Critical Thinking For Students
Critical Thinking For Students
Critical Thinking For Students
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Preface 1 Identifying Arguments Persuading and arguing Finding arguments Recognising the importance of arguments Arguing, explaining and summarising Matching reasons to conclusions Exercises 2 Analysing Simple Arguments Identifying reasons and conclusions Checking on the work reasons do Showing argument structure as a diagram Distinguishing reasoning from other material Deciding what conclusion can be drawn Exercises 3 Finding More Detail in Arguments Finding more than one conclusion Filling in the gaps in reasoning Using analogies Exercises 4 Exploring Weakness Being necessary and being sufficient Confusing causes and consequences Attacking the arguer rather than the argument Going round in circles
9 9 12 16 17 19 23 24 24 26 28 32 34 38 39 39 45 53 55 57 57 61 65 67
Rushing down slippery slopes Building straw men Turning two wrongs into one right Restricting options Making irrelevant appeals Exercises 5 Finding Strengths Looking for certainty Increasing probability Exercises Assessing the Credibility of Evidence Assessing arguments Applying Your Skills Asking the right questions
to the Third Edition
Since this book was first published in 1996, the subject of Critical Thinking has grown very big very quickly. From being a subject that most teachers (and students) hadn't heard of to one that is studied by thousands of people in hundreds of schools and colleges, the progress of Critical Thinking has been remarkable. It gives me considerable satisfaction that this book has, with its tens of thousands of copies sold, made a contribution to this progress. The book introduces you to the basic skills of Critical Thinking. The central feature of the subject is the study of arguments: how to analyse and evaluate them. Arguments are found everywhere. They are what goes on in adverts, with the recommendation to buy something because of some reason or other (for example, '68% of 42 women said that they thought wrinkles looked less noticeable after two weeks of using No More Wrinkles'). Arguments are also used by newspapers in their attempts to get us to believe one thing or another (for example, 'we should support the proposal to have ID-cards because the cards will help to reduce crime'). Of course, we use them ourselves every day: 'I don't agree with you because. . .' Being able to see more clearly what's going on in an argument is a very useful skill. It can help you with studying pretty well any subject. It does this by helping you to look at evidence and the claims that are made about it. It also does it by encouraging you to look for alternative explanations for evidence, and to consider what effect these would have on an author's argument. In these and other ways, Critical Thinking can help you to be more competent in your studies. But it's a useful skill anyway. You can use it to see problems in your own arguments and to see problems in arguments others use. If you're studying Critical Thinking for an assessment like the AS exam, then this book will be really useful for you in introducing the skills that you'll need. If you're looking for a short, approachable, straightforward book on Critical Thinking, then this book will fit the bill. If you're planning to do a test like the TSA, BMAT, LNAT, and the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, then you'll find that
this book is recommended for effective preparation for all of them. When I first wrote this book, I was very happy to acknowledge the tolerance of my children. Since they have got older and much more prone to being argumentative, I must now thank my grandchildren for their tolerance. Hopefully, the subject of Critical Thinking can grow and flourish even more as the next generation of students takes shape. One day, then, it'll be over to Daisy, Darcey, Eleanor, Hannie, Martha, Noah, Ruby, and Thomas to carry Critical Thinking forward. Until then, those with grey hair will try to carry the baton forward. Roy van den Brink-Budgen
Identifying Arguments
PERSUADING AND ARGUING If you were asked to say what is meant by an 'argument', you would probably use words like 'disagreement' and 'dispute'. The following example would fit with this description: I can't understand people who say that smokers shouldn't be allowed to smoke in public places. I think anyone should be allowed to smoke anywhere. In this example, the speaker expresses a clear disagreement. Their argument is with those who want to restrict the rights of smokers. You can come up with all sorts of other examples, ranging from simple disagreements between friends to much more complex ones like those between political parties. However, in critical thinking, the meaning of the word 'argument' goes further than just 'disagreement'. It is not enough to disagree: there must be an attempt to persuade someone that one position is preferable to another. Looking back at our first example, how does the speaker try to persuade us that 'anyone should be allowed to smoke anywhere'? The answer is simple: they don't. Persuading with reasons The speaker in the first example did no more than disagree with those who think that smoking should not be allowed in public places. Nothing in what was said would have changed your mind on the subject. However, look at the next example:
People should be allowed to smoke anywhere. Smoking's not illegal, and millions of people get huge pleasure from it. What's the difference? As you will have seen, the speaker has now given us two reasons why 'people should be allowed to smoke anywhere'. The first is that smoking isn't illegal; the second is that millions of people enjoy it. Whether or not you agree with these reasons, the point remains that this second example is an attempt to be persuasive. It's an attempt to get beyond simple disagreement. It also calls out for an answer. It would not be enough to reply that you disagree. Even if you are not persuaded, the reasons have to be at least acknowledged. In responding to this argument, you would have to respond with your own reasons. In other words, an argument has to be answered with an argument. So what have we established so far? Arguments have reasons. Arguments are meant to be persuasive. You can see then that arguments for the critical thinker are not like arm-twisting attempts to make other people accept a particular position. They are not bullying orders to see things one way rather than another. Instead, they set up reasons in such a way that, if you accept those reasons, you are likely to be persuaded of a particular position. Concluding from reasons Look again at our second example. What is the function of the first sentence? As we have seen, this is what the speaker wants to persuade us to accept. It is, if you like, the main point of what is being said. It is what we call the conclusion of the argument. We usually think of a 'conclusion' as something that comes at the end. For example, we talk about the concluding part of a television series. But when we use the word 'conclusion' in
Identifying Arguments
critical thinking, we are using it in a specific way. We are not using it to mean the final sentence in a passage, in that, though the conclusion of an argument might well be placed at the end of it, it does not have to be. It can come anywhere - even, as in the second example above, at the beginning. But, unless a conclusion is drawn, an argument has not been created. The reasons must be going somewhere: there must be an attempt to persuade us of something. It is this feature of an argument, that reasons must be going somewhere, that returns us to the familiar meaning of 'conclusion' as 'end'. Even if the conclusion of an argument need not literally be placed at its end, it is where an argument 'ends up', by being what it tries to establish. We can now add another feature of arguments. Arguments always have a conclusion. By now, you will probably have a few questions which need answering. It would be useful to answer them before we move on. Questions and answers How will I know when I am dealing with an argument? You will need to find at least one part which acts as a reason for a conclusion and, of course, a conclusion itself. How will I be able to tell what is a reason and what is a conclusion? The simplest way of distinguishing between the two is to consider what the function of each is. The conclusion is the main purpose of the argument, expressing what the arguer wants to persuade others to accept. A reason will support this conclusion, literally giving a reason why we should accept it.
How many reasons does an argument have to have ? An argument must have a minimum of one reason. Beyond that, there is no limit to the number. You have said that arguments are attempts to persuade others of a particular position. What if they don't persuade others? Do arguments have to persuade in order to be called arguments? As long as there is at least one reason supporting a conclusion, there is an argument. Even if it's a very poor argument - one which is unlikely to (and shouldn't) persuade anybody - it's an argument nonetheless. So if arguments are intended to persuade others, are all attempts to persuade others called arguments'? No. There are many examples of attempts to persuade which are not arguments. For example, advertisers sometimes try to sell a product (try to persuade us to buy) by using no words at all. Put simply, if you've found an argument, it'll be an attempt to be persuasive; but if you've found something which attempts to be persuasive, it need not be an argument. FINDING ARGUMENTS Now that you know that arguments contain reasons and conclusions, you know what to look for. As we said above, a reason will in some way support a conclusion. You will remember our example about smoking in public places. If we change the wording slightly and turn it round to emphasise the conclusion, you'll be able to see how the reasons do their work: Smoking's not illegal. In addition, millions of people get huge pleasure from it. Therefore people should be allowed to smoke anywhere.
Identifying Arguments
Looking for words as clues In this version the conclusion is flagged by the word 'therefore'. Very often some sort of word like this will alert you to where the conclusion is. Other words include 'so', 'then', 'thus' and 'in consequence'. Put any of these words in place of 'therefore' and you will see how they do the same job. You will also find, as in the above example, that a word like 'should' will often give you a clue that a conclusion might have been drawn (another is 'must'). However, conclusions are not always helpfully flagged in this way. This means that, to be an effective critical thinker, you need to be able to find conclusions without using word clues. There will be no such helpful word clues to indicate the presence of reasons. Again, you will have to do some work to establish whether or not reasons have been provided. This is where knowing the function of reasons will help you. Exercises in finding arguments Introduction Now that you know something of arguments, it will be useful to practise your skill at identifying them. Below are four short passages for you to read and work out which are arguments and which are not. Remember that you are looking for passages which contain reasons supporting a conclusion. To help you get along, we start with an example. Is this an argument? Unless people invest in computers for their home, they are going to be left behind in the huge technological changes affecting our lives. Computers have become so much cheaper than they used to be. Most children feel entirely comfortable with them. This is not an argument. Whichever order you put these three sentences in, there is not one of them which can be a conclusion drawn from the other two. (Try it to check.) In other words, you cannot use any two of the sentences to serve as reasons for the
one that remains. All you have are three statements about computers. What about the next example? Children will be able to do their school work much better if they have access to a computer at home. The price of home computers has fallen considerably over the past few years. So parents should buy a computer for their children to use at home. This is an argument. The conclusion ('So parents . . .') is supported by the reasons in the first two sentences. In other words there is an attempt to persuade parents to buy computers. Questions Now look at the passages which follow and work out which are arguments. (You'll need to show which parts are reasons and which conclusions.) (1) Satellite television companies are increasingly bidding for the exclusive rights to televise live sport. Most people don't subscribe to satellite television. The technology of television is changing rapidly. (2) Most people who visit zoos want to see lots of animals. Displays about endangered species, however well presented, can never excite us in the same way as real lions and elephants. Zoos need to concentrate on providing lots of living animals rather than displays about them. (3) Some zoos are trying to save endangered species in order to return them to the wild. Wildlife programmes on television are very popular. Safari parks provide an opportunity for people to see animals wandering freely. (4) Traffic-calming measures are increasingly necessary in residential areas. Cars are travelling much too fast along
Identifying Arguments
residential streets. Imposing speed limits has not slowed down the speed at which cars travel. Answers 1I) This is not an argument. None of the sentences can serve as a conclusion drawn from the other two. (2) This is an argument. The third sentence is the conclusion supported by the reasons in the other two. That zoos need to concentrate on providing animals rather than displays is justified by the claim that most people want to see animals and that displays about animals can never be as exciting as the real thing. This is the only way you can construct an argument with this passage, so if you got it any other way round, look at it again. (3) This is not an argument. All you have are three statements about zoos, wildlife programmes and safari parks. Whichever way round you put these, none of them would work as a conclusion drawn from the other two. (4) This is an argument. The first sentence is a conclusion drawn from the other two. The reasoning works like this: since cars are travelling too fast along residential streets, and since speed limits have not worked, therefore trafficcalming measures are increasingly necessary. If you had this any other way round, look at your answer again. Remember that when you are looking for arguments, you are not looking for something that could be argued, but for something that actually is argued. In other words, you are looking for material where reasons are given in support of a conclusion.
