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Fatima Obaid H00298145

Lesson Plan
1 March 2016


Close and Far away

Number of Students/ Grade

18 student - KG2A

Personal Aims

Be prepared before the students arrive

- Be confident
Use reward system and encourage the students
Learning Outcomes:
(Li nk to the ADEC K-5 , MOE or Interna ti ona l Curri cul um
documents )
Students will be able to:

Identify the close and far away

Classify the close and far away objects
Link between the real life and the
Lesson Introduction

Whole group activity: Time 10 Minutes


I will ask the students to stand up and make

a circle and jump three times then club their Question (Blooms Taxonomy)
hands three times, to make them
encouraged and interested to take the new Remembering (low level):
lesson. (Warm Up)
- What are the things that are close to us?
Review the previous lesson (night and day)
- What are the things that are far away from
I will ask the students different questions
about the close and far away and how do Understanding (low level):
the objects look when it is far and when it is
- How would you compare the sky and the

Active Engagement:

Evaluating (high level):

Close and Far away from me activity:

- What do you think about your work so far?
I will ask the students to stand in a circle in the
carpet and I will ask them to come close to me and Creating (high level):
then go far away from me. I will do this activity
- How would your life be different if the sun
five times then they will go back to their places.
is close to us?
- Put these words together to form a complete
sentence. (Close, moon, far away, tree)
Literacy: Learn new vocabularies and its
meaning (close and Far away)

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1

Learning Center 2

(High Level)
Close and far away

Learning Center 3

(Medium Level)
Close and far away

(Low Level)
Close and far away

Small Group Learning Centers: Time 10 Minutes

Classify the close and far

away pictures and write the new words
Learning Center 1 Title:

Learning Center 2 Title:

Classify the close and far

away pictures

Students will have a paper that has close and far Students will have a paper that has close and far
away pictures and they will have to match between away pictures and they will have to match between
the far away word and the pictures that demonstrate the far away word and the pictures that
the far away then they will have to match between demonstrate the far away then they will to match
the close word and the pictures that demonstrate between the close word and the pictures that
close, then the students will write the word close demonstrate close.
under the close pictures and they will write far
away under the far away pictures.
Learning Center 3 Title: Circle the close pictures and color the far away pictures
Students will have a paper that has close and far away picture and they will have to circle the close
pictures and color the far away pictures.
Closing activity: Title: Close and Far away flashcards Time: 10 Minutes
I will have different flashcards that have close and far away pictures and I will ask the students to sit in
two lines in the carpet (boys' line and girls' line) and each time I will show the students a picture and I
will ask them if its close or far away then when they answer they will go to the end of the line and when
all of the students finish they will go to sit on their places.
Assessment for Learning:

I will ask the students different questions about the lesson, activities and what they

learnt in the class.

General Comments
I think that my lesson was successful because I was able to achieve my learning outcome and the
students understood the lesson moreover I was able to deliver the information about the close and far
away to the students in an easy way by doing variety of activities and I used variety learning styles which
helped me maintain the time and let the students build the knowledge of the new lesson in a short time
furthermore the students were active with me and they did good work in the activities and they enjoyed

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

In my opinion I think that in the future I need to be more outgoing and not shy. Moreover I think that I
need to use different management strategies to be able to control the students. I think that I need to
Activate the reward system to encourage the students and make them more engaged.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Lesson Plan
2 March 2016


Letters J and Q

Number of Students/ Grade

18 students KG2A

Personal Aims

- Be on time
- Be confident
Use classroom management strategies
Be prepared before the students arrive

Learning Outcomes:
(Li nk to the ADEC K-5 , MOE or Interna ti ona l Curri cul um
documents )
Students will be able to:

Shake your sillies out song

Letters Flashcards
Letter J song
Letter Q song
White board
Lesson Introduction

Identify the letters (J) & (Q)

Memorize new words that start with letter
(J) and new words that start with letter (Q)

Whole group activity: Time: 15 Minutes


Question (Blooms Taxonomy)

Morning Circle:
Greeting, taking attendance and reminding
the students of the rules
Warm Up:
I will ask the students to stand up and sing
the shake your sillies out song.
I will review the previous lesson with the
students by asking them different questions.
Lesson Introduction:
I will show them videos about letter J & Q
I will ask the students to give me words that
start with letter (J) & words that start with
letter (Q)
I write letter J and letter Q on the board and
I will ask some students to come and write
it on the board.

