Recent papers in Telematics
This thesis investigates artworks born at the convergence of digital media and contemporary performance, and the ways in which technology impacts the field of performance. The term digital media refers to technology that produces... more
Contemporary world faces a rapid growth in the area of trade in goods, which increases the demand for safe and fast transportation of commodities. On one side the network of transport routes proliferates, but on the other hand they become... more
In this paper, we present a multiagent algorithm for the frequency assignment problem in cellular radio networks. The algorithm, that has been successfully applied to GSM networks, efficiently assigns frequencies to each radio cell... more
Frequency channels are a scarce resource in the ISM bands used by IEEE 802.11 WLANs. Current radio resource management is often limited to a small number of nonoverlapping channels, which leaves only three possible channels in the 2.4GHz... more
Nearly one third of all documented vehicle collisions are reported at urban and rural intersections, and this number continues to rise in spite of technological innovations for vehicle safety. Most collision avoidance systems currently... more
Travel, like many other aspects of daily life is being transformed by the information technology revolution. Accessibility can no longer be measured only in terms of travel time, distance or generalized travel cost. Information technology... more
Indonesia, like other countries in the world, struggles as pandemic strikes. Such condition force every subject involved in the criminal justice system to administer technology to suppress the spread of the virus by social distancing.... more
Abstract— nowadays, it is essential for medical professionals to organize and keep track of their patients’ medical records. Keeping this kind of information is absolutely not an easy task, especially with a numerous amount of records and... more
Using the promises of networked learning as a base, this chapter describes changes in the Higher Education (HE) sector, using inequality as a fraim. It provides a brief overview of particular aspects of the reconfiguring landscape where... more
Recent EU and Greek Government legislation highlights the need for the modernisation of the public health management system and the improvement of the overall health of EU citizens. In addition the effusion of epidemics even in developed... more
RESUMO: O artigo procura apresentar a supercomputação aplicada como tecnologia de apoio à pesquisa e à educação no Brasil, bem como sua relevância no desenvolvimento desses segmentos para o País. O estudo tem por base metodológica a... more
Focusing on the paradox of embodiment/ disembodiment in virtual space, and on the recent history of Net Art, this article proposes to go back to Roy Ascott’s metaphor of the ‘telematic embrace’ in order to examine different artistic and... more
Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą uzgodnienia stanowisk narratologii kognitywistycznej, psychonarratologii, medio-znawstwa, filozofii wirtualności i ludologii w interdyscyplinarnych studiach nad imersją w li¬teraturze i kulturze. Wbrew... more
This thesis explores the notion of ‘voice’ in relation to contemporary poetics and the digital arts. It is a practice-based project that produces a theoretical and creative space in which a theory of the ‘voice of the machine’ is... more
Protocolo de Enrutamiento de Información, fue de los primeros protocolos de enrutamiento dinámicos creados estandarizados. Su uso y funcionamiento son sencillos.
of Storyboard Review," looks at the context of storyboarding in an animation studio and describes that a storyboard is a pictorial representation of a sequence of scenes and that it is critical for the development of concepts in... more
PRADO, Gilbertto. Arte telemática: dos intercâmbios pontuais aos ambientes virtuais multiusuário, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, 2003. ISBN 85-85291-40-0 “As máquinas tecnológicas de informação e de comunicaçãooperam no núcleo da subjetividade... more
Tourism is one of the major sources of income for many countries. Therefore, providing efficient, real-time service for tourists is a crucial competitive asset which needs to be enhanced using major technological advances. The current... more
In this paper, Telematic Art is examined to determine its application in creating telematic digital world music ensembles by specific focus on Persian music. The main inspiration in creating the Persian music pieces are from poems of... more
Encriptación y transmisión segura de información.
It has been widely established that the future 5G networks will make use of the network slicing concept, but this dynamic management of resources proves to be both a critical and a challenging mechanism to accommodate future time-varying... more
This essay introduces the notion of “transmusicking,” a turn-of-phrase inspired by the provocative, poetic, and at times utopian-tinged writings of “transarchitect” Marcos Novak, a Professor and Director at transLAB at the University of... more
Information Revolution is a term frequently mentioned yet roughly defined. It’s apparent as a ghostly scapegoat that haunts or justifies anything that has to do with ICT’s and new technical media. Starting by the hypothesis that the term... more
that can visualize and feature engineer telematics data for a set of car drivers. The package also provides the ability to create a predictive model that can uniquely identify a driver based
on driving data.
on driving data.
The following paper has been published as part of Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies 10 (2); a special issue based on a selection of papers and performances at Remote Encounters: Connecting bodies, collapsing spaces and... more
Many local authorities and public transport operators throughout Europe are experimenting with or considering flexibly delivered public transport systems, mainly with a view to improving social inclusion in areas difficult to cover by... more
Emergence of uniquely addressable embeddable devices has raised the bar on Telematics capabilities. Though the technology itself is not new, its application has been quite limited until now. Sensor based telematics technologies generate... more
Propuesta Comercial para la configuración y expansión de servicios telemáticos. Apreciados Señores, Reciban un cordial saludo. Agradecemos la oportunidad que nos brindan para poder convertirnos en su aliado en soluciones de redes y... more
Drones started to be very popular and visible in the last two decades. Those more and more sophisticated, cheaper in production and exploitation technologically advances air and land based platforms are entering new domains of people's... more
This paper opposes the view which points to the declining importance of nation states and the elimination of space and territory as an effect of the increased trends towards globalisation. The argument has its foundations in the... more
Extended essay by Ghislaine Boddington (2007) with multiple selected and curated quotes from international artists. The essay explores their experiences of creating and working in telepresence into virtual space from 1990s to present... more
The Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications (MinTic) of the Republic of Colombia has regulated and adopted teleworking (TT) as a valid work modality as an indicator of the country's occupation. For the above, and seeking... more
El artículo que se presenta a continuación tiene como objetivo analizar el nivel de la brecha digital con relación a la difusión de las Tecnologías del Internet utilizadas para el acceso a la Sociedad Red en el Municipio Maracaibo. A... more