643 - L'Anglais Des Affaires Pour Les Nuls
643 - L'Anglais Des Affaires Pour Les Nuls
643 - L'Anglais Des Affaires Pour Les Nuls
L’anglais des
Claude Raimond
L’anglais des affaires pour les Nuls
« Pour les Nuls » est une marque déposée de John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
« For Dummies » est une marque déposée de John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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ISBN : 978-2-412-05377-5
ISBN numérique : 978-2-412-05698-1
Dépôt légal : janvier 2020
Correction : Jacqueline Rouzet
Mise en page : Soft Office
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» nombreux homonymes ;
Organisation du livre
Le livre répartit le vocabulaire professionnel et ses
modalités d’utilisation sur trois parties divisées en
chapitres. Ces chapitres sont écrits en anglais avec
des aménagements vous permettant de les
Ces commentaires portent sur des mots ou groupes
de mots figurant dans les textes. Quatre sous-
sections portent chacune sur une classe de
commentaires : prononciation, confusions
possibles, associations de mots fréquentes,
ressemblances utiles avec le français. Les fragments
de texte sont reproduits et commentés dans l’ordre
d’apparition à l’intérieur des textes.
Les différences
Cette classe de commentaires est intitulée Un
homme averti en vaut deux. Elle vous met en garde
contre des erreurs résultant de la méconnaissance
de certaines différences.
Des passerelles
Après avoir vu les difficultés que présente l’anglais,
voici un peu de réconfort ! Ce chapitre vous montre
des formes ou des mots proches du français que
nous comprenons aussitôt et pouvons utiliser sans
Lexique anglais/français
La troisième section donne une traduction française
des mots ou expressions en gras dans les textes ou
commentaires. Un même terme peut figurer dans
un autre chapitre et dans son lexique avec un sens
Et maintenant…
Informé en détail sur le contenu du livre, vous
pouvez l’utiliser à votre guise. Un chapitre comble
d’éventuelles lacunes lexicales ou grammaticales,
consolide et développe vos connaissances, mais sa
lecture ne conditionne pas la compréhension des
autres. La seule raison qui pourrait vous inciter à
tout lire d’un bout à l’autre, c’est qu’ainsi vous
seriez sûr de n’avoir rien oublié.
» L’importance du CV
» La lettre de motivation
» Pensez à Internet
» L’entrevue
Un mail encourageant
After sending dozens of letters in response to job
ads in the trade press, you received a number of
replies, some bluntly rejecting your application,
others extolling your credentials (qualifications) but
mentioning with regret that a candidate more
suitable has been selected and wishing you good
luck with your job search. You were beginning to
despair when the following e-mail finally arrived.
From : Caroline Weatherspoon
Mr Bourgeois,
Best regards,
Forme du CV et de la lettre
The above paragraph underscores (underlines)
issues to consider when defining the content of the
two documents materialising your application: your
résumé, also called CV, your cover letter, also called
motivation letter.
Congratulations ! You’ve passed the first hurdle
(barrier, obstacle). You are invited to an interview.
Now how do you prepare for it? Again, suppose you
were the interviewer instead of the interviewee and
ask yourself how you would handle a dozen or so
applicants. They already have undergone a pre-
selection process based on the analysis of their
letters and CVs, and have been ranked according to
predefined criteria.
Prononcez correctement !
…We would like to reach – reach/rich. Entraînez-
vous à marquer la distinction entre voyelles
longues/courtes : peach/pitch, sleet/slit, read/rid,
bead/bid, treacle/trickle.
Des passerelles
…people are ill at ease – De nombreuses
expressions anglaises utilisent ill avec le même
sens que des expressions françaises contenant mal
ou mauvais : ill at ease, ill humour, ill-humoured, ill-
assorted, ill-conceived, ill-defined, ill-disposed, ill-treat
v, ill-treatment, ill-gotten (ill-gotten goods never
prosper). Mais ill will (animosity, hostility) est plus
négatif que mauvaise volonté, et goodwill
(friendliness, kindness) a un sens plus large que
bonne volonté. Goodwill est aussi le prix
supplémentaire payé pour la réputation d’une
firme que l’on rachète (en français survaleur ou
abreast de front
accuracy exactitude
actuality réalité
ad annonce
ahoy ohé
amidst au milieu de
applicant candidat
application candidature
awash inondé
awry de travers
bead perle
bid offre
coarse cru
complete (a réaliser (une vente)
convict détenu
credentials qualifications
daunting redoutable
eagerness empressement
edge avantage
eventually finalement
forthcoming à venir
gaol prison
gaolbird prisonnier
genuine authentique
glue colle
hire embaucher
hurdle haie, obstacle
jail prison
peach pêche
proofread relire
purport prétendre
require nécessiter
rid débarrasser
riot émeute
shareholder actionnaire
slit trancher
staff personnel
stage stade
stockholder actionnaire
tentative préliminaire
treacle mélasse
trick truc
trickle ruisseler
trigger déclencher
underscore souligner
upheaval soulèvement
wool laine
Chapitre 2
Les trajets
» Trajets
» Covoiturage
» Télétravail
Eileen :
Sabrina :
Eileen :
Sabrina :
Prononcez correctement !