Remembering (low level):

Active Engagement:

Creating (high level):

The missing letter (whole class activity)

I will write different words in the white board but
without writing the first letter and the students will
have to write the first litter (J j) or (Q q).

Performing art: When students sing the

song and do the movements.

What are the words that start with letter J?

What are the words that start with letter Q?

Applying (low level):

How would you use the word (Queen or

Jellyfish) in a correct sentence?

Analyzing (high level):

What are the things that start with letter J in

the classroom?
What are the things that start with letter Q
in the classroom?

Evaluating (high level):

Recommend craftwork that start with letters

J or Q we can do in the future.

What way would you design your jellyfish

or your queen?

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1

Learning Center 2

(High level)
White papers
Queen and Crown pictures

Learning Center 3

(Medium level)
White papers
Queen and Crown

(Low level)
White papers
Queen and Crown

Small Group Learning Centers: Time 10 Minutes

Learning Center 1 Title:

Jellyfish and Queen

Learning Center 2 Title:

Jellyfish and Queen



I will give the students colorful letter J and a white

paper and they will make a jellyfish using it also I
will give them a face and a crown and they will
have to color the face and the crown then they will
cut the crown and stick it on the face to make a
queen then when they finish they will stick their
jellyfishes or queens on the sticks. The students
will have the choice to choose what craftwork they
want to do. The Students will have to cut
everything by themselves without any help from

I will give the students colorful letter J and a white

paper and they will make a jellyfish using it also I
will give them a face and a crown and they will
have to color the face and the crown then they will
cut the crown and stick it on the face to make a
queen then when they finish they will stick their
jellyfishes or queens on the sticks. The students
will have the choice to choose what craftwork they
want to do. I will cut the letter J for the jellyfish
and they will have to cut the jellyfish and stick the
letter J on it. For the queens I will cut the crown for
the students and they will have to cut the face and
stick the crown on it then they will color it and
stick it on the stick.

Learning Center 3 Title:

Jellyfish and Queen craftwork

I will give the students colorful letter J and a white paper and they will make a jellyfish using it also I
will give them a face and a crown and they will have to color the face and the crown then they will cut
the crown and stick it on the face to make a queen then when they finish they will stick their jellyfishes
or queens on the sticks. The students will have the choice to choose what craftwork they want to do. I
will cut the letter J and the jellyfish for the students and they will have to stick the letter J on the jellyfish
after that I will help them to stick their jellyfishes on the stick. Moreover for the queens I will cut the
crown and the face for the students and they will have to glue the crown on the face then they will color
it and I will help them to stick it on the stick.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Letters J and Q words Time: 5 Minutes

I will ask the students to sit in a circle on the carpet and I will show them different pictures that start with
letters J or Q and I will show the students a picture every time and I will ask them to tell me what is the
picture and with which letter it starts.
Closing activity: Title:

I will ask them different question about the lesson and what we did for the lesson
moreover I will ask them about what they learn.
General Comments
Assessment for Learning:

In my opinion I think that my lesson was successful because I was able to achieve my learning goals.
Moreover I think that the activities I choose were good for the students' abilities and I think that it helped
them develop their cognitive, physical, language and social skills. Also I believe that I was able to deliver
the information about the letter J and Q to the students in an easy way by doing variety of activities and
using variety learning styles, furthermore the students were active and engaged with me and the activities
also they enjoyed the activities and they did a good job.
Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus
I think that I need to give the students more physical activities to develop their fine and gross motor skills
moreover I think that I need to give them more reading activities to develop their reading skills and make
them gain new vocabularies. For me I think that I need to use different reward system other than the
verbal praise to encourage the students and make them more engaged.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Lesson Plan
9 March 2016


Use Symbol

Number of Students/ Grade

18 student KG2A

Personal Aims

- Be on time
- Be confident
Use classroom management strategies
Be prepared before the students arrive

Learning Outcomes:


(Li nk to the ADEC K-5 , MOE or Interna ti ona l Curri cul um

documents )
Students will be able to:

- Five little monkeys song

Understand the meaning of subtraction
- Zoo Picture
Acknowledge how to use (-) symbol.
Animals Pictures
Be able to use objects to subtract.
Lesson Introduction

Whole group activity: Time: 10 Minutes


Question (Blooms Taxonomy)

