Mesoscale Modeling (Code 7533)
Section Head:
The Mesoscale Modeling Section develops and applies numerical models for the dynamic prediction of atmospheric and oceanographic variables and for fundamental investigations of regional-scale environmental processes, with emphasis on coastal environments, tropical cyclones, topographic effects, air/sea/land interactions, and radar refractivity. The primary models of interest are the NRL-developed Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS®) and COAMPS-TCTM, which is designed to predict tropical cyclone track, intensity, and structure. Both COAMPS and COAMPS-TC include a nonhydrostatic atmospheric model that is coupled with the NRL Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM), Wave Watch III (WWIII), and the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) model. The air-sea-wave models are coupled using the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF). The group is actively developing a next generation spectral element/discontinuous Galerkin model in collaboration with the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). The Non-hydrostatic Unified Model of the Atmosphere (NUMA) is a three-dimensional massively parallel model that uses the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for simulating non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic atmospheric processes.
The Mesoscale Modeling Section is working in these main areas:
- Nonhydrostatic spectral element/discontinuous Galerkin model development
- Tropical cyclone model development, specifically for accurate intensity and structure predictions.
- Atmosphere/ocean circulation/ocean wave coupling.
- Ensemble and adjoint model development for the mesoscale
- Land surface modeling and urban effects.
- Representation of sub-grid-scale orography.
- Sea-surface temperature analysis.
- Embedded aerosol modeling.
- Physical parameterization development (surface layer, boundary layer, turbulence closures, convection, cloud/aerosol microphysics, radiation).
- Dynamical core development (dynamically moving nested grids, lateral and upper boundary conditions, numerical methods for nonhydrostatic models).
- Operational improvements to COAMPS and COAMPS-TC along with the COAMPS-OS® (On Demand System).
- Implementation of software on scalable computer architectures
Theoretical and Process-Based Modeling Studies.
- Mesoscale predictability
- Tropical cyclone dynamics and processes.
- Deep gravity wave propagation generated by orography, convection, and cyclones.
- Jet streams and clear-air turbulence.
- Topographically forced flows.
- Cloudy and partially cloudy marine boundary layers.
- Air-sea interaction.
- Coastal orographic and thermal boundary layer effects.
- Madden Julian Oscillation and air-sea coupled processes.
- Large eddy simulation of the boundary layer.
Applied Research Problems.
- Refractive effects.
- Targeted observations on the mesoscale using UAVs.
- Adjoint-based observation impact for mesoscale and tactical scales
- Electromagnetic wave propagation.
- Tropical cyclone structure and intensity prediction.
- Post processing for mesoscale ensemble models
- Dynamical forcing of aerosol events.
- Navy relevant metrics and diagnostics on the mesoscale.