RECOGNISING THE IMPORTANCE OF ARGUMENTS Now that you can identify arguments, a question still hangs over the proceedings. It's all very well learning what arguments are. But why do I need to know what they are? This is a good question. After all, one of the claims that we are making in this book is that, if you can master the skills described here, you will be better able to handle the material you are studying. Arguments are found everywhere. They are found in newspapers and magazines, on television and radio; they are found in every school and college subject, every debate, every court case. Some are good arguments, some are bad; some are so familiar that you wouldn't think of them as arguments; some will challenge many of your beliefs. It is partly because there are so many attempts to persuade us of one thing rather than another that we need to develop skills in assessing arguments. But it is also important for us to be able to develop our own arguments, especially if we are to become competent at dealing with arguments in academic subjects. If, for example, you are studying the social sciences, you will meet arguments around every academic corner: arguments about the causes of crime, about social change, about the significance of the family, and so on. If you are studying history, you will also have to deal with arguments: these might include the significance of the French Revolution, the causes of the First World War, and the role of religion in social change. If you are studying subjects such as biology and zoology, you will be faced with arguments on the nature of evolutionary change such as how and why early humans developed a brain so powerful that the number of possible interconnections is greater than the number of atoms in the universe.
Identifying Arguments
Making judgements Becoming competent at a subject is much more than knowing a series of facts. Obviously, not having the factual knowledge means that you're not going to get very far, but you also need to evaluate and analyse the material you're studying. Time and time again, you will be asked to carry out tasks which involve you making judgements about your material. From a requirement to do a specific analysis of information to the openended requirement to 'discuss' a general theme, you will benefit from having critical thinking skills. ARGUING, EXPLAINING AND SUMMARISING Before we look further at arguments, we need to stop briefly to consider the difference between explaining, summarising and arguing. Explaining and arguing Not everything that has the appearance of an argument is actually an argument. You will remember that in addition to reasons and conclusions, an argument should be intended to be persuasive. Look at the next example: The ship comes into port at 7.30. Passengers disembark 30 minutes later. Therefore the customs officers will be on duty by 7.55. This example has the form of an argument, with what appear to be two reasons supporting a conclusion. But it is not a persuasive piece of writing: it is doing no more than explaining what will happen. It is not justifying one duty time rather than another for customs officers. Thus we can distinguish between explanations and arguments in terms of the purpose for which they are produced. This is not to say that explanations are of no interest in critical thinking. Very often, an argument will rely on a
particular explanation to support its conclusion. In such cases, you will need to evaluate the explanation to see whether or not it does provide such support. Look at the following example: The forest fire was caused by some campers cooking on a barbecue and leaving the still-hot remains on the ground. If we are to reduce the risk of such a fire happening again, we must forbid camping in the forest. In this example, the author is using an explanation for the forest fire in order to argue that we need to forbid camping. The explanation is not equivalent to the argument, but used as a reason for the conclusion. The explanation of the cause of the fire might be accepted, but someone might want to make the point that it is not enough to support the conclusion (for example, on the ground that one accident does not justify such a restriction). Summarising and arguing Another way of producing the form of an argument without having its persuasive purpose is in summarising. The next example will show how this works: Buying a house will involve spending time on looking at lots of very often unsuitable properties. It will also involve spending money on things like surveys. In addition, it will require plenty of patience and determination. So housebuyers will need to have time, money, patience and determination. As we have seen, the word 'so' often indicates the presence of a conclusion. But, in this case, the sentence beginning with this word is not a conclusion. The previous three sentences might also look like reasons for an argument, but the final sentence does not use them in this way. As you can see, the final sentence does no more with what comes before it than to summarise the
Identifying Arguments
content. It is not a conclusion based on reasoning. To highlight the difference, look at a version of the above in which the first three sentences are indeed used as reasons. Buying a house will involve spending time on looking at lots of very often unsuitable properties. It will also involve spending money on things like surveys. In addition, it will require plenty of patience and determination. Most people have little time, not much money and very little patience or determination. So it is not worth their while trying to buy a house. As you can see, the final sentence is not a summary of what comes before. It draws a conclusion based on the previous reasoning. In other words, it goes beyond what has been stated before. By its very nature, summarising can do no more than restate what has gone before. MATCHING REASONS TO CONCLUSIONS The distinction between summarising and arguing is a very important one to remember, in that it focuses our attention on the relationship between reasons and conclusions. We talk of a conclusion being drawn from the reasoning, so the reasons must provide sufficient support for the conclusion. If they don't, then it would be wrong to draw that conclusion. This relationship between reasoning and conclusion can be illustrated by the following short exercise. Here you will find a conclusion followed by three options, only one of which could serve as a reason for that conclusion. Your task is to identify which of these three options could support the conclusion. Exercise Conclusion: Mobile phones should not be allowed on the company's premises.
Reasons: (A) Most of the company's employees own a mobile phone. (B) The use of mobile phones can interfere with the company's computers. (C) Much of the company's business is done by fax rather than by phone. Which of (A), (B) and (C) best serves as a reason for the conclusion? Answer The answer is (B). If mobile phones can interfere with computers, then this is a good reason for not allowing them on the premises, in that the company's business could be adversely affected. (A) is not a good reason for the conclusion. Without other information, the claim that most employees have a mobile phone is not sufficient to conclude that such phones should be banned. (Other information could be that employees are spending too long on their mobile phones and thus not doing enough work.) You could combine (A) with (B) to give an even stronger argument than with (B) alone, but you can see that without something like the latter, (A) cannot be used as a reason for this conclusion. (C) is also not a good reason. The significance of this might be that employees are not very likely ever to use mobile phones, but even this interpretation (and it's by no means an inevitable one) does not provide a sufficient reason for concluding that mobile phones should not be allowed. Looking for relevance When matching reasons to a conclusion, as in the above exercise, one of the things that you were looking for was relevance. You were asking yourself: is this evidence or statement relevant to such a conclusion?
Identifying Arguments
There was some relevance in all of the possible reasons, but it was limited in (A) and even more so in (C). (A)'s relevance lay in its reference to mobile phones, and (C)'s in its reference to the company's use of phones. (B) was relevant not only in its reference to mobile phones, but also by its identification of a problem with such phones. One thing that needs to be remembered when you are assessing reasons for relevance is that sometimes a reason on its own will be irrelevant, but with others its relevance will be clear. The mobile phones example has already illustrated this point, when we noted that (A), though irrelevant on its own, became relevant when put together with (B). In assessing (A), (B) and (C) as reasons, you were looking for something in addition to relevance. You were also looking for adequacy. Looking for adequacy Though (A) and (C) have some relevance to the conclusion, neither is an adequate reason for it. Even if (A) or (C) are both true, neither is sufficient (alone or together) for the given conclusion. In other words, they do not provide sufficient support for the conclusion. (B), on the other hand, is enough on its own to support the conclusion. So how do we measure the adequacy of a reason? We look to see what the argument claims to do. If it seeks to prove something, then the reasoning must have a very high degree of adequacy. If, however, the conclusion is a fairly weak one, then the reasoning can be correspondingly weaker. To illustrate this question of adequacy, look at the next exercise. Exercise You are first of all given a set of different claims, followed by a series of possible conclusions.
Claims: (A) The Government is 35 per cent behind in the opinion polls. (B) The Government is not very popular. (C) No political party has ever won an election from a position of the level of the Government's unpopularity. Conclusions: (1) The Government will lose the next election. (2) The Government might lose the next election. (3) The Government will probably lose the next election. Work out which claims provide adequate reasons for which conclusions. Answers (A) would certainly provide an adequate reason to conclude (2) and be acceptably adequate for (3). As you can see, (2) is a very weak conclusion, using only the word 'might', and so requires very low adequacy. (3), however, is more demanding by its use of 'probably'. (B) would be adequate for no more than (2). Again, the undemanding nature of (2) is reflected in the less demanding reasoning required. (C) would obviously be relevant for (2) and is slightly more adequate for (3) than was (A). This is because the evidence gives us more confidence in the conclusion, by giving us a stronger reason for the conclusion. As you can see, no claim is sufficiently adequate for (1) in that this conclusion demands a very strong reason. It is, in fact, quite difficult to come up with a fully adequate reason for this conclusion. However, it is the sort of conclusion that is likely very often to be drawn. In reply, you would want to say that, at
Identifying Arguments
most, we are justified in drawing either (2) or (3), but, of course, you are beginning to be a critical thinker, so you would, wouldn't you? Some people are not yet at this stage. It is time to meet them. EXERCISES 1. Write the conclusion (main point) of any argument on any subject. (It'll be in the form of something like 'There should be . . .' or 'We must not. . .'.) Then come up with persuasive reasoning to support it. Write as strong an argument as you can against a position you would normally defend. Why are you not persuaded by this argument? Write as strong an argument as you can for a position you would want to defend. How relevant and adequate are the reasons you have used?
Analysing Simple Arguments
IDENTIFYING REASONS AND CONCLUSIONS Now that you can identify arguments by looking for reasons and conclusions, and you can make an initial assessment of reasoning, we need to consolidate your skills in working out which part of an argument is doing what. When you come across arguments in books, newspapers and so on, you won't usually find them neatly organised. Sometimes those bits of a passage which make up the reasoning and the conclusion end up obscured by irrelevance and illustration. Knowing which parts of a passage are doing what will enable you to assess both the strengths and weaknesses of the argument. We start with a short exercise to test whether you can work out which are reasons and which is the conclusion in a short argument. Exercise For each of the following arguments, identify which sentences are reasons and which is the conclusion. They are labelled (A), (B) and (C) to help in the discussion which follows. (1) (A) For many victims of crime, a tougher prison regime for criminals would be welcome. (B) The Government is right to introduce tougher regimes in prisons. (C) Many offenders would not commit crime if prisons had a tougher regime.
(2) (A) There should be no control over the right of newspapers to publish photographs and stories about public figures. (B) The lives of people who are public figures are of considerable interest to the general public. (C) People have a right to information about how public figures conduct their lives. (3) (A) The proposed anti-drugs campaign is unlikely to be effective with young people who take drugs. (B) The proposed anti-drugs campaign will stress the risks involved in taking drugs. (C) One of the main attractions of drugs for young people is the excitement of taking risks. Answers (1) (A) and (C) are the reasons for the conclusion (B). The conclusion that the Government is right to introduce tougher regimes is supported by the two reasons that victims of crime would support such a change, and that fewer crimes would be committed. To see how (B) fits well as a conclusion, look at the rewritten version: For many victims of crime, a tougher prison regime for criminals would be welcome. Furthermore, many offenders would not commit crime if prisons were tougher. So the Government is right to introduce tougher regimes in prisons. (2) (B) and (C) are the reasons for the conclusion (A). See how it reads when it is presented with (A) at the end: The lives of people who are public figures are of considerable interest to the general public. In addition, people have a right to information about how public figures conduct their lives. Therefore there should be no control over the right of newspapers to publish photographs and stories about public figures.
