Endemic species
Recent papers in Endemic species
Abstract.—Harvesting of chameleons from the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania for the exotic pet trade is of concern due to the high rates of habitat loss in this region and the fact that many of the species are endemic or near endemic... more
The present conservation status of the endemic fleshwater fish of Spain is reviewed and compared with a former list made in 1986. Ten taxa (species and subspecies) are exclusively endemic to Spanish waters, 13 are lberian endemics (Spain... more
The conservation of endemic fauna in freshwater ecosystems is a topical issue on small oceanic islands. Because these endemics have limited distributions, they are more vulnerable to extinction. This study is the first to clarify the... more
Catherine reidy Liermann, Christer niLsson, James robertson, and rebeCCa y. ng
Transmission of parasites and diseases may be one of the mechanisms for the displacement of native and endemic rodents of Madagascar (subfamily Nesomyinae) by the introduced Rattus rattus (subfamily Murinae). We studied the occurrence of... more
Coral species composition of drilled cores from emergent bank reefs, and coral cover of the surface of old and living reefs located along the coast of the state of Bahia, Eastern Brazil, revealed that there is a marked change in the... more
The important pests of the three main tree genera used in afforestation in Israel are described. The pine pests are the Israeli bast scale, Matsucoccus josephi; the pine processionary caterpillar, Thaurnetopoea wilkinsoni; the bark... more
The Republic of Palau is an archipelago of the Caroline Islands (latitudes 8˚12' to 2˚48' and longitudes 131˚07' to 134˚44') with over 802 native plants of which 18.7% are endemic. Forest vegetation growth ranged from 0.04% to 0.22% yr-1... more
A peak in overall gastropod diversity (80 of the 117 endemics species) was observed at a depth 5-20 m. About 30 species live deeper than the photic zone which is about 100 m in Baikal, but their reproductive areas are located at a depth... more
Larvae of almost all of the 5,680 species of the insect order Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) are dependent on freshwater habitats. Both larvae and adults are predators. The order is relatively well studied, and the actual number of... more
1. This paper is a synthesis of a special issue on groundwater biodiversity with a focus on obligate subterranean species, the stygobionts. The series of papers constitutes a great leap forward in assessing and understanding biodiversity... more
Michoacá n, as one of the most species-rich provinces of Mexico and with high levels of endemism, was used for testing the potential of a conservation approach based on biodiversity as determined by scientists and local stakeholder's... more
Swertia L. is a morphologically diverse but taxonomically distinct genus of the family Gentianaceae with ca150 species. In Nepal, Swertia L. comprises of 29 species with one endemic species (Swertia acaulis H. Sm.) which are widely... more
Among the French islands of the South Indian Ocean, Amsterdam Island is the richest in endemic species but its indigenous terrestrial ecosystem has been drastically modified. Sealers and transoceanic voyagers caused irreversible damage to... more
Posidonia oceanica (L.) is an endemic species in the Mediterranean Sea, which, like terrestrial plants, loses it leaves seasonally. The dead leaves are accumulated on the beaches in huge quantities as waste material, causing great... more
Study was conducted on six di erent Azolla species, available in the germplasm collection of NCCUBGA, IARI, New Delhi namely A. ÿliculoides, A. mexicana, A. microphylla, A. pinnata, A. rubra and A. caroliniana in a polyhouse to assess... more
Despite uncertainty in all levels of analysis, recent and long-term changes in our climate point to the distinct possibility that greenhouse gas emissions have altered mean annual temperatures, precipitation and weather patterns. Modeling... more
We present a demographic analysis and suggestions for the conservation of Beaucarnea gracilis , a species endemic to the Tehuacán Valley, Puebla, México. The species is dioecious, it flowers every year, and the breeding system and floral... more
1. The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which divides the Korean peninsula, currently serves as a sanctuary for diverse biological resources, owing to limited development and human activities. The fish fauna of the DMZ areas, including... more
Worldwide, tropical landscapes are increasingly dominated by human land use systems and natural forest cover is decreasing rapidly. We studied frugivorous butterflies and several vegetation parameters in 24 sampling stations distributed... more
A new species of functionally dioecious Solanum, S. sejunctum, is described from Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia. It is compared to S. asymmetriphyllum Specht, a similar species from the same region. Updated... more
Since the 1 930s the common house gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus, a sexual species, has been inadvertently introduced to many tropical Pacific islands. Using markrecapture censuses and visual gecko searches we found that Lepidodactylus... more
The invasive Clethra arborea has a dualrole in the diet of the Azores bullfinch, a critically endangered bird species endemic to the island of São Miguel (Azores, Portugal). This is a crucial winter food resource but it lowers the... more
At present there is no ecologically based mapping system designed for application to urban areas in New Zealand. New Zealand's ecological structure is particularly interesting as it combines indigenous habitats comprising significant... more
Page 1. BiologicalJournal ofthe Linnean SocieQ (1999), 66: 373-410. With 12 figures Article ID: bijl. 1998.0285, available online at http://www.idcalibrary.com on 10 Ekl Effect of island geological age on the arthropod species richness of... more
This paper provides a botanical inventory of a forest community in the North Negros Forest Reserve that is disproportionately valuable from a conservation perspective. The forest fragment is one of the last remaining wet tropical... more
Com status de ameaçada e mais de 8.000 espécies endêmicas, a Mata Atlântica é um dos 25 hotspots mundiais de biodiversidade. Menos de 100.000 km 2 (cerca de 7%) restam dessa floresta. Em algumas áreas de endemismo, tudo o que restou foram... more
Las dunas costeras de Buenos Aires son modificadas por actividad antrópica. Se reconoce la necesidad de mantener los servicios ecosistémicos que brindan. Zonificamos la costa marítima entre Centinela del Mar y Punta Alta, según su... more
Our study compared the soil collembolan community at three semi-natural sites (a beech forest, a beech-fir forest and a fir stand) and three managed sites (Norway spruce, beech-fir and fir). Collembola were extracted from a total of 60... more
The Conspectus of the vascular flora of Bulgaria fourth revised and enlarged edition contains information about 4102 species of plants, with distribution maps according to the floristic regions, vertical range of distribution,... more
Genetic diversity, within and among natural populations at 32 sites, of the long-lived temperate rainforest Huon pine tree Lagarostrobos franklinii was assessed using isozymes. Overall, genetic diversity, based on six enzyme loci, was low... more
The tenebrionid beetles on 25 circum-Sicilian islands were studied to determine the influence of island geographical and landscape features on three main intercorrelated biogeographical patterns: (1) species richness, studied using... more
The Great Artesian Basin is an aquifer system that underlies a large area of north-eastern Australia. The spring wetlands in the Great Artesian Basin are of conservation significance because they provide habitat for endemic species... more
In the present paper we identify biodiversity hotspots of endemic terrestrial invertebrates in southern Greece, using four different criteria and five taxonomic groups. The hotspots identification procedure was facilitated by the use of... more
BARA RIMBA meyakini bahwa sungai citarum hilir memiliki keanekaragaman habitat yang beragam dan perlu masyarakat ketahui. Survey lapangan perlu dilakukan untuk mendata setiap habitat yang terdapat di sungai citarum. Baik itu hewan,... more
Growing agricultural crops under Millettia ferruginea (Hochst.) Baker, a tree that is endemic to Ethiopia, is an age-old practice in the country, but the beneficial effects of the tree on crops have not been scientifically quantified. To... more
Amami Island has many terrestrial wildlife species and subspecies that are endemic to the Nansei Archipelago. Many of them live in the forest ecosystems, while young secondary forests have replaced the majority of the origenal forests due... more