and Parsonages on Creation Care Actions (provided by the NEAC Board of Church Society).
Guidelines for retention of local church financial and accounting records
Hebrews 11 grant requests are being accepted by the Office of Congregational Development for significant development of new congregations and/or revitalization of existing United Methodist congregations. Priority will be given to new or existing congregations that serve a geographic region where a church has been closed or will reach other underserved population groups. No submission deadline - requests accepted year round.
The award, given by the Conference Board of Church and Society, honors persons who embody the Judeo-Christian vision of justice as interpreted by the United Methodist Social Principles.
Approved by 2009 Annual Conference. RS-201.
Lay Servant Ministry Graduation Certificate from the New England Conference Lay Servant Ministries. This is a PDF version to be downloaded and printed out.
Lay Servant Ministry Graduation Certificate from the New England Conference Lay Servant Ministries. This is a Word document version to be downloaded and printed out.
A complete guide to performing a local church audit. Prepared by the UMC General Council on Finance and Administration. Updated after each General Conference.
Frequently asked questions about local church audits. Prepared by the UMC General Council on Finance and Administration. Updated after each General Conference.
For any clergy under appointment in the New England Conference to assist in providing funding for short-term continuing education programs or events
For full or provisional members who have completed seminary, and diaconal ministers under appointment who are pursuing a graduate degree - DMin or equivalent
For certified candidates for ordained ministry who are in an MDiv or equivalent degree program
This Memorandum of Understanding for building use agreements has been approved for use by NEAC churches for use with organizations other than the Boy Scouts of America. (See for those agreements). NOTE: This Word doc will download automatically without opening first.
Mission Shares more adequately describes the purpose of what has historically been called apportionments. Mission Shares are underwritten by our sense of covenant, a covenant that goes back to the beginnings of Christianity and are a foundational component of our United Methodist heritage. Your Mission Shares, as determined by your representatives to the Annual Conference, enable mission and ministry in our local churches, our Conference and our Denomination ? locally, regionally, and throughout the world. To understand Mission Shares as part of our United Methodist covenant there are five key...
The Conference response plan provides guidelines, suggestions, and, where appropriate, specific assignments for various personnel who will be involved with the implementation of activity in response to a disaster.
United Methodist Churches and church-affiliated organizations in the Northern Maine District may apply for one-time grants. These grants may be considered at regular meetings of the District Ministry Team after review by the Grant subcommittee of the DMT. In accordance with the parameters of RS-205, grants may be awarded • To local churches with high operational costs due to geographic considerations in the Northern Maine District, for new initiatives in mission and ministry; • Small church initiatives within the Northern Maine District, for training pastors and churches for transformational ...
Guidelines for parsonages as approved by the annual conference - for local church trustees, SPRC, pastor
Prayers prepared by Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders.
Informational brochure created in 2020 by the Commission on Equitable Compensation for SPRCs
Describes the purpose, principles, and process of Appointment Making in the New England Conference.
Together for Tomorrow Congregational Development Grants are one-year grants that range from $3,000 - 10,000 and are available for local church and new church development ministries. Requests must be received no later than May 15. Each application must be complete and include all letters of support and other documentation with the application. Failure to provide the necessary information will be sufficient reason for the grant to be denied.
Find more information under Resources for Local Churches. Updated March 2019.
Find more information under Resources for Local Churches.
Request for Proposals for Urban Ministry Grants Application Deadline is May 15. Each application must be complete and include all letters of support and other documentation with the application. Failure to provide the necessary information will be sufficient reason for the grant to be denied.
form for congregational ministry verbatim
Guidelines for congregational ministry verbatim
The Wilbur C. Ziegler Award for Excellence in Preaching is awarded each year at the New England Annual Conference session to a person who demonstrates excellence in preaching the whole Gospel, addressing both personal and social salvation.
Advice from GCFA (General Council on Finance and Administration) for counting in-person and on-line worship attendance