DreamWeaver Tutorial (For IGCSE ICT Practicals)
DreamWeaver Tutorial (For IGCSE ICT Practicals)
DreamWeaver Tutorial (For IGCSE ICT Practicals)
Dreamweaver 8
The Dreamweaver 8 Workspace Overview of the Workspace Using The Insert Toolbar Show or Hide Windows Using the Properties Inspector Customize the Document Window Creating a Web Site Creating a New Web Site Creating Basic Web Pages Create a Basic Webpage Creating New Web Pages Opening and Saving Web Pages Closing Web Pages Previewing Web Pages in a Browser Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets Creating CSS Styles Defining CSS Styles Using the CSS Panel Applying and Removing CSS Styles Using Text Add Paragraphs and Headings Align Paragraphs and Headings Formatting Text Inserting Special Characters Inserting Hyperlinks Create Hyperlinks Using Named Anchors Create Email Links Using Graphics Inserting Images Cropping and Resizing Images Changing the Brightness and Contrast of an Image Setting Image Properties Change Image Size Using HTML Tables About HTML Tables and Table Modes Inserting Tables Selecting Tables, Rows, Columns, and Cells Formatting Tables and Cells Importing Tabular Data Using Table Design Schemes to Format a Table Setting Table Colors
Menu Bar - Menus contain the commands for using Dreamweaver. Many of the menu commands are duplicated in other locations within the windows, panels, and inspectors in Dreamweaver. Like many applications, the menu bar provides access to program commands such as file saving and closing.
Insert Bar - The Insert Bar is where you will insert most of the content and objects such as text and images on your web page. There are several different Insert Bars that you can select depending on the type of element you want to place on your web page.
Properties Inspector also called the Tag Inspector- The Property Inspector is used to display and edit attributes or properties of any element that is selected in the Document Window. Click the Property Inspector's Hide button to hide the panel temporarily.
Panels and Panel Groups - Panels are windows that provide access to the Design, Code, Application, Tag, Files, Layers, and History panels. Panels can be grouped together to form Panel Groups, and they can be easily hidden, expanded, or moved.
Document Window- The Document Window is the main workspace where you insert and arrange the elements on your web page. Most of your work inserting text and images on your web page is done in the Document Window.
A new blank page opens. Type a title for the page. The filename will be Untitled-1 until you save the page and give it a name.
In order to users to view your web page, it must be saved. It's a good practice to save your Web page often so that you don't lose your work. If you try to upload a page to a Web server without saving it first, Dreamweaver will remind you and ask if you want to save the page first before uploading it to a server. To save a web page, click File and then choose Save As. The Save As dialog box will appear.
Closing Web Pages When you're done working on a file, you can close it by choosing File, Close or by using the keyboard command Ctrl + W. If you've made any changes that haven't been saved. Dreamweaver will prompt you to save the file. Click Yes to save the file or No to close it without saving your changes.
Note that you can tell whether or not a file has been saved by looking at the file name in the title bar. An asterisk * indicates that the file has been changed and the changes have not been saved.
Or you can view preview the web page by clicking on the Preview in Browser button on the Document toolbar. This brings up a pop-up menu with a list of the browser choices available on your computer.
<h4>Heading 4</h4>
<h5>Heading 5</h5> In the headings above the size, font, color, and style are all formatted by a CSS page
. Format a Heading To format a heading, place the cursor in the paragraph containing the heading and do the same.
The checkmark in the Alignment menu indicates what type of alignment is applied to the selected paragraph. Notice that the procedure for aligning the paragraph text above is the same as it is for aligning the Heading below. The Heading below is Center aligned while the Paragraph text above is Left aligned.
the Teletype style using the <tt> tag. the Underline style using the <u>tag. the Strikethrough using the <s> tag. the Code style using the <code> tag.
This is an example of the Citation style using the <cite> tag. This is an example of the Definition style using the <dfn> tag.
This is an example of the Deleted style using the <del> tag. This is an example of the Inserted tag using the <ins> tag.
This is an example of the Sample style using the <samp> tag. This is an example of the Keyboard style using the <kbd> tag.
