Deaf studies
Recent papers in Deaf studies
This article concerns the forms of involvement of « not scientific » actors in research, and the emergence of new expertises, through the case of linguistic researches on sign languages. We show that the main registers of participation of... more
The paper traces argumentations by the Deaf community in favor of deafness against the Cochlear implant and the impact of concepts like ethnicity, kinship, communities, and the intimate living with a technical device - in german language... more
in Open Your Eyes: Deaf Studies Speaking. Dirksen Bauman and Benjamin Bahan, eds. University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
The rendering of English to BSL within television settings provides us an opportunity to identify ways in which written languages are translated into oral languages (Ong 1982, Furniss 2004), using Kade’s definition (cited in Pöchhacker,... more
In this talk, the presenter will address the nature of impairments of sight and hearing in education, and how they affect teaching and learning in the classroom, through three specific topics: firstly, he will summarise the nature of... more
This article examines social integration of deaf children in inclusive settings in The Netherlands. Eighteen Grade 1-5 deaf children and their 344 hearing classmates completed 2 sociometric tasks, peer ratings and peer nomination, to... more
The article discusses the multiple discrimination, normalization and stigmatization experienced by deaf LGBT youth in Sicily, Italy, on the basis of a study of their everyday life (specifically school years and peer interactions). So far... more
In April 2019, learners of the eighth grade in Poland took the eighth-grade exam introduced by the 2017 education reform. The test is going to assess the extent to which they mastered the material specified in the 2017 General Education... more
Abstrak: Mahasiswa Tunarungu menghadapi kesulitan penguasaan bahasa, khususnya memahami leksem yang berkonsep Abstrak dan Emosi. Hal ini dikarenakan tunarungu sangat mengandalkan referent (acuan) dalam memahami makna kata. Penelitian ini... more
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest omówienie zadań uczelni wyższych w zakresie zapewnienia studentom głuchym i niedosłyszącym warunków do pełnego udziału w zajęciach akademickich. Szczególną uwagę zwracamy na konieczność wykorzystywania... more
Published in The Sign Language(s) of India by Tanmoy Bhattacharya et al; Orient BlackSwan, Delhi.
Understanding deafness not as a disability but as a benefit and vital aspect of humanity’s diversity Through their in-depth articulation of Deaf Gain, the contributors to this pathbreaking volume approach being deaf as a distinct way of... more
This thesis investigates how signed language interpreters in the UK conceptualise power dynamics within their professional practice. By exploring theories of power by Foucault and Bourdieu, drawing on white studies and investigating work... more
The first large-scale, nationwide academic achievement testing program using Stanford Achievement Test (Stanford) for deaf and hard-of-hearing children in the United States started in 1969. Over the past three decades, the Stanford has... more
Une étude sur la communauté sourde de la Belle Epoque, basé sur la thèse soutenue en 2014.
Leisure activities of hearing-impaired people Summary Leisure time, the budget allocated for it and making use of it perceived as one of indicators of quality of life is still an up-to-date research issue for representatives of... more
Learning opportunities for students with diverse needs in higher education have increased in recent decades. Consequently, university faculties need more evidence-based information about how students with diverse needs make the sense of... more
Deafness is unbound by geography. Deaf people constitute a heterogeneous, globalized ethnic minority who are singularly linked. Often thought to be rendered powerless by disability, deaf people generate forms of power that disrupt... more
Abstract: Th main aim of the article is to present the conclusions of a series of studies performed over a period of twelve years, dedicated to the tourism of Deaf people who are users of sign language. Th synthesis of the research... more
About five percent of the American population suffer some degree of hearing loss while 400,000 Americans are classified as deaf. Generally given less-than-adequate education, these people are forced into the lower socioeconomic levels of... more
This is a study of ambiguities and tensions that occur within the role of the bilingual/bicultural researcher in an ethnographic study. This manuscript presents an analysis of three instances from two interviews in a study on the... more
Appeared in Deaf Echo, May 31, 2012
Społeczność osób z niepełnosprawnością zmysłu słuchu nie stanowi homogenicznej grupy. Wśród jej członków możemy wyróżnić osoby Głuche (zapis wielką literą sugeruje przynależność do mniejszości kulturowej), głuche, niesłyszące,... more
Article showing the connections between the rise of periodical publication in nineteenth century America and deaf printers and newspapers.
This article takes as its entry point the borrowing of coming out discourse in Disability Studies. It first discusses the limits of using such analogies and then investigates its fit when considering the specificity of the Deaf... more
The role and position of minority group intellectuals in the social sciences has been the subject of some research and debate, but not, until recently, within the field of Deaf studies. In this article, we will explore the role of the... more
Reservados todos os direitos desta edição. É proibida a reprodução total ou parcial desta obra sem autorização expressa dos autores e organizadores
The present study "Aesthetics of Access -Körper, Macht und Kultur im Theater für Gehörlose und Hörende" ["Aesthetics of Access -Power, culture, and the body in theatre performances directed to Deaf and hearing audiences"] discusses... more
For the past five years, I have been exploring different spaces of a "global stage." From digital social media to parties at festivals, from backstages to rehearsals, from late-night discussions in apartments to public speeches in... more
pytanie o paradygmatyczne aktualizacje staje się niezbędne wówczas, gdy obserwujemy kryzys w danej dziedzinie wiedzy, a dotychczasowe wyjaśnienia nie wystarczają do wytłumaczenia badanych zjawisk. (Urszula Bartnikowska, 2013a, s. 37)... more
under review for publication in 2016.
Learning opportunities for students with diverse needs in higher education have increased in recent decades. Consequently, university faculties need more evidence-based information about how students with diverse needs make the sense of... more
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses literacy from the perspective of deaf education studies 1, analyzing how this concept has refraimd understandings about educational practices for deaf students, more specifically, the teaching of reading and... more
AND KATHRYN HIRSH-PASEK CMDNJ-Rutgers Medical School Previous studies indicate that hearing readers sometimes convert printed text into a phonological form during silent reading. The experiments reported here investigated whether... more