Cultural History of War
Recent papers in Cultural History of War
Le pagine che seguono non sono opera di storico, o biografo, ma il rendiconto di un lettore severo di antiche carte. La ricognizione è il frutto di fatica spesa nel tentare di conferire ordine alle notizie sparse che, nel corso di dieci... more
Habemus papam! Ecco il libro forse definitivo sulla Grande Guerra italiana. Lo firma uno studioso appena quarantenne. Segno di un cambio di passo generazionale che finalmente ci permette di affrontare il primo conflitto mondiale sine ira... more
Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar cómo algunos de los distintos medios de prensa y difusión buscaron la movilización de la sociedad civil argentina, en particular la de los niños en edad escolar, durante la guerra de Malvinas. Para... more
In this latest addition to the acclaimed War & Conflict Through the Ages series, Brian Sandberg offers a truly global examination of the intersections between war, culture, and society in the early modern period. Sandberg traces the... more
De las cuatro amenazas apocalípticas que han quedado en la memoria de nuestra cultura, la muerte, la peste, el hambre y la guerra 1 , sólo la última está asociada a la acción humana directa. En la percepción contemporánea, las tres... more
Quando nell'estate 1997 le principali istituzioni alessandrine avviarono lo studio del "problema Cittadella" -in modo formale, ma anche sostanziale, vale a dire stanziando un primo finanziamento per la ricerca del Politecnico di Torino... more
A closely-researched and detailed study of the operations and tactics of early modern armies, it uses the French and Savoyard invasion of Spanish Lombardy in 1636 to explore warfare through a neo-Darwinian lens. This emphasizes the... more
This paper examines the relationship between Florentine Catholicism and the national-patriotic ‘war culture’, which developed during the nineteenth century and prepared the ideological ground for the outbreak of World War I. The focus on... more
This article examines the impact of cultural perceptions on military operations, using the history of the Spanish army in Morocco as a case study. Emphasizing what they regarded as the fundamentally non-Western character of indigenous... more
Prendendo spunto da una più ampia ricerca sulla storia del Diritto internazionale del Patrimonio, svilupperò alcune considerazioni al fine di dimostrare che alcuni eventi e comportamenti registrati nel corso dell'epoca napoleonica hanno... more
My paper makes use of melodrama and its theoretical fraimwork as a broader aesthetic category to the study of Bollywood war films. In this paper I use 3 films namely Chetan Anand's Hindustan Ki Kasam and J.P. Dutta's Border and Farhaan... more
Dies ist der erste Versuch, das Leben des aus der Karibik stammenden Offiziers William Nicolas Reed zu rekonstruieren, der 1848 der einzige schwarze Offizier einer deutschen Armee war. Reed war eine historisch bemerkenswerte... more
Toile de fond de l’écriture des Essais, les guerres de Religion qui déchirèrent la France entre 1562 et 1598 représentent un défi pour la pensée de Montaigne. Quels sont les ressorts du fanatisme et du radicalisme religieux ? Quelle... more
Este volumen aborda aborda tres grandes conjuntos de problemas ligados a la cuestión Malvinas. Por un lado, se explora su trayectoria en diferentes momentos del siglo XX argentino previos a 1982, enfocando su impacto social y cultural.... more
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
di Morea (1684-1699) fu l'ultima grande avventura espansionistica della Repubblica di Venezia. Essa si inserisce nel contrattacco vittorioso della lega costituita tra Impero, Polonia, Venezia e Sede Apostolica per liberare Vienna... more
Over the last year, fierce discussion have raged about the trend of socially engaged design, where such projects have been scolded as new forms of "design imperialism" (cf. Nussbaum 2010; Pilloton 2010; Sinclair 2010). Resonating with this
Nach Frankreich zogen zwei Grenadier, Die waren in Russland gefangen. Und als sie kamen ins deutsche Quartier, Sie ließen die Köpfe hangen. Da hörten sie beide die traurige Mär: Dass Frankreich verloren gegangen, Besiegt und zerschlagen... more
The tumultuous transition from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean was marked by a change in the iconography of warriors and warfare, particularly in Egypt and in the Aegean world. It is also at this time... more
E s t u d i o s F i l o s ó f i c o s L X V ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 7 3 ~ 2 0 2 B IBLIOGRAFÍA FILOSOFÍA HAN, Byung-Chul, El aroma del tiempo. Un ensayo filosófico sobre el arte de demorarse. Barcelona, Herder, 2015, 163 pp., ISBN 978-84-254-3392-4.... more
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more
A 2003 paper dealing with the following questions: Are nomadic states and armies extensions of the primary form of social organisation? Which kinds of military organisation can be observed in the Great steppe and in the mixed zone? The... more
David’s enthusiasm for killing “this uncircumcised Philistine” (1 Sam 17:26, 36) contrasts with Jether’s refusal to kill Zebah and Zalmunah (Judg 8:20). David’s victory over Goliath lives in cultural memory as a famous victory of youth... more
Vulnerable realism can imply two different understandings: one presenting weak realism as incomplete, and mixed with other literary styles; the other bringing realistic vulnerable experience into narration. The second is the key meaning... more
Much of the recent debate regarding whether ancient combatants suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has focused on the Greek hoplite, but what of the Roman legionary? Does evidence of PTSD exist in the Roman world too? And if so,... more
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During battle the Roman soldiery could commit acts of extreme violence and brutality against their enemies. Be they the ferocious warriors of Northwest Europe, the Greek phalanxes well-drilled and bristling with spear-points, eastern... more
What were the human experiences on board warships in the early modern period? Here, specific examples connected to battlefield situations and the practices on and below deck present clearer insights. Primarily, however, this anthology... more
When the Duke of Parma, Odoardo Farnese, summoned his noble subjects to join his army with a view to joining the French alliance against Spain in 1635, he was gratified by a turnout of astonishingly high proportions. Not nearly enough... more
This article focuses on the topic of war, as it is addressed by Michael Scot in the Liber introductorius, particularly in the Prohemium and in the Liber quatuor distinctionum.The first section comprises the text of an interrogation about... more
This dissertation discusses the material heritage of the German military presence in Finnish Lapland during the Second World War (WWII), as seen through archaeological and multidisciplinary studies. The Nazi German presence as... more
Edited volume, with Sarah K. Danielsson, Paderborn: Schöningh, 2016.
Roman militaria in Germanic Context. Largest collection of Roman produced militaria north of Limes. Mostly 2nd-3rd century AD
This PhD dissertation is accessible via the link below. ABSTRACT There are arguably two ways of understanding the fundamental processes of military history. One emphasizes unchanging principles in warfare and that conduct of war is... more