No other combination would work as an argument. (3) (B) and (C) are the reasons for the conclusion (A). No other combination would work as an argument. To see how it works, look at it in a more organised version: One of the main attractions of drugs for young people is the excitement of taking risks. The proposed anti-drugs campaign will stress the risks involved in taking drugs. Therefore the proposed campaign is unlikely to be effective with young people who take drugs. In this exercise, you were doing something very important. In working out which sentences were reasons and which conclusions, you were developing skills in structuring arguments. More specifically you were: looking at the relationship between reasons and a conclusion. But what we must also do is to look at the relationship between reasons themselves. This can vary from argument to argument. CHECKING ON THE WORK REASONS DO But I already know what reasons do. They support a conclusion, if they're relevant and adequate. So what more checking do 1 need to do? You're right, of course. You do know what reasons do, but what we haven't yet looked at is how reasons can do their work in different ways. Look again at the argument you worked on a short while ago: For many victims of crime, a tougher prison regime for criminals would be welcome. Furthermore, many
offenders would not commit crime if prisons were tougher. So the Government is right to introduce tougher regimes in prisons. How do the two reasons support the conclusion? Do they do it in the same way as the reasons support the conclusion in the next example? Overcrowding in prisons is a cause of many prison riots, and most of our prisons are overcrowded. Thus riots in our prisons are likely in the coming months. The answer is simple: no, they don't. In the first example, the reasons support the conclusion independently of each other. In other words, if you took either of them away, the other would still on its own enable the conclusion to be drawn. For example, let's take out the first reason. Many offenders would not commit crime if prisons were tougher. So the Government is right to introduce tougher regimes in prisons. The conclusion is perhaps weakened by the loss of the point about victims wanting a tougher regime, but not to the extent that it cannot be drawn. Either reason in this example is both relevant and adequate. In the second example, however, the reasons do not operate independently. If you remove either of them, the one that is left is insufficient for the conclusion. (Try doing it.) It is only by their acting together that we can draw the conclusion. Why would arguments in which the reasoning does not operate independently be more vulnerable than those in which it does? Because each step in an argument in which the reasons operate together needs to be both relevant and adequate. For example, if you could show that most of our prisons were not overcrowded, then the conclusion about the likelihood of riots
could not be drawn (even if the first reason was still true). SHOWING ARGUMENT STRUCTURE AS A DIAGRAM Though you do not have to use diagrams of arguments in order to be an effective critical thinker, it can often be useful in helping you to see quickly how an argument is structured. In turn, being able to see the structure quickly will help you in evaluating an argument. This applies not only to those that you'll meet in the various texts you'll use on your course, but also to those that you use in your written work. It's a useful check that the argument is working in the way you think it is. We start with a very simple example. It's a shorter version of an argument that we met right at the beginning: Smoking's not illegal. Therefore people should be allowed to smoke anywhere. In this argument, there's just one reason supporting the conclusion. To diagram its structure, we label the reason as R, the conclusion as C, and the relationship between them by
This gives us
If we look at the original version of this argument, we see that there were two reasons given for the conclusion: People should be allowed to smoke anywhere. Smoking's not illegal, and millions of people get huge pleasure from it.
To show that there are two reasons, we give each reason a number: Rl: Smoking's not illegal. R2: Millions of people get huge pleasure from it. We can diagram this as follows:
In this example, the reasons are supporting the conclusion independently so their relationship with the conclusion is shown accordingly. In another previous example, we had an argument in which the reasons acted together to support the conclusion: (Rl) Overcrowding in prisons is a cause of many prison riots, and (R2) most of our prisons are overcrowded. (C) Thus riots in our prisons are likely in the coming months. How would we show this argument?
R1 R1
As you can see, this shows that the conclusion is drawn on the strength, not of each reason, but of the reasons acting together. This technique of structuring an argument is much simpler than it might have seemed. The advantage of using it is to highlight what is doing what in an argument, with the result that you can assess its strength or weakness more easily. Before we move on, it will be useful to practise your skills in structuring arguments.
Exercise Write out the structure of the following arguments. Label each reason accordingly (Rl, R2, etc): (1) Children are very susceptible to the power of advertisers. Those children who smoke tend to buy those brands that are most frequently advertised. It must be advertising that influences children to smoke. (2) Divorce should be made easier rather than more difficult. Marital breakdown is distressing enough without separating couples having to worry about a difficult divorce. In addition, there is evidence that if the process of divorce is difficult, then a great deal more bitterness and anger is produced than if the process had been easier. (3) Most people don't go to watch football matches. But the costs of policing them are very high. Clubs make a contribution to these costs, but most of the bill falls to us all to pay. Football fans must be prepared to pay higher prices for their tickets to cover most of these costs. Answers (1) This has a very simple structure. Rl: Children are very susceptible to the power of advertisers. R2: Those children who smoke tend to buy those brands that are most frequently advertised. C: It must be advertising that influences children to smoke. Rl and R2 work together to support the conclusion (although it might be possible to draw the conclusion on the strength of R2 alone).
(2) In this argument, the conclusion appears first, followed by two reasons which support it independently. Rl: Marital breakdown is a difficult enough time without separating couples having to worry about a difficult divorce. R2: There is evidence that if the process of divorce is difficult, then a great deal more bitterness and anger is produced than if the process had been easier. C: Divorce should be made easier rather than more difficult.
R1 R1
(3) This argument has three reasons which work together to support the conclusion. Rl: Most people don't go to watch football matches. R2: But the costs of policing them are very high. R3: Clubs make a contribution to these costs, but most of the bill falls to us all to pay. C: Football fans must be prepared to pay higher prices for their tickets to cover most of these costs.
R1 + R2 + R3
DISTINGUISHING REASONING FROM OTHER MATERIAL In the examples we have looked at so far, the arguments have consisted of reasoning and a conclusion. You have not been asked to look for anything else. In the 'real world', however, arguments are not normally going to be presented so tidily. You might have to cut through all sorts of other material in order to get to the argument itself. Look at the next example: The showrooms of many garages are full of tempting offers to buy cars. These offers include interest-free credit, good part-exchange deals and many free extras. Manufacturers compete with each other to sell us fast, stylish dream-machines. But what about safety? There are already all sorts of safety features available, and a lot of evidence that motorists are not only less likely to have accidents if their car has these features, but also far more likely to survive any accident they're involved in. We should demand that car manufacturers concentrate on safety to the exclusion of all else. In this example, the argument doesn't get going until halfway through the passage. The first three sentences do no more than set the scene for the argument which concludes that we should demand that cars are made safer. The information on special offers provides something of a background for the argument but is not part of it. Making appropriate responses Why is it important to be able to distinguish between reasoning and other materiall The importance of being able to distinguish between reasoning and material such as illustrations and background information lies in your ability to make the appropriate responses to arguments. For example, faced with the passage about car
safety, a response such as 'but many motorists are attracted by good part-exchange deals' would have missed the point. It is a response to an item in the background information rather than to the argument itself. The following exercise asks you to distinguish an argument from any other material which accompanies it. Exercise Identify which part of each of the following passages is the argument: (1) In the average dustbin you will find a wide variety of valuable resources: metal, paper, card and glass. Many of these items can be economically recycled. People should be encouraged to use local recycling facilities instead of throwing away things like paper, cans and bottles. Though manufacturers might give a great deal of thought to the packaging they use, too often they don't worry about what happens to it when it's finished with. Packaging which is attractive on the supermarket shelf is much less so when it is blowing across a pavement or littering our beaches. (2) Many countries have a national lottery. The UK's National Lottery was introduced in 1994 and the level of participation in it has been much higher than the original estimates predicted. One of the worrying features of the National Lottery is that, following its introduction, the amount spent on gambling in the UK has gone up. The Lottery must have encouraged people to think of gambling as a solution to their financial problems. But people who have won large amounts by doing the football pools or the Lottery have not necessarily felt any happier as a result. Answers (1) The first three sentences provide the argument. It can be reduced as follows:
Valuable resources are thrown away. Many of these could be economically recycled. Therefore people should be encouraged to use recycling facilities. The remainder of the passage provides a criticism of manufacturers' use of packaging. Even though the final sentence seems to give a further reason for the conclusion, the argument is concerned with valuable resources being economically recycled. In consequence, the final sentence is linked to the recycling argument in only a very limited way (it could be just as easily linked to an argument on effective waste disposal). (2) The argument consists of the third and fourth sentences. It is a fairly simple argument (but not necessarily a very good one): following the introduction of the National Lottery, the amount spent on gambling has gone up. Therefore the Lottery has encouraged people to think of gambling as a solution to their financial problems. The material which surrounds this argument is no more than background information (other countries and the date of the National Lottery's introduction) and a claim that winning money does not guarantee happiness. DECIDING WHAT CONCLUSION CAN BE DRAWN In most of the arguments that you'll be using or looking at, the most that you'll be able to conclude is that something is probably rather than certainly true. This is because there's always likely to be some claim or evidence that will not support the conclusion. Concluding with certainty or probability Arguments in which the conclusion can be drawn with certainty are called deductive arguments, whilst those which can be drawn with no more than probability are called inductive
arguments. An example of a deductive argument is the following: If enough troops can be used for the peacekeeping force, then the civil war in Bosnia will be over. The United Nations has promised that enough troops will be supplied, so the fighting in that country will end. With this sort of argument, if the reasons are true, then the conclusion must also be true. In this example, if it is true that providing enough troops will end the civil war, then providing enough troops must end it. Look, however, at a different example of an argument on this subject: The UN is planning to put troops into Bosnia. But, in the past, putting UN troops into countries which are fighting a civil war has not solved the problem. So this won't solve the problem. In this second example, the conclusion (that putting troops into Bosnia won't stop the civil war) is drawn on the strength of previous experiences of putting UN troops into countries fighting a civil war. Though previous experience might well be a very useful guide to what will happen, it cannot be a certain guide, especially when it concerns the experience of different countries. You could think of all sorts of reasons why the conclusion could not be drawn. For example, the UN troops in Bosnia might be better equipped than were the previous UN troops, or the situation in Bosnia might have significant differences from other civil wars. In this sort of example, even if the reasoning is true, it does not mean that the conclusion must be. As you can see, the conclusions of deductive arguments are true given the form of the argument itself. With our first example on UN troops in Bosnia, if you accepted the truth of the reasoning, then you had to accept the truth of the conclusion.
In other words, it would have been illogical to agree with the reasoning but disagree with the conclusion. Any dispute you had with the argument would be with the reasoning. For example, you might want to question the claim that putting enough UN troops into a civil war will stop the fighting. You would then be able to show why the conclusion could not be drawn. Drawing different conclusions from the same reasoning With inductive arguments, you can accept the reasoning but still question the conclusion. Thus people might come up with different conclusions from the same reasoning. For example, look again at the argument on gambling and the National Lottery which you met in the previous exercise. Drawing one conclusion One of the worrying features of the National Lottery is that, following its introduction, the amount spent on gambling in the UK has gone up. The Lottery must have encouraged people to think of gambling as a solution to their financial problems. If you were given the claim that gambling in general has gone up since the introduction of the Lottery, can we conclude that the Lottery has caused the increase in gambling? It is a conclusion that people have indeed drawn, and in some ways it could be seen as a reasonable one (in that the introduction of the Lottery is certainly relevant evidence in considering why gambling has increased). But this conclusion does not have the status of certainty. You could draw a different conclusion from the same evidence. Drawing a different conclusion Following the introduction of the National Lottery, the amount spent on gambling in the UK has gone up.
