Module 7

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Radio Mechanics

Fourth Year
Module 7
The Building Blocks
Stages of AM Radio Receiver
What this module is all about
Undoubtedly, the superheterodyne principle reigns supreme in current receiver design. Superheterodyne radio receiver or superhets were mass produced with great success every fifty years. The superheat
design offers the prime advantages of high selectivity and high sensitivity which remain fairly constant throughout the tuning range of a receiver. It was natural that, from the very beginning, transistor radios used the
superheterodyne principle.
At the end of this module you should have been able to:
1. Identify the basic stages of AM radio receivers.
2. Explain the function of each stage.

How to learn from this module

Following are some tips on how to use this module. These will guide you in working out the activities
and summarizing what you have learned.
1. Read the objectives so you will know what you expect to learn from this module.
2. Be sure to work out each activity because each activity prepares you for the next.
3. Answer the pretest before you go through the module to determine what you already know about the topics.
Use the key to correction to check your answers but do this only after completion of the module. Always
do the self-check after each activity to determine whether you understood what you have read.
4. Read the lessons again if you were not able to answer the questions correctly.

Before going through this module, try to answer the pretest. This will enable you to find out what you
already know and what you still need to know about AM-Radio Receivers. Good Luck!

Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
1. The modulated r-f signals, transmitted from radio stations in the area are picked up or intercepted by the
a. speaker
b. diode
c. antenna
d. IFT
2. This circuit is tuned by the listener who rotates the receiver tuning dial to the desired stations carrier
frequency to accept and amplify the selected signal.
a. IF amplifier
b. detector
c. RF amplifier
d. mixer
3. ______ is also tuned to accept only R-F and oscillator signals.
a. oscillator
b. mixer
c. signal
d. AGC
4. _____ is a generator of an unmodulated r-f signal at a frequency of about 455 KHZ, above the desired
incoming r-f signals frequency.
a. mixer
b. oscillator
c. AFC
d. AGC
5. _____is fixed-tuned to accept and amplify only the 455 KHZ difference signal ( the intermediate frequency)
a. IF amplifier
b. Audio amplifier
c. AGC
d. detector
6. _____removes the audio component from the i-f signal and transfers it to the audio driver stage.
a. AGC
b. AFC
c. oscillator
d. detector stage

7. The gain of this stage may be controlled automatically by the ______circuit to compensate for variations in
signal strength.
a. automatic gain control
b. automatic frequency control
c. oscillator
d. mixer
8. The normal frequency use for the IF stage
a. 50 hz
b. 120 hz
c. 455 khz
d. 60 hz
9. The IF stage of an AM receiver uses_____number of IFT (intermediate frequency transformer)
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
10. The AM tuner stage normally uses _____transistors specially in 7 transistor AM radios.
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2

How did you fare? If not, dont worry. Anyway you will take the same test after you have studied all
the lessons in this module. By that time you shall have been able to answer all the questions correctly.
If you need any assistance in carrying out the different activities, dont hesitate to ask the help of your

Lesson 1
Basic Stages of the AM-Radio Receiver














Block Diagram of a Typical AM Superheterodyne

Receiver Signals at Various Points in the Receiver.

This is a block diagram of a typical amplitude-modulated (AM) superheterodyne broadcast band receiver.
Each block represents a stage. In some receivers, some of the stages shown are omitted or additional stages
added, according to the requirements of the particular receiver design.
Activities in the operation of the receiver are as follows:
The modulated r-f signals, transmitted from radio stations in the areas are picked up or intercepted by the
antenna and fed to the first stage - the r-f amplifier. This circuit is tuned by the listener who rotates the
receivers tuning dial to the desired stations carrier frequency to accept and amplify the selected signal. In the
standard broadcast band, there will be a frequency between 530 khz to 1600 khz. After the modulated r-f
signal is selected and amplified, it is fed to the mixer stage. The r-f amplifier has thus provided a certain extent
of selectivity and sensitivity that is required. This stage is omitted.
The mixer and oscillator stages perform the actual superheterodyne function. The oscillator stage is a
generator of unmodulated r-f signals at a frequency of about 455 khz above the desired incoming r-f signals
frequency. The oscillator stage is tuned simultaneously (ganged) with the r-f amplifier stage in order that the
r-f amplifier is tuned from one frequency to another, the oscillator is tuned to a frequency precisely 455 khz
above the radio frequency. Both the r-f and oscillator signals are fed to the mixer.
The mixer is also tuned to accept only the r-f and oscillator signals. In this stage, the two signals are

