Eee 312 7
Eee 312 7
Eee 312 7
" # A$PLITUDE $ODULATION & DE$ODULATION. OB%ECTIVES& (i) (ii) (iii) To observe the effects of heterodyning. To observe how intelligence can be added to a carrier by modulation process. To observe how intelligence can be recovered from amplitude modulated carrier by demodulation process.
E'UIP$ENTS& (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (i*) (*) (*i) ED-21 trainer !tandard "# radio #ultimeter $scilloscope Diode % 1 piece &'& transistor-2 piece Transformer (() #) "lignment tool 'ot - 1+ ,esistor (1 #- 1 .-)/.-1 .) 0apacitor ( .1f- . 22f- 1 pf- 2.1pf).
CIRCUIT DIAGRA$& 212 3olt 8 1 Top 3iew 41 0252.1pf 1 0151 pf 2 7 T1 ( 8 7 ( 2 'oint "
212 3olt
. 42
0252.1pf 0151 pf 'oint "
1 2 7 T1
8 (
212 3olt
. 42
0252.1pf 0151 pf 1 2 7
'oint 9
075 .
PROCEDURE& PART A& ((N)"e& :n this e*periment you will use a standard "# radio to detect presence of a ,6 carrier. #any radios are sensitive enough to receive interference from the s;uare wave generator in the ED- 21 . To prevent this you can disable the s;uare wave generator i.e. you can connect a short <umper wire from the !4=",E terminal to ground on the ED21 . This will not harm the ED-21 in any way. #oreover it does short out the s;uare wave and eliminates this source of interference. 1. 2. (. 7. Turn ED-21 off and construct the circuit as shown in figure for part ". Turn ED-21 on and ad<ust 2300 to 212 3olts. =sing oscilloscope view the waveform at point ". &ote the fre;uency at this point. 6ind the remaining length of the hoo+-up wire. 0onnect one end to point ". Drape the free end over your "# radio. 8. Tune your radio to a station nearest the fre;uency measured in step(. =sing alignment tool- ad<ust the transformer core until you hear a tone interfering with the station. &otice that you can change the fre;uency of the tone by ad<usting the slug in the transformer even you can ad<ust to >ero fre;uency i.e. no tone. ,E'$,T? (i) @hat type of oscillator you use to ma+e the unmodulated carrierA @hat fre;uency do you achieveA (ii) The ,6 carrier produced is unmodulated then how can you account for the interfering tone heard on your radioA PART B& 1. Turn off the ED-21 . #odify the circuit as shown in the figure for part 9. &otice that new circuitry is shown outside the dotted bo*. 2. !et the 2300 to 212 3olts and rotate the1. pot to fully cw position- this position indicates that input signal is isolated from the rest of the circuit. "t this condition view the waveform at point " and verify that the circuit oscillates. Tune the oscillator bac+ to its initial fre;uency that you measured in step ( of part ". (. !et the generator on the ED-21 to 1+B>. 3iew the 1+B> sine wave at the !:&E terminal on the ED-21 . !et up the oscilloscope so that two complete cycles of sine wave are displayed. 7. 3iew the wave form at point ". "d<ust the 1. pot to ccw slowly until you can have a modulated wave with appreciable modulation inde*. &otice that the envelope forms a 1+B> sine wave. 8. 3ary the pot and measure modulation inde* for different condition. &otice the under modulated condition and over modulated condition. 6or 1 C modulation and over modulated condition you may need to decrease the 2300 slightly. "lso vary the generator fre;uency and find the effect of signal fre;uency on the modulated wave. ). !et the output to 8 C modulated condition and 1+B> envelope. 0onnect the one end of long hoo+-up wire to point ". Drape the free end over your "# radio. 1. Tune the radio to the vicinity of the fre;uency measured in step ( of part ". !ome where near you should hear a 1+B> tone. 3ary the fre;uency (from 2o B> to ( +B>) of the oscillator on the ED-21 and listen for a change in the fre;uency of the tone. "lso vary the setting of the 1. pot and listen for a change in the loudness of the tone. Dou should hear the sound as well as view the output wave shape at the same time. ((N)"e& :f the tone interfering with an e*isting station tune the transformer (T1) until the tone is received at an unused point on the radio dial (between station). ,E'$,T? (i) Draw the modulated output for different modulation inde* ( C- 28C- 8 C- 1 and 128C) for (a) sinusoidal input as you use in your e*periment(b) " s;uare wave input. C
'lot the following? (a) C #odulation vs. amplitude of modulating signal(b) C #odulation vs. fre;uency of modulating signal(c) C #odulation vs. loudness i.e. intensity of output tone of the radio(d) C #odulation vs. pitch of output tone of the radio. 9riefly e*plain the importance of modulation.
PART C& 1. ,emove the long hoo+-up wire from the point ". #odify the circuit as shown in the figure for part 0. "lso notice that new circuitry is shown outside the dotted bo*. :nitially leave 07 disconnected. 2. 3iew the waveform at point " and at point 9 for different modulation conditions e.g. C- 8 C- 1 C- 128C etc by rotating 1. pot +eeping the modulating fre;uency 1 +B>. (. ,epeat the step 2 connecting 07 across ,7. &ote the amplitude variation between input and output. ,E'$,T? (i) Draw the demodulated output for (a) !inusoidal input as you use in your e*periment(b) " s;uare wave input. (ii) (iii) :s there any discrepancy between the input modulating signal and the outputdemodulated signalA Bow can output distortion can be minimi>edA @hat are the conditions to be filled to select the values of , E 0 in such "# detectorA :n a practical "# radio for detecting different channel what is the techni;ue applied for single value of ,0A