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THE MIGRANT AS CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR: Joseph Nechvatal interviewed by Thyrza Nichols Goodeve for the Brooklyn Rail
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      ArtArt TheoryContemporary ArtPainting
Thesis Title: Careers and Labour Market Flexibility in Global Industries: The Case of Seafarers The flexibilisation of labour in the global labour market has been a bone of contention among scholars from different disciplines over the... more
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      SociologyGlobalizationQualitative Methods (Sociology)Qualitative methodology
This précis presents a description, critical analysis, and evaluation of the quality, meaning, and significance of Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences (Seidman, 2013).
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      Social SciencesResearch MethodologyQualitative ResearchIn-depth Interviews
Myriads of scholarly sources have studied various aspects of being a bodhisattva; yet few of them look into the practicability of the bodhisattva path in the modern era. The present research discusses the notion of what a bodhisattva is,... more
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      Chinese BuddhismQualitative ResearchIn-depth InterviewsAltruism
E por isso que, no campo «tradicional», as instituições que tomam conta da doença, que estão encarregues de curar, são simultaneamente políticas, 8 Relativamente a Africa, muito tem sido escrito sobre o lugar do «tradicional» nas actuais... more
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      African StudiesOral historyMozambiqueIn-depth Interviews
It was a complicated story of a murder in southern Ohio.
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      JournalismIn-depth InterviewsiPads in education
Hitchcock Annual 20  2015
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisFilm HistoryIn-depth Interviews
"1 Introduction PRINCIPLES AND PLANNING FOR RESEARCH 2 Theoretical Perspectives and Research Methodologies 3 Selecting and Planning Research Proposals and Projects 4 Research Ethics 5 Searching, critically reviewing and using the... more
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      BusinessEthicsEpistemologySocial Research Methods and Methodology
This report is dedicated to courage and knowledge, the two qualities most needed to succeed in any human challenge, especially a job search.

To know more :
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      Job SatisfactionIn-depth InterviewsOnline LearningEmployment
Abstract Background Handovers between hospital and primary healthcare possess a risk for patient care. It has been suggested that the exchange of a comprehensive medical record containing both medical and patient-centered aspects of... more
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      Information SystemsPatient SafetyLearning and TeachingIn-depth Interviews
This thesis (288 pages) represents an qualitative and historic inquiry into the meaning of abortion in present day Norway. The thesis includes new material (interviews with women and men), focused analysis of the relation and dynamics... more
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      Abrahamic ReligionsCultural StudiesGender StudiesFeminist Theory
Issue addressed parkrun is a free, weekly, timed, international mass community 5‐km walk/run event. Unlike other paid events, parkrun attracts populations harder to engage in physical activity (PA) (eg, women, those with... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesHealth PromotionEpidemiology
Keynote delivered for "Holocaust Remembrance and Representation," a conference to aid planning for the first Holocaust museum in Sweden. This is a concise and, I think, quite accessible summary of a way of engaging Holocaust survivors... more
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      TestimonyMuseum StudiesQualitative methodologyPublic History
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesSoviet HistoryHistory and Memory
On March 16, 1996, the author interviewed her mother, Beth Tillmann, about Beth's parents' divorce and her life as a foster child. From detailed notes taken during this phone conversation and from family stories told to the author... more
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      NarrativeAutoethnographyFoster CareIn-depth Interviews
본 연구는 내용중심적인 측면이나 매체중심적인 논의에서 벗어나, 공동체미디어 실천의 존재론적인 조건인 구체적인/물리적인 삶의 공간 속에 공동체미디어 실천을 포지셔닝 하고, 장기간의 참여관찰과 심층인터뷰를 중심으로 한 현장연구를 통해 공동체미디어 실천을 공동체의 형성이라는 관점에서 다각적으로 고찰해 보고자 시도하였다. 연구 결과, 참여자들은 공동체미디어 실천을 계기로 또는 공동체미디어 실천 과정을 경유하면서 공동체적 감수성을... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCommunity MediaIn-depth Interviews
There are many academic publications, based on Western theories, which investigate suffering from spousal loss, which can threaten an individual’s physical health and psychological well-being; however, few studies examine how Buddhists... more
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      Buddhist StudiesBereavementQualitative ResearchIn-depth Interviews
In this paper we present a preliminary and exploratory analysis of a series of in-depth interviews conducted with twenty eight climate scientists. After justifying the need for such research we present some preliminary results. These are... more
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      Climate ChangeIn-depth InterviewsSociology of ScienceSurvey
Over 5.5 million Syrian refugees were forcibly displaced worldwide according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR, 2017), fleeing an inhumane war in their country. Many of them are now facing a different kind of war: they are being accused of... more
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      Social ChangePersonality PsychologyPerceptionMedia Studies
Submitted to Prof. Iglal Ahmed, Qatar University, in 2015.