Therefore more people are addicted to gambling than before. In this second example, the author sees the significance of the evidence in the same way as in the first, but goes further in the conclusion. It is a conclusion that requires the evidence to do quite a lot of work, in that it is quite a jump from the evidence. A third example, however, sees the significance of the evidence very differently. Drawing another different conclusion Following the introduction of the National Lottery, the amount spent on gambling in the UK has gone up. Therefore people who gambled before the Lottery are spending even more on it now. In this example, the evidence is used to draw a conclusion about existing gambling rather than one about an increased number of gamblers. In each example, the conclusion has no more than a probability of being true, such that we can accept the reasoning without accepting the conclusion. What you will have noticed is that the different conclusions are based on different explanations of the meaning of the evidence. We will look at the general question of certainty and probability in more detail in Chapter 5. In the meantime you might have a more specific question. Surely we can argue about some things with more certainty than we can about others. For example, arguments in science must be concerned with certainty rather than probability. Things are either true or they're not, aren't they? Of course we can argue about some things with more certainty than we can about others. This would be where the
facts of 'the case' are not in dispute. But whether or not we can conclude something with certainty still depends on the nature or form of the argument. Arguments in science - though they're dealing with 'facts' - are very often concerned with probability rather than certainty. This is because our knowledge is very often incomplete and we have to draw a conclusion on the strength of limited information. For example, it is a fact that some of the ice-caps in Antarctica are melting. But there is a big disagreement as to whether or not you can conclude from this evidence that therefore there is global warming. Look at the argument put in two different forms: If some of the ice-caps in the Antarctic are melting, this is evidence of global warming. Since they are melting, there must be global warming. Some of the ice-caps in the Antarctic are melting. Therefore there must be global warming. In the first example, the form of the argument means that if the reasoning is true, then so must be the conclusion. In the second, the reasoning could be true, but the conclusion not be. EXERCISES 1. Every time you come across an argument, try to diagram its structure. Look at the evidence on a particular subject. What is the strongest conclusion you can draw from it? Taking the evidence that you used in (2), now draw an even stronger conclusion. What further evidence would you need to support this stronger conclusion?
Finding More Detail in Arguments
FINDING MORE THAN ONE CONCLUSION So far we have looked at fairly simple arguments in which the author uses reasoning to draw a conclusion. But you are also likely to find arguments in which there is more than one conclusion drawn. What happens is that the author draws one conclusion and then goes on to use this in order to draw another one. Here is an example: Since some of the Antarctic ice-caps are melting, there must be global warming. So we can expect sea-levels to rise, resulting in catastrophic flooding of many of our coastal areas. The conclusion of this argument is easy to spot ('So we can expect. . .'). But did you notice another conclusion that came just before it? Have a look again at the first sentence. It consists of an argument: some of the Antarctic ice-caps are melting, therefore there must be global warming. This conclusion is then used to draw the conclusion in the second sentence: there is global warming, so we can expect sea-levels to rise, resulting in catastrophic flooding of many of our coastal areas. Using a conclusion as a reason This example shows us what seems at first sight to be a strange thing: that a conclusion can be used as a reason. The conclusion about the rise in sea-levels was drawn from the claim that there is global warming. If we extend the argument even further, you
can see that the conclusion about rising sea-levels can itself be used as a reason for a further conclusion: Since some of the Antarctic ice-caps are melting, there must be global warming. So we can expect sea-levels to rise, resulting in catastrophic flooding of many of our coastal areas. We should take action now to reduce the causes of global warming. In order to clarify which conclusion is which, we make a distinction between a main conclusion and an intermediate one. The main conclusion is the one towards which the whole argument is heading; an intermediate conclusion is one drawn on the way. An argument can have an unlimited number of intermediate conclusions, but obviously only one main conclusion. How would we put these intermediate conclusions into our method for diagramming the structure ofargumentsl We can use our first example to show this: (R) Since some of the Antarctic ice-caps are melting, (1C) there must be global warming. (C) So we can expect sealevels to rise, resulting in catastrophic flooding of many of our coastal areas.
Look at the next example. Can you find an intermediate conclusion in it? The pollution in our rivers is increasing at a fast rate. The more polluted a river is, the more damage is done to the animals that live in it. Unless we soon do something about river pollution, the numbers of many water creatures in our rivers will decline. However, there are no effective plans to reduce the amount of river pollution. Therefore, many of the creatures that live in our rivers will not survive. The third sentence is the intermediate conclusion, with the first two serving as reasons for it. If you are unsure of this, read the first three sentences again, ignoring the final two. This intermediate conclusion, together with the fourth sentence, is then used to draw the main conclusion. Look again at how this works: Unless we soon do something about river pollution, the numbers of many water creatures in our rivers will decline. However, there are no effective plans to reduce that amount of river pollution. Therefore, many of the creatures that live in our rivers will not survive. Fitting intermediate conclusions into the structure As you can see, the intermediate conclusion acts as a reason supporting the main conclusion. We would diagram it in the following way: (Rl) The pollution in our rivers is increasing at a fast rate. (R2) The more polluted a river is, the more damage is done to the animals that live in it. (1C) Unless we soon do something about river pollution, the numbers of many water creatures in our rivers will decline. (R3) However, there are no effective plans to reduce the amount of river
pollution. (C) Therefore, many of the creatures that live in our rivers will disappear.
R1 R1
The importance of recognising intermediate conclusions lies in being able to see how an author builds up an argument. If you are able to show that an intermediate conclusion could not be drawn (or that a different one could be), then you have made a significant evaluation of that argument. In addition, if you can show that the intermediate conclusion could be drawn, but that how it is used as a reason for a further conclusion is dubious, you will be able to see which part of an argument is working and which isn't. In the same way, you will be able to keep a good check on your own reasoning. In order to practise your skill in finding intermediate conclusions, do the next exercise. Exercise In each of the following arguments, you will find an intermediate conclusion. Identify it and show how it fits with the rest of the reasoning. (1) The plan for the new bypass should be rejected. It's not supported by the majority of the local people, and it would spoil many notable beauty spots. A recently developed alternative scheme is, however, very popular with local people. The Government should reopen the public enquiry on the bypass. (2) The Government has told the Prison Service to reduce its
expenditure. However, the number of people being imprisoned is increasing. Prison staff will find it increasingly difficult to cope with the increased numbers. The Government could make savings elsewhere. Clearly, it should not reduce its expenditure on prisons. (3) There are laws against the ill-treatment of farm and domestic animals. The reasoning behind these laws is that animals should not be allowed to suffer needlessly. But there are no differences in their capacity to suffer between wild animals on the one hand and pets and farm animals on the other. We cannot justify treating wild animals differently from any others. It follows that we should have a law against ill-treating wild animals. Answers (1) The intermediate conclusion is the first sentence. It's drawn from the content of the second sentence: (Rl) The plan for the new bypass isn't supported by the majority of local people. (R2) It would spoil many notable beauty spots. (1C) Therefore it should be rejected. This intermediate conclusion is then used together with a further reason to support the main conclusion: (1C) The plan should be rejected. (R3) A recently developed alternative scheme is very popular with local people. (C) Therefore the Government should reopen the public enquiry.
R1 R1
supported by the reasoning in the first two. The reduction in expenditure and the increase in numbers lead to the conclusion that staff will find it difficult to cope: (Rl) The Government has told the Prison Service to reduce its expenditure. (R2) However, the number of people being imprisoned is increasing. (1C) Prison staff will find it increasingly difficult to cope with the increased numbers. This intermediate conclusion is then used with the claim that the Government could make savings elsewhere (R3) to draw the main conclusion (C) that the Government should not reduce its expenditure on prisons. As you can see, the structure is identical to that in the previous argument. (3) The intermediate conclusion is the fourth sentence. It is supported by the reasoning in the first three (note how the argument is built up step by step): (Rl) There are laws against the ill-treatment of farm and domestic animals. (R2) The reasoning behind these laws is that animals should not be allowed to suffer needlessly. (R3) But there are no differences in their capacity to suffer between wild animals on the one hand and pets and farm animals on the other. (1C) Therefore we cannot justify treating wild animals differently from any others. This intermediate conclusion that we cannot justify treating wild animals differently is then used as the reason for the main conclusion: We cannot justify treating wild animals differently from any others. (C) Therefore (in that we have a law protecting farm and domestic animals) we should have a law against illtreating wild animals. In this example, we have an intermediate conclusion being used as a reason on its own to support the main conclusion:
FILLING IN THE GAPS IN REASONING So far we have been looking at arguments in terms of reasoning which is explicitly presented. In other words, we have been concerned only with those parts of the argument which are stated. However, many arguments will have other parts which, though not stated, play as important a role as those parts which are. We call these unstated parts assumptions. You will have heard the word 'assume' being used to dismiss someone's argument. 'You're just assuming that' is an accusation that 'you have no proof of that'. This is not really the way in which we are using the term here. An assumption is an unstated part of an argument without which the conclusion could not be drawn. This usage can be made clear by looking at an example. Looking for assumptions Most of the children at the school performed less well in GCSEs and A-Levels than children at other schools in the area. The quality of the teaching must be to blame. In this example, the conclusion that it is the quality of the teaching which is to blame for poor examination results is based on only one reason. But in reality it has to be based on more than the reason which is stated. To conclude that the poor results are the result of poor teaching assumes that there aren't
other explanations for the results. For example, it must be assuming that there are no relevant differences between the children in the different schools. It has to assume this because, if it didn't, the conclusion could not be drawn (without showing why this assumption was irrelevant). You will probably be able to think of other assumptions being made in this argument. Clarifying the effect of an assumption Here is another argument: If people had invested their money in antiques 20 years ago, they would have found it difficult to make a profit on their investment until very recently. So people who cannot afford for their savings not to increase should invest their money in something other than antiques. What assumption is being made here? In that there is only one reason and one conclusion, you can see that any assumption being made must be a further reason operating between the two. The missing reason required for the conclusion to be drawn is that 'the price of antiques over the past 20 years is a useful guide to their price in the future'. Without this assumption, the conclusion could not be drawn. To see this more clearly, try putting the opposite of this assumption ('. . . is not a useful guide') into the argument. The effect is the same as turning the explicitly stated reason (the first sentence) into its opposite: the conclusion would simply not follow. Thus, when you are producing or evaluating arguments, you need to look at the assumptions which are being made in the same way that you look at the reasoning that the author makes explicit.