…During a coffee-break – break : même
prononciation que brake. De même : steak/stake,
Des passerelles
…you depend on public transports – transport n,
transport v ont tous les sens propres et figurés des
mots français transport, transporter. Le mot anglais
transportation est synonyme de transport au sens
Vocabulaire anglais/français
bead perle
bid offre
blacksmith forgeron
brake frein
chirp pépier
cobbler cordonnier
conundrum dilemme
cue signal
dramatic spectaculaire
footwear chaussures
forebear ancêtre
forefather ancêtre
foster encourager
gather rassembler
graveyard cimetière
grate râper
hammer marteler
heal guérie
herald annoncer
hill colline
hone affuter
inhabit habiter
intern stagiaire
internship stage
landmark repère
meal repas
mill moulin
miller meunier
motorway autoroute
outskirts faubourgs
pathetic pitoyable
pedestrian piéton
pilgrimage pèlerinage
premise prémisse
premises locaux
produce produire
quandary embarras
reap récolter
revolve tourner
rip déchirer
setup arrangement
spurt jaillir
stagger chanceler
stake enjeu
standstill arrêt
stint passage
straddle enjamber
suburb banlieue
sweep balayer
thigh cuisse
twitter gazouiller
uninhabitable inhabitable
unleash déchaîner
upstream en amont
ware poterie
wheat froment
whore putain
wit esprit
Chapitre 3
Réunions internes
Exemple de réunion
Participants are department managers at the
regional office of a sizeable (fairly large) provider of
IT services. They meet every Monday morning
at 10 a.m. sharp (at exactly 10 a.m.) to review
ongoing projects and discuss new business
opportunities. John, as head (chief) of the regional
office, chairs (presides over) the meeting. Other
participants are Mohammed, who heads the group
of personal computer and networking specialists;
Elisabeth, whose team of object-oriented
programmers participates in projects requiring a
high level of technical expertise ; Margaret, the
sales manager ; Patricia, who heads a large pool of
programmers and analysts ; and Alan, who handles
budgets and accounting and closely monitors the
costs incurred by (associated with) and the revenue
accrued from (resulting from) each project.
John :
Alan :
John :
Elisabeth :
Margaret :
John :
Margaret :
Mohammed :
Alan :
Margaret :
John :
Margaret :
John :
Prononcez correctement !
…a large pool of programmers – Pool contient un
son de voyelle long comme tool, mood, moot, root,
boot, rule. Des oreilles françaises peuvent confondre
pool et pull.
Des passerelles
…a high level of technical expertise – expert (skilled
and knowledgeable in a specialised area) et expertise
(expert skill or knowledge in a specific field) ont
une partie des sens de leurs homologues français.
Pour les autres sens, les mots qui conviennent sont
assessor (person who assesses something or
someone, for instance insurance assessor) et
assessment (evaluation). Expertiser est en anglais to
Vocabulaire anglais/français
acceptance test test de réception
accounting comptabilité
accrue résulter
addressee destinataire
area domaine
assess estimer
assessment estimation
assessor expert
assignment mission
at stake en jeu
available disponible
belated en retard
belong appartenir
chair présider
commit to s’engager à
committed engagé
complete achever
completion achèvement
concern souci
crop up surgir
deem considérer
delay retard
delighted ravi
depending on selon
eat up dévorer
encryption chiffrement
flat à plat
following suivant
forecast prévision
foreseeable prévisible
grape raisin
handle traiter
harmful néfaste
harvest vendange, moisson, récolte
impact incidence
imply impliquer
incur entraîner
induce inciter à
kind sorte
knee-jerk automatique
level niveau
meeting réunion
monitor surveiller
moot incertain, sujet à discussion
obviously évidemment
outdated périmé
overshoot dépasser
pool groupe
pull tirer
purpose intention
raven corbeau
referee arbitre
root racine
rug couverture
settle régler
shareholder actionnaire
size dimension
soften adoucir
stiff sévère
supplier fournisseur
theft vol
to my knowledge à ma connaissance
trigger déclencher
unfortunate malencontreux
utter exprimer
virtually pratiquement
weekly hebdomadaire
within à l’intérieur de
» Penser à sa retraite
Exemple pratique
d’indemnité de retraite
Any person who has worked in the USA, paid
contributions to Social Security, worked a total
number of years in the USA and elsewhere large
enough to be eligible, receives retirement benefits
after reaching retirement age.
