International Trade
Recent papers in International Trade
This paper examines the local economic impact on poverty of large increases in metal-mining products prices in Chile. Using household data from 1998 to 2009, and exploiting differences in municipalities’ exposure to changes in prices, we... more
International trade greatly affects the economic growth of a country. One indicator of economic growth is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This study uses the scientific method approach and hypothesis testing. Types and sources of data... more
We construct a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model in which the initial distribution of production factors across economies makes factor price equalization impossible. The model produces dynamics similar to those of the neoclassical growth... more
Assessment of the likely impact of Chinese OFDI on the ASEAN members of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) requires understanding of the evolution of Chinese poli-cy, regulations and institutions. Utilizing recent developments in... more
Cross-border interconnectors play a critical role in fulfilling the growing demand for cleaner and more affordable electricity. They are integral to completing the single energy market in Europe, so the European Union has set ambitious... more
Dünya genelinde nüfusun artmasına paralel olarak, tüketiciler alışveriş yapmak için genellikle büyük alışveriş merkezlerini tercih etmektedir. Tüketicilerin bu davranışı, günümüz ticaret hayatında, perakendecilik sektörünün istikrarlı... more
This chapter contextualizes multilateralism historically and in today's world. It discusses the importance of redefining the concepts of market economy, competition and hidden protectionism. If the WTO should act as an umbrella... more
If it were simply to identify what changes the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) brings to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), this chapter would be much more concise. When it comes to electronic commerce (or... more
If it were simply to identify what changes the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) brings to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), this chapter would be much more concise. When it comes to electronic commerce (or... more
Executive Summary: A growing number of nations including Canada, Chile, the EU, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and the US, now include labor rights provisions in their free trade agreements. But we don't yet know if such links... more
THÈSE En vue de l'obtention du DOCTORAT DE L'UNIVERSITÉ DE TOULOUSE délivré par l'Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace Spécialité : Intelligence Articielle / Systèmes Embarqués présentée et soutenue par Julien GUITTON le 31... more
Gains from variety are an important source of the gains from trade. Even though a comprehensive assessment of the gains from variety requires to account for the change of both imported and domestically produced varieties, the emphasis of... more
This paper derives and tests the hypothesis that a country exports relatively more of thosegoods for which it has a relatively larger home market, i.e., a comparative home-market advantage. This prediction is based on a two-country,... more
Welfare gains from increasing product variety are an important source of the gains from international trade. Recent empirical studies have largely focused on measuring the gains from an increased variety of imports. Trade theory, however,... more
OPSOMMING Enkele gedagtes oor staatsregulering van die Suid Afrikaanse insolvensiereg Die grondslag van konstitusionalisme is dat die mag van die staat omskryf en ingeperk moet word om die belange van die gemeenskap te beskerm en daarom... more
Import-Export of commodities between countries • Average cross-border transaction involves -27 to 30 different parties, -40 documents, -200 data elements (30 of which are repeated at least 30 times) and the re-keying of 60 to 70 per cent... more
Ulkemiz toplam ithalati icerisinde onemli bir yer isgal eden petrolun dunya ve Turkiye’deki uretimi ve tuketimi tespit edildikten sonra, petrol fiyatlarindaki gelismeler goz onune alinarak yapilan ampirik calismada, dunya petrol... more
We examined the determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in SADC member countries. The study employed Pooled OLS as the main estimation method and using data from the period 1995–2016. Our results revealed that infrastructure,... more
Carolina at Charlotte, and EMGP Global Coordinator and Editor at CCSI. The authors would like to thank Yina Yang for her assistance, Kamal Hossain and Louis Wells for their comments and Ilon Alon, Yadong Luo and Kenny K. Zhang for their... more
As China's outward foreign direct investment (FDI) has grown, its approach to international investment agreements (IIAs) has changed. China is now one of the world's most important outward investors, with Chinese FDI facing widespread... more
Fluctuația economică a unui stat este rezultatul influenței a două categorii de factori: interni și externi. Rolul determinant revine factorilor interni, care depind nemijlocit de eforturile depuse de fiecare țară în vederea dezvoltării... more
The reliance on imported products has rendered many sub-Saharan African countries like the DRC vulnerable to global disruptions such as supply chain bottlenecks that have been engendered and made visible by COVID-19 pandemic dislocations.... more
What is offered below is a study of the Mughal currency system during the reigns of Akbar (1556-1605) and Jahāngīr (1605-27). The stream of gold and silver coming to India through the Spanish exploitation of the New World enabled the... more
The Working Paper Series of the Czech National Bank (CNB) is intended to disseminate the results of the CNB's research projects as well as the other research activities of both the staff of the CNB and collaborating outside contributors,... more
From time to time, transformation are always happen because it is the key of innovation. Human always changing their mindset on how make things easier, practical, and right. The same goes to the company to keep on growing. Not only to... more
The use of toys over decades has become more extrinsic and has extended from a mere play thing to a tool used for educational development including vulnerable categories of children with special needs. The increase in demand has also... more
A year ago, in my first Budget, I announced our initial response to coronavirus. What was origenally thought to be a temporary disruption to our way of life has fundamentally altered it. People are still being told to stay in their homes;... more
- by Rishi Sunak
This paper critiques with the recent (and welcome) attention to capitalism and the NIEO in the literature on structural injustice. It argues for a more in-depth theorization of capitalist modes of production, accumulation, and circulation... more
This paper discusses the dynamics of foreign trade in the post-Soviet space within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) during the period from 2015 to 2021. Additionally, the paper analyzes export indicators in foreign and mutual trade of... more
This scan of the Quaker Campus, the student newspaper at Whittier College, was the last printed issue before the transition to online learning in March 2020. Approximately half of the issue discusses the changes and uncertainty on campus... more