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Pierre Hadot Research Papers -
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The Western reception of Buddhism has long been tied in knots over the seemingly intractable question: is it a religion or a philosophy? French philosopher Pierre Hadot's constructive redeployment of Ignatius Loyola's idea of "spiritual... more
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      PhilosophyBuddhist StudiesPierre Hadot
What can philosophers today learn from the psychosomatic practice of Zen Buddhism? How does Zen challenge the methodology of our cerebral practice of philosophy? In order to address these questions, this essay examines one of the major... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionComparative PhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyPhenomenology
Conforme Hadot, Foucault teria transformado a moral estoica em uma ética que busca o prazer em si mesmo, já que, erroneamente, conceberia a felicidade como um estado de puro deleite corpóreo e psíquico. Hadot afirma que para os estoicos a... more
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      EthicsStoicismMichel FoucaultPierre Hadot
The present thesis is an exploration of the relation between atheistic and religious existential philosophy with a focus on the concept of subjectivity. What are the implications of the two positions in relation to understanding... more
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      Social WorkSpiritualityExistential PsychologySocratic Method
Cet article est issu d'une communication faite au Colloque des cycles supérieurs de l'Association des étudiantes et étudiants en philosophie de l'Université de Montréal: La Nature en philosophie (28 et 29 mars 2018). Cette présentation... more
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      HermeneuticsHans BlumenbergPhilosophy as a way of lifePierre Hadot
While theological reflection on the question of secularism has been illuminating, it has not always provided resources for those still seeking to encounter God. By responding to Karl Rahner's paradoxical counsel-"in despair, despair... more
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      Karl RahnerWilliam DesmondCharles TaylorRené Girard
Predgovor k slovenskemu prevodu Nagarjunovih Temeljnih verzov o srednji poti (Mulamadyhamakakarika). / Preface to the Slovene translation of Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika
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      BuddhismMadhyamaka SchoolNagarjunaMadhyamaka
La scienza politica nasce in seno alla filosofia greca caratterizzandosi come una scienza trascendente e, al contempo, sperimentale, vale a dire un’arte sapienziale a cavallo tra simbolo e prassi. Essa vede l’uomo e la politica come luogo... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPlato
Este artigo apresenta as três partes constituintes do que conhecemos como modo de vida filosófico à luz do pensamento de Pierre Hadot (1922-2010). Essa proposta evidencia o compromisso hermenêutico de reconstruir o entendimento do... more
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      Pierre HadotFilosofia antigaPhilosophy As a Way of Life (Hadot)Filosofia Antiga Grega e Romana
In this article, I offer a provisional analysis of the philosophical semantics of " wisdom " in the thought of the New Confucian thinker Tang Junyi. I begin by providing some pointers concerning the concept of wisdom in general and... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyWisdomTranscendental PhilosophyAsian Philosophy
La philosophie : discours ou mode de vie ?
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      Michel FoucaultAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyPhilosophy as a way of life
Don't just understand philosophy - live it in the open-source revival for the digital age. You find yourself in an endless forest, walking past trees like rockets. The smell of dry pine about to ignite. You see a deer, and its eyes are... more
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      PhilosophyStoicismAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
RESENHA: Exercícios Espirituais e Filosofia Antiga. HADOT, Pierre.
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      Philosophy as a way of lifePierre Hadot
In A Secular Age, Charles Taylor, faced with contemporary challenges to belief in God, issues a call for "new and unprecedented itineraries" that might be capable of leading seekers to encounter God. In Spiritual Exercises for a Secular... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyPhilosophical TheologyWilliam Desmond
This essay examines two conceptions of the ancient ideal of ‘living in the present’, one that may be called ‘Platonic’, suggested by a remark of Ludwig Wittgenstein, and one that may be called ‘Stoic’, developed by Pierre Hadot. On both... more
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      Philosophy of ActionAristotleNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyMetaphysics of Time
The idea of the practice of philosophy as presented in al-Kindī's treatise On First Philosophy I.2.4-6 is here read as the part of the Neoplatonic heritage. I argue that the Philosopher of the Arabs was a faithful and careful reader,... more
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      Arabic PhilosophyNeoplatonismAl Kindi (Philosophy)Pierre Hadot
Hadot, P. Exercícios Espirituais e Filosofia Antiga Tr. F. F. Loque, L. Oliveira São Paulo: É Realizações, 2014.