Dreamweaver Tutorial: Change Font Style Highlight the text to be formatted on the web page. Right-click the highlighted text or click on the Text menu and then click Style. From the Style sub-menu select the style type you want to apply to the selected text. Dreamweaver applies the style to the text.
You can combine styles to create more complicated effects. For example, you can apply Bold and Italic to get Bold Italic.
You can also select the Text menu from the Insert Menu options. The Text menu will appear with several options for formatting text.
In the Property Inspector, click on B for Bold text or I for Italic text.
Make Text Bold, Italic, or Underlined To make selected text bold or italic, click the Bold or Italic button in the Properties Inspector. To underline selected text, choose Text, Style, Underline from the menu bar. Think twice about using the Underline style on your web page. Most web site visitors expect underlined text to be hyperlinks. You may confuse them if they yours are not.
Change Text Color You can choose the color of your text by clicking on a color chip from the color palette or you can enter the color's hexadecimal code.
If the Insert bar isn't visible, choose Window > Insert to open it.
When you click on the Characters symbol at the end of the Insert Text toolbar, a menu of special characters will appear like the one on the left.
If the character you want is listed in the menu, simply click on it to place the character in the text of your page. To see other characters, click on the "Other Characters" option as the bottom of the menu. The Insert Other Character dialog box will appear with more symbols and special characters. Click on the character or symbol you want, and notice in the insert box, the HTML code for the selected symbol or character will appear. In the sample below, the trademark, TM, symbol is selected and the HTML code for the symbol appears in the text box.
When you click on the the TM symbol (TM) symbol and click OK. Dreamweaver inserts the code into the Web page.
You can also select the Insert Link button from the Insert Common Tool panel icons. This will also bring up the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.
When the Insert Hyperlink dialog box appears, you can enter the text that you want to turn into a link by typing it in the Text field. In the Link field, you should type the name or path of the file you want to link to if it's on your Web site, or type the complete URL if the link is to a different Web site.
The Hyperlink dialog box filled in with the text that will become the link (Free PowerPoint Tutorials) and the link to the file in the Link field.
You can also choose to target the page that the link goes to. By default, the file opens in _self, which means that it will open in the same browser window your visitor is currently using to view your Web page..
A word about Titles: Notice that one of the options in the Hyperlink dialog box is the Title field. You can set a title for the file to which you are linking..
Another way to create a named anchor is to click on the Common Insert Panel and choose the Named Anchor icon. Click on the anchor and the named anchor dialog box will appear.
In the Named Anchor dialog box, place the cursor in the text field and type in the name of the anchor.
Once the named anchors are created, you can then link to them like you would any other web page. COMPILED BY : MRS. SHALINI RAJAN
This Dreamweaver tutorial will show you how to insert an image into your web page using the Insert menu and the Insert Common Elements toolbar. It will also show you how to resize images on your page. Click on the Web page where you want to insert an image. One way to insert an image is to click on Insert on the menu bar and then Image from the drop-down menu.
Another way to insert an image is to choose the Image icon from the Insert Common Elements toolbar.
From the Select Image Source dialog box, navigate to find the image file that you want to insert and click on the filename. Then click OK.
After you select the image, you can enter alternate text for the image.
Click OK and Dreamweaver inserts the image. You can perform additional edits and adjustments by using the Property Inspector.
Resize an Image
Resize an image by selecting it and then dragging one of the resizing handles. Drag the side handle to resize the width, the bottom handle to resize the height, and the corner handle to resize both.
Click the Crop button in the Property Inspector. If a notification box pops up notifying you that you are about to permanently alter the image, click OK.
A frame appears around the image to be cropped with black handles around the edges.
Drag the handles to frame the desired area of the image. The side handles move the frame on the left and right of the image. The top and bottom handles adjust the frame above and below the image. The handles in the corners adjust both.
After you've adjusted the frame as desired, click on the Crop button again in the Property Inspector. This will discard the area outside of the frame and leave the cropped image. The Difference Between Resizing and Cropping - Resizing changes the dimensions of the image. It does not change the file size and it doesn't alter the original image. Cropping changes what part of the image is actually visible. It removed the unwanted portions of the image and in so doing, reduces the file size. Cropping permanently alters the original image.