Exercise Identify any assumptions required in each of the following arguments. (1) Marco Polo is best known as the first person from the West to have visited China. But in his writings about his visit there, he nowhere mentions the Great Wall, tea or porcelain. Therefore he can't ever have visited China. His book about his travels to that country must have been written using information he'd picked up from those people who had been there. (2) In schools where special 'enrichment' classes are given to gifted children, we find that such children do particularly well at all of their subjects. Society needs highly intelligent and talented people. Thus we need to ensure that enrichment classes are provided in all our schools. (3) All animals being brought into Britain used to be subject to a period of quarantine to ensure that they were not carrying rabies. This system of preventing rabies from entering the country worked very well for many years, such that we had no cases of the disease. The new system of allowing pets into Britain without a period of quarantine must lead to the introduction of rabies into the country. (4) For 20 years, children have been treated to all sorts of programmes on television which are supposed to help them become better at skills such as reading and maths. These programmes have presented the learning of skills such as counting and recognition of letters as nothing but fun, to be accompanied by such things as rainbows and jumping frogs. But no improvement in children's abilities in literacy and numeracy has been observed. These fun ways of teaching such skills obviously don't work.
(5) Boxing is the only sport whose main purpose is to render the opponent unconscious. Indeed it is the only sport in which each player is licensed to injure the other. It must then be the most dangerous of all sports. Various solutions to this problem have been proposed - such as the use of head-guards and changing the gloves - but none of these would solve the problem of the danger of serious injury. So boxing should be banned. Answers (1) The structure of the argument is as follows: Rl: Marco Polo is best known as the first person from the West to have visited China. R2: But in his writings about his visit there, he nowhere mentions the Great Wall, tea or porcelain. 1C: Therefore he can't ever have visited China. C: His book about his travels to that country must have been written using information he'd picked up from those people who had been there.
R1 R1
This is needed between R2 and 1C. The assumption required is that 'travellers to China would have seen the Great Wall, tea and porcelain'. If this assumption is
not made, we cannot use the reasoning about his failure to mention these things to draw the conclusion that he did not visit China. (2) The structure of the argument is as follows: Rl: In schools where special 'enrichment' classes are given to gifted children, we find that such children do particularly well at all of their subjects. R2: Society needs highly intelligent and talented people. C: Thus we need to ensure that enrichment classes are provided in all our schools.
R1 R1
You might have found two assumptions. The conclusion that we need special classes for gifted children in every school assumes that every school will have gifted children. A further assumption required for this conclusion is that such special classes are the only way to ensure that we have 'highly intelligent and talented people'. It could be that other methods - for example, using different teaching materials in normal classes - would also help gifted children to realise their potential.
(3) The structure of the argument is as follows: Rl: All animals being brought into Britain used to be subject to a period of quarantine to ensure that they were not carrying rabies.
R2: This system of preventing rabies from entering the country worked very well for many years, such that we had no cases of the disease. C: The new system of allowing pets into Britain without a period of quarantine must lead to the introduction of rabies into the country.
R1 R1
An assumption is necessary for the author to be able to draw the conclusion. This is that 'quaratine is the only system of rabies control that can work'. Unless this assumption is made, the author cannot move from the claims about the previous system to the conclusion about the new one.
(4) The structure of the argument is as follows: Rl: For 20 years, children have been treated to all sorts of programmes on television which are supposed to help them become better at skills such as reading and maths. R2: These programmes have presented the learning of skills such as counting and recognition of letters as nothing but fun, to be accompanied by such things as rainbows and jumping frogs. R3: But no improvement in children's abilities in literacy and numeracy has been observed.
You will probably have found at least one assumption in this argument. Perhaps the most obvious is that which must be slotted in between R3 and the conclusion. This is that 'the absence of any evidence of improvement is sufficient evidence of the ineffectiveness of the fun methods'. Without this assumption, the move from the reasoning to the conclusion cannot be made, in that the evidence might be interpreted in other ways. For example, we might say that the evidence shows that we need to have even more of such fun programmes in order to get the level of children's skills to rise. Another assumption which you might have identified fits between R2 and R3. In order to claim R3, the author has to assume that any improvements in children's skills will be found using existing tests of such skills. If the fun method had changed the way children approach reading and maths, then the existing tests might not be able to identify this change.
(5) The structure of the argument is as follows: Rl: Boxing is the only sport whose main purpose is to render the opponent unconscious. R2: It is the only sport in which each player is licensed to injure the other.
1C: It must then be the most dangerous of all sports. R3: Various solutions to this problem have been proposed - such as the use of head-guards and changing the gloves - but none of these would solve the problem of the danger of serious injury. C: So boxing should be banned.
R1 R1
The move from Rl and R2 to the intermediate conclusion might seem to be one which does not require an assumption. It is such a familiar way of thinking that we might not question the move, especially as the media are often reporting on the dangers of boxing. But if you stop and think again, you should be able to see that an assumption is being made here. This is that the purpose of boxing - the deliberate infliction of injury, and rendering the opponent unconscious - in itself makes the sport 'the most dangerous of all sports'. In other words, the purpose of boxing is the same as the practice. Boxing might be a very dangerous sport, but we cannot conclude that it is the most dangerous from evidence of its purpose without making this assumption. Other sports might be more dangerous even though their purpose is not to cause injury. (Examples might be rugby, horse riding, skiing and mountain climbing.)
This example of an assumption serves to show us that arguments might not be as strong as their authors believe. This one contained a very questionable assumption, one which, when removed, weakens the argument. USING ANALOGIES We sometimes find an argument (or use one ourselves) in which part of the reasoning is based on the assumption that one situation is sufficiently similar to another to enable a conclusion to be drawn on the strength of this similarity. An example will clarify this: So-called 'experts' on children often urge parents to allow their children to have as much freedom as possible in exploring their 'environment'. They argue that children are naturally curious about the world and so should not be prevented from finding out all about it even if this is sometimes inconvenient to their parents. But think what it would be like if animals - who are also naturally curious were given the freedom to explore their 'environment' without any control. There would be chaos. Therefore we should pay little attention to the views of these experts. In this example, the author argues against 'experts' on children on the grounds that, if their views on children were applied to animals, 'there would be chaos'. But the author assumes that the example of animals is sufficiently similar to that of children to show that the experts' argument should be rejected. The author does not argue why the two cases of children and animals should be seen as being sufficiently similar for this conclusion to be drawn: the similarity is assumed both in the sense that it is not argued for and in that this must form part of the reasoning.
Looking for similarities and differences In assessing an analogy used in an argument (whether it is our own or someone else's) we need to look at it in terms of the similarities and differences between the two things being compared. If the similarities are much stronger than the differences, then the analogy is a good one; if the differences dominate, then it is a weak one. A strong analogy lends good support to the conclusion; a weak one lends little, if any, support. But it needs to be stressed that, however good the analogy, it can never make the conclusion beyond doubt. Before you move on, take a critical look at the children/animals analogy used in the first example: how effective is it? Here is another argument containing an analogy: There has been a huge growth in the number of alcoholic drinks - such as alcoholic lemonade - which are designed to look as if they are no more than 'fun' drinks. These drinks are marketed as drinks for young people, in a campaign which stresses the fun more than the alcohol. The sales and marketing of these drinks must be much more rigidly controlled than they are now. We wouldn't tolerate a campaign by tobacco companies which targeted the young with chocolate-flavoured cigarettes. In this example, the conclusion that the 'fun' drinks sales and marketing must be controlled more than they are at present is drawn from only one reason. This is that we wouldn't tolerate what is taken to be similar action by tobacco companies. Of course, the word 'similar' is the crucial one here. An analogy is being drawn between 'fun' drinks such as alcoholic lemonade (which are already on sale) and chocolate-flavoured cigarettes (which are not). As you can see, the argument depends upon the strength of this analogy: if it is not a good one, neither is the argument.
Checking analogies for relevance and adequacy When we're assessing the reasoning of an argument, we're supposed to look at the relevance and the adequacy of the reasoning. Do we do the same thing when we 're assessing analogies! Yes, we do. In assessing any analogy we look for relevance and adequacy in the same way that we look for these qualities in any other type of reasoning. If we take relevance first, in what ways is the analogy in the last example relevant? It uses a situation in which we would condemn a 'fun' version of a product which we would want to discourage the young from using. It uses a situation in which the 'real' product is being disguised. In what way is it adequate? The problem with it is that its strength is meant to come from its appeal to consistency: if you don't accept one situation, then you shouldn't accept another which is similar to it. But the chocolate-flavoured cigarettes don't exist: the appeal to consistency depends on an imaginary example. In other words, the adequacy of the analogy is weaker than a real example would have provided. However, the analogy highlights something. It makes us question the idea of these 'fun' drinks by showing us a scenario which, though imaginary, contains the essence of the problem. This, then, is its strength. When someone uses an analogy in an argument, they must assume that the two situations are sufficiently similar either to draw the conclusion on the strength of it or to use it, along with other reasoning, in support of the conclusion. It will be your task, both in evaluating other people's arguments and in producing your own, to assess analogies in terms of the degree of similarity between the two situations. EXERCISES 1. Take any argument which you agree with and find all the
assumptions being made. Do you accept all of these assumptions? 2. 'Arguing that tobacco advertising encourages people to smoke is equivalent to saying that pet food advertising encourages people to buy pets.' To what extent is this an effective analogy?
Exploring Weakness
What do you think of the following argument? All the great thinkers have had one thing in common. Look at pictures of Plato, Galileo, Marx, Darwin and Freud. What do you notice? They've all got beards. So their greatness must somehow be attributable to this fact. It's pretty obvious, isn't it, that there's something wrong with it - but what, exactly? Quite simply, even though it has the structure of an argument, the conclusion doesn't follow from the reasoning ('all the great thinkers had beards, therefore their beards caused their greatness'). Even if all the great thinkers have had beards, we would not see this quality as the cause of their greatness, unless there was some evidence showing how such a causal link was possible. This example of a rather obviously poor argument starts us off on an examination of some of the ways in which arguments can show weaknesses. In this chapter we'll look at some of these weaknesses so that you'll be able both to spot them in others and avoid them yourself. We start by making a distinction between what are called necessary and sufficient conditions. BEING NECESSARY AND BEING SUFFICIENT Look again at the example on great thinkers. Even if it could be shown that their beards were somehow a contributory cause of their being able to think in profound and significant ways, it does not follow that having a beard is a guarantee of greatness.
In other words, even if it could be shown that having a beard was something you had to have to be great thinker - a necessary condition for greatness - it does not follow that having a beard is enough for greatness - a sufficientcondition. This somewhat frivolous example of a bad argument has illustrated a very important point. Let's look at the different relationships involving necessary and sufficient conditions in more detail. X might have no association with Y If X and Y are found together, this association could be nothing more than coincidence, X being neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for Y. You could think of many examples of this type of association. With regard to the bearded great thinkers argument, if we could find an instance of Y (great thinker) without X (beard) - either the beardless Isaac Newton or Einstein would be enough - this would destroy it utterly. X is a necessary condition of Y In these cases, when X is not present, Y cannot occur. We assume that beards are not a necessary condition for great thinkers, otherwise, if there is no beard, there is no great thinker. An example of a necessary condition is 'if you want to run the full distance of the London Marathon, you have to be fairly fit'. In this example 'being fairly fit' is the necessary condition: nobody could run the full distance of the London Marathon without meeting this condition. In the shorthand form used earlier, when X (being fairly fit) is not present, Y (running the full distance) cannot occur. As you can see, being fairly fit is certainly a necessary condition for running the full distance of the Marathon, but it is not a sufficient condition. In other words, it is not enough for being able to run the full distance: you could be fairly fit but still not be able to complete the length of the course.
