Recent papers in Expatriates
Drawing from ethnographic research of expatriates who use meetup.com and similar digitally based social organizing platforms to access events in Paris, this paper explores how on- and offline meet-up rhetoric and routines contribute to... more
Surat pemohonan ini sebagai pelengkap ketika kita mengurus SKTT ( Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal ) Untuk Tenaga Kerja Asing .
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a critical approach of the identification and rejection strategies in discourses and practices of a “global elite” of business leaders and managers. Design/methodology/approach – A... more
[해외주재원 A TO Z]는 ‘해외주재원’의 선발부터 파견 적응, 그리고 귀임까지 모든 과정을 한 권에 담은 글로벌 인재 경영전략서이다. 기업에게는 효과적인 해외주재원 관리 비법을, 개인에게는 보직 적응 및 업무 장악 매뉴얼을 알려주는 이 책은 우리 기업들이 초일류 기업으로 성장하는 데 충실한 길잡이가 되어줄 것이다.
Shenzhen is one of China’s new cities which has grown into an archetypal megacity in only three decades. The existing literature about expatriates has predominantly investigated the influence of expatriates at the global level, paying... more
Though many companies pay a great deal of attention to expatriate training, they treat distress at repatriation in a relatively cavalier manner. The practise is however different. Over 70 percent of the repatriates experience significant... more
MA thesis: Ajijic: American dream, just in Mexico Maģistra darbā “Ahihika: amerikāņu sapnis, tikai Meksikā” aplūkota plaša pensionētu ārzemnieku kolonija nelielā Meksikas vidienes pilsētā, par darba mērķi izvirzot Ahihikas kopienas divu... more
In this article, I draw from ethnographic research conducted in Paris to analyze how new class competencies based on cultural capital in the form of the ‘‘authentically global’’ are acquired, wielded, and reproduced in a global network of... more
Failure to adapt is one of the most often cited reasons for the premature return of expatriate assignees. This chapter reviews and builds on research that suggests that the expatriate socialization process involves multiple stakeholders.... more
Manuskript zum Vortrag am 7. März 2011, Fachkongress Transnationale Netzwerke in der Sozialen Arbeit", Berner Fachhochschule (CH), Fachberei
En este artículo se busca desvelar la estrategia espacial del proceso de urbanización del capitalismo global, extendido a través de la construcción de una marca cultural que ha llevado a Cuenca (Ecuador) a especializarse en el consumo... more
The history of American expatriation in post-World War II Paris offers a rich archive through which to explore historical tensions between notions of freedom and citizenship. Less known is that this history offers a valuable lens through... more
Much of the literature on Third Culture Kids (TCKs) is focussed on negative emotions that children and adults experience during an international transition. Few studies were found that draw on a cultural historical reading of emotions... more
파리바게트, 던킨도너츠 등 제과제빵부문의 계열사를 보유한 SPC그룹은 최근 중국 현지채용인을 대상으로 ‘핵심가치 내재화’ 교육을 실시했다. 박성민 배화여자대학교 교수와 한만주 Global T&D 팀장, 안광호 SPC그룹 미래창조원 과장은 2013년 한국HRD연합학술대회에서 SPC그룹의 중국 현지 핵심가치교육의 실시배경과 성공요인을 공유하며 중국에 진출한 기업의 핵심가치교육 설계에 대한 시사점을 제공한다.
Miller and Barnes’s themes of desire and sexual infatuation are reflective of the struggle between the old world society and the modernist movement as a whole. Sex and desire are these author’s main modes of operation, implemented to... more
Purpose -The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the few countries where nationals make up less than 20 percent of the total population and less than 2 percent of the workforce. Hence organizations in the public and private sectors are... more
Keywords: Bermuda, Third Culture Kids, Expatriates, Identity, Anthropology, Symbolic Interactionism This research is based on twelve in-depth interviews conducted in Bermuda, Southampton and on Skype. The subjects are the adult children... more
An age old question -What is a Diaspora? This paper will define Diaspora as the group resulting from a forced or intentional move from the homeland into a new host-land. I'd like to tie my research paper with the idea of globalization,... more
대부분의 현채인들은 한국기업에서 몰입하지 못하고 향후 이직을 위한 발판 정도로 생각한다고 한다. 왜 현채인들은 한국기업에서 비
전을 보지 못할까. 경영현지화의 열쇠인 그들이 보다 한국기업에 몰입하고 성장할 수 있는 방안을 찾아본다
전을 보지 못할까. 경영현지화의 열쇠인 그들이 보다 한국기업에 몰입하고 성장할 수 있는 방안을 찾아본다
O caso trata de questões relacionadas à dinâmica simbólica nas organizações, abordando diferentes dimensões por trás da expatriação, como poderes, identidades e socialização dos indivíduos. Objetiva-se promover o debate no que tange aos... more
인간은 다양한 변수와 주관성 때문에 다양한 판단과 행동을 보일 수 있다. 만약 다른 국가의 사람이라면 판단과 행동의 차이는 같은 국가의 사람 즉,
동포보다 더 커질 수 있다. 글로벌 HR, 이를 위한 필수불가결한 요인인 다양성 관리(Diversity management)를 통한 글로벌인적자원관리에 대해 이야기
하고자 한다.
