Scandinavian Mythology
Recent papers in Scandinavian Mythology
The present volume responds to the rising boom of interest in folklore and folklore research in the study of Old Norse mythology. The twenty-two authors of this volume reveal the dynamism of this lively dialogue, which is characterized by... more
Exploring the tales of many of the mysterious and captivating Faerie Queens, this exceptional anthology contains eighteen essays exploring the diverse accounts and themes associated with the Faerie Queens and their influence in magic,... more
One of the basic epic plots - a "love triangle" between two warriors, elder and high-status one vs young and marginal one, and a "beauty" - analysed as representing the settled modes of social behavior translated through narration and... more
Repetition within storytelling across centuries suggests that certain structures, topics, and motifs entice and delight us, and what begins with a cultural purpose can be carried over purely for entertainment value. Elements of structure... more
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wizerunku węża w literaturze staroskandynawskiej oraz analiza jego poszczególnych wyobrażeń w literaturze staronordyckiej. W artykule zawarta jest dogłębna analiza obrazu zwierzęcia w ważnych tekstach... more
a comparative study of the transmission of the ancient myth about Thor's hammer in medieval Scandinavian literature
We find throughout the sagas and other Viking literary sources mentions of Berserkers, “ferocious warriors who were able to fall into a battle frenzy in which they fought without regard for their own safety and reputedly, could not be... more
An essay on the various appearances and roles of trolls in Norwegian folklore, literature and culture, based on the folktales collected by Asbjørsen and Moe, Ibsen's 'Peer Gynt', and André Øvredal's 'Trolljegeren'. Written for the 'Nordic... more
Snorri Sturluson, İstanbul: Yeditepe Yayınları, 2021
This doctoral thesis analyses the occurrence and context of human sacrifice in Old Norse religion. The aim of this study is to investigate the written sources that mention human sacrifices in the Late Iron Age Scandinavian cultures and... more
From Samarkand to Göta river- actual archeological finds from roman iron age to early Viking age. Three important finds spots along the river. “Grönån-Wooden manufacturing center” - wooden object dated from roman iron age to Germanic iron... more
Different cultures have different conceptions of fate but share parallel metaphors for this phenomenon in the personified forms of goddesses (and mythic women) and the non-personified forms of cloth and thread. This study proposes that... more
The pantheon of the pagan Slavs remains an area of mystery, being revealed only by painstaking reconstruction from the scant sources available to researchers today. One god who has emerged from the mists of time is the thunder-god Perun.... more
Mitologia Nordică.
Mituri și legende povestite de Elena-Maria Morogan
Ilustrate de Constantin Mara
Mituri și legende povestite de Elena-Maria Morogan
Ilustrate de Constantin Mara
The reception of the Poetic Edda in Germany is as long as it is ambiguous. The remote connection of Germanic and Scandinavian culture and literature led to a distinctive, symptomatic identification with Nordic mythology and the Poetic... more
Vortrag von Miriam Jolien Blümel M.A. für den „Arbeitskreis für Vergleichende Mythologie e.V.“ in Kooperation mit dem „Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2014“ mit der freundlichen Unterstützung des Bestattungshaus Klaus, Leipzig. Leipzig, den 6. Juni... more
*FOR CITATIONS PLEASE USE "SHEILA LOUISE WRIGHT"* Also see the audio/video for this piece here: This paper was written as documentation for the SCA (Society For Creative Anachronism), Kingdom of An Tir Bardic... more
The BA Thesis, entitled "The Disquiet of Death: the Concept of the Afterlife in Norse Mythology", seeks to look into the Norse idea of Death through the analysis of Scandinavian burial customs as represented in Skaldic poetry and the... more
On the religious and theological background of Thór's fishing-expedition.