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      Ancient PhilosophyPhilosophy as a way of lifePierre Hadot
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Cseke Ákos Lélekgyakorlat és lelkigyakorlat Pierre Hadot írásaival a kilencvenes évek végén ismerkedtem meg, annak a Ruedi Imbachnak a biztatására, aki a német nyelvterületen elsőként figyelt fel az Exercices spirituels et philosophie... more
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      Michel FoucaultSpiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius LoyolaIgnatian SpiritualityPierre Hadot
Review essay on Juliusz Domanski's untranslated but important text, La Philosophie, Théorie oui manière de Vivre? The essay hopes to make available to English-language readers, at second hand, Domanski's analyses of the metaphilosophical... more
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      Philosophy as a way of lifePierre HadotPhilosophy As a Way of Life Pierre Hadot
Este artículo presenta de forma divulgativa y ordenada el pensa-miento de la filósofa Marina Garcés. Siguiendo los cuatro momentos básicos en los que la filosofía clásica suele es-tructurarse, exponemos su epistemolo-gía, su ontología, su... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeIntellectual History of EnlightenmentEuropean EnlightenmentPhilosophy of the Enlightenment
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    • Pierre Hadot
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      Ancient PhilosophyPierre Hadot
This paper examines Shaftesbury’s reflections on the nature of philosophy in his Askêmata notebooks, which draw heavily on the Roman Stoics Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. In what follows I introduce the notebooks, outline Shaftesbury’s... more
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      StoicismShaftesburyPhilosophy as a way of lifePierre Hadot
Dans ce texte, Maël Goarzin évoque rapidement la permanence du stoïcisme de la fin de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne, avant de s’intéresser plus précisément au stoïcisme contemporain et à l’actualité du stoïcisme conçu comme manière de... more
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      StoicismRoman StoicismPhilosophy as a way of lifePierre Hadot
A partir de los apologistas cristianos del siglo II, los ejercicios espirituales de la filosofía antigua van a ser empleados al servicio de la imitación de Cristo y mezclados con ejercicios de mortificación corporal totalmente ajenos al... more
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      Pierre HadotCristianismoFilosofía AntiguaPlatón
This article examines medieval Abrahamic theories of prophecy in the light of the new approach to ancient philosophy championed by Pierre Hadot. Hadot contended that ancient philosophy was a way of life, and I argue that it continued to... more
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      EthicsMedieval PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyPhilosophy and Religion
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      Comparative PhilosophyDialogueSocratesPierre Hadot
"George Derfer, Zhihe Wang and Michel Weber (eds.), The Roar of Awakening. A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, ontos verlag, 2009. (251 p. ; ISBN:... more
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      BuddhismJainismPsychologyHuman Evolution
[AAM version of accepted 2021 paper] Albert Camus repeatedly denied the label “existentialist”, and pointed to his formative experiences of natural beauty and his early introduction to classical Greek thought as determinative of his... more
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      Classical Reception StudiesPhilosophy of NatureAlbert CamusPhilosophy as a way of life
Compte rendu de ce recueil de textes de Pierre Hadot paru dans le Bulletin de philosophie ancienne 2020, coordonné par Louis-André Dorion.