* **
Your New Benefit Amount
– The amount we are deducting for US federal
taxes is
La retraite et l’individu
Retirement is a subject some people don’t worry
about, since they are too busy and focused on the
challenges and rewards of the present to think
about such a remote (distant, far-away) part of their
life. But in the minds of a large majority, retiring is
the obligatory counterpart of working. Some don’t
enjoy working and find solace (comfort, consolation)
in dreaming about the freedom (latitude, leeway,
liberty) they’ll enjoy once it’s over for good, others
like (enjoy) working and are wary of idleness and
boredom (ennui, dullness) beyond their active life,
yet others concentrate on financial aspects and
make plans to live comfortably as retirees.
La retraite, un problème de
The amount of money available during retirement
determines the degree of freedom in answering all
other questions. This amount depends on many
factors on which individuals have little control. In
most advanced societies, planning for retirement is
not left entirely to each person, contribution to a
pension plan is enforced on both employers and
employees, and rules and safeguards make sure
abuse (wrongdoings), economic and other upheavals
(disruptions) will not reduce retirees to poverty.
Prononcez correctement !
…large enough to be eligible – eligible. Les suffixes
ible et able n’influent pas sur le placement de
l’accent tonique : to digest → digestible, indigestible,
horror → horrible, to believe → believable, unbelievable,
to inhabit → inhabitable, uninhabitable, to elect →
electable. Certains mots terminés par ces suffixes ne
dérivent pas clairement d’un autre mot, et dans ce
cas l’accent est placé sur une syllabe antérieure :
eligible, formidable ou formidable.
Des passerelles
…in the minds of a large majority – A large majority,
the silent majority, in the majority of cases, to attain the
age of majority, mêmes sens et mêmes constructions
qu’en français.
beet betterave
boredom ennui
collapse s’effondrer
compulsory obligatoire
contribution cotisation
decade décennie
feat exploit
framework cadre
health santé
heap tas
insurance assurance
mandatory obligatoire
neurogenesis neurogenèse
peat tourbe
prejudice préjugé
rank grade
reap récolter
retirement retraite
securities titres
tax impôt
trophy trophée
» L’accueil téléphonique
“Welcome to Biggafone.
“Dial the ten digits of the fixed line for which you
are calling our assistance service”
Conversations téléphoniques
The telephone is great (very convenient) for any
discussion with people we already know, because
the sound of a familiar voice causes us to see a
person in our mind's eye, which our memory and
our imagination supply with an animated picture in
keeping with (reflecting) the evolution and the tone
of the conversation.
In professional life however, most phone
conversations take place between persons who
haven’t met, but tacitly agree to speak together for
a specific purpose. For the exchange to be
satisfactory, something must be done to
compensate for the fact that the talkers don’t know
and don’t see each other. A ritual has emerged that
applies equally to all kinds (sorts) of professions
and situations. Following it goes a long way
towards the efficient use of the telephone.
Répondre au téléphone
Anyone answering a call in a professional context
should have three goals in mind :
» make a good first impression on the caller
Prononcez correctement !
…Biggafone, a large telephone operator – Attention
à la position des accents toniques primaire et
secondaires : telephone operator.
…one of the items in the chain breaks down – A
driver brakes to slow down his or her car. Breaks et
brakes sont des homophones, comme steak et stake.