Review the previous lesson

Show students a video about five little Remembering (low level):
- What is this symbol (-)
I will ask the students different questions
- How would you describe this symbol (-)
about the subtraction.
Understanding (low level):
- What is the subtraction symbol?
Active Engagement:
- What is the meaning of subtraction?
Zoo animals' activity (whole class
Applying (low level):
- What is the result of 10 minus 5?
I will show the students a zoo picture and there will
- How would you use (-) symbol in this
be different animals in the zoo. I will ask the
question (10 and 6)
students to count the zoo animals with me then I Evaluating (high level):
will tell them a story about subtract (There were 3
- What objects we can use to subtract?
- How we can subtract?
lions, 3 giraffes and 2 elephant in the zoo, at night
the zoo man forgot to lock the lions' door before he
go to sleep so the lions left the zoo and in the Creating (high level):
- What outcome would you predict for (9
morning when the zoo man went to the lions' place
he did not find them) then I will ask them to count
how many animals are left in the zoo.

Performing art: When students sing the

song and do the movements.
Science: When student learn the animals
that live in the zoo.
Literacy: When students learn the names
of the animals (Gaining new vocabularies)

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1

Learning Center 2

(High level)
White papers

Learning Center 3

(Medium level)
- Flashcards
- Pencils

(Low level)
Monkeys Ruler

Small Group Learning Centers: Time 10 Minutes

Learning Center 1 Title:

Dice activity

I will give students a paper and two dices (one for

number from 1-5 and the other one for numbers
from 6 10) I will ask the students to throw the
dice with the big numbers first and write the
number on the paper then add the subtraction
symbol after that I will ask the students to throw
the small numbers dice and write the number on
the white paper to create a subtraction question
then after that the students will have to count to
answer the question.
Learning Center 3 Title: Monkeys Ruler

Learning Center 2 Title:

Questions Flashcards

I will give the students different flashcards that has

pictures of turtle and the students will have to
count the turtles and write the subtraction question
then answer the questions.

I will give the students a ruler that is made from papers and there will be 5 monkeys on the ruler. I will
give the students a flashcard that has a subtraction question and the students will use the monkeys' ruler
to find the answer.
Closing activity: Title: Subtraction Questions Flashcards Time: 10 Minutes
I will show the students numbers flashcards and I will make questions from them about the subtraction
on the white board then I will ask the students to come and write the answers.
Assessment for Learning: I will

ask them different question about the lesson and what we did for the lesson.

General Comments
In my opinion I think that my lesson was successful because I was able to achieve my learning goal.
Moreover I think that the activities I choose were good for the students' abilities and skills. I think that it
those activities helped students to develop their cognitive, physical, language, mathematical and social
skills. Also I believe that I was able to deliver the information subtraction in an easy way by doing
variety of activities and using variety learning styles such as visual, auditory and physical, moreover the
students were active and they were engaged with me also they enjoyed the activities and they did a good
Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus
I think that I need to use different classroom management strategies to be able to control the classroom
and the students when they misbehave moreover I think that I need to use different voice levels to get the
students' attention when I am explaining the lesson.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Lesson Plan
11 April 2016



Number of Students/ Grade

18 students KG2A

Personal Aims

- Be on time
- Be confident
Use classroom management strategies
Be prepared before the students arrive

Learning Outcomes:
(Li nk to the ADEC K-5 , MOE or Interna ti ona l Curri cul um
documents )

Students will be able to:

Memorize the letters

Recognize the letters
Classify the upper case letters and the lower
case letters.

ABC song
White board

Lesson Introduction
Question (Blooms Taxonomy)
Whole group activity: Time: 15 Minutes

Warm Up:
Play the ABC song on the smart board and
ask the students to stand up and sing.
Active Engagement:

Read the letters flashcards (whole class

I will have the letters flashcards and I will raise one
flashcard every time and I will ask the students to
tell me the letter and its sound.

Performing art: When students sing the

ABC song.

Remembering (low level):

What are the letters?

What are the words that start with letter A?
What are the words that start with letter F?

Understanding (low level):

- Explain this picture
Applying (low level):

How would you use this picture in a correct

sentence (ex: Apple)

Creating (high level):

What way would you design the letters?