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      Philosophy as a way of lifePierre Hadot
Traducere din limba franceză de Pr. Constantin Jinga, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2015. "Exerciţii spirituale". Dar nu meditaţiile pioase şi rigide ale lui Loyola, care sunt doar un ecou îndepărtat, plin de distorsiuni, al tradiţiei antice,... more
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      PhilosophyCritical ThinkingPierre Hadot
Resumen del libro "¿Qué es la filosofía antigua?" de Pierre Hadot publicado en 1995. Se estructura igual que el libro y termina al comienzo de la Edad Media. Poco o nada de agregados propios, en su amplia mayoría se plasman los puntos... more
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      PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyHistoriaFilosofía
Resumo: O artigo procura apresentar a paisagem histórica que Foucault propõe do período helenístico, a partir da intensificação da política e das relações sociais. Pretende-se apresentar os traços definidores deste período no que tange às... more
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      Michel FoucaultPhilosophy as a way of lifePierre HadotAesthetics of Existence
Pierre Hadot tarafından kaleme alınan İlkçağ Felsefesi Nedir? adlı kitabı inceleyeceğim. Yazarın da dediği gibi kitabın yazılma amacı " İlkçağ felsefesinin temsil ettiği tarihi ve ahlaki olguyu genel ve ortak çizgileriyle betimlemektir. "... more
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      Pierre Hadotİlkçağ Felsefesi
This chapter examines Marcus Aurelius's Meditations and considers its status as a work of philosophy by placing it within a broader tradition of spiritual exercises in ancient philosophy. It presents the Meditations as a private notebook,... more
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      StoicismRoman StoicismMarcus AureliusPierre Hadot
The work of the late Pierre Hadot has transformed our understanding of the practice of philosophy, especially in the pre-modern world. This article interrogates how we approach the study of later Islamic philosophy, especially the thought... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyPierre Hadot
L’ouvrage de Pierre Hadot, "Plotin ou la simplicité du regard", dont nous nous apprêtons à faire la recension concerne sa dernière édition de 1997. Les changements qui sont intervenus dans la rédaction de cet essai aussi transportant que... more
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      GnosticismPlotinusNeoplatonismPlotinus (Philosophy)
The following text approaches Pierre Hadot's philosophy from the perspective of Eastern monastic spirituality, by means of a conversation between Hieromonk Agapie Corbu and the venerable monk T., author of theological books and... more
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      PhilosophySpiritualityMonasticismPierre Hadot
Conclusion [preprint-draft only] to Philosophy as a Way of Life: History, Dimensions, Directions (M. Sharpe & M. Ure, Bloomsbury July 2021). The opening poses the continuing metaphilosophical question of what philosophy could be, in a... more
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      Renaissance HumanismRenaissance PhilosophyMichel FoucaultAncient Philosophy
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      PlatoFriedrich NietzscheAncient PhilosophyDionysus
What is philosophy as a way of life? Is it a distinctive approach to philosophy? Is it closely aligned with continental philosophy? Does it offer a third way, distinct from both analytic and continental philosophy? Is all philosophy... more
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      Philosophy as a way of lifePierre Hadot
Die sprachliche und soziale Natur der Erkenntnis ist eine Grundeinsicht der Moderne. Doch welchen Spielraum lässt sie noch der Kritik, der distanzierten Prüfung der eigenen Sprache und Lebensform? Vor dem Hintergrund des Werkes Stanley... more
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      Stanley CavellMichel FoucaultJohn McDowellPhilosophy of Language (esp. Wittgenstein, Rule-following, and the Normativity of Meaning)
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      ConversionPierre Hadot
This paper examines Epicurean, Stoic and Nietzschean accounts of the eternal recurrence and their ethical significance. Epicurean and Stoic physics commits both philosophies to a cosmology of recurrence. Lucretius and Seneca embed... more
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      StoicismSenecaFriedrich NietzscheEternal Recurrence and Identity
"Contents" and "Introduction" of upcoming work *Philosophy as a Way of Life: History, Dimensions, Directions* (with M. Ure). This work aims to be the first synoptic account tracking the dimensions and directions of this notion of... more
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyRenaissance HumanismMichel FoucaultPhilosophy as a way of life
[I have uploaded a copy of the preface to the second edition, in which I respond to reviews of the first edition.] It is a commonplace to say that in antiquity philosophy was conceived as a way of life or an art of living but... more
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      MetaphilosophyStoicismMarcus AureliusEpictetus
Beginning with a sketch of Pierre Hadot's concept of ancient philosophy as a way of life, consisting of a series of spiritual exercises intended to transform the practitioner by changing the way she looks at the world, I ask whether it's... more
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      PhilosophyHistory of ScienceMarcus AureliusPierre Hadot


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