Whiteley Financial Support Fellowships
Scholars wishing to work at the Whiteley Center but needing financial aid to make a visit possible are invited to apply for a Whiteley Fellowship, funded by the Arthur & Helen Whiteley Distinguished Fellow Endowment. We strongly encourage applications from individuals whose demographics are underrepresented in their field.
We have two available packages of financial support: funding for A) “Whiteley Scholars” who wish to come for a short period any time of year (up to one week of support); and B) “Whiteley Fellows in Residence” whose project would benefit from a longer stay (up to four weeks of support), and who can be here in the off-season between October and May.
In each case, the support will be applied towards housing costs for the applicant’s stay.
To apply for a Financial Support Fellowship:
(1) Fill out and submit the general application to the Whiteley Center (see Apply to the Whiteley Center). The usual criteria for acceptance to the Whiteley Center will be considered, including that the the proposed length of stay is appropriate to the scale of the proposed project. Note that applications for a summer stay (June through August) should be submitted by the February 1 deadline.
(2) Fill out the application for a Whiteley Fellowship, providing a statement (250 words or less) about how the fellowship funding would fit into your available sources of financial support to make a stay possible. Include any demographic information about you and your field that will help the committee to understand the context for your request.
(3) Reapplying? If you are reapplying for Whiteley Fellowship funds, you may do so every two years if you received support as a Whiteley Scholar and every four years if you received support as a Whiteley Fellow in Residence. – Please have the information handy about the last time you received the Whiteley Fellowship award for your application.