heterodyne (beat together) to produce new signals. The output of the mixer stage consists of the incoming rf signal, the oscillator signal, and two new signals - the sum and difference of the two input signals. As the
receiver is tuned throughout the band, one of these frequency signals remains constant. This is the difference
signal, which is always 455 khz and contains the same audio modulation as the original r-f signal at the antenna.
This signal is fed to the i-f amplifier stage.
The i-f amplifier is fixed to accept and amplify only the 455 khz difference signal (called the intermediate
frequency). The gain provided by this stage remains constant over the entire broadcast band and provides high
gain since amplification of a lower frequency signal is being performed. The gain of this stage may be
controlled automatically by an AGC (automatic gain control) circuit to compensate for variations in signal
strength. The i-f signal is then fed to the detector stage.
The detector stage removes the audio component from the i-f signal and transfers this to the audio driver
stage. The signal is recovered by rectifying and filtering the modulated i-f signal. The detector is also the source
of AGC voltage.
The audio driver stage amplifies the audio signal and feeds it to the audio output stage. The audio
output stage further amplifies the audio signal thus developing sufficient power to drive the speaker. The sound
waves produced by the speaker are the same sound waves which are used to modulate the r-f carrier at the
radio stations transmitter.
Power for the transistors to accomplish its diverse functions is most often supplied by a battery. Battery
power is supplied to all stages except the detector when a diode rectifier is used.

Figure 2 Schematic Diagram of an AM Receiver

Figure 3 Block Diagram of an AM Radio Tuner

Figure 4 Schematic Diagram of the Radio Tuner

Figure 5 Test results show that resistance of the coil is higher.

Figure 6 Test results show that resistance of the coil is lower.

Figure 7 Schematic circuit showing the connection of the antenna.

Figure 8 Schematic circuit showing the connection of the tuning capacitor

to the antenna and local oscillator.

Figure 9 Schematic circuit showing the connection of the mixer-converter transistor.

Figure10 Schematic circuit showing the connection of the tuning

capacitor at the antenna and the local oscillator.

Figure 11 Actual appearance of

the first IFT with its metal shield.

Figure 12 Actual appearance of the first IFT showing

the primary and secondary windings, without the metal

Figure13 Schematic symbol of the tuning


Figure 14 Pictorial appearance of the tuning


Figure 15 Schematic circuit showing the connection of the 1st IFT.

Figure16 IF signal is converted by the detector to audio signal.

Figure17 Schematic diagram showing the connection of

the first intermediate frequency amplifier transistor.

Volume Control

Volume Amplifier Driver Sections

Power Output


Power Supply

Figure 18 Block diagram of the amplifier.

Figure 19 Schematic diagram of the amplifier.



Figure 20 Circuit connection and parts of the driver transistor.

Figure 21 Schematic circuit of the power output amplifier section.

Activity 1
Assembling the AM Radio Receiver
You will assemble an AM radio receiver based on the kit model available at the market.
Materials Needed
Buy : 1 - CMC kit - 7 transistor radio
Borrow from your teacher the following tools and instruments:
1 - soldering iron - 30 watts - 220VAC
1 - long nose plier
1 - diagonal cutter
1 - screwdriver (standard) small
1 - Phillips screwdriver
1 - V.O.M.


1. Count the number of components you bought from the electronics store. List of components are listed
down on the schematic diagram given to you. Check the pictorial diagram, too.
2. Test all components, using V.O.M. to determine if it is good or bad. Use the testing procedure you
learned in Module 4.
3. Check and give the color code of all the resistors to be used in assembling your AM radio receiver.
4. Check also the value of capacitors, diodes, and transistors given to you.
5. If everything is ready, start mounting all the resistors, followed by ceramic capacitors, electrolytic
capacitors, transistors, diode, IFT, volume control, antenna coil, antenna holder, connecting wires,
black for negative and red for positive.
6. Follow the correct procedure of mounting components as illustrated in Figure 1.




Ceramics esisto

+ -


+ -





Not This

Figure 22 Positioning of Components

7. Observe correct polarity of electrolytic capacitors, correct basing of transistor leads, the emitter
must be mounted to letter E, collector to letter C, base to letter B. Ceramic capacitors have no
polarity or negative (-) or positive (+) signs, so you can invert the lead of ceramic capacitors.
8. If everything is mounted properly then you can now start soldering the components. Follow the
correct soldering procedure as illustrated in Module 2 - Soldering Techniques.
9. Cut all the excess wires or leads after soldering the components. Use the diagonal cutter in cutting
excess leads.
10. Observe the correct positioning of the antenna coil specially the connection of primary and
secondary windings. Refer to the pictorial and schematic diagram given to you.
11. After soldering all the components, connect the speaker (4 inches, 8 , 2 watts) and the 6-volt
battery. Observe the correct polarity of batteries- negative to the black wire and positive to the
red wire.
12. Turn on the switch of the volume control and start testing your radio receiver. If any problem
arises, refer to Module 8 for troubleshooting techniques.


