Lesson Plan: Small Groups Activities
Lesson Plan: Small Groups Activities
Lesson Plan: Small Groups Activities
Lesson Plan
Students have knowledge about sounds /s/ and /a/ . They also know words that start with these sounds and they know how to
write them in capital and small cases.
Activity 2: Each student will have a worksheet, scissor and glue. In the work sheet they have a tiger and some parts of its body
is missing. The missing parts are in the other half of the worksheet. Students will cut the missing parts and put them in the
right place for them.
Activity 3: Students will have different words flashcards that start with phoneme (a) or phoneme (s) or phoneme (t) but
without writing the first letter and there will be a picture that represent the word in front of it and there will be a basket that
has different phonics. Students will have to search for phoneme (a) or (s) or (t) and stick it on its place in the word.
Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:
- Classroom management
- Positive verbal feedback (During the carpet time and the small groups activities)
- Transition (From the carpet to the small groups area)
Fatima Obaid H00298145
- Teacher asks one of the students to put the date - The selected student puts the
card in the calendar. date card in the calendar.
- Promote the week 4 - Teacher says we will watch a video about the - Students watch the video and - Smart board
theme. animals pay attention to it.
- Students will learn - After the story teacher asks students about the - Students answer the
about the animals. video and animals. teachers questions.
- Remind the students 3 - Teacher says who can remind me of the sounds - Students answer the - Cards
of the last thing they we took in the previous weeks? teachers question. - Whiteboard
Revision learnt.
- Teacher uses the revision activity to remind the - Students do the activity.
- Students will recall students of the previous sounds.
their previous
Fatima Obaid H00298145
- Students will learn 5 - Teacher says we will take complete our new - Students answer the teacher - Flashcards
new sound. sound, who can what is the new sound we took about the sound
yesterday - Song of
- Students will learn - Students repeat the sound sound video
new words and - Teacher shows sound /t/ flashcard. with the teacher.
Introducing memorize them. - Smart board
the lesson - Teacher shows students sound /t/ action. - Students do the action of the
- Teacher show /t/ words flashcards and read them
with the students. - Students read the flashcards
with the teacher.
- Assess students. 5 - Teacher will give students instructions of the - Students listen to the
activities and show them a model. teachers explanation and
Small group
- Evaluate students instructions of the activities.
understanding of the - Teacher will help students if they needed help.
lesson. - Students do the activities.
- Teacher will observe and write notes of the
students work.
- Teacher will know if 3 - Teacher asks the students to sit back in the - Students sit in the carpet - Flashcards
she achieved her lesson carpet. cross legged with hands in
learning outcomes their laps.
- Teachers asks students about what they learn
- Teacher will know today and what they did in the activities. - Students answer the
Ending the what new knowledge teachers questions.
lesson students has built. - Teacher shows the students the pictures
flashcards and choose some students to say the - Selected students say the
- Teacher will be able name of the picture and the sound of the first name of the picture in the
to plan for her next phoneme. flashcard and say the sound of
lesson. the phoneme.