Bits-Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus SECOND SEMESTER 2011-2012 EEE/INSTR C461 Power Electronics Review Problems 11-01-2012
Bits-Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus SECOND SEMESTER 2011-2012 EEE/INSTR C461 Power Electronics Review Problems 11-01-2012
Bits-Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus SECOND SEMESTER 2011-2012 EEE/INSTR C461 Power Electronics Review Problems 11-01-2012
BITS- PILANI, K K BIRLA GOA CAMPUS SECOND SEMESTER 2011-2012 EEE/INSTR C461 Power Electronics Review Problems
Sketch the voltage across the inductor in steady state for the circuit in Figure 1.
Figure 1
2. 3.
A square wave of period 1s has its amplitude given as 10V. Express the waveform as its Fourier series expansion. Plot the frequency versus amplitude (harmonic) spectrum. The RC circuit in Figure 2 is controlled by a periodic switching function S(t) is given by, S(t)= ON when 0 < t < 1s = OFF when 1s < t < 2s.
Figure 2
Find the voltage across the capacitor when t>100s. A half-wave rectifier circuit with positive output comprises of a step-down 230V/6V transformer and a capacitor filter of 1000F. A load of 1000 is connected to the circuit. Sketch the output voltage waveform. The R-L circuit in Figure 3 is operating in steady state. What is the average power in the inductor? What is the average energy stored in the inductor?
Figure 3
For the waveform given in Figure 4, find the value of such that the harmonic spectrum of the waveform is free from the 3rd order harmonic component.
Figure 4
For the circuit in Figure 5, if the transistor is to operate always between saturation and cut off but never in active region, what are the minimum and maximum values of base voltage levels for the respective regions.
Power Electronics
Sheron Figarado
Figure 5
For the circuit in Figure 6, find the power dissipated in each component, component that is, resistors and sources.
Figure 6
Figure 7
10. The waveforms of in n Figure 8 shows the voltage v(t) across and the cu urrent i(t) through a component. Find ind the average power during the intervals 0-1s, 1-101 101s,101s - 102.5s .
Figure 8
11. For the series RL circuit given in Figure 9, draw the phasor diagram and find Vo when
series resistance of inductor is (a (a) equal to zero (b) equal to 1.
Figure 9
12. From Figure 10, sketch ketch the waveform for the function VO(t) such that VO(t) = +1 if V1(t)>V2(t) = -1 1 if V1(t)<V2(t)
Power Electronics
Sheron Figarado
Figure 10
Power Electronics
Sheron Figarado