Vocabulaire anglais/français
acknowledge confirmer la réception ou
breed susciter
caller appelant
cash dispenser automate bancaire
compel obliger
convenient commode
goal but
greeting salutation
intersection carrefour
lose perdre
moron demeuré
pain reliever médicament contre la douleur
pertain concerner
plug brancher
prescription ordonnance
relevant approprié
speed vitesse
spell épeler
stage stade
swift rapide
telly télé
TV télé
unplug débrancher
widow veuve
Chapitre 6
Rapports, mémos et e-mails
» Écueils à éviter
T spoken
he preceding chapter dealt with business English
over the phone and focused on
communication with outside contacts, as opposed
to discussions among members of an organisation.
By contrast, this chapter pertains (is dedicated) to
written documents circulating inside an
organisation to guide or facilitate its operations.
These are reports, memos and e-mails, all three
abundantly used in most organisations. Reports and
memos are by nature internal documents. E-mails
are used both among members of the organisation
and for communications with outsiders. In the
latter case, they often replace letters, and have the
same value as proof in the eventuality of litigation.
Exemple de mémo
1) Garbage sorting.
Exemple d’e-mail
To : Melanie Stringstop
Hello Melanie,
478 811 42 88
Prononcez correctement !
…in the eventuality of litigation – eventuality.
Accent tonique principal sur la syllabe a. (Event,
eventual, eventually.)
Des passerelles
…the information should be convincing and well
presented – presented : Les sens de la famille de
mots present n + a + v, presentation, presentable,
represent sont les mêmes que ceux des mots présent
n + a, présenter, présentation, présentable, représenter.
Vocabulaire anglais/français
actually en fait
address traiter
battery pile
bin poubelle
can boîte
car-pooling covoiturage
downside inconvénient
downstream en aval
drawback inconvénient
focused focalisé
footprint empreinte
foreseeable prévisible
further ultérieur
garbage ordures
herd troupeau
inflate gonfler
join rejoindre
keen enthousiaste
laudable méritoire
lick lécher
litigation contentieux
loss perte
meaningful significatif
pack meute
pedestrian piéton
pertain to concerner
plant usine
praiseworthy méritoire
premises locaux
recipient destinataire
reminder rappel
reward récompenser
sensitive sensible
shred déchiqueter
speed up accélérer
striking frappant
stringent strict
survey enquête
target cible
with a view to en vue de
Chapitre 7
La comptabilité
» Rôle de la comptabilité
» Documents comptables
» Ratios
» Étapes d’évolution
Current assets
Cash 50,000.00
Inventory 100,000.00
Long-term assets
Building 300,000.00
Depreciation (50,000.00)
Current liabilities
Long-term liabilities
= $950,000.00 - $400,000.00 = $550,000.00
Rubriques du compte
Revenue (turnover) includes goods and services sold
during the accounting period. In the case of a
manufacturing company, the cost of goods sold
includes all personnel expenses (salaries,
benefits…) incurred in manufacturing, as well as
the cost of the parts that go into finished products.
In the case of a retail company, the cost of goods
sold will be the initial value of inventory, plus that
of goods purchased, minus the value of inventory at
the end of the period.
Rubriques du bilan
Current assets are the sum of cash and cash
equivalents (money in the bank or safe (secure) and
very liquid investments), accounts receivable,
inventory, marketable securities (stocks and
bonds), prepaid expenses, and any assets that could
be converted to cash in less than one year.
Ratios élémentaires
The current ratio is the ratio of current assets to
current liabilities. It gives a measure of a firm’s
ability to pays its short term debts. A ratio < 1 may
indicate difficulties to meet obligations and thus a
risk of bankruptcy, but not necessarily so. For
example, if a firm’s long-term prospects are
outstanding, it might easily obtain loans to finance
its present operations, an approach called leverage.
La comptabilité hier,
aujourd’hui et demain
Accounting may not be the oldest profession (trade,
metier, occupation), but it is very ancient. Five
millenaries ago, bookkeepers of Sumeria used
tokens of clay and envelopes of the same material
to record inventories (stocks) or transactions. This
system later evolved into markings on tablets to
indicate the nature of the goods. By 3000 BC, this
symbolic representation had become the first
known form of written language, allowing the
Sumerians to record history and produce a written
Prononcez correctement !
…reflecting in some detail its assets (what it owns),
its liabilities (what it owes) – liable, liabilities. Le
suffixe ity provoque un déplacement de l’accent
tonique principal. Autres exemples : credible →
credibility, probable → probability, possible → possibility,
dual → duality, moral → morality, periodic → periodicity,
senile → senility, valid → validity, virgin → virginity.
