Melissa Quidor
Melissa Quidor
Melissa Quidor
Rider University School of Education, Lawrenceville, New Jersey
Bachelor of Arts, May 2016
Double Major: Elementary Education and English (Writing Concentration)
Minor: Special Education
GPA: 3.59
Deans List
Provost Scholarship/ Rider Advantage Grant
NJ State Substitute Teacher Certificate
Anticipated: NJ State Elementary School Teacher Certificate of Eligibility
Anticipated: NJ State Special Education Teacher Certificate of Eligibility
Monroe Township School District, Oak Tree Elementary School
Spring 2016
Student Teacher 2nd grade general education/in class resource classroom and 3 rd grade resource room
Preparing and teaching common core and curriculum aligned, differentiated daily lessons in various
Working collaboratively with General Education teacher, Special Education teacher, paras, and students
Managing classroom routines and daily events while ensuring a safe, comfortable classroom environment
Working collaboratively with school staff at various faculty meetings, grade level meetings and
professional development workshops
Employed by the West Windsor-Plainsboro Public School District, West Windsor-Plainsboro, New Jersey
Long Term Leave Substitute teacher - 2nd grade, Wicoff School
June 2015
Completing all end-of-year procedures required by a regular classroom teacher such as packing up
classroom, filing report cards, returning materials, etc.
Carrying out lesson plans left by regular classroom teacher to maintain student progress and learning
throughout the remainder of the school year
Using classroom management skills and techniques to maintain a safe and comfortable classroom
environment through the end of the school year
Facilitating and overseeing end-of-year classroom activities such as field trip, class party, etc.
West Windsor-Plainsboro Public School District,
Spring 2015/Fall 2015
Wicoff Elementary School and Village Elementary School
Junior Professional Practicum - 1st grade general education and 5th grade general education classrooms
Creating and implementing original lessons in Literacy (Readers and Writers Workshop), Mathematics,
Science and Social Studies
Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma Tau Delta, Council for Exceptional Children, New Jersey Student Education
Association, National Science Teachers Association, National Council for the Social Studies
2014 present
2014 present
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
Spring 2015
Event Chair - Council for Exceptional Children
Commuter Representative - Student Government Association
Flipped Classroom Model, Readers Workshop, Writers Workshop, EnVisions Math, Blended Learning,
Daily 5, iMovie Apple/Mac Products, SMART Board, Google Apps for Education, Running Records,
Microsoft Office, Orton-Gillingham (not certified)
INTERESTS: Technology (iPads, Chromebooks, Weebly, etc.), Twitter (@Miss_Quidor), Travel