Exploring Weakness
X is a sufficient condition for Y In other words, where X is present, Y must occur. The author of the great thinkers argument, it will be remembered, believed that having a beard was a sufficient condition for greatness of thought. This was, of course, incorrect. So what could be an example of something being a sufficient condition? The heir to the throne is the eldest son of the reigning monarch. As you can see, being the eldest son of the reigning monarch is enough to make you heir to the throne: no other quality is needed. You don't have to be of a certain age, educational level, marital status or whatever: being the eldest son is a sufficient condition. In practice, however, there will be some exceptions the most obvious being when the reigning monarch has no children or only has daughters - and thus one could say that being the eldest son is a sufficient but not a necessary condition. Distinguishing easily between necessary and sufficient conditions The difference between necessary and sufficient conditions can be summarised very simply: If a necessary condition for X is absent, then X won't occur (or will be false); if a sufficient condition for X is present, then X must occur (or be true). You will have seen that necessary and sufficient conditions apply both to causes and definitions. Our example of who meets the conditions required to be heir to the throne is one of definition; the example of beards and great thinkers was one which showed muddled thinking on conditions and causes. Exercise For each of the following, work out the relationship between X
and Y. This relationship will be one of the following: a necessary condition a sufficient condition neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition both a necessary and a sufficient condition. (1) X: smoking cigarettes; Y: developing lung cancer (2) X: driving above the legal blood-alcohol limit; Y: being convicted of driving above the legal blood-alcohol limit (3) X: having three A-Levels; Y: getting a place on a degree course at university (4) X: the Labour Party winning a large majority of seats in the House of Commons; Y: the Labour Party forming a Government (5) X: having all six numbers in the National Lottery draw on a valid ticket; Y: being at least one of the winners of the jackpot prize. Necessary and sufficient conditions exercise: Answers (1) In that there are examples both of people who smoke cigarettes but who don't develop lung cancer, and of people who develop lung cancer who don't smoke cigarettes, X is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for Y. (2) In that some people drive above the legal limit without being caught by the police, X is not a sufficient condition for Y. But in that one cannot be convicted of driving above the limit without having driven in this condition, X is a
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necessary condition for Y. (Of course, we have to assume that the legal system convicts only those who are guilty of an offence, an assumption which we shouldn't really make. As a result, you would also be right if you'd used this reasoning to produce the answer that X is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for Y.) (3) Unfortunately, having three A-Levels does not guarantee a place on a degree course, so X is not a sufficient condition for Y. Furthermore, degree course staff offer places to people with two A-Levels (and with one or with no ALevels at all), so X is not a necessary condition for Y. (4) If the Labour Party were to win a large majority of the seats in the House of Commons, then it would be called upon by the monarch to form a Government. No other realistic outcome would follow (we can discount a coalition between parties other than Labour, because of the effect of the word 'large'), and so in this example X is a sufficient condition for Y. However, it is not a necessary condition in that the Labour Party could form a Government without a large majority and without a majority at all (if it was still the largest party in the House of Commons or as part of a coalition). (5) If you have a valid ticket with all six numbers, then you are guaranteed to be at least one of the winners of the jackpot prize. Without such a ticket, you will not be one of the winners (however much you might dream). In this way, then, having such a ticket is both a necessary and a sufficient condition for being a jackpot winner.
another. Here is an example: The summer last year was the hottest on record. This year travel agents are reporting very poor sales of foreign holidays. Therefore people are assuming that this year will be as hot as last year and will be booking holidays in this country. This argument uses two pieces of evidence (the hot summer and the poor sales) and concludes that there is a causal connection between the two, such that the poor sales are a consequence of the hot summer. It is an example of what is sometimes referred to as a post hoc argument, from a Latin phrase which in full means 'after this, therefore because of this'. In this example, it is assumed that since the fall in bookings followed the hot summer, the hot summer is the cause of the fall in bookings. Looking for different explanations When you meet this sort of argument (or indeed when you use it), you need to consider whether or not this cause/consequence relationship can be supported. Your main concern is whether or not there could be a different explanation for the consequence. In our example, how else could we explain the poor sales of foreign holidays? Of course, there could be no connection at all between the two pieces of evidence. The poor sales of foreign holidays could be explained in terms of economic uncertainty (the level of holiday bookings reflects the level of people's confidence in their financial state so many months hence) or in terms of dissatisfaction with foreign holidays, or in other ways. On the other hand, the hot summer could be one of many factors which could explain the poor level of bookings. As a result, one could not conclude that people have decided to holiday in this country only because of the hot summer.
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Looking for different assumptions There is another aspect of the argument which needs to be considered. The conclusion is drawn on the assumption that people are planning to take holidays (even if they're not booking foreign holidays through travel agents). If you take this assumption out, then the conclusion simply doesn't follow. Are there any other assumptions that are being made? The author must assume that the present level of bookings is a good guide to people's intentions (people could have various reasons for postponing making a decision). This example shows again how important an examination of the assumptions of an argument can be. Look at another example and apply your critical skills to it: Cigarette advertising on television was banned 30 years ago. Since then we have seen the level of smoking fall. If we banned all cigarette advertising, then the level would fall even more. How would you respond to this argument? Is the conclusion justified by the evidence? Is this merely a post hoc argument? Think of other possible explanations for the consequence that the level of smoking has fallen. What assumptions does the author need to make for the conclusion to be drawn? Assessing the strength of causal arguments Though arguments which use a causal explanation are not always justified, sometimes they might be very strong. Look at the following pair of arguments. Which is the stronger? Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in the number of cars which are fitted with 'bull bars'. Over the same period there has been an increase in the number of fatal road accidents involving pedestrians. Clearly the fitting of 'bull bars' should be banned.
The fitting of 'bull bars' to the front of cars should be banned. Accidents involving pedestrians and those cars which have them fitted show a much higher rate of fatal injuries than in accidents involving cars without them. It is the rigidity of the bars which is responsible for the fatal injuries. Looking at the evidence critically In the first argument the conclusion is drawn from two items of evidence: the increase in the number of cars with 'bull bars' and the increase in the number of fatal accidents involving pedestrians. The conclusion that 'bull bars' should be banned is drawn on the assumption that the second piece of evidence is a consequence of the first. The weakness of the argument, of course, lies in its having failed to explain why there is a causal relationship between the two. In the second example, two pieces of evidence are again put together to support the conclusion that the fitting of 'bull bars' should be banned. The first is that fatal accidents involving cars with 'bull bars' and pedestrians are at a higher rate than those involving cars without them. An explanation of this higher rate is given ('the rigidity of the bars') and the same conclusion drawn. But this argument is much stronger than the first. Unlike in the first, there is an attempt to show why there is a causal explanation. Furthermore, the two items of evidence do have a common link: the rate of fatal accidents in two situations in which the difference might well be highly relevant (and whose relevance is given emphasis by the explanation). Asking questions about the evidence As you can see, then, you should creatively evaluate arguments in which relationships between pieces of evidence are used to draw conclusions. Consider whether the evidence is sufficient to draw the conclusion.
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Are there other explanations as plausible as the one the author uses to draw their conclusion? Ask yourself whether there needs to be any relationship between the evidence, such that if one accepts one piece one must accept (or reject) another. What assumptions must the author be making? Evaluate these assumptions. How could the argument be made stronger (as in the second of the pair above)? Apply this same questioning rigour to your own work. ATTACKING THE ARGUER RATHER THAN THE ARGUMENT In this type of argument, an opposing argument is dismissed not by any reasoning which exposes weaknesses in it but by an attack on those who make it. Here is an example: Some people advocate that prisoners should be treated more harshly. They say that prisons should have none of the comforts of modern life, such as television and radio. If there were such harsh conditions, they argue, then fewer people would commit crimes. But these are just the sort of people who think nothing of avoiding paying income tax or of driving their car after an expenses-paid alcoholic lunch. We should therefore ensure that prisons are not places of harsh punishment. In this argument, the conclusion is based on no more than the contents of the fourth sentence. Those who argue for greater
harshness in prisons are attacked and this attack is used to reject their argument. As you can see, their argument is not, however, touched: the author gives us no (relevant) reasons why we should conclude that we must ensure that prisons are not places of harsh punishment. Even if it is true that proponents of harsh conditions are happy to avoid paying income tax or are drinkdrivers, these qualities cannot be used to dismiss their argument that harsh prison conditions would reduce crime. You will sometimes see this type of argument referred to as an ad hominem argument, the Latin phrase meaning 'against the man'. Though such personal attacks are very often irrelevant in an argument, there might be occasions when they are relevant. Relevant attacks upon the arguer The managing director insisted that the company would not be making any compulsory redundancies this year, but she has made other similar promises in the past and has never kept them. Given that she has a long history of not being truthful with the workforce, her assurances about redundancies should not be believed. In this argument, the conclusion that the managing director's assurances should not be believed is based on the reason that she has lied about the subject before. This attack on her sincerity is relevant in this argument in that it gives a good reason for the conclusion. In the following argument, however, it doesn't: The managing director insisted that the company could not increase its pay offer since profits were expected to fall substantially over the coming year. But she has been convicted of drink-driving twice in the past three years, so the union should not believe her profits forecast. They should press ahead with the strike. In this second example, the managing director's sincerity is
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dismissed on a pretty obviously irrelevant ground. This attacks the arguer without attacking the argument, in that there is no good reason given for not believing her profits forecast. (You'll find this type of obviously irrelevant reasoning in some tabloid newspapers. It's a frequently-used method of discrediting someone with whom the paper disagrees.) GOING ROUND IN CIRCLES Some arguments might seem as if they've gone somewhere, but in reality they've gone nowhere. These are the arguments that conclude no more than the reasoning they use. An example will clarify this: Differences between the roles that males and females are expected to play are not fixed by our genetic make-up but are learned in each individual's social development. Thus gender is something that is learned rather than something which has a biological cause. In this argument the author starts with the claim that gender roles are not biological in origin ('not fixed by our genetic make-up'), but are learned in social development. The conclusion does no more than repeat the claim. The argument has not moved from a reason to a conclusion: it has ended where it started. Although in some cultures mere repetition of a point strengthens an argument, these circular arguments should not persuade us to accept the conclusion in that there is no reasoning which enables us to draw the conclusion. Checking for reasoning Sometimes an argument might look suspiciously circular, but closer examination reveals that some reasoning has been provided:
