Modern European Intellectual History
Recent papers in Modern European Intellectual History
This paper explores the intellectual influences that Auguste Comte and Harriet Taylor Mill had on John Stuart Mill's work, the essay "The Subjection of Women" in particular. Also discussed is the impact of Positivism on Mill's thought and... more
However much emphasis may be laid by his admirers, and his critics, on the challenges posed by Nietzsche's thought, the eccentricities of his 'outsider' status, and his anti-academic animus, he has long since been incorporated into the... more
Mit der Veröffentlichung von Martin Heideggers »Schwarzen Heften« hat sich die Debatte zur Verstrickung von Philosophie und Nationalsozialismus erneuert und verschärft. Offen antisemitische Äußerungen in diesen Denktagebüchern haben auch... more
Heidegger's Black Notebooks demonstrate that there have been serious misconceptions about the status and aim of his philosophy and language. They show this to be a result of intentional misdirection which finds a twofold expression in his... more
Die Studie greift die 1946 von Alexandre Koyré erstmals formulierte Frage, wen das Buch adressiere, wie-der auf. Kellerer vertritt die Auffassung, der berühmte Text richte sich nicht prinzipiell an alle Menschen. Anders als bislang... more
Les Cahiers noirs de Martin Heidegger : un cryptage meurtier RÉSUMÉ. — Les Cahiers noirs de Heidegger permettent d'éclairer l'importance chez les épigones de Heidegger des malentendus concernant le langage ainsi que le statut et les... more
"Providential Empire: Russia's Religious Intelligentsia and the First World War" analyzes and contextualizes controversial commentary on the First World War by Russian religious philosophers, primarily Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdiaev,... more
“The Brides of Deconstruction and Criticism,” an informal group of feminist literary critics active at Yale University during the 1970s, were inspired by second-wave feminist curriculum, activities, and thought, as well as by the politics... more
How much space does capitalism leave for human agency? What difference can individual entrepreneurs, employees, and consumers hope to make? What can governments achieve by intervening in the economy? Can capitalism be politically... more
This is a book about the beginnings of historical thinking as a philosophical enterprise. The historical rupture represented by the French Revolution compelled contemporaries to reflect on the nature and meaning of history. For the... more
This book follows postwar Germany's leading philosopher and social thinker, Jürgen Habermas, through four decades of political and constitutional struggle over the shape of liberal democracy in Germany. Habermas's most influential... more
Der Kulturhistoriker Gangolf Hübinger, der an der Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder lehrt, hat sich verschiedentlich mit der Intellektuellengeschichte um 1900 befaßt. 1 In diesen Bereich gehört auch seine hier anzuzeigende Publikation über... more
Article in Russian on Heidegger's Black Note Books
The first English book on contemporary Italian writer Claudio Magris, this study examines the connections between space and individual, national and European identity in his works. Magris invites us to cross the borders that enclose... more
If Jens Peter Jacobsen is still read today, it is mostly as a Scandinavian classic and in the Nordic countries. And yet, there was a time when he was considered a world classic, on a par with Ibsen and Strindberg. In Germany especially,... more
Recent literature on the moral economy of nineteenth-century German historiography shares with older scholarship on Leopold von Ranke’s methodological revolution a tendency to refer to “the” historical discipline in the third person... more
The present paper offers a narrative of the post-World War II development of Hungarian philosophy, and argues that it is characterized by a double, historical and anthropological orientation under Marx’s influence. The resulting amalgam... more
The publication of Nicola Spedalieri's "De' diritti dell'uomo" ("On the Rights of Man") in 1791 marked a turning point in the relationship between Catholicism and modern political culture. While after the outbreak of the French Revolution... more
Their divergence on the issue of revolutionary leadership, displayed in Socialisme ou Barbarie, the periodical they co-founded in 1953. The controversy detailed and contextualized here marked the two thinkers' militant youth and forecast... more
Dans le débat mené ces derniers mois autour des Cahiers Noirs de Heidegger il est fréquent de lire que le lien étroit, apparent dans ces cahiers, entre sa pensée et l'antisémitisme national-socialiste serait une surprise choquante, car,... more
REGIO 25 (2017), issue 3, pp. 5-30.
On the topos and idea of "common destiny" (Schicksalsgemeinschaft) in Central European and Jewish intellectual history.
On the topos and idea of "common destiny" (Schicksalsgemeinschaft) in Central European and Jewish intellectual history.
In this position you will conduct research, teaching and administrative duties as a member of the School of History’s Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (SBC). The Centre’s focal point is the history of the Holocaust... more
While twentieth-century French intellectual history has long been controversial, its basic narrative is, for the most part, generally accepted: dismay with academic philosophy after the First World War led many French intellectuals to... more
Weltmacht bei Mitternacht "Wozu Dichter?": Die "Mitternacht der Weltnacht breitet ihre Finsternis aus" raunt der mit Lehrverbot belegte Heidegger im Dezember 1946 in einem Vortrag vor dem engsten Kreis derjenigen, die ihn zu hören... more
An overview of Foucault's career focusing on the critique of philosophical anthropology as the leitmotif of his thought.
Commentators, thinkers, and scholars have long been obsessed with the circumstances of Amsterdam's Portuguese Sephardic community's ex-communication of Benedictus (Baruch) de Spinoza. And more modern Jewish thinkers than not have... more