5e Science Lesson
5e Science Lesson
5e Science Lesson
5E Lesson Plan
each statement on the Note-taking worksheet so that they can follow along
Modifications for Gifted learners: I will Modify the Note-taking worksheet so
that instead of drawing a food chain, they will draw a food web which has
multiple food chains
1. I will begin the lesson by having students listen to the song The circle of Life
from the Lion King movie (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwSKkKrUzUk).
2. After the video is over, I will ask the students What is the circle of life?
(Bloom: Knowledge) (Science Process Skill: Observation)
1. I will then present the flashcards that have the lettuce, rabbit, coyote and lion to
the students and challenge them to organize these picture cards to represent the
circle of life in partners.
2. I will pass out the picture cards along with a piece of yarn and set them off to
meet this challenge of organizing the picture cards to represent the circle of life
along the yarn. (Gardner: Bodily/Kinesthetic)
3. As students are finding ways to meet this challenge, I will go around to the
students to ask why they organized their cards this way.
4. After I have given them time to organize their cards I will bring the class back
1. The teacher will ask the students how they organized their picture cards.
(Science Processing Skills: Communication)
2. Why did they organize it this way? What is their reasoning? (Blooms: Knowledge)
(Science Processing Skills: Communication)
The teacher will guide them that the rabbit eats the lettuce the coyote
eats the rabbit and the lion eats the coyote.
1. I will then direct the students attention to the overhead screen, which shows a 6
slide PowerPoint of a food chain. (Gardner: Visual)
2. After going through the slides, I will review the information (Science Process
skills: Classification)
Why are plants called producers? (They make their own food) (Blooms:
Why are animals considered consumers? (They get their food from plants
or other animals) (Blooms: Comprehension)
What is a predator? (An animals that eats other animals)
What is a prey? (An animal that is being eaten)
What does this food chain have to do with energy? The teacher will guide
the students that animals get their energy from their food.
Why do animals need energy?
3. I will then pass out the Note-taking worksheet, which we will be doing as a class.
5E Lesson Plan
I will guide them through the note taking section and fill in the blank section
(Blooms: Analyzing) (Science Process Skills : Classification)
The rabbit/ lettuce is a producer or consumer
The coyote and lion is a predator or prey
4. At the bottom of the note-taking worksheet the students will explain and draw
their own food chain. (Blooms: Creating)
5. I will remind the students that their food chain has to include all 4 organisms:
producer, consumer, prey and predator. This will have to be labeled on their
6. On the back of the worksheet the students will write a paragraph about energy
and why animals need energy. What do they use their energy for? In this food
web how they getting their energy.
The discussion after the circle of life song-informal assessment
The teacher will assess the Note-taking worksheet where the students classify
the four organisms: a producer, a consumer a predator or a prey.
The teacher will also assess the students drawing of their food chain.
These two formative assessment will help the teacher see if the students
understand the concepts or not If they are not understanding the concepts the
teacher will present the information in a different way.
Adaptations/Enrichment (Extensions):
Student with a disability in reading/language arts:
While reading/discussing the slide show about food chains be sure to point and read.
Also, read aloud each statement on the Note-Taking worksheet, so that the student can
follow along with his or her pointer.
Student with Gifts and Talents in Creativity
Modify the Note-Taking worksheet, so that instead of drawing a food chain, he or she will
draw a food web, which has multiple food chains.
Student with a Visual Impairment
Have the student sit up at the front throughout the whole lesson, so that he or she can
see the overhead as well as the picture cards you show the students at the beginning of
the lesson. Also, enlarge the Note-taking worksheet.
Student with a Hearing Impairment
Have the student sit up at the front throughout the whole lesson. Also, when talking to
the whole group, speak in a teacher voice, and make sure your back is not turned away
from him or her when you are speaking. In addition, when playing The Circle of Life
song, make sure the volume is set at an appropriate volume for him or her to hear.
Self Reflection Questions (since I have not actually taught the lesson yet)
1. Were my students able to organize the picture cards to represent the circle of life?
5E Lesson Plan
Appendix: A
The flashcard-Circle of life activity
5E Lesson Plan
Appendix B
Note-Taking Worksheet- Producer and Consumers/ Prey and Predators
Producer and Consumer/ Prey and Predators
5E Lesson Plan
5E Lesson Plan
Directions: Draw your own food chain below!
Include: all four organisms (producer, consumer, prey and predator) On the back write a paragraph about how
energy is transferred between these organisms.
Appendix C
PowerPoint Slides
5E Lesson Plan