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Learning Center 1

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 2
Learning Center 3

(High level)

(Medium level)
Letters flashcards

(Low level)

Small Group Learning Centers: Time 10 Minutes

Learning Center 1 Title: Write the upper case letters

Learning Center 2 Title: Classify the capital letters

and the lower case letters worksheet

and the small letters worksheet

Students will have a paper that has two circles the

first one for the capital letters and the other one for
the small letters and they will have to write all the
upper case letters in the capital letters circle and all
the lower case letters in the small letters circle.

Students will have a paper that has two circles the

first one for the capital letters and the other one for
the small letters and they will have an envelope
that have all of the letters and they will have to
classify them in the two circles.

Learning Center 3 Title: Write the letters worksheet

Students will have a worksheet that has all the letters written in a dotted font and they will have to follow the
dots and write all the letters.
Closing activity: Title: Find the letters flashcards Time: 5 Minutes

I will give each group flashcards that has all of the letters and every time I will ask one student of each
group to find one letter. For example, I will ask one student of the green table and one student of the red
table to show me letter (Q) and they will search for it then raise it.
Assessment for Learning: Ask different question about the lesson, what we did for the lesson and ask the

students about what they learnt.

General Comments

In my opinion I think that my lesson was successful because I was able to achieve my learning outcomes
moreover the students were able to classify the upper and the lower cases letter. The students enjoyed the
lesson because I used variety of learning styles and different activities.
Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

I think that I need to active the reward system and be stricter with the students to be able to manage their

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Lesson Plan
12 April 2016


3D shapes - Cylinders and

Number of Students/ Grade

18 student KG2A

Personal Aims

- Be on time
- Be confident
Use classroom management strategies
Be prepared before the students arrive

Learning Outcomes:
(Li nk to the ADEC K-5 , MOE or Interna ti ona l Curri cul um
documents )
Students will be able to:

- 3D shapes
Recognize the 3D shapes cylinders and
- Cylinders video
Cones video
Understand what are cylinders and cones.
Be able to find cylinders and cones objects
from real life.
Lesson Introduction

Whole group activity: Time: 10 Minutes


Question (Blooms Taxonomy)

Remembering (low level):

- What is this shape?

Review the previews lesson (spheres and
- How would you describe the cylinders and
Show videos about cylinders and cones.
Understanding (low level):
Show objects that demonstrate cylinders
- What facts show the shape cone?
and cones and say the 3D shapes names.
- What facts show the shape cylinder?
Ask the students to repeat the words
Applying (low level):
cylinders and cones after me.
- How would you use the cone?
Active Engagement:
- How would you use the cylinder?
Find the objects (whole class activity)
Analyzing (high level):
Ask the students to find objects in the classroom
- Search for things that resemble the
that demonstrate the 3D shapes cylinders and
cylinders and cones in the classroom.
Evaluating (high level):


How could you prove that the tent's shape is

- How could you prove that the can's shape is
Literacy: When students learn the names
of the 3D shapes (Gaining
new Creating (high level):


What way would you design your cone?

What way would you design your cylinder?

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1

Learning Center 2

(High level)
Colorful papers
White papers

(Medium level)
Colorful papers
White papers
cardboard tubes
painting brushes

Learning Center 3

(Low level)
Colorful papers
White papers

Small Group Learning Centers: Time 10 Minutes

Learning Center 1 Title: Make Cylinders and Cones

Learning Center 2 Title: Make Cylinders and Cones

using papers

using papers

Students will have to choose what 3D shape they

want to make. For the cylinders students will have
colorful A4 papers and they will have to fold it to
make cylinders then they can design it and color it
as they want then they will draw the cylinders on
the white paper. For the cone students will have a
paper and they will fold it to make a cone then they
can color it and design it as they want.

Students will have to choose what 3D shape they

want to make. For the cylinders students will have
cardboard tubes and some paints they will have to
design it and color it then they will draw the
cylinders on the white paper. For the cone students
will have a paper and they will fold it to make a
cone then they can color it and design it as they

Learning Center 3 Title: Make Cylinders and Cones using papers

Students will have to choose what 3D shape they want to color and design. For the cylinders students will
have papers cylinders and some colors and they will have to color it and design it as they want. For the
cone students will have paper cubes and some colors and they will have to color it and design it as they
Closing activity: Title: Reviewing the lesson (worksheet) Time: 10 Minutes
Worksheet that has pictures of cylinders and cones, students have to match the cone pictures with the
cone word and the cylinders pictures with the cylinders word.
Assessment for Learning: I will ask them different question about the lesson and what we did for the