Notez que ity ne peut pas avoir le même effet sur
les mots d’une syllabe, scarce → scarcity, rare → rarity,
vain → vanity, car l’accent tonique tomberait alors
sur le suffixe lui-même.
Vocabulaire anglais/français
accounting comptabilité
assets actif
bankruptcy faillite
bond obligation
bookkeeping comptabilité
building bâtiment
cardboard carton
cash espèces
clay argile
currency devise
customer client
debt dette
debtor débiteur
earnings gains
executive dirigeant
foster favoriser
integer entier
inventory stock
liabilities passif
loan emprunt
margin marge
potter potier
row ramer
row rangée
row querelle
shareholder actionnaire
sow semer
sow truie
stockholder actionnaire
stocks actions
supplier fournisseur
toe orteil
token jeton
commerciales à des
Many of us have a negative view of sales
presentations, or sales pitches, as they are
commonly called. The phrase ‘sales pitch' brings
to mind the door-to-door salesman who sold our
grandmother her vacuum cleaner, the disruption of
an interesting television programme by a series of
advertising clips, or the intrusion on the phone by a
telemarketer attempting (trying) to sell things we
don’t need and don’t want.
Yet sales pitches are not made only by obnoxious
people interfering with our private lives. We don’t
buy only goods or services. We also buy ideas, we
get enlisted to defend a good cause or are converted
to a new faith by people other than salespersons,
who take us along the path from initial scepticism
to eventual adhesion through the same tactics as
our grandmother’s vacuum-cleaner salesman.
Argumentaires B2B
Sales pitches are not only used to generate sales in
b2c (b-to-c, business to consumer) situations. They
play a major part (role) in b2b (b-to-b, business-to-
business) relations. Actually, the stakes are much
higher in the wider context of business interplay
(interchange, interaction). Grandma won’t buy
another vacuum cleaner any time soon, but an
airline that has purchased a few planes from Airbus
Industries is likely to buy more of the same model :
it makes maintenance as well as training of pilots
and in-flight personnel easier and less costly. New
orders from an existing customer are called repeat
business, requiring much less strenuous (arduous)
sales efforts than new business (first sales). B2b
suppliers therefore strive for (try hard to establish)
long-term, continuously good relationships with
existing customers, hoping for repeat business.
Prononcez correctement !
…sales presentations, or sales pitches – sales is
pronounced exactly like (is a homophone of) sails
(plural of sail n, or 2nd person of sail v). Pitch :
Please do not confuse pitch with peach. Similar risks
of confusion short vowel sound/long vowel sound:
bitch/beach, rich/reach, cock/ coke, not/note. However,
poll and pole are homophones with both a long o
sound as in coke, note. Same for roll and role.
Des passerelles
…a negative view of sales presentations – present a
n v, presenter, presentation mean the same as présent
a n, présentateur, présentation in French.
Vocabulaire anglais/français
advisory de conseil
beach plage
bitch chienne
continual continuel
continually continuellement
continuous continu
devote consacrer
efficacy efficacité
elude échapper
eventual final
excerpt extrait
faith foi
function cérémonie
outcome résultat
participate in participer à
peach pêche
pertaining to relatif à
reach atteindre
roll rouleau
rout déroute
sail n voile
stakes enjeux
strenuous pénible
stumbling block pierre d’achoppement
subject to subordonné à
trout truite
wood bois
Chapitre 9
» Négociations internes
» Styles de négociation
Dynamique de la négociation
The underlying assumption of a negotiation is that
negotiating parties think there is a chance to
benefit from a resulting agreement. This is a
precondition for the start of any negotiation. The
negotiation itself is a gradual exchange of
information about each party’s goals, priorities and
main concerns. The respective goals, priorities and
concerns are never fully compatible, so that each
party has to give up (renounce, abandon) some of its
own objectives to accommodate concerns of the
other. There usually has to be some give and take
on both sides of a negotiation for it to produce an
Styles de négociation
The attitudes and behaviours of negotiators vary
according to the mentality and skills of the
individuals representing the parties concerned as
well as to the extent of their mandate to negotiate.
The relative size of each negotiating entity also
plays a part. A person representing a powerful
company might feel entitled to obtain more
favourable terms from a smaller entity. On the
other hand, a small company is more nimble (agile)
and more adaptable than a large one, and the
negotiator is more likely to be the ultimate decision
maker. He or she may be more eager to secure the
best possible deal and drive a harsher (more ruthless)
negotiation than the representative of a large
Prononcez correctement !
