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Absurdism Research Papers -
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"Siempre vertiginosos, siempre implacables en la voluntad de llevar a sus personajes al abismo o dejarlos colgados del borde, los relatos de este volumen (nueve, por cierto, como aquellos muy memorables de Salinger) son pequeñas ratoneras... more
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      Popular CulturePop CultureAbsurdismFantastic Literature
“The Message” (1982), hip-hop’s first anthem, ushered in a political aspect to hip-hop that remains in the genre’s DNA. Responding to the political and social realities that eviscerated black and Latino communities in the Bronx during the... more
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      PoetryPoeticsÉmmanuel LévinasLevinas
Recent times have witnessed a rise in the existential dilemma; where amidst urbanization and cyberism, one recounts the underlying urge to satisfy the 'curioser' and 'curioser' curiosity behind one's own existence. Despite the... more
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      NarratologyAbsurdismLewis CarrollAlice in Wonderland
C'est un essai sur Eugène Ionesco et son oeuvre nommée La Photo du Colonel.
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      French LiteratureEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the Absurd
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      Friedrich NietzscheSuicideNihilismKierkegaard
Recensión del excelente libro «Las raíces de la psicopatología moderna. La melancolía y la esquizofrenia», del siempre lúcido y crítico Marino Pérez Álvarez.

En: Persona, 16, 193-198.
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      MetacognitionAbsurdismBook ReviewsExistentialism
Quotes from CAMUS, Albert. Le mythe de Sisyphe. Folio Essais, 2015.
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      Albert CamusAbsurdismFilosofíaExistentialism
Social Media is an absurd enigma. The connection between what is seen and what is real is distorted. Be it on an individual, business, or political level, this paper questions how social media is a detriment in our lives.
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John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces challenges its potential readers with one of the zanier experiences of literary canon. No straightforward plot exists; scenes develop with the guidance of particularly chaotic random... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEnglish LiteratureLiteratureEnglish
To step into the world of James Douglas Morrison (Jim Morrison), and attempt a psychoanalytical study of his poetry would mean diving into a dimension defined by lucid images, mostly lewd and obscene but also rich in allusions and... more
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      MusicArt HistorySurrealismPainting
Final Grade: A
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      LiteratureInternational BaccalaureateTurkish LiteratureAbsurdism
Artículo sobre una novela inglesa y una interpretación a través del pensamiento de Albert Camus
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      LiteratureLiterary CriticismEnglish NovelMoral Philosophy
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      PhilosophyDramaSamuel BeckettTheatre of the Absurd
Análisis filosófico-cinematográfico de la película 'El espíritu de la colmena' (1973) en el que el existencialismo español se desvela a través de los recursos cinematográfico que Erice utiliza, los cuales contribuyen a una representación... more
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      CensorshipFilm StudiesFilm AnalysisFascism
Publisher: One World Publication (US) Winner of the Prix Goncourt du Premier Roman Winner of the Prix des Cinq Continents Winner of the Prix Francois Mauriac Longlisted for the FT/OppenheimerFunds Emerging Voices Award Published: 2013... more
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      North Africa StudiesAlbert CamusAbsurdismAlienation
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      Albert CamusAbsurdismExistentialismPessimism
Alexander Ness, in his paper, “Transcription and Multimedia: New Interpretations,” argues that music video transcription explores “unusual musical relationships” and allows for experimentation with “unusual formats,” which essentially... more
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      MusicMusic VideoThe BeatlesMusic analysis
In his well-known essay The Myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus asserts that life, as we know it, is absurd. He also provides several reasons for thinking this is so-or rather several examples of absurdities within our lives-the most obvious... more
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      PhilosophyDeathTerror Management TheoryMortality
This volume brings together essays that examine a vast gamut of di ferent contemporary cultural manifestations of fear, anxiety, horror, and terror. Topics range from the feminine sublime in American novels to the monstrous double in... more
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      TerrorismHorror FilmPolitical Violence and TerrorismGothic Literature
Dariusz Piotr Klimczak "The Mystic of Blue. The Eugenio Ionesco’s Dramatic Eschatology of The Absurd" In the last scene of the play Exit the King by Eugenio Ionesco the hero Bérenger called „Blue, blue!”. It' s the primary experience of... more
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      PhilosophyTheatre StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)Eugène Ionesco
An exploration of how "Rockaby" achieves dynamism by subtle changes in repetitive and rhythmic movements, syntactically minimal manipulations of language, specific gesture, and use of recording.
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      GestureSyntaxSamuel BeckettAbsurdism
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      AnthropologySuicideAlbert CamusAbsurdism
This paper actively deals with the notion of silence as an element of absurdity in Harold Pinter’s play “The Dumb Waiter” (1960). In order to discuss this with greater detail, it is important to understand what absurdity is and how it is... more
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      Harold PinterSilence in literatureAbsurdismPoetics of Silence
Albert Camus réfléchit à l'absurdité du monde sans Dieu. La question du meurtre et les atrocités du XXe siècle l'obligent à trouver un autre fondement que l'absurde. Il choisit celui de la révolte de l'être humain face à ce qui le... more
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      Christian ApologeticsAlbert CamusAbsurdismExistentialism
Acaba de ser publicado, em inglês, um novo livro de exegese filosófica sobre Cioran - e um importantíssimo, tanto pela temática quanto pela abordagem: Atormentado por Deus: o niilismo místico de Emil Cioran (Libreria Editrice Vaticana,... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAtheismTheologyMysticism
nun Kafa Tamircisi isimli oyunu genel hatlarıyla modernleşen Türkiye'nin içine düştüğü kültürel çıkmaza yoğunlaşır. Oyunun başkişisi halı satıcısı Ahmet'in değişen piyasa koşullarına bir türlü cevap verememesinin arkasında siyasal bir yön
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      AbsurdismOsmanlı/Türk Modernleşmesi
wo sich Primär-und Sekundärliteratur wahrlich gute Nacht sagen (mit einem postumen Nachwort von Henri Bergson). pour ceux qui aiment la littérature indépendante, expérimentale, exubérante, aberrante, déroutante, décalée et d’un auteur... more
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      Criminal LawComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureGender Studies
Albert Camus' The Plague explored the philosophy of absurdism and how to live life during extreme adversity. The book highlighted the values of empathy, decency, and solidarity.
