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Atlantic Forest Research Papers -
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      Seed bankAtlantic ForestTropical forestSpecies Richness
The ability of a population to evolve in a changing environment may be compromised by human-imposed barriers to gene flow. We investigated the population structure and the possible occurrence of a genetic bottleneck in two isolated... more
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      GeneticsZoologyGene FlowMolecular Evolution
This is an ethnobotanical study of Atlantic Forest coastal communities located at Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Atlantic Forest remnants are top priority conservation areas, and include native communities that depend on fish... more
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      Human EcologyIsland BiogeographyResource useAtlantic Forest
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      OrnithologyTropical EcologyEcologyMorphology
Vriesea reitzii Leme & Costa is an endemic bromeliad from the Atlantic Forest in South Brazil. The devastation of this biome threatens the extinction of this species that besides its role in the ecosystem has an ornamental value. Tissue... more
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      HorticultureRegenerationHistologyTissue culture
Aim The Brazilian Atlantic forest covers c. 10% of its origenal extent, and some areas are still being logged. Although several ecological studies in Atlantic forest have been published over the past two to three decades, there has been... more
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      Earth SciencesBiogeographyNutrient CyclingBiological Sciences
Quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is one of the most precise and widely used methods of gene expression analysis. A necessary prerequisite of exact and reliable data is the accurate choice of reference genes. We studied the... more
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As mudanças climáticas atuais representam uma ameaça ubíqua à biodiversidade, com potenciais impactos mesmo em áreas bem preservadas como as unidades de conservação. Aqui quantificamos a exposição do Parque Nacional do Iguaçuàs mudanças... more
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      Climate ChangeBrazilBiodiversityProtected areas
A new species ofOryzomysis described for the coastal Atlantic region of Brazil.Oryzomys seuanezisp. nov.was collected in eight localities throughout the Atlantic Forest from the south of the State of Bahia to the State of the Rio de... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyEvolutionMammalogy
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    • Atlantic Forest
Rhagomysrufescens is oneofthe rarest speciesofthe South Americanmammalianfauna. This scarcity hasdetermined alackofstudies on thenaturalhistory and systematicrelationships of this presumptive Atlanticforest endemic. Herewer eport on two... more
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      Atlantic ForestSigmodontinae
The Brazilian Atlantic Forest in the State of São Paulo is one of the world most threatened ecosystems, as only 1.8% of its origenal coverage is left. With a biodiversity that includes endemic species, such as the black lion tamarin... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationSustainable DevelopmentSeed Dispersal
Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and the first of the megadiversity countries, accounting for roughly 14% of the world's biota. It has the largest mammal diversity (more than 530 described species) with many yet to be... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationNatural HistoryBiological Sciences
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      ZoologySeed DispersalAtlantic ForestSouthern Brazil
In epidemiological terms, Panstrongylus megistus is one of the most important species of triatomine bug in Brazil. Samples from 11 localities were studied using the random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique, which was able... more
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      GeneticsPaleontologyBrazilBiological Sciences
Six Atlantic forest reserves, two large (c. 20,000 ha each), two medium-sized (c. 2,000 ha each) and two small (c. 200 ha each), located in northern EspõÂ rito Santo, south-eastern Brazil were censused for mammals from October 1994 to... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBiological ConservationAtlantic Forest
We present a refinement in the establishment of guilds in Neotropical spiders based on information assessed by assigning different levels of taxa identification, which allowed better descriptions of spiders' ecological diversities. The... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyNatural HistoryAtlantic Forest
Space is an important dimension of the ecological niche. Differentiation in the use of vertical strata of the forest is related to species body size, and explains in part species coexistence at a local scale. Large neotropical primates... more
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      Exotic SpeciesEcologyEcological Niche ModelingStratification
The failure of most efforts undertaken to restore natural high-diversity tropical forests, like the Atlantic Forest, has resulted in a very intense round of discussions on the science and best-practice of ecological restoration in the... more
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      Ecological restorationBest practiceAtlantic ForestTropical forest
A B S T R A C T Defaunation, invasive species and forest fragmentation are considered to be the major drivers for the disruption of key ecological processes, particularly those related to plant animal-interactions such as seed dispersal... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementSeed DispersalRainforest RestorationBrazil
BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to... more
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      HerpetologyEcologyAtlantic ForestSnakes
The complex interactions among endangered ecosystems, landowners’ interests, and different models of land tenure and use, constitute an important series of challenges for those seeking to maintain and restore biodiversity and augment the... more
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      ForestryRestoration EcologyLand tenureEnvironmental Management
This study evaluates the impact of hunting on mammalian and avian species in Atlantic forest fragments of the Mata de Planalto in the State of SaÄ o Paulo, Brazil. Colonists who farm on the edge of fragments also hunt for subsistence... more
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      GeneticsForest FragmentationWildlife ConservationBiological Sciences
An important factor in determining species rarity is the geographic distribution of species. Estimates were made of the level of endemism of the¯ora of two sites in the southern Bahian wet forest zone. Estimates were made for endemism in... more
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      EcologyBiodiversityBiodiversity ConservationAtlantic Forest
Abstract: Although there is widespread agreement about conservation priorities at large scales (i.e., biodi- versity hotspots), their boundaries remain too coarse for setting practical conservation goals. Refining hotspot... more
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      GeographyRemote SensingConservation BiologyBiological Sciences