…decisions about longer-term matters (subjects)
such as whether to move to another region of
country – whether is a homophone of two other
words : weather, and wether (castrated ram).
Des passerelles
…there are similarities – similar, similarity, similarly :
same meanings as French similaire, similarité,
Vocabulaire anglais/français
abide by respecter (une loi)
blow coup
casserole cassolette
conversely inversement
dearth pénurie
entitled to autorisé à
eventual final
framework cadre
glut surabondance
hence par suite
hit frapper
morel morille
move mutation
nimble agile
occur se produire
prove s’avérer
rip déchirer
rule règle
sip siroter
skill savoir faire, talent
slip glisser
sorrow chagrin
weep pleurer
» La distribution et Internet
Conversation chez le
Shop owner :
Customer :
Shop owner :
– Just tell me what you need and I’ll see what we
can do.
Customer :
Shop owner :
Customer :
Shop owner :
Customer :
Shop owner :
Customer :
Customer :
Shop owner :
– £21.
Customer :
Customer :
Shop owner :
Customer :
– Charge.
Shop owner :
Customer :
Commerces en ville
Concentrating a large variety of different retail
businesses together in the same area is not a novel
idea. Famous ancient examples are the covered
bazaar of Istanbul first constructed in 1464 or the
Iranian bazaar of Isfahan, which dates back to the
seventeenth century. The Galleria Vittorio
Emanuele II in Milan, built in the nineteenth
century, is a magnificent covered arcade connecting
the Piazza del Duomo to the Piazza della Scala.
Prononcez correctement !
…The one that’s installed is 150cm and it’s too
short – too has two homophones : preposition to
and number two.
Des passerelles
…The density of the dry food changes from on
brand (make) to the next – density, dense : same
meanings as French homologues. Used informally,
dense can also means stupid. It has a derivative that
does not exist in French, the adverb densely.
Vocabulaire anglais/français
abet inciter ou aider (à malfaire)
appall horrifier
battery pile
beet betterave
bitch chienne
complete effectuer
feast festin
fist poing
flat appartement
hassle désagrément
henceforth désormais
hose tuyau
nit lente
recipe recette
rid of débarrasser de
scales balance
scatter éparpiller
seek rechercher
suburban de banlieue
washbasin lavabo
wean sevrer
Chapitre 11
À la banque
» Négocier un prêt
» Internet et la banque
Jonathan Kervill :
Judith Bakerwolt :
Jonathan Kervill :
Judith Bakerwolt :
Jonathan Kervill :
Judith Bakerwolt :
Jonathan Kervill :
Judith Bakerwolt :
Jonathan Kervill :
Judith Bakerwolt :
Jonathan Kervill :
Judith Bakerwolt :
Jonathan Kervill :
Judith Bakerwolt :
“Dear client,
Prononcez correctement !
…you’re applying for (requesting) a loan – loan :
this word rimes with alone, scone, prone, moan and
should not be confused with lawn, which rimes
with yawn, prawn, dawn.
Des passerelles
…your income has grown steadily (regularly) –
regular, regularly : same meanings as régulier,
bogus bidon
congratulate féliciter
dawn aube
elk renne
fake factice
guess deviner
hassle tracas
hollyhock rose trémière
issue émettre
knead pétrir
lawn gazon
loan emprunt
mandatory obligatoire
mess up salir
moan gémir
mood humeur
owner propriétaire
pet animal de compagnie
phishing hameçonnage
plunder dévaliser
puppy chiot
repay rembourser
stuffy étouffant
withdraw retirer
withdrawal retrait
yawn bailler
Deux bouées de sauvetage
L ’élaboration
d’une phrase est un processus
Notre subconscient sélectionne
chaque mot dans des ensembles de formes ayant un
point commun mais présentant des différences :
formes d’un verbe variables selon la personne ou le
temps, substantif, verbe, adjectif ou adverbe de
même racine, mots exprimant diverses nuances
d’une même idée, mots de sonorités voisines mais
distincts par le sens, mots de même sens dans des
langues différentes.
