Visit the Joseph A. Witt Winter Garden to enjoy the fragrances of honeysuckle and witch hazel, and admire paperbark maples and birches.
The Camellia Collection features bloom throughout the winter months.
The Pinetum features the great diversity of conifer species. Over 200 species and 3,000 individual conifers are featured in the Arboretum
Take a walk along historic Azalea Way, a 3/4 mile path through the heart of the Arboretum lined with flowering cherries, azaleas and dogwoods. Loderi Valley features large-leaved, fragrant rhododendrons sheltered by magnolias.
Rhododendron Glen contains hundreds of rhododendrons and companion plants. Our Magnolia Collection is one of the best in North America.
Explore the five eco-geographic regions of the Pacific Connections Garden. See stunning hydrangeas, magnolias and sorrel trees. The Japanese Garden is a great place for a tranquil summer stroll among water features and formal plantings.
Celebrate fall with a stroll through the beautiful Woodland Garden to view one of the largest collections of Japanese maples in North America. Enjoy the vivid fall colors of sour gum, buckeye, witch hazel and more.
Visit our extensive collection of oaks and related trees. Many were among the first plantings in the Arboretum and now are of magnificent size.
Seasonal Tour Maps
- January: Witch hazels, camellias, Witt Winter Garden
- February: Stewartia, camellias, winter hazels, Witt Winter Garden
- March: Flowering redcurrant, royal Grevillea, Rhododendron Glen
- April: Magnolias, Brian Mulligan Sorbus Collection, Azalea Way
- May: Magnolias, Styrax, tree peonies, Azalea Way
- June: Lindens, Oaks, Magnolia species, Mock orange, Ocean spray
- July: Stewartia, Eucryphia species, hydrangeas, Maackia species
- August: Eucryphia species, hydrangeas, sorrel trees, hardy fuchsias
- September: Franklinia alatamaha (Franklin tree), Japanese maples, sorrel trees
- October: Fall Colors – Japanese maples, witch hazels, black gums, sorrel trees, buckeyes, strawberry trees, mountain ash
- November: Hollies, Callicarpa species (beautyberry), mountain ash, viburnum
- December: Hollies, camellias, Abies species (true firs), Berberis species (mahonias)
Thematic Brochures