"Picturing Poetry": Grade Level/Subject: Targeted: CCSS - ELA-Literacy - RL.6.7
"Picturing Poetry": Grade Level/Subject: Targeted: CCSS - ELA-Literacy - RL.6.7
"Picturing Poetry": Grade Level/Subject: Targeted: CCSS - ELA-Literacy - RL.6.7
Grade Level/Subject:
Standards Targeted:
Compare and Contrast the experience of reading a story,
drama, or poem to listening to or viewing it in audio, video
or live version of the text, including contrasting what they
see and hear when reading the text to what they
perceive when they listen or watch.
Goal Statement:
Multimodal Text/Resource:
Materials Needed:
Lesson Outline:
Introduction: Today we will read poetry through visualization, which is
a strategy that you will use to help you understand a poem.
Part 1
1) Pass out The Road Not Taken poem worksheet (ReadWorks.org) to
the students and have them read it silently then answer the ten
comprehension questions to follow.
2) When all students are finished. Have them trade their papers with a
3) Each partner will grade their classmates paper as you give the
correct answers to the comprehension questions (Tell students to
only mark the incorrect answers, and DO NOT put the correct
answer on the paper they are grading).
4) Once all papers are graded and returned. Play the YouTube video of
the poem being read aloud with the visual images accompanied in
the video.
5) Have the students correct any wrong comprehension questions that
they had from the first time they answered them.
6) Place the students in groups of 4-5 and give each group 2 sheets of
chart paper. On one sheet, put When I Read the Poem on the
other sheet put When I Visualized the Poem
7) In groups, students should write their thoughts and ideas on both
sheets of chart paper. They should have discussions on the
differences in interpretations from reading the poem on their own as
opposed to visualizing the poem being read aloud from the YouTube
Part 2