Attention ! Les mots sont parfois suivis
d’abréviations pour vous aider à savoir s’il s’agit
d’un verbe (v), d’un adjectif (a) ou d’un nom (n),
d’un mot au pluriel (pl).
central, centralisation, centralise, centrally, centre
(n v) ; certain, certainly, certitude, clarification ;
clarify, clarity, clear ; client, clientele ; comme ci,
comme ça ; comme il faut ; comparable,
comparative, comparatively, comparator, compare,
comparison ; condition (n v), conditional ;
contribute, contribution, contributor ; conversation,
conversational, converse v ; correspond,
correspondence, correspondent ; coup d’état ; coup
de grace ; crisis ; cycle ; de rigueur ;
gradual, gradually
Vocabulaire français/anglais
Français Anglais ( + chapitre)
à l’intérieur de within 3
à ma connaissance to my knowledge 3
à plat flat 3
abrupt steep 4
accélérer speed up 6
accueillir entertain 6
achèvement completion 3
achever complete 3
actif assets 7
actionnaire shareholder 1, 3
actionnaire stockholder 1, 7
actions stocks 7
adoucir soften 3
affuter hone 2
agile nimble 9
aider (à malfaire) abet 10
annonce ad (advertisement) 1
annoncer herald 2
appartenir belong 3
appelant caller 5
approprié relevant 5
aptitude knack 11
arbitre referee 3
arrangement setup 2
arrêt standstill 2
arrivée advent 10
arriver à reach 1
assurance insurance 4
atteindre reach 1, 8
attirer lure 11
au milieu de amidst 1
authentique genuine 1
automatique knee-jerk 3
autorisé à entitled to 9
avantage edge 1
avoir besoin de require 3
balance scales 10
balayer sweep 2
banlieue suburb 2
bâtiment building 7
biologique organic 2
bois wood 8
boîte can 6
bouillonner gush 2
brancher plug 5
but goal 5
cadre framework 4, 9
candidat applicant 1
candidature application 1
carrefour intersection 5
carton cardboard 7
cérémonie function 8
chanceler stagger 2
chiffrement encryption 3
cible target 6
client customer 7
client potentiel potential customer 1
colle glue 1
comprendre gather 11
comptabilité accounting 3, 7
comptabilité bookkeeping 7
concerné relevant 6
concerner pertain to 5, 6
consacrer devote 8
consentant compliant 11
considérer deem 3
constamment continuously 8
contentieux litigation 6
continu continuous 8
continuel continual 8
continuellement continually 8
continûment continuously 8
corbeau raven 3
cordonnier cobbler 2
correspondance, match 5
cotisation contribution 4
cotisation premium 4
coup blow 9
couverture rug 3
covoiturage car-pooling 2
covoiturage car-pooling 6
création inception 1
d’accord compliant 11
de banlieue suburban 10
de conseil advisory 8
de front abreast 1
de travers awry 1
débarrasser rid 1, 10
débiteur debtor 7
débrancher unplug 5
début inception 1
décennie decade 4
déchaîner unleash 2
décharge landfill 6
déchiqueter shred 6
déchirer rip 2
déchirer rip 9
décider settle 9
déclencher trigger 1, 3
dédié à dedicated to 6
demeuré moron 5
dépasser overshoot 3
dépendant de dependent (up)on 8
déroute rout 8
désagrément hassle 10
désormais henceforth 10
destinataire addressee 3
destinataire recipient 6
destiné à dedicated to 6
détenu convict 1
détestable obnoxious 8
dette debt 7
dévaliser plunder 11
deviner guess 11
devise currency 7
dévorer eat up 3
dilemme conundrum 2
dimension size 3
dirigeant executive 7
disponible available 3
distraire entertain 6
domaine area 3
échange trade 7
échapper elude 8
effectuer complete 10
élection poll 8
embarras quandary 2
embaucher hire 1
émettre issue 11
émeute riot 1
empreinte footprint 6
empressement eagerness 1
emprunt loan 7, 11
en amont upstream 2
en aval downstream 6
en fait actually 6
en jeu at stake 3
en retard belated 3
encourager foster 2
engagé committed 3
enjamber straddle 2
enjeu stake 2, 8
ennui boredom 4
enquête survey 6
enthousiaste keen 6
entier integer 7
entraîner incur 3
entraîner entail 3
épeler spell 5
espèces cash 7
esprit wit 2
esprit mind 5
estimation assessment 3
estimer appraise 3
estimer assess 3
étouffant stuffy 11
évidemment obviously 3
exactitude accuracy 1
exclure rule out 1
expert assessor 3
exploit feat 4
exprimer utter 3
extrait excerpt 8
factice fake 11
faillite bankruptcy 7
famille household 10
famille (de lions) pride 6
faubourgs outskirts 2
