grep basics
This article introduces some tools, especially grep
, a Linux® command-line
tool that you can use to search directories or files that match specified
regular expressions.
What is grep
?Official answer:
searches the named input files (or standard input if you don't
specify a file or use a single hyphen (-) as the filename)
for lines containing a match to the given pattern. By default, grep
prints the matching lines.
Nicer answer:
Search a file, directory, or output for something specific, similar to
Ctrl + f in Windows®. Use this function to target exactly
what you need.
Often, the easiest way to show how a command works, is with examples.
You can see all users in the /etc/passwd file with the following command:
# cat /etc/passwd
mysql:x:27:27:MariaDB Server:/var/lib/mysql:/sbin/nologin
Using grep
, you can narrow down that list to find a single user.
Find a specific user:
List the users but filter the output showing only the line with sher in it.
# cat /etc/passwd | grep 'sher'
Or, find the same user with a single command:
# grep 'sher' /etc/passw
In the following example, find all users with bash access:
# grep 'bash' /etc/passwd
Like most Linux commands, grep
uses flags, usually one or more
letters preceded by one or more dashes, to add extra functionality.
: Show everything that does not include the specified
search pattern:
# grep -v 'nologin' /etc/passwd
: Show matches, ignoring the case, which is useful when
you don't know exactly what you need:
# grep -i 'SHER' /etc/passwd
Search for multiple patterns
uses the pipe symbol (|) to mean or allowing you to search
for more than one thing at a time. Use one of the following methods
to search for several things at once:
\: Escapes the next character, a pipe (|) allowing it to work as or:
# grep 'sher\|rack' /etc/passwd
-E: Interprets special characters, such as | as or:
# grep -E 'sher|rack' /etc/passwd
The egrep
command does the same thing:
# egrep 'sher|rack' /etc/passwd
Combining flags
You can use various flags in combination to refine a search.
The following example shows all users who aren't sher or rack,
regardless of the case of the pattern of file content:
# egrep -vi 'SHER|RACK' /etc/passwd
Practical examples
The following sections cover other uses for grep
and introduce other useful commands.
Ignore comments
In Linux, you comment out lines by adding the pound symbol (#) at the
beginning of the line. This way, you can add your own notes, and scripts or programs
ignore the comments and do not execute those lines.
To display files ignoring those comments, use tbe following command:
# grep -v ^'#' /file
You can even run a grep
on top of another grep
For example, list a file ignoring commented lines, and then look for something specific:
# grep -v ^'#' /file | grep 'hello'
Search history
Most Linux systems keep a log of executed commands, which you can access with
the command history
. When you combine history
with grep
, you can very
effectively investigate what has been run on your system so far.
Check the passwd
commands run and other commands containing the
passwd pattern:
# history | grep 'passwd'
Find commands run on a specific day:
# history | grep '2021-05-10'
Check which commands ran at a specific time:
# history | grep '2021-05-10 11:00:'
Check ports and root login
List the web traffic running on ports 80
and 443
# netstat -plnt | egrep '80|443'
You can use ^ in a grep
command to show only those lines
starting with your search pattern.
For example, run the following command to check whether the system allows
root logins:
# grep ^'Permit' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Search logs with head and tail
Use top
to show the first ten lines of the login attempts log:
# head /var/log/secure
Use tail
to show the lines at the end of the login attempts log:
# tail /var/log/secure
Use the last
command to show the first ten lines of the most recent logins:
# last | head -10
Use the tail -f
to watch a file grow in real time. For example, you can see
the most recent login attempts and watch ongoing attempts. If someone tries to
log in, you can see it as it happens with the following command:
# tail -f /var/log/secure
Ctrl + C to exit
Other tools
You can experiment with your newfound skills by using the tools in this section.
vim or nano
, vim
, and nano
are the most common text editors in Linux.
You can use them to edit a file, similar to using Notepad in Windows.
Open up and create a new file, test:
# vim /test
Actions | Key sequence | Explanation |
To start typing new content: | i | Prepare to insert text |
To exit without saving: | Esc :q! | Escape insert mode and quit |
To exit and save: | Esc :wq! | Escape insert mode, write, and quit |
is a simple command that tells Linux to repeat what you just typed.
This is effective for testing grep
commands without first creating a new file.
For example, make hello display:
# echo 'hello'
Display hello and search for the middle letters:
# echo 'hello' | grep 'ell'
You can even use echo
to display multiple lines by using -e
and \n
add new lines.
Display hi and ho on separate lines:
# echo -e 'hi\nho'
Display hi and ho on separate lines and search for hi:
# echo -e 'hi\nho' | grep 'hi'
Like grep
, sed
has many uses, but you primarily use this command to
search for and replace specified content. Here are some basic examples of how
to single out specific lines:
First, Use vim
to create a file:
# vim /test
When the editor opens, enter the following lines:
1 Hi
2 How
3 Are
4 You
Display the new file:
# cat test
1 Hi
2 How
3 Are
4 You
Use sed
to return everything except the first line:
# sed 1d test
2 How
3 Are
4 You
Return only the first line:
# sed 1q test
# sed '1!d' test
1 Hi
Return only the second to fourth lines:
# sed '2,4!d' test
2 How
3 Are
4 You
There are many other tools that you can use, such as awk
, cut
, sort
, xargs
and so on. Now that you know how to create a file by using echo
, you can
experiment more effectively with them.
Updated 10 days ago