ID Resolusi Konflik Pengelolaan Sumber Mata PDF
ID Resolusi Konflik Pengelolaan Sumber Mata PDF
ID Resolusi Konflik Pengelolaan Sumber Mata PDF
Yunita Ayu Permatasari K8410063. THE RESOLUTION OF COKRO
REGENCY .Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher and Training Education Faculty Sebelas
Maret University. Surakarta. February 2017.
This study aims to (1) find out the conflicts occurring in Sumber Mata Air
Cokro Tulung Klaten Regency; (2) to know the conflict resolution of water
management at Sumber Mata Air Cokro Tulung Klaten Regency.
This conflict occurred between citizens with citizens, residents with farmers,
farmers with farmers, residents with PDAM Solo and PDAM Klaten, farmers with
PDAM Solo and PDAM Klaten, residents with Drinking Water Factory, farmers
with Drinking Water Factory, and Pemkab Klaten with PDAM Solo . This
research uses descriptive qualitative method with case study approach. Research
data obtained through interview and observation. This study uses Fisher's theory
of conflict levels and sources of conflict.
The results of this study indicate that water in Cokro springs causes conflict
that concerns many parties. Attempts have been made to resolve conflicts such as
deliberation, collaboration, negotiation and mediation. The impact of conflict and
conflict resolution affect the social, economic and environmental conditions in
Cokro village communities.