favoriser foster 7
féliciter congratulate 11
final eventual 8, 9
finalement eventually 1
focalisé focused 6
fournisseur supplier 3, 7
frappant striking 6
frapper hit 9
gains earnings 7
glisser slip 9
gonfler inflate 6
grade rank 4
groupe pool 3
guérir heal 2
habiter inhabit 2
hameçonnage phishing 11
hebdomadaire weekly 3
horrifier appall 10
humeur mood 11
impliquer imply 3
impôt tax 4
incertain moot 3
incidence impact 3
inciter à induce 3
inférer gather 11
inhabitable uninhabitable 2
inondé awash 1
intention purpose 3
introduire usher in 10
inventaire inventory 10
inversement conversely 9
jaillir spurt 2
jauger appraise 3
jeton token 7
laine wool 1
lente nit 10
leurrer lure 11
malencontreux unfortunate 3
marge margin 7
marge bénéficiaire profit margin 7
métier trade 7
mission assignment 3
mutation move 9
nécessiter require 1
néfaste harmful 3
neurogenèse neurogenesis 4
niveau level 3
nocif harmful 6
nommer appoint 11
obligation bond 7
obligatoire compulsory 4
obligatoire mandatory 4, 11
obliger compel 5
obstacle hurdle 1
offre bid 1, 2
ohé ahoy 1
ordonnance prescription 5
origine inception 1
participer à participate in 8
passage stint 2
passif liabilities 7
pénurie dearth 9
pépier chirp 2
perdre lose 5
personnel staff 1
perte loss 6
piéton pedestrian 2, 6
pile battery 6, 10
piller plunder 11
pitoyable pathetic 2
plage beach 8
pleurer weep 9
poing fist 10
poursuivre pursue 7
pratiquement virtually 3
préjugé prejudice 4
préliminaire tentative 1
prémisse premise 2
présider chair 3
prétendre purport 1
prévisible foreseeable 3, 6
prévision forecast 3
produire produce 2
propriétaire owner 11
provoquer entail 3
qualifications credentials 1
querelle row 7
rangée row 7
râper grate 2
rassembler gather 2
ratio de l’indépendance equity ratio 7
ravi delighted 3
réalité actuality 1
rechercher seek 10
récolter reap 2, 4
récompenser reward 6
redoutable daunting 1
réfections rework 3
règle rule 9
régler settle 3, 9
regrouper pool 3
rejoindre join 6
relatif à pertaining to 8
relire proofread 1
rembourser repay 11
repas meal 2
repère landmark 2
résultat outcome 8
résulter accrue 3
retard delay 3
retirer withdraw 11
retrait withdrawal 11
retraite retirement 4
réunion meeting 3
réunion de direction board meeting 3
rouleau roll 8
salutation greeting 5
s’avérer prove 9
se maintenir endure 4
se pencher stoop 3
se produire occur 9
selon depending on 3
s’engager à commit to 3
sensible sensitive 6
sévère stiff 3
signal cue 2
significatif meaningful 6
solide sturdy 10
somme snooze n 5
sonnerie ring 5
sorte kind 3
souci concern 3
soulèvement upheaval 1
souligner underscore 1
stade stage 1, 5
stage internship 2
stagiaire intern 2
stock inventory 7, 10
strict stringent 6
subordonné à subject to 8
suivant following 3
supposition assumption 4
surabondance glut 9
surgir crop up 3
survaleur goodwill 1
surveiller monitor 3
susciter breed 5
technologie de IT (Information
l’information Technology) 3
tirer pull 3
titres securities 4
tourbe peat 4
tourner revolve 2
tracas hassle 11
traiter handle 3
traiter address 6
trajet commute n 2
trancher slit 1
trophée trophy 4
troupeau herd 6
ultérieur further 6
usine plant 6
venue advent 10
verser pour 10
veuve widow 5
vitesse speed 5
vœu, faire le vœu de vow 7, 9
vol theft 3
À propos de l’auteur
Organisation du livre
Et maintenant…
Un mail encourageant
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Exemple de réunion
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Chapitre 4. La retraite
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Chapitre 5. Le téléphone
Conversations téléphoniques
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Exemple de mémo
Exemple d’e-mail
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Chapitre 7. La comptabilité
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Argumentaires B2B
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Chapitre 9. Négociations
Dynamique de la négociation
Styles de négociation
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Commerces en ville
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Vocabulaire anglais/français
Vocabulaire français/anglais