General Comments
In my opinion I think that my lesson was successful because I was able to achieve my learning goal.
Moreover I think that the activities I choose were good for the students' abilities and skills. I think that it
those activities helped students to develop their physical, language, mathematical and social skills. Also I
believe that I was able to make the students identify the 3D shapes and learn its names in an easy way by
repeating the names, showing the videos, doing variety of activities and using different learning styles

Fatima Obaid H00298145

such as visual, auditory and physical. I think that the students were active and they were engaged with
me also they enjoyed the activities and they did a good job. The students were happy with the cylinders
and the cones they did.

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

I think that I need to use different management strategies to be able to control the students' different
behaviors. Moreover I think that I need to give the students more activities that need physical skills and
needs some focus to be able to make them engaged and calm.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Lesson Plan
13 April 2016


Sizes, shapes and colors

Number of Students/ Grade

18 student - KG2A

Personal Aims

Be prepared before the students arrive

- Be confident
Use reward system and encourage the students
Learning Outcomes:
(Li nk to the ADEC K-5 , MOE or Interna ti ona l Curri cul um
documents )
Students will be able to:

Identify the sizes

Classify the objects by its sizes
Recognize the colors
Recognize the shapes
Link between the real life and the

Shapes video
Colors video
White board
- Markers
- worksheet
Shapes (circle and square)

Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time 15 Minutes

Play stand up and sit down with the

students for 2 minutes.
Review the previous lesson (senses)
(Warm Up)
Question (Blooms Taxonomy)

Show a video about the shapes.

Ask the students different questions about
the video.
Ask the students to draw the shapes (circle
and square) on the white board.
Show a video about the colors.
Explain the short and the tall by comparing
between the students.
Explain the big and small by using the
shapes (circle and square).

Active Engagement:

Sort the shapes by its size (whole class

Students will have a paper that has two circles one
for the big and one for the small and they will have
an envelope that has big and small colorful circles
and squares. Students will sort the shapes
depending on their sizes on the paper.

Remembering (low level):

What is this shape?

What is this color?

Understanding (low level):

What facts have the shape square?

What facts have the shape circle?

Applying (low level):

What facts would you select to compare

between (Ali and Rouda) (ex: short, tall)

Fatima Obaid H00298145


Literacy: learn the colors, shapes and sizes

(gain new vocabularies).
Math: learn the sizes (short, tall, big and
Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1

Learning Center 2

(High Level)

Learning Center 3

(Medium Level)

(Low Level)

Small Group Learning Centers: Time 10 Minutes

Learning Center 1 Title:

Classify the objects

Students will have different objects and they will

have to classify them on the baskets depending on
the sizes and the shapes and I will ask the students
about the objects colors.

Learning Center 3 Title:

Learning Center 2 Title:

Draw the objects

Students will have a paper that has tables, one for

the sizes and one for the shapes and they will have
to draw objects that demonstrate each size in the
table and they will draw the shapes (square and
circle) then they will color them.

Color the shapes depending on their sizes

Students will have a paper that has the shapes square and circle in different sizes and they will have to
color the small shapes with the red color and the big shapes with the green color.
Closing activity: Title: Classify the Flashcards Time: 10 Minutes
Students will have envelopes that have flashcards about short, long, small and big. There will be four
baskets, one for big, one for small, one for short and one for long. Students will have to classify the
flashcards on the four baskets.
Assessment for Learning:

I will ask the students different questions about the lesson, activities and what they

learnt in the class.

General Comments
In my opinion my lesson was successful because I was able to achieve all of my learning objectives. The
students were able to identify the sizes (big, small, short and tall). Moreover, I was able to deliver the
information about the lesson to the students in an easy way by showing the students different videos and
using them as examples for the short and the tall moreover I did variety of activities that made it easy for
the students to acknowledge the sizes, colors and shapes. I used variety learning styles which helped me
maintain the time furthermore the students were active with me and they did good work in the activities
and they enjoyed them.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

I think that I need to use management strategies to manage the students when they are sitting on the
carpet because they move a lot moreover I think that I need to reduce the time when the students are
sitting on the carpet because they get bored easily and I need to give them more activities that needs
physical skills.

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