In the Properties Inspector, type an alternative name for the image in the Alt box. This alternate name shows when a user holds the mouse pointer over the image and it's what the user sees if the user is viewing in a browser with images turned off. It is also the text that is read by screen readers for those who are sight disabled.
You can more precisely adjust an image's size by changing the values in pixels in the width and height property in the Property Inspector.
Here is the resulting image with a 1 pixel thick border around it.
Dreamweaver Tutorial: Inserting a Table Use the Insert bar or the Insert menu to create a new table. Then you can add text and images to the table in the same way that you add text and images outside of a table. In the Design view of the Document window, place the insertion point where you want the table to appear.
Select Insert, Table from the Insert menu or choose the Table button in the Common category of the Insert Bar.
The Common category on the Insert Bar - Locate the Insert Table button.
The Insert Table Dialog Box appears. You can navigate from box to box by using the Tab key.
Complete the dialog box by telling Dreamweaver how many rows and columns you want in your table. In the Table Width text box, enter a number that will either be in pixels or a percentage of the page width, then choose the units from the pop-up menu to the right of the text box.
You can also specify other properties. For Border thickness, enter a number in the text box for the size of the border, in pixels, that will be displayed between cells. For Cell padding, enter a figure in the text box for the amount of space, in pixels, between the content in the cells and the cell border around it. For Cell spacing, enter a figure in the text box for the amount of space, in pixels, between cells. You can also tell Dreamweaver whether or not the table should include a Header row or column and where it should be located: Left, Top, or Both. The icons for the headers tell you what each choice looks like. Click OK and the table appears in the document.
Dreamweaver shows green dimension lines above the table to tell you the width of the table in pixels. The top line shows the width of the table in pixels. Each column shows the width of the column in pixels if you have set a fixed width for the column. Columns with widths relative to the table width show green lines without pixel values. To insert a table within a table, place the insertion point inside a cell of an existing table, then choose either of the table insertion methods: Insert Table from the Insert Menu or Click on the Table icon on the Insert Bar.
Do the same to select columns. To select a single column, you can click the column header menu (the green arrow), and then choose Select Column from the pop-up menu.
You can also Control-click in Windows or Command-click in the cell on a Mac. You can also click in the cell and then from the Edit menu, choose Select all. To select multiple adjacent cells, you can click in one cell and drag from one cell to another, highlighting and selecting the adjacent cells as you go.
Dreamweaver Tutorial: View and Set Table Properties 1. Select a table, cell, row,or column. 2. In the Property Inspector, click the the expander selector in the lower right corner to see all the properties.
In the Property Inspector, you'll see table properties for the following:
Table ID Rows Cols
Table ID is an ID for the table. The number or rows in the table The number of columns in the table
The width of the table in pixels, or as a percentage of the browser window's width. The height of the table in pixels, or as a percentage of the browser window's height. You usually don't need to set the height of a table. Cell Padding is the number of pixels between a cell's content and the cell boundaries. If Cell Padding is not specified, by default, Dreamweaver sets it to 1 pixel. Cell Spacing is the number of pixels between adjacent table cells. If Cell Spacing is not specified, by default, Dreamweaver sets it to 2 pixels.
Align determines where the table appears, relative to other elements in the same paragraph. Left - aligns the table to the left of other elements so that text will wrap around the table to the right. Right - aligns the table to the right of other elements with text wrapping around it to the left. Center - aligns the table in the center with text appearing above and below the table. Default - indicates that the browser should use its default alignment. Note: If you want to display other content next to a table, use the Left or Right alignment.
Border Bg Color Bg Image Brdr Color Clear Column Widths Clear Row Heights Convert Table Widths to Pixels Convert Table Height to Pixels Convert Table Widths to Percent Convert Table Heights to Percent
Border specified the width, in pixels, of the table's borders. Bg Color is the table's background color. Bg Image specified the image to use for the table background image. Brdr Color is the color for the table's borders. This button deletes all explicitly specified column width values This button deletes all explicitly specified row heights This button sets the width of each column in the table to its current width in pixels. This button sets the height of each column in the table to its current width in pixels. This button sets the width of each column in the table to its current width expressed as a percentage of the Document window's width. This button sets the height of each column in the table to its current width expressed as a percentage of the Document window's width.