Lesson Plan - Story Book
Lesson Plan - Story Book
Lesson Plan - Story Book
Lesson Plan
30 October 2016
Learning Outcomes:
Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time: 20 Minutes
Warm Up:
Ask the students to stand up and sing shake your sillies out
Lesson Introduction:
Tell the students that I'm going to read a story for them.
Read the cover page.
Ask questions about the cover page.
Read the story and ask different questions while reading.
Ask students different questions about the story.
Active Engagement:
Find the character puzzle (whole class activity)
I will have a big puzzle and I will ask some students to come and solve it
then when they finish I will ask them who is the character and what is
his role in the story.
Role Play (whole class activity)
I will choose some students to role play the story. I will give them the
characters pictures in sticks, each student will choose a character to
represent it and do the role play.
General Comments
In my opinion my lesson was successful because the students liked the story also they were engaged and active.
Students liked the characters of the story and I was able to deliver the information of helping each other to them
in an easy way and they enjoyed it. In the story there were new word that the students have not learnt yet and I
was able to teach them those words and the meaning of them. I was happy because the story that I created
helped the students develop different domains and the students enjoyed it also they learnt new things.