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      In-depth InterviewsFranceQatarInterview Questions
Recruitment is a managerial function to enroll manpower to augment, replenish, and reinvigorate an organization's human resource base. As the entrepreneurial efficiency and the organizational efficacy depend on the human resources, it is... more
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      Human Resource ManagementIn-depth InterviewsPlacementsHuman Resources
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to extensively report the implications of the global trend of declining fertility rates and an increasingly ageing population. The experiences of childless men are mostly absent from gerontological,... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPsychologyEvolutionary Psychology
This paper explores Israeli backpackers’ travel narratives, in which a profound self-change is recounted. These tourists are construed as narrators, whose identity stories, in which the powerful experience of self-change is constructed... more
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      SociologyAsian StudiesTourism StudiesSelf and Identity
In September 2011, I sent an interview request to William Melvin Kelley, a long forgotten African American writer many had judged too progressive—or not radical enough. He was delighted that a French PhD candidate was dedicating his... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesSegregationAfrican American LiteratureIn-depth Interviews
P ublic parks are designed to provide aesthetically pleasing green spaces where communities can gather for recreation, rest and leisure. Given that communities are not homogenous, user conflict between groups might seem inevitable. The... more
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      HomelessnessUrban PlanningQualitative Health ResearchQualitative Research
Originally German interview, with a preface by Wally Broeker

now translated into English
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      In-depth InterviewsHeinrich EventsPaleooceanograhy
Often, in spite of having the right set of qualifications, technical skills and experiences, certain candidates fails to impress the interviewers during job-interviews. There is no denying of the fact that when it comes to finally secure... more
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      ManagementCareer ManagementCareer Guidance CounselingCareer Guidance
In this unique approach to the field of body studies, author, scholar, and educator Victoria Kannen explores what it means to exist in a body that is constantly on display and subjected to public scrutiny. Kannen examines the interplay of... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
This article illustrates how to create an interview protocol and process that leverages Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems model. In addition to providing the template, the authors also discuss the challenges and opportunities associated... more
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      Qualitative MethodsSocial Systems TheoryQualitative ResearchIn-depth Interviews
Food insecurity is a form of health disparity that results in adverse health outcomes, particularly among disenfranchised and vulnerable populations. Using the culture-centered approach, this article engages with issues of food... more
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      Health CommunicationPovertyFood Security and InsecurityIn-depth Interviews
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      Intercultural CommunicationCross-Cultural AssessmentCross-Cultural PsychologyCross-Cultural Studies
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      In-depth InterviewsInterviews
This study explores the socio-cognitive processes involved in the production of Pakistani music videos with political narratives. The time period of the research is for ten years starting from 2007 to 2017. This study suggests that music... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyMusicMusicology
Planning for a Baby: Pregnancy with IBD: Motherhood with IBD: Our aim is to provide an understanding of the experience of women with... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
יש לי בעיה בעניין זה עם ציורי הדיוקן. עקב עיוותו אני מעדיף תמיד לצייר אנשים הקרובים אליי, המכירים אותי, המוכנים "לבלוע צפרדעים", והמודעים לכוונותיי הטובות. הלוך-הרוח שלי בזמן העבודה הנו של לומד את האדם, של מי שיוצא מתוך הצורה כמתוך... more
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      ArtContemporary ArtPaintingPhilosophy of Art
This study proposes that if regular interview-based investigation into the English language learning strategies is conducted, research into the interviewing process employed to gather that information itself is required. This ’research... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTeaching English as a Second LanguageThai StudiesResearch Methodology
Making Solo Performance’ offers rare ‘insider’ access to the thinking of six UK based, expert solo theatre makers, about how they make their work. It includes emerging and experienced people: Bryony Kimmings, Tim Etchells, Bobby Baker,... more
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      PerformanceIn-depth InterviewsSolo PerformanceTheatre
Articolato in tre parti, il volume offre innanzitutto una descrizione e una valutazione di informazioni emerse dall’osservazione approfondita di casi di contenzione di malati psichiatrici nell’ambito di Servizi Psichiatrici di Diagnosi e... more
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      PsychiatryPsychosisEthnographyMental Health
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      In-depth InterviewsHealthcareEmpirical StudyInterview Questions
Cracking the Coding Interview is the result of my first-hand experience interviewing at top companies. It is the result of hundreds of conversations with candidates. It is the result of the thousands of candidate- and interviewer-... more
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      In-depth InterviewsInterviewingMotivational InterviewingInterviews
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      Women's StudiesBiblical StudiesContemporary ReligionJewish - Christian Relations
The objective of the Club Management Guide is to provide an in-depth study of the daily business activities of a football club; by way of sharing various club methods to current and future club officials of real-life examples from... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationFootball (soccer)
Kirsten Martinus & Dave Hedgcock. Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to highlight the difficulties faced during the interview process in a cross-national qualitative comparative case study between Japan and Australia. It discusses... more
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      Japanese StudiesEthicsSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and Methodology
This user-friendly book provides a step-by-step guide to using the five major approaches to research design: quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and communitybased participatory research. Chapters on each approach follow... more
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      SociologyVisual SociologyPsychologyEducation
This paper aims to research and identify any preconceived notions of ageing in dance. Ageing is inevitable and a phenomenon unique to each individual. The following examines previous literature on this subject, analyzes data collected... more
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      Dance StudiesPhenomenologyPerformanceIn-depth Interviews
This paper seeks three principal things: to reveal something of the enigma that was Henri Lefebvre, to problematise some of the popular claims regarding the utility of his work for empirical research and to provide insights into his... more
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      Urban GeographyPhilosophyEpistemologySocial Research Methods and Methodology
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    • In-depth Interviews
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      Creative WritingJournalismMass CommunicationWriting
Millennials sind die Zukunft der digitalen Transformation, denn ihr Medien­nutzungsverhalten birgt großes wirtschaftliches Potenzial. Trotzdem weiß die Medienindustrie noch immer wenig über die 1981 bis 2000 Geborenen. Erst wenigen... more
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      JournalismDigital MediaDigital JournalismSocial Media
THIS PAPER RECEIVED THE 2020 ARTICLE AWARD FROM THE ORAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Engaging Holocaust survivors primarily as "witnesses" who provide "testimony"--which has long been the prevailing paradigm of practice with survivors--radically... more
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      PsychologyTestimonyNarrativeDigital Media
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