Atmospheric Dynamics & Prediction Branch (Code 7530)
Branch Head:
The Atmospheric Dynamics and Prediction Branch focuses on science and
technology related to the analysis and prediction of atmospheric processes
and phenomena that impact fleet operations. Particular emphasis is placed on
the deterministic and probabilistic prediction of the troposphere, with
increasing interests in air-sea interactions, links to the stratosphere, and
extended range prediction capability. Numerical prediction systems are
developed with state-of-the-art technologies to analyze and assimilate
observations, and to integrate the system in space and time. Theoretical and
numerical models are used to conduct basic research to understand
atmospheric circulations and processes, to investigate fundamental theories
about atmospheric behavior, and to develop foundations for operational
prediction systems used at both central and remote sites.
Data Assimilation Section - Code 7531
Global Modeling Section - Code 7532
Mesoscale Modeling Section - Code 7533