Name of The Simulation:: 1 For C-R Oscillator 2 RC 6 6 For R-C Oscillator 2 RC
Name of The Simulation:: 1 For C-R Oscillator 2 RC 6 6 For R-C Oscillator 2 RC
Name of The Simulation:: 1 For C-R Oscillator 2 RC 6 6 For R-C Oscillator 2 RC
OB1ECTIVE OF 7b The objective of this e"periment is to study the operation of the #ien bridge oscillator Theoretically the frequency of oscillation is given by f =
1 RC
THEORY An oscillator circuit in $hich a several RC stages are used to ma%e 1&' ' phase shift (condition for an oscillator) is called R-C or C-R *hase +hift Oscillator. An oscillator circuit in $hich a balanced bridge is used as the feedbac% net$or% is the #ien bridge oscillator. .The oscillation is maintained $hen R ,R1 ratio is appro"imately . -otice that if R is made appreciably greater than R1 a square $ave oscillation is produced and if R is made less than R1 oscillation decays and ceases. PROCEDURES 1) R-C Phase Shift Oscillator
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/ra$ the circuit as sho$n in 0ig.1a in *+pice schematics. +elect transient from Se"%2 A'a&)+$+ and set final time to .''ms Run simulation and observe the output 2easure the oscillator frequency (1,T) and record the result 3sing 0ourier Transform (press 00T) determine the frequency of oscillation 4erify both result $ith the theoretical frequency /etermine the phase shift bet$een different stages (4o 541 54 54. ) Reconnect the circuit for R-C oscillator by interchanging the R and C +et final time to .'ms and repeat the above steps
/ra$ the circuit as sho$n in 0ig.1b in *+pice schematics. +elect transient from Se"%2 A'a&)+$+ and set final time to .''ms Run simulation and observe the output 2easure the oscillator frequency (1,T) and record the result 3sing 0ourier Transform (press 00T) determine the frequency of oscillation 4erify both result $ith the theoretical frequency(here R6 R o6 R' 7 C6 Co6 Replace the resistor R $ith 1'% and repeat the above steps 2a%e R ,R1 ratio higher than 2a%e R ,R1 ratio less than and observe the output and observe the output
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