221B Baker Street Zombie Variant: For All Zombies, It Takes Less Time and Is Less Complicated!!
221B Baker Street Zombie Variant: For All Zombies, It Takes Less Time and Is Less Complicated!!
221B Baker Street Zombie Variant: For All Zombies, It Takes Less Time and Is Less Complicated!!
upon to investigate another crime. You arrive at the scene to find that you have another force to contend with, Zombies! t so happens that !ondon has been invaded by voodoo "ombies, and there is nothing you can do about it. #ut you can$t let it stand in your way can you% &o, you go and investigate the murder anyways. The game is afoot! As everyone knows, all games can be made better by adding zombies. In 221B Baker Street, they can be added singularly or in a group. he less zombies the simpler it gets. I! you want it to be the least work as possible, go !or one or two zombies. What You Will Need 1 " # $ombie %iniatures &'r anything that represents a zombie. (an be a meeple) A (oin &Any will do) How to Set Up 1) *irstly, !ind all materials listed above. 2) +o and complete the set,up !or the normal version o! the game. -) Be!ore the !irst person goes, take the zombie miniatures and drop them above the game board. I! any do not land on a s.uare, simply move them to the closest space. /) (ommence 0laying1 How to Play Usin the Zombies 2uring play, at the end o! everyone3s turn, roll the dice again. his is how !ar the zombies will move during this round. hen !lip the coin. I! it is tails, the zombie will move up4right the amount on the dice. Remember: Use the same dice and coin amounts for all zombies, it takes less time and is less complicated!! Also, i! the zombie comes to any intersections, use the coin as re!erence !or what direction it goes. !ettin "tta#ked by the Zombies he ways you can become the target o! a zombie attack are the !ollowing5 1) 6hen a zombie has to 7ump over a person &%ove past, landing on the players space on the way). 2) 6hen a player or zombie land on each others s.uare.
-) 6hen a player lands on a s.uare ne8t to a zombie on a two lane street &when 2 spaces are ne8t to each other along one road.) 6hen you get attacked by a zombie, you go back to 221B Baker Street and 9ose your ne8t turn. here is no limit !or the times you can be attacked by zombie&s). $%" :5 (an I ever get rid o! the zombies; '( &o, the "ombies stay on the board throughout the entire game. :5 (an $ombies get stuck in the corners o! the board i! a certain coin toss keeps coming up; '( &o, when a "ombie comes to a corner that can only go one way, the "ombie automatically turns the corner, ignoring the coin toss.