Freedom of movement
Recent papers in Freedom of movement
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
Il 25 maggio 2016 la Commissione Europea ha presentato la proposta di regolamento 2016/289 per impedire i blocchi geografici ed altre forme di discriminazione fondate sulla territorialità. Il presente articolo esplicita il fondamento e... more
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
В статье анализируются фотографии второй половины XIX в., на которых представлена связь человеческого тела со спортивными практиками. Одни фотографии были инструментом для научного изучения движений тела, другие служили репрезентативным... more
If Social Justice can be construed as helping people to become more fully human by being offered opportunities of financial progress, freedom, and privilege, then entrepreneurship can certainly contribute towards this, the more that it is... more
This chapter discusses alternatives to current globalisation. It argues that a regulatory global governance is unlikely because of conflicting material interests and ideologies. Sub-global internationalism is more viable politically; a... more
منذ أكثر من سبعين عاما، من قرار التقسيم وإلى اليوم، والشعب الفلسطيني يقاوم الاحتلال، سعيا وراء استعادة أرضه وحقوقه والتحرر، والعيش في دولة مستقلة. ولقد تنوعت أشكال المقاومة من حيث التنظيم الهيكلي والإداري؛ من مقاومة فردية إلى مقاومة... more
İnsan hakları beyannamesinde hak ve özgürlükler kaç farklı şekilde ele alınır ve farklılıkları nelerdir.
With BJP arrival to power, secular face of India has received severe criticism in international community. Latest report of the American. Nationalistic patriotism with some other factors like relative development differences,... more
This paper attempts to theorize the leadership qualities of both Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Jawaharlal Nehru by making a discourse analysis of their official correspondence, in which almost seventeen letters were exchanged from 18 January... more
The Israeli occupation in the occupied territories is based on violence, 1 since the prerequisite of the legal category of "occupation" is an existence of a war or national conflict true in any country. In the Occupied Palestinian... more
Psiphon VPN is a program designed to help avoid Internet censorship. In particular, it is used to avoid censorship based on country lines, in countries considered "enemies of the open Internet". It provides various means to do so.... more
यह शम्सुल इस्लाम की नई पुस्तक 'भारत-विभाजन विरोधी मुसलमान: देशप्रेमी मुसलमानों की अनकही दास्तां' की हरिमोहन मिश्र जी दुवारा की गयी समीक्षा है। इस पुस्तक के अंग्रेज़ी, उर्दू, पंजाबी और बंगाली संस्करण भी उपलब्ध हैं।... more
Based on an experience of a novice primary stage physical education (PE) teacher that starts to work as a psychomotrician in the early childhood education (ECE) stage, this chapter describes the possibilities of free and spontaneous play... more
An essay about the right of establishment and freedom of movement of companies under European law with specific reference to the Italian legal system
-Introduction: Menstrual Taboo and Gender-Discriminatory Access to Places of Worship -A Hindu “Mecca”: the Ayyappan Sabarimala Temple -Exclusion of Women: Patriarchy or Faith? -Judicial Precedents and the Supreme Court’s Verdict... more
In recent decades, the criminalization of immigration and the use of private prisons have increased in popularity. The criminalization of immigration and the privatization of prisons work hand in hand in shaping the American criminal... more
publiziert in: Rubikon, 5.4.2020 Mit massiver Angstmache durch Schock und Furcht soll die Bevölkerung in der Bundesrepublik auf den Regierungskurs in der Corona-Krise... more
Revolt of 1857, 'Gadar ke Phool' and Amritlal Nagar
What is street art? This paper offers a definition of street art as an art kind or art form based on its essential value: its subversiveness. It argues that street art is essentially subversive partly in virtue of using public space as a... more
« Articles 20 TFEU and 21 TFEU must be interpreted as precluding legislation of a Member State, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, which makes the continued grant of funding for higher education outside that State subject to... more
The book is an introduction to EU Internal Market Law and illustrates and analyzes the evolution of the internal market regulation and of the four fundamental economic freedoms
A livre circulação de pessoas em geral, e de trabalhadores em particular, é uma peça basilar da construção Europeia, e corresponde a um direito fundamental de todos os cidadãos de Estados-Membros da União, que hoje encontra assento no... more
Stressing that the pronoun "I" picks out one and only one person in the world (i.e., me), I argue against Hunt (and other like-minded Rand commentators) that the supposed "hard case" of destructive people who do not care for their own... more
Freedom of movement refers to the right of people to circulate without restrictions across the surface of the world. This may concern either internal or international mobility. In the first case, the issue is whether states allow their... more
In its very much awaited Pancharevo case (Case C-490/20) the ECJ held that Article 4(2) TEU, Articles 20 and 21 TFEU and Articles 7, 24 and 45 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, read in conjunction with Article... more
Michel Weber, La Liberté est la première des sécurités. Plaidoyer psychothérapeutique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2021 ; 978-2-930517-86-5 ; pdf 978-2-930517-87-2 Jamais la liberté n’a été aussi instrumentalisée... more
Free and undistorted competition between public or private firms of the Member States of the European Union is closely linked to the proper functioning of the internal market; this is why competition law is a major component of the... more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update Feb 2021: 1000 or more death, then-thousands with heavy symptoms because of Covid-19 vaccine!!! is this a new... more
1 A cet égard, voir notamment J-L. Halpérin, Les professions judiciaires et juridiques dans l'histoire contemporaine : modes d'organisation dans divers pays européens, Centre lyonnais d'histoire du droit, Lyon, 1992. Pour une analyse du... more
Analysis of the Subject matter and poetic devices used in “The Grieved Land of Africa” by Augostinho Neto.
Lucretius was the first philosopher of immanence. It is he and not Democritus or Epicurus who holds this title. If we want to understand the historical emergence of the concept of immanence, we should start by distinguishing its... more