동포보다 더 커질 수 있다. 글로벌 HR, 이를 위한 필수불가결한 요인인 다양성 관리(Diversity management)를 통한 글로벌인적자원관리에 대해 이야기
하고자 한다.
Thomas Richards, Jr., "'Farewell to America': The Expatriation Politics of Overland Migrants, 1841-1846," Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 86, No. 1 (Feb. 2017), pp. 114-152. © 2017 by the Pacific Historical Review. Copying and permissions... more
Results from a survey of 461 expat Tasmanians have both confirmed and strengthened anecdotal evidence that Tasmanians leave the state in search of better opportunities to grow and develop – either through employment, education or... more
Mak, B. C. N., & Chui, H. L. (2013a). A cultural approach to small talk: A double-edged sword of socio-cultural reality during socialization into the workplace. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 8(2), 118-133. ISSN: 1744-7143. (Indexed... more
This edited volume sheds light on the experiences of immigrants in different parts of the world and offers insightful reflections on the art of carrying out fieldwork in the present day, when the task of locating the ‘field’ seems to... more
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the relevance of the personal value called self-transcendence as an explanatory factor regarding gender differences in the socio-cultural adjustment of expatriate employees.
The expatriate business case for managing diversity is simple: effective diversity management enhances expatriate performance and reduces failure. Diversity management improves the organisation’s bottom line by enabling international... more
Dubai – melting pot or mixed salad? In this special round-table session, the idea of Dubai as a cosmopolitan city will be debated, with an analysis of the massive changes in the demographic composition of the emirate in the last 20... more
Purpose -The present study aims to provide an empirical evaluation of job satisfaction among expatriates, repatriates, and domestic employees with no international experience. Design/methodology/approach -The study was conducted on a... more
Migrants who are privileged by citizenship, class or 'race' are largely still absent from mainstream migration research and theory; until recently, they were generally assumed to be adaptable and acceptable cosmopolites, positive drivers... more
This qualitative PhD study examines the lived experiences of eight young individuals who moved from one country to another several times during their childhood because of their parents’ profession, hence the term hypermobility in the... more
This article examines the developing world expatriates’ experience of homesickness when they are deployed to western countries. The research considers the consequences of being homesick on the expatriates and their organisations; the... more
The research proposed in this paper represents one of the first attempts to explore belongingness as a practice among expats living and working in Amsterdam, and to contribute to our understanding of how individuals hold themselves... more
Every major global human resources study over the past 5 years has noted a common trend: a dramatic increase in the number of women in the expatriate workforce, and increasingly these expats are single. Using ethnographic observations and... more
Sono oltre sei milioni e mezzo i cittadini italiani che oggi vivono all’estero. Sebbene siano in costante aumento e costituiscano più del 10% della popolazione che risiede invece in Italia, gli italiani nel mondo sono un’entità poco... more
Le riforme introdotte dal legislatore sul voto italiano all'estero hanno segnato un punto di svolta nella politica italiana e in modo particolare nelle comunità degli italiani con la novità della rappresentanza estera. Quale opinione... more
Not to be confused with either the proverbial coming-of-age trope or the ubiquitous midlife crisis, The Quarterlife Crisis, a perplexing, anxiety-ridden, phase of existence observed in Western, late twentieth-century, twentysomethings, as... more
This Toolkit provides strategies for implementing five key steps to expatriate success: 1. Conduct an expatriate audit; 2. Conduct a cultural diversity audit; 3. Refine expatriate selection procedures; 4. Provide cross-cultural... more
Expatriates continue to be a means of knowledge transfer as they facilitate in improving the performance of overseas subsidiaries through the distribution of their personal experience and individual knowledge in overseas subsidiaries... more
"This paper uses an ethnographically-inspired methodology to look at the dynamics of anglicization and resistance against it in a culturally and linguistically homogeneous project team. We show that changing working language can be... more
Third Culture Kids offer an opportunity to explore the extent to which experiences of high mobility has predisposed them towards a cosmopolitan rootlessness or, if their strong identification with their ‘third culture’ has instead... more