The history of human society is full of examples of males being the hunters. Therefore there must be some truth in the biological explanation of males being hunters. In this example the conclusion about males being the hunters is drawn from evidence on males as hunters; though there is a similarity in the words used, you can see that there is a shift in the argument from reason to conclusion. RUSHING DOWN SLIPPERY SLOPES The problem with circular arguments is that they don't go anywhere; the problem with slippery slope arguments is that they go too far too quickly. An example will show you the problem: The present proposal to allow ramblers greater access over private land needs to be resisted. If we were to allow this measure - small though it might seem - then we would end up having to allow far more extensive measures. What is to stop the principle of ramblers' rights of access being applied to small pieces of land such as a small orchard? Then, if you allow free access to such small pieces of land, the next step is access to people's gardens whether large or small. And there is a very small step from free access to people's land - however small the plot - to similarly free access to their homes. The whole idea of private property, indeed of privacy itself, will be threatened. In this argument the author concludes that the proposal to allow ramblers greater access over private land should be resisted. The reasoning for this conclusion goes down a slippery slope from having to allow access to small pieces of land such as orchards to a threat to private property (and privacy) via having to allow access to gardens and homes. As you can see, the reasoning
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takes us a very long way from allowing ramblers access to land. The weakness of the argument is that any of the steps taken down the slippery slope can be challenged and, if they are challenged, then what follows is unconvincing. The slippery slope is a set of interconnected reasons, each of which is necessary for the whole structure. As a result, if we could show that the author of the above argument could not even make the first step in the reasoning - the shift to 'small pieces of land' - then what follows cannot be used to support the conclusion. The problem with slippery slope arguments therefore lies in their taking too many too big steps. BUILDING STRAW MEN In order to attack an opponent's arguments, we sometimes present it in a way that more effectively fits our critical purpose. We highlight what we take to be its weakest elements and then exploit these weaknesses. Sometimes our own arguments are presented and attacked in this way. This is all to do with persuasiveness, the basis of argument. But when arguments are distorted in order to exploit weakness we have what is often referred to as a 'straw man' argument. The significance of the term is that instead of dealing with the real argument (with all its substance and strength), we are dealing with a flimsy version of it (with none of the original's substance and strength). The distorted version is then attacked as if the real version had been. Here is an example. Weaving a straw man The urban cyclist is increasingly intolerant of other forms of urban transport. In their campaign to get more cycle lanes in our cities they use every opportunity to attack the private motorist. They see the car as the cause of a vast range of respiratory diseases, and of a host of other urban problems, including crime. But they ignore all the positive
contributions which the private car has made to modern life. It has given people freedom: to go out with their family, to visit friends and relatives, and to make things such as shopping much easier. Therefore, until the cycle lobby is prepared to approach the subject of urban transport in a more reasonable way, its plea for more cycle lanes should be rejected. The straw man in this argument is fairly easy to spot. The urban cycle lobby is described as having a campaign to get more cycle lanes in cities. If we accept that this is true, then we would expect to find some sort of argument against an increase in cycle lanes, giving the conclusion ('the cycle lobby's plea . . . should be rejected'). But there is no such argument. All we find is an attack upon a position ascribed to the cycle lobby: They see the car as the cause . . . they ignore all the positive contributions. . . '. This position is described as unreasonable (an unreasonableness which is easy to defend), but the reasonableness (or otherwise) of the cycle lane issue is not considered. In this way the cycle lobby is attacked by means of a straw man. You might think that the straw man type of argument is very similar to the attacking the arguer rather than the argument method. There is a similarity in that the real argument is not dealt with, but the method is different. TURNING TWO WRONGS INTO ONE RIGHT We are all familiar with this line of argument in that it's one which children tend to use: It's not fair that I got into trouble for forgetting my books. Lots of kids in my class forget their books. In this argument, the reasoning for the conclusion that 'it's
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not fair . . . ' is that 'lots of kids' do the same thing. As you can see, though this argument appeals to a simple form of justice, it is unconvincing. It is alarming, however, how often it is used by those who should know better: The Leader of the Opposition can hardly accuse the Government of distorting the truth. He wasn't telling the truth when he said that he would support all measures to combat crime. In this all too familiar type of argument, an accusation of not being truthful is not actually dealt with. Instead, a counteraccusation is made. As critical thinkers we are not persuaded by this argument because, even if the Leader of the Opposition hadn't been telling the truth on an earlier occasion, this fact does not enable the arguer to conclude that the Government should not be accused of lying. You can see why this type of argument is sometimes referred to as a 'you too' argument (or by the Latin phrase tu quoque which means the same thing). They are not good arguments in that the reasoning is neither relevant nor adequate. Watch out for them: be harsh with those that others use and avoid using them yourself. Appealing to consistency However, sometimes you will find arguments that look as if they are 'you too' arguments but which seem to have some strength to them. Have a look at the next example: The industrialised world frequently complains to those countries which have the world's rain forests about the need to stop cutting down these forests. The world's climate, they say, will be severely damaged if the destruction of the rain forests continues. The protection of the world's environment is, they argue, the most important problem now facing humanity. But the countries with the
rain forests reply that the industrialised world is much more guilty than they are of using up scarce resources and of damaging the environment. So the rich industrial countries should stop going on about the destruction of the rain forests and look at their own behaviour. Checking for relevance In this argument you will have spotted the counter-accusation in the fourth sentence. It has an obvious 'you too' quality to it. But is the counter-accusation irrelevant? In the politician example, the irrelevance of the counter-accusation lay in its complete failure to deal with the accusation of lying. Quite simply, even if the Leader of the Opposition has told lies in the past, this point does not answer the accusation. However, in the argument about the rain forests the counter-accusation has some relevance. If the central point of the complaint by the industrialised countries is a concern for the environment, then evidence that they are being inconsistent in their approach to environmental issues is relevant. In other words, the 'you too' accusation is a relevant response to the initial accusation, identifying a sniff of hypocrisy. This example shows us that there is room in argument for an appeal to consistency. In the rain forest example, the argument against the industrialised countries is that, given their position the protection of the world's environment is the most important problem now facing humanity - their right to complain about the destruction of the rain forests has to be considered. (In the above example about whether the Leader of the Opposition can accuse the Government of lying, the argument would have had some merit if it had been one about consistency. In other words, if the Leader of the Opposition had taken up a position in which no politician should ever lie, and had been known to lie.) RESTRICTING OPTIONS You will remember that the problem with the 'straw man'
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argument was that the opponent's position was presented in a deliberately weak way in order to argue against it easily. There is another way in which a possible counter-argument is presented in such a way that it looks weaker than it might really be. Look at the next example: The problem of the vast numbers of pigeons in our towns and cities can be approached in one of two ways. We can either ignore the problem, allowing the numbers to continue to increase with all the consequences of disease and damage to buildings which will follow. Or we can embark on a widespread campaign of shooting and poisoning of the birds in order to make very significant reductions in their numbers. Since this second option will deal with the problem of disease and damage, it is the one which we should adopt. The author offers no more than two solutions to the problem of urban pigeons and, given the way in which the options are described, only one of them is supported. As a result, the problem of the pigeons would be solved, according to this argument, by 'a widespread campaign of shooting and poisoning'. However, the author has played an argumentative trick on us. They have led us to the conclusion by ignoring any other options available. It could be that these other options would not lead us to support the recommended campaign. For example, there could be the option of putting down food laced with a contraceptive in order to keep the numbers down. Another option would be to seek to reduce the incidence of disease by putting down food laced with anti-parasitic medicine. You can probably think of others. Notice how the author's second option is apparently given strength by the weakness of the first. In other words, the first option is presented in such a way that the author has already taken you by the hand to look for a different one.
MAKING IRRELEVANT APPEALS There are many examples of arguments in which the arguer seeks to strengthen their argument by making an appeal to something that's irrelevant. We'll look at two of these types of appeal and show why they do not work. Appealing to popularity Some arguments are based, at least in part, upon reasoning which appeals to popularity. Here is a simple example: Most people believe in one or more superstitions such as bad luck following a walk under a ladder or if a single magpie is seen. So there must be some truth in superstitions. In this argument, the conclusion that there must be some truth in superstitions is based only on the evidence that most people believe in them. There is no further reasoning. But we need much more evidence than most people's belief in superstitions before we can conclude that 'there is some truth' in them. In this sort of example, truth is a matter of evidence of a causal link between the superstition and events which follow it. Even if everybody believed in such causal links, the truth is still a matter of evidence for these links. But are there not some types of argument in which an appeal to popularity is relevant! Yes, there are. In the previous example an appeal to popularity was irrelevant in that people's belief, however widespread, was not relevant to the conclusion. This is because truth in a case such as this is established by evidence not by belief. But there are arguments in which widespread support for something is relevant to drawing a conclusion. An obvious example is the following argument:
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Most people support the Bill to ban hare coursing. So MPs should vote in support of the Bill. In this argument, the appeal to popularity is relevant in that whatever the case for or against hare coursing, if most people favour a ban on it, MPs have to at least consider the strength of public feeling. This argument is not about the truth of whether or not hare coursing is cruel (defined in terms of pain and suffering of the hare) but about whether or not MPs should vote to ban it. Political and social judgements in a democracy need to consider the evidence of popularity. Appealing to pity In some arguments the conclusion is drawn by appealing to pity. Here is an example: The national poetry competition was recently won by Lady Fiona Grant, the heir to the Grant millions. This is unfair. There are plenty of poets who entered the competition who really needed the 5,000 first prize. Lady Grant didn't need the money at all. In this argument, the conclusion that Lady Grant's winning the competition was unfair is based upon the reasoning that she didn't need the money whilst other poets did. But this reasoning is irrelevant if the criterion of winning the competition was poetic ability. Making pity a relevant appeal Appeals to pity fail if they are irrelevant; however, you might be able to think of arguments in which they would be relevant. These would be arguments in which there is no criterion which overrides the appeal to pity (unlike in the previous example where, though other poets might well have needed the money more than did Lady Fiona, their need - and her lack of it - were
irrelevant). Here is an example in which an appeal to pity is relevant: The National Poetry Fund has recently received a bequest from Lady Fiona Grant's estate to provide bursaries for young poets to enable them to develop their work. The Fund has narrowed their choice of who should receive the first bursary down to two people: George Hamilton and Lucy Chapman. Both have shown considerable promise in their work but Hamilton has to work long hours in a factory in order to live whilst Chapman does no more than a bit of part-time teaching. It's obvious that the bursary should go to George Hamilton. This argument uses an appeal to pity (in the form of an appeal to need as the primary consideration) to draw its conclusion. Why is this appeal relevant? Because, unlike in the first example, the criteria used to decide on who should get what include that of need. Again, then, we are evaluating arguments according to relevance. There are many other examples of arguments based on irrelevant appeals. Use your critical skills to assess them when you meet them. Exercise Identify the weakness in each of the following arguments: (1) Those who argue that the rain forests should be protected from further development are the sort of people who don't want to see progress. Progress has brought us all sorts of benefits, such as medical care and rapid transportation. People's lives would be much poorer if our predecessors had stood in the way of progress. We should not therefore listen to those who oppose the proper development of the rain forests.