1. What is the meaning of AM?
2. Give the main function of the antenna.
3. What component is usually used as detector?
4. What stage of the AM receiver provides radio station from 530 khz to 1600 khz?
5. Name the stage that provides audio or sound in a radio receiver.
Activity 2
AM Tuner Alignment
Materials Needed
1 - AM radio receiver -- Assembled with 3 or more stations
1 - screwdriver (standard) small -- if possible with a plastic end
A. IFT Adjustment Procedure
1. Turn the radio to ON with 50% sound.
2. Turn the tuner slowly from right to left and stop at a weak station.
3. Tune the tuning capacitor to 1600 khz, or to the highest station in your area.
4. At this point, adjust IFT black slowly back and forth until the maximum signal is achieved.
5. Follow the same procedure with IFT white and IFT yellow for maximum volume.
B. Tracking Alignment
1. Set the pointer of the dial to the station with the lowest frequency (M. Mla. Area - 558 khz - RMN).
Adjust the antenna coil back and forth for maximum signal.
2. Turn the pointer of the dial to the station with the highest frequency (M. Mla. Area - 1570 khz DZHH).
Adjust the oscillator trimmer (o) to obtain the station, then adjust the antenna trimmer (a) to achieve
maximum signals. Use a small standard screwdriver in adjusting, the IFT, Red Oscillator, antenna
trimmer, and oscillator trimmer.
3. Return to the station with the lowest frequency, following the same procedure as B-1, then back to the
station with the highest frequency using the same procedure in No. B-2. Repeat procedures B-1 and
B-2 at least twice. The alignment is now complete.


Antenna Coil
Or Antenna Bar
Primary Coil
Ferrite Core


Oscillator trimmer
Antenna trimmer
Volume Control

Tuning Capacitor


1st IFT

2nd IFT

3rd IFT

Pictorial view of the most important components in the

alignment of the AM tuner-radio receiver.


What is the frequency of the RMN station?

The color of oscillator coil is ______.
The frequency of the DZHH station is ______.
To achieve 1570 khz DZHH, adjust ______ for maximum signal.
To achieve 558 khz RMN, adjust ______ for maximum signal.

This module is all about the operation of radio receivers and the function of each block. It also takes up the
principle of modulation in radio broadcasting and reception. In this module, students experience basic RF
communications, using the AM radio receiver as medium. The module also includes discussion on adjustments
and signal orientation. Assembling of an AM receiver is also one of the activities. Standard radio broadcast
stations use amplitude modulation (AM) to transmit audio signals or information (voice and music) in the radio
frequency (RF) carrier wave. Amplitude modulation also involved mixing AF and RF signals, although this time
and the amplitude of the carrier is altered. The mixing of these signals is similar to the heterodyning process.


Directions: Choose only the letter of the correct answer.
1. The AM tuner stages normally use _____ number of transistors specially in the 7 transistor AM Radio.
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
2. The IF stage of AM receiver uses ______ number of IFT (intermediate frequency transformer).
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
3. The normal frequency of the IF stage is
a. 50 hz
b. 120 hz
c. 455 khz
d. 60 hz
4. The gain of this stage may be controlled automatically by ______ circuit to compensate for variations in
signal strength.
a. automatic gain control
b. automatic frequency control
c. oscillator
d. mixer
5. ______ removes the audio component from the IF signal and transfers this to audio driver stage.
a. AGC
b. AFC
c. oscillator
d. detector stage
6. ______ is fixed-tuned to accept and amplify only 455 khz difference signal (called intermediate frequency).
a. IF amplifier
b. audio amplifier
c. AFC
d. AGC


7. ______ is a generator of an unmodulated r-f signals at a frequency of about 455 khz, above the desired
incoming r-f signals frequency.
a. mixer
b. oscillator
c. AFC
d. AGC
8. What is also tuned to accept only R-F and oscillator signals?
a. oscillator
b. mixer
c. signal
d. AGC
9. A circuit tuned by the listener who rotates the receivers tuning dial to the desired stations carrier
frequency to accept and amplify the selected signal.
a.. IF amplifier
b. detector
c. R-F amplifier
d. mixer
10. The modulated r-f signals transmitted from radio stations in the areas are picked up or intercepted by
a. speaker
b. diode
c. antenna
d. IFT
11. A device used to amplify signals
a. diode
b. transistor
c. antenna
d. coil
12. Something used to convert electrical energy to sound energy.
a. speaker
b. IFT
c. oscillator
d. microphone


13. A device used to increase and decrease the sounds of the radio receiver.
a. microphone
b. volume
c. headphone
d. speaker
14. A device used to convert the IF signal to the AF signal.
a. detector diode
b. IFT
c. oscillator
d. trimmer
15. What supplies power to all stages to accomplish their functions?
a. transistor
b. batteries
c. diode
d. transformer

1. c
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. b
6. d
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. c

1. c
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. d
6. b
7. b
8. b
9. c
10. c
11. b
12. a
13. b
14. a
15. b


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