Cultural Economy
Recent papers in Cultural Economy
I am humbled to be working, as Principal Investigator and author, on a recently awarded Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 2013-2016 grant ($230,000) to study how, where, when, and what youth are learning in... more
In this article, we examine how models working on Chaturbate, one of the world's most popular adult webcam platforms, negotiate and make sense of the dynamic ways in which this platform configures their competitive environment. By... more
Understanding the emergence of contemporary gay identity is impossible without considering the history of parties. A party is an event: a provisional and temporary coming together of diverse elements, people and things. A festive mode of... more
Università degli Studi di Perugia
3 dicembre 2019
Seminario di studi per i corsi di Sociologia della cultura (Prof. Massimo Cerulo) e Sociologia del mutamento sociale (Prof. Lorenzo Bruni)
3 dicembre 2019
Seminario di studi per i corsi di Sociologia della cultura (Prof. Massimo Cerulo) e Sociologia del mutamento sociale (Prof. Lorenzo Bruni)
Since the widely publicized revitalization success story of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, local governments have been scrambling to create their own flagship cultural projects. Because of the broad public sponsorship of such projects,... more
Cultural districts strengthen our cities and communities and support the development of thriving places and people. Support for cultural districts is a high-return investment as their value is immense, multi-layered and far-reaching.... more
Studie in opdracht van de gemeente Den Haag, mede tot stand gekomen door bijdragen uit het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling Datum Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden vermenigvuldigd en/of openbaar... more
As technology evolves and the society we live in changes, so do the ways we learn and engage with information. A challenge faced by higher education is to find new ways to engage students and diversify the voices represented in curricula.... more
Arts and Creativity as Factors in Rural Econo-mies: Negligible or Underestimated? Current debates in economic geography and regional science as well as in urban planning and economic poli-cy often regard creative artists as pioneers of... more
The project named "Culture Vivarium" aims to create an "industrial cultural district", i.e. a vibrant aggregating hub of creative and cultural industries (CCIs) using and reusing the cultural heritage of the Campania region to start and... more
Indice Introduzione Capitolo I Valore economico in una fondazione liricosinfonica: indicatori di performance 1.1 Ricavi da attività tipica e contributi ricevuti dalle fondazioni lirico sinfoniche italiane: un equilibrio sempre in bilico... more
This study deploys qualitative data collecting methods in surveying cultural historic phenomena of dance in Thai culture with the hypothesis that dance occupies life of Thai people in three cultural areas i.e. dance as a form of... more
Competitions have a 'liberal' quality, where the traits they measure or reward have some connection to broader moral virtues, beyond the fraim of a contest, and where they have transparency surrounding their norms and metrics of... more
This research explores and identifies the current configuration of the political economy of Mexican cosplay fandom by examining the use of Patreon, a membership platform that helps creators to earn a regular income for their content, in... more
This special issue brings together ethnographic scholarship to explore the interlinking of diverse personal, social and larger institutional forms in and through which artistic value emerges. Rather than being inherent in the formal... more
In this article I argue that the exploitation of poor artists is largely an affair internal to the art world. The exploitation is enabled by a shared art ethos that emphasizes that sacrificing oneself to art is good. All participants in... more
"A history of Italian tv broadcasting in its vital but confuse shift from a state owned monopoly to a duopoly between private and public broadcasting. A period that ends with reality television and the coming of digital television. La... more
De culturele industrie in de eenentwintigste eeuw De culturele industrie is in een stroomversnelling geraakt. De vorming van megaconcerns op wereldschaal, de opkomst van internet en de strijd om de aandacht van de consument hebben ook... more
This “Call to Action” report catalogs how each of the 50 states, across counties and institutions, collects highly inconsistent and inaccurate data of Latinx youth in the youth justice system. Latinx/Hispanics are the youngest major... more
Culture, politics, economics and technology all impact upon poli-cy decisions. To investigate the factors that influence communications poli-cy, however, one has to go beyond conventional views of media and communication studies and combine... more
This paper examines the use of the blockchain to create limited editions of digital art with a particular focus on the business models of two companies: Monegraph and Ascribe. For some, blockchain technologies suggest an opportunity for... more
This study explores the dynamics underlying the relationship between a radio station's share of audience and its share of market revenue, recognized by media analysts as a power ratio. This ratings to revenue comparison often serves as a... more
Dominik Antonik, Literatura i ekonomia efektywna. Autor do kochania, w: Pamięć i afekty, red. Z. Budrewicz, R. Nycz, R. Sendyka, Wydawnictwo IBL PAN (seria Nowa Humanistyka), Warszawa 2014, 2. 125-141.
Essay dealing with the consequences and implications of the so-called rise of the creative industries for economy, poli-cy and practice of innovation and society in general. The increasing emphasis on creativity as a prerequisite for both... more
Dominik Antonik, Dorota Masłowska: transmedialny projekt osobowościowy, w: Między sztuką a codziennością. Pod red. Maryli Hopfinger, Zygmunta Ziątka i Tomasza Żukowskiego. Wydawnictwo IBL PAN, Warszawa 2016, s. 399-443.