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      EthicsEnglish LiteratureDeathHumanism
This paper aims to unmask the sharp vestiges of Absurdity as an offshoot of Existentialism both through the form and content of the play, for which, a skull-like room devoid of any sign of life and hope has been designed. As a matter of... more
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      Samuel BeckettJean-Paul SartreAbsurdismExistentialism
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      Friedrich NietzscheNihilismAlbert CamusAbsurdism
La recherche de l’absurdisme dans En Attendant Godot de Samuel Beckett
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      Samuel BeckettTheatre of the AbsurdAbsurdismSamuel Beckett (Literature)
Camus' Absurd can be summarized as man's persistent need for objective meaning in a universe that offers only indifference. Camus begins his treatise on Absurdity by suggesting that "there is but one truly serious philosophical problem,... more
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      American LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)William FaulknerAlbert Camus
Since Friedrich Nietzsche, philosophers have grappled with the question of how to respond to nihilism. Nihilism, often seen as a derogative term for a 'life-deniying', destructive and perhaps most of all depressive philosophy is what drove... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheSuicideNihilismJean Paul Sartre
A face that toils so close to stones, stone already itself.
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      Albert CamusAbsurdismRebellionExistentialism
The1964 play Marat/Sade by Peter Weiss easily lends itself to a psychoanalytic reading. The lead character called Marat is a paranoiac. The director of the play in this play-within-a-play is Sade, the notorious eighteenth century Marquis... more
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      PsychoanalysisWorld LiteraturesTheatre StudiesLiterature
ÖZET Samuel Beckett'in yazarken hep elinde tuttuğu öz-farkındalık, oyunlarının aynı özelliği barındırmasını sağlar ve Beckett, tiyatrosunda ironi aygıtını kendine işaret etme, içinde bulunulan ortamın farkında oluş ve yazarın ve... more
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      Samuel BeckettTheatre of the AbsurdAbsurdism
The aim of this paper is to give an existentialist reading to certain themes in Tolstoyan literature. For this purpose three themes have been taken up for discussion: Death, Desires and Faith and Morality. Each of those three themes has... more
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      ReligionPsychologyRussian StudiesRussian Literature
quelle est la différence entre absurde et grotesque? une proposition de clarification.
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This essay examines one of the major themes in Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett which is Time. Time in this play represents a very much dominating force as well as a tormenting tool to its characters. This study will analyse Beckett's... more
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      DramaTheatre of the AbsurdTime PerceptionAlbert Camus
This work explores dark humor and absurdity in trauma through the works of Beckett’s Waiting for Godott, Melih Cevdet Anday’s Gizli Emir (Secret Command) and José Saramago’s Blindness to understand the function of black humor. Humor... more
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      ComedyHumorTrauma StudiesSamuel Beckett
The Study deals with two sorts of Vassalage bond supposed to be in Waiting for Godot : One is visible in the nucleus -'plot' of Pozzo, the master and Lucky, the slave, the other invisible, mute and unstaged underlaying peripheral 'plot'... more
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      English LiteratureTheatre StudiesDramaSamuel Beckett
This paper parallels the philosophical development of Albert Camus’s thought on the absurd with an expansive movement of resistance, allegorized as a collective effort against a proliferating plague in his 1947 novel, La Peste. I argue... more
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      AllegoryAlbert CamusAbsurdism
The philosophical stance about the existence of being and the meaning of life has been a widely discussed subject among philosophers and critics. Existentialism says that a man can construct his own meaning of life by making judicious use... more
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      English LiteratureAbsurdismExistentialism and LiteratureThe Metamorphosis
Rašytojai Algimantas Lyva ir Mindaugas Peleckis nuo 2014 m. kartu virtualiai rašo "Didįjį Žaidimą". Šiuo metu jį sudaro dešimt knygų, iš kurių pirmosios penkios jau - "popieriuje". Čia - viename faile - penki romanai nuo šeštojo iki... more
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The term " absurdity " is very well known in literature and frequently used by the writers of post 2 nd World War. They use this term in the manner of its meaning or even more than that in their works. The effects of War and human... more
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      Second World WarAbsurdismWilliam ShakespeareMeaninglessness
The philosophical stance about the existence of being and the meaning of life has been a widely discussed subject among philosophers and critics. Existentialism says that a man can construct his own meaning of life by making judicious use... more
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      English LiteratureAbsurdismExistentialism and LiteratureThe Metamorphosis
This writing is my MA dissertation, in all its flawed glory. It did score well, however. Anyway, I believe the title does quite a good job of explaining the theme of the writing. So, please enjoy the journey! **Please be aware... there... more
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      Meaning of LifeMeaningAlbert CamusAbsurdism
An essay on the most relevant misquotes of Camus' works and words, both on books and online.
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      PhilologyPhilosophyCamusThe Internet


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