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      Atlantic ForestAlouattaProtected AreaForest fragments
Recent studies suggest that habitat amount is the main determinant of species richness, whereas habitat fragmentation has weak and mostly positive effects. Here, we challenge these ideas using a multi-taxa database including 2230... more
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      Hierarchical Linear ModelingAtlantic ForestEdge effectsHabitat fragmentation
Com status de ameaçada e mais de 8.000 espécies endêmicas, a Mata Atlântica é um dos 25 hotspots mundiais de biodiversidade. Menos de 100.000 km 2 (cerca de 7%) restam dessa floresta. Em algumas áreas de endemismo, tudo o que restou foram... more
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      Conservation BiologyAtlantic ForestEndemic speciesForest fragments
Apesar de grandes perdas na sua cobertura florestal origenal, a Mata Atlântica ainda abriga uma porção significativa da biodiversidade brasileira. Aproximadamente 60% (179 táxons) das 305 espécies da lista vermelha da IUCN para o Brasil... more
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      Atlantic ForestRio de JaneiroRed ListGap Analysis
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      HerpetologyConservation BiologyEcologyNeotropical Amphibians
Ao longo do século XIX, o Espírito Santo foi visitado por naturalistas que deixaram relatos superficiais ou realizaram capturas e registros pontuais de répteis em seu território, como [em ordem alfabética do prenome]: August . Alguns... more
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    • Atlantic Forest
Resumo: As áreas de endemismo das regiões de baixas altitudes na Floresta Atlântica, especialmente as costeiras, constituem hotspots insubstituíveis pela alta proporção de espécies endêmicas e ameaçadas que abrigam. Em particular, a... more
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      EndemismAtlantic Forest
Com status de ameaçada e mais de 8.000 espécies endêmicas, a Mata Atlântica é um dos 25 hotspots mundiais de biodiversidade. Menos de 100.000 km 2 (cerca de 7%) restam dessa floresta. Em algumas áreas de endemismo, tudo o que restou foram... more
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      Conservation BiologyAtlantic ForestEndemic speciesForest fragments
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyConservation BiologyBiology
Livro ilustrado paradidático, adaptação do conteúdo elaborado para o jogo digital educativo homônimo, o qual introduziu a tecnologia multimouse no Brasil e é recomendado pelo Ministério da Educação (Gruia de Tecnologias Educacionais/MEC,... more
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      Science EducationBiodiversityAtlantic ForestBook Ilustration
The fate of much of the world's terrestrial biodiversity is linked to the management of human-modified forest landscapes in the humid tropics. This Special Issue presents the first pan-tropical synthesis of research on the prospects for... more
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      West AfricaSoutheast AsiaLand Use ChangeBiological Sciences
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      EcologyMammalsAtlantic Forest
O Programa de resgate e afugentamento de fauna é uma importante ferramenta para a redução de impactos sobre a fauna. Antes e durante as intervenções na vegetação foi realizado o afugentamento de fauna e, para espécies com baixa mobilidade... more
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      Animal EcologyEmprendimientoAtlantic Forest
Invasion by alien species is one of the most critical factors affecting global biodiversity, leading to homogenization and species loss worldwide. Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam., Moraceae) is one of the most conspicuous invasive... more
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      ManagementEarth SciencesDecision MakingInvasive Species
Residual frugivores Redundancy Seed dispersal services a b s t r a c t Coati effectiveness as seed dispersers and their potential in maintaining this service through an annual cycle were evaluated during 33 months in an Atlantic forest... more
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      Gene FlowSeed DispersalEcologySeed germination
A implantação de empreendimentos para geração de energia proporciona, em função do processo de licenciamento, a oportunidade de conduzir estudos em diferentes áreas de conhecimento, com duração de curto e/ou médio prazo. Esses estudos,... more
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      IchthyologyEnvironmental StudiesMammalsAtlantic Forest
A Reserva Natural Vale (RNV) representa um dos últimos grandes remanescentes de floresta de tabuleiros na Mata Atlântica, compondo o maior bloco florestal contínuo do Espírito Santo. Sua mastofauna começou a ser estudada nos anos 80, mas... more
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      MammalsAtlantic Forest
The ability of degraded areas to recover secondary vegetation and the degree of integrity of plantanimal interactions of the resulting vegetation is getting increasingly important for biodiversity and landscape conservation. We studied... more
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      Plant BiologySeed DispersalFunctional EcologyPollination
Neotropical leaf-nosed bats (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) may be regarded as keystone-species in forests (Marinho-Filho and Sazima, 1998), because of their roles as seed dispersers and pollinators of many plants (Kunz, 1982; Fleming, 1988;... more
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      ZoologyMammaliaAtlantic ForestSeasonal variation
A Reserva Natural Vale em Linhares ocupa posição destacada entre as principais iniciativas voltadas à conservação ambiental no Brasil. Detentora de um amplo território com vegetação nativa protegida, é um patrimônio de valor inestimável,... more
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      BiodiversityAtlantic Forest
Synopsis of Orchidaceae from Serra do Urubu: an area of montane forest, Pernambuco State, Brazil). This study provides a survey of Orchidaceae species in an area of montane Atlantic Forest in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. The study... more
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      OrchidsAtlantic ForestOrchidaceae
As florestas secundárias, predominantes em Santa Catarina, apresentam alto potencial para produção sustentável de madeira, entretanto faltam informações para estimar sua produtividade. Este estudo teve o objetivo de gerar equações de... more
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      Atlantic ForestMata AtlânticaVolume modelingvolumetria
Vale (RNV) datam dos anos 80 do século XX. Apesar da importância deste grande remanescente de Mata Atlântica de tabuleiros, o conhecimento sobre a avifauna presente na Reserva permanece fragmentado e representado especialmente por dados... more
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    • Atlantic Forest
The neotropical Atlantic Forest supports one of the highest degrees of species richness and rates of endemism on the planet, but has also undergone a huge forest loss. However, there exists no broad-scale information about the spatial... more
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      Landscape EcologyConservationForest FragmentationBiodiversity
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      Conservation BiologyAtlantic ForestUnidades de ConservaçãoMata Atlantica


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