The myth or tale of the theft of the thunder-instrument from the thunder-god by his adversary (ATU 1148b) is encountered almost exclusively in the Circum-Baltic. It is found in Germanic, Sámic, Finnic and Baltic cultures. It is... more
In 1854 Martin Haug of Heidelberg suggested a root connection between the obscure German god Irmin and the minor Indic god Aryaman. Almost a century later (1952) Jan de Vries of Leiden agreed, with some reservations, and since then this... more
Review article of Anatoly Liberman, In Prayer and Laughter: Essays on Medieval Scandinavian and Germanic Mythology, Literature, and Culture (publ. 2015). Moscow: Paleograph Press. In Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and... more
This article builds on the survey of evidence of ATU 1148b traditions in "Circum-Baltic Mythology?" (2011) with concentration on the Germanic evidence. It argues that Thor's adventure to the home of the giant Geirrøðr is an adaptation of... more
To my knowledge, nobody has drawn together the pan-European evidence about the image of the two mythical goats of Norse god Thor in Viking-Age burial gifts’ traditions in such a manner, as I will attempt. A further aim was to assess the... more
Texto-base para o mini-curso Introdução ao estudo da mitologia e religiosidade dos Vikings, UFSJ, MG, 8 a 11 de julho de 2008. Uma das maiores dificuldades para os estudantes de graduação em História e ciências humanas no Brasil -os que... more
In the 1990s, a musical sub-culture known as Norwegian Black Metal made an artistic and sonic impact with its shrieking tones, evil aesthetic, and transgressive ideology. It also made international headlines with a wave of domestic... more
Criticising Halldór Stefánsson’s 1993 article on Japanese Reception of Old Scandinavian Mythology in Manga media, this paper surveys the tradition of artistic visualisation of Scandinavian Mythology, which leads to recognise Japanese... more
The ethnic origens of Cumans and Kipchaks, who have played an important role in history, are one of the complex problems of Turcology. While most scholars who study the Kipchak-Kumans agree that they are a Turkish nomadic confederation,... more
I. Vikinški staronordijski književni likovi BALDR & FREYJA & ODIN & PROROČICA ČAROBNICA VOLVA & TOR u PJESNIČKOJ VJEŽBENICI ANALITIČKE MITOLOŠKE ČITANKE. Primjeri namijenjeni sveučilištarcima slušateljima nacionalnih jezika s... more
Our study aims to reflect on the images of Ragnarök in the British area during the late Middle Ages. The main sources are images carved in crosses, funerary sculptures and reliefs in blocks. As the main methodology, we analyze the... more
"Ollodagos", vol. XXX, 2014, p. 37-60. Tout au long de sa vie, Honorius Augustodunensis est revenu sur l'idée de l'homme comme microcosme. Mais dans son premier essai à ce sujet, il emploie une série de métaphores dans ce sens, encadrant... more
The thesis is about an Old-Norse practice called seiðr, which was performed as a prophetic and magical ritual, according to some authors similarly to shamanic ones. The emphasis is put on information obtained from the Old-Norse textual... more
In her recent survey of evidence of the so-called clay-paw rite on the Åland Islands, Kristin Ilves (2019) advances a new interpretation connecting it with the seal. Ilves valuably draws attention to the problem that interpretations of... more
Nærværende syntese dybdeanalyserer oprindelse og spredning af de trekantede grave (treodder, treuddar) med det langsigtede formål, at fortolke gravtypens betydning i en kontekst omkring det nordiske folks udvikling og spredning i... more
This essay argues that Wodan is the regnator omnium deus of Tacitus’ Germania 39.
andreas nordberg: Fornnordisk religionsforskning mellan teori och empiri: kulten av anfäder, solen och vegetationsandar i idéhistorisk belysning. Uppsala: Kungl. gustav adolfs akademien för svensk folkkultur 2013. 426 sider. iSBn... more
The Mysteries of Ancient Lands , Islands , Mountains of Old have amazed scholar to laymen since the beginning of teachings from Mysterie religions to initiations under the moonlight in a field in Greece under the watch of Zues and Artemis... more
Partant d'un légendaire présentant la shieldmaiden comme mythe du troisième genre inévitablement voué à une «féminisation», nous étudierons comment Lagertha se renouvelle de manière problématique dans la série télévisée; d'une part, le... more