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(2) Over the past few years we have seen a huge growth in the number of students in higher education. This growth must result in a disturbing dilution of standards, with too many students being awarded degrees. As the standards of degrees fall, so too will the confidence which employers place in their worth. With more and more graduates being unable to find work, we will find that the universities will be unable to recruit very talented young people who will decide to develop their talents in more productive ways. Thus the present policy of encouraging large numbers of people into higher education will have the effect of failing to develop the abilities of the highly talented few. It should be abandoned as soon as possible. (3) Increasing the price of cigarettes will reduce the number of people who smoke. The price has been going up over many years and the level of smoking has been declining. (4) Michael MacGregor, the Secretary of State for Social Security, has announced that he will not be approving an above-inflation increase in the basic pension. He argues that the country simply cannot afford to pay more than a three per cent increase. But all this argument about us not being able to afford to pay a decent pension for our old people is so much nonsense. MacGregor's elderly parents are nicely set up in their ancestral castle, without a financial worry to trouble their wrinkled brows. It's clear that the MacGregor family has no idea what poverty our old people are suffering. We should therefore keep pressing for an increase in the pension to a level way above three per cent. (5) Research on what are called 'health farms' has shown that people who have attended them feel much healthier as a result. All of the health farms in the study had regimes which included special diets and massage. We can conclude
therefore that, if people want to feel healthier, they should follow a special diet and have a programme of massage. (6) The current policy on prisons is to make the regimes increasingly tough for inmates. The problem is that once you've produced these tough regimes, and you see that they don't reduce the level of crime, you're faced with the problem of having to make them much more liberal. Discipline in prisons will be so inconsistent that chaos will follow. We should try to stop this move towards tougher prisons before it is too late. Answers (1) This describes the position of those who oppose the development of the rain forests in terms which have a 'straw man' look to them. The description of them as not wanting 'to see progress' enables the arguer to attack them by referring to various benefits of progress. In that standing in the way of progress is seen as a bad thing, so too is (therefore) opposition to the development of the rain forests. It is not difficult to see that this 'straw man' description of the position of those who oppose the development of rain forests is a distortion of their position, a distortion which enables the arguer to ignore any strength in their real position. (2) This has a familiar 'slippery slope' look to it. The shift from increased student numbers to a decline in standards is made without any reasoning to show why there must be such a decline. Similarly, the shift from graduates being unable to find work to talented young people not wanting to go to university is a big step without sufficient reasoning. (3) This is a post hoc argument. The author puts together two items of evidence and assumes that there is a causal
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relationship between the two. The increase in the price of cigarettes might have caused the decline in the number of smokers, but the decline could be explained in other ways, unrelated to the changes in price (for example, the health education campaign). (4) You will have spotted the ad hominem argument here. Whether or not the elderly parents of Michael MacGregor are living in luxury does not affect his argument that he will not approve an above-inflation increase because the country can't afford more. His argument needs to be addressed in terms such as showing that we could afford more (by savings elsewhere, for example) or that we should increase taxes to pay for the increase. Attacking MacGregor on the grounds that he doesn't understand the problem of poverty amongst the elderly is partly relevant to an argument about whether or not old people need more money, but it is not relevant to his argument about the economics of the problem. (5) This is another post hoc argument. Though the evidence is consistent with special diets and massage being the cause of people 'feeling healthier', we cannot say that they are that cause. There are many things which we can say about this evidence. For one thing, it could be that either diets or massage was responsible for the 'feeling healthier', not the two together. It could be that 'health farms' also have other features which were the true cause (for example, a fitness centre). It could be that just being away, being rested and pampered, is enough to make people feel healthier. As it stands, this argument suffers from the weakness that the evidence does not unequivocally support the conclusion (even though it is relevant, it is not adequate). (6) This is an example of restricting the options. The author presents no more than one option following the predicted
failure of the tougher prison regimes. This is that we would have to replace the tougher regimes with those which are 'much more liberal'. Following this one option, chaos is further predicted. But there need not be just one option. Even if the tougher regimes didn't reduce the level of crime, they could be justified in other ways, or the option is there to make them tougher still (or one could make them just a little less tough). A further option could be to combine the tougher regimes with other crime-reduction measures. Thus the conclusion that we should try to stop the move towards tougher prisons is based upon a distortion of the options available. EXERCISES 1. What would be wrong with an argument which was based on the reasoning that since something has not been proved to be false, it must be true? Write an example of this type of argument. What would be wrong with an argument in which the conclusion was based on the reasoning that since something has not been shown to be true, it must be false? Write an example of this type of argument.
Finding Strengths
LOOKING FOR CERTAINTY In Chapter 2 we briefly considered the distinction between deductive and inductive arguments. You will remember that the first type provided arguments in which, if the reasoning was true, the conclusions must also be. In inductive arguments, on the other hand, even if the reasoning is true, the conclusion will only be at best probably true. In virtually all of the arguments we have looked at so far, the conclusion - even if it was supported by both relevant and adequate reasoning - was never more than probably true. Making the conclusion follow We now look at a few further examples of arguments in which their form rather than their content gives them their strength (although the first will remind you of a type of argument which we met when looking at weaknesses in reasoning). There we considered the problem of arguments in which options are restricted. Now look at an example of an argument in which if the restriction of options is not a distortion of the truth, the conclusion must follow: With such a small majority, the Prime Minister must either abandon the Government's legislative programme or try to attract support for it from members of other parties. He is determined to press ahead with the programme, so he must start to attract support for it from the other parties.
In this example, if the two options are the only true options available, then the conclusion must follow: it is not probably true but certainly true. Thus, when evaluating arguments, you need to consider arguments in which alternatives are presented. If the alternatives exhaust the possibilities, then the conclusion must follow. But if you can show that the author has failed to consider at least one other possibility, then the conclusion does not follow with certainty (and indeed might well be a case of an argument with restricted options). Considering alternatives This highlights an important part of how you will use your critical thinking skills. When dealing with an argument whose reasoning depends on a restricted number of options, you need to consider whether the options presented (or which you present) are exhaustive. If they are, then the conclusion can be drawn with certainty. If they are not, any conclusion drawn (including any you draw) can have only a degree of probability. Looking at the form of an argument The truth of its reasoning is central to the strength of an argument. In a deductive argument, one could not have true reasons supporting a conclusion which is false. Similarly, in an inductive argument, truth links the reasons with the conclusion in that their truth increases the probability that the conclusion is true. But as well as looking at the content of an argument we should also look at its form or structure. This will often tell us a lot about the argument's strength or weakness. The example above highlighted to us that, if the options were exhaustive, then the form of the argument required that we accept the conclusion. This alerts us to the potentially persuasive quality of deductive arguments. We can now look at some other forms. One of these builds up a chain of reasoning.
Finding Strengths
Building a chain of argument In this form of argument, each reason links with the others. Here is an example: If the Government doesn't implement the recommendations of last year's report on the transport of oil by oil tankers, then another accident at sea will happen soon. Were such an accident to happen, then the marine and coastal environment will be further damaged. Therefore, if the Government doesn't implement the report's recommendations, we can expect further environmental damage. In this example, two parts of the reasoning are linked together into a hypothetical conclusion. As you can see, the entire argument is a series of hypothetical statements ('if . . .') in which a chain is built up: if A is true, then B is true; if B is true, then C is true; therefore if A is true, then C is true (check this shorthand against the argument to see how it works). In this type of reasoning, if the initial links in the chain are true, then the conclusion can be drawn with certainty. In assessing (and using) this type of argument, you need to look at whether the links in the chain are properly equivalent. In other words, given its structure, you have to be sure that those parts which are meant to be the same really are. Look at the next example: If the Government doesn't implement the recommendations of last year's report on the transport of oil by oil tankers, then another accident at sea will happen soon. Were such an accident to happen, then the marine and coastal environment will be further damaged. Therefore, if the Government doesn't have an answer to its critics, we can expect further serious environmental damage. In this second version of the oil pollution argument, there is
no equivalence between 'doesn't implement the recommendations . . . oil tankers' and 'doesn't have an answer to its critics'. The argument is not a chain in that there is no longer a continuous series of links between the components of the argument. There has been a sleight of hand shift in the argument, in which the conclusion might at first glance seem to be OK. But with your critical evaluation skills, you can quickly see the problem. Denying what comes after Another type of argument in which the form provides its strength is one which is often referred to as 'denying the consequent'. You need not worry about using the proper term, but being able to recognise (and use) this form will be useful. An example will show you how it works: If the penguin population is not to be seriously threatened, then we have to stop the oil companies from drilling near the penguins' breeding grounds. But the campaign to stop the oil companies has failed, so there is now a significant threat to the penguin population. In this example, the form of the argument provides its strength. If you translate it into the terms we used earlier, you get 'if A is not to happen, then B must happen; B has not happened, therefore A will happen'. Denying what comes before You will need to be on your guard for arguments which look as if they might have a structure which gives them strength, but whose structure is crucially different from those which do. Look at the next argument for an example of this: If the new theory of the explanation of life on Earth had been accepted, our understanding of the nature of evolution would have needed to be substantially revised.
Finding Strengths
But the new theory has not been accepted, so our understanding of evolution is correct. This argument might have the appearance of strength. It looks as if it has a good tidy structure whose conclusion follows with certainty. But it has a crucial weakness. Quite simply, the conclusion does not follow. Even if the new theory has not been accepted, we might still have to revise our understanding of evolution in the light of other explanations. In other words, the rejection of this one theory does not enable us to conclude that we do not need to revise our understanding of evolution. To emphasise the difference between this argument and one in the previous form, look at another version of it: If the new theory of the explanation of life on Earth had been accepted, our understanding of the nature of evolution would have needed to be substantially revised. Since our understanding of evolution does not need to be changed, the new theory cannot have been accepted. In this version, the conclusion must follow: if an acceptance of the new theory requires a revision in our understanding of evolution, then if our understanding does not need to change, the theory can't have been accepted. INCREASING PROBABILITY In the previous section we looked at how the structure of an argument can sometimes enable us to conclude with certainty. Of course, the proviso was, as always, that the reasoning must be true. We now look at how we can strengthen arguments in which we draw conclusions not with certainty but with some degree of probability. You will remember that we use the tests of relevance and adequacy in determining whether an argument's reasoning can support the conclusion. In the same way, we can use these tests
to strengthen an argument. This can be done in one of two ways: by extending the range of the reasoning by limiting the range of the conclusion. We will look at each of these. Extending the range of the reasoning In seeking to strengthen an argument, we can add to the reasoning some further evidence which is relevant to the conclusion. As you can see, by doing so, we are increasing the degree of adequacy of the reasoning. Look at the next example: Our courts are open to the public because 'justice should be seen to be done'. But most people have never been to a court, especially one in which a case is being heard. Clearly, therefore, the proceedings of courts should be televised. This argument has two reasons supporting the conclusion. As you will have noticed, the reasons operate together. How would you extend the reasoning in order to strengthen the argument? You will probably be able to think of ways of doing this. Examples include the following: 'there is considerable public support for the televising of court proceedings' 'many lawyers and judges are in favour' 'evidence from the US where court proceedings are televised shows that there is considerable public interest in them' 'there is evidence that criminals are inhibited from
Finding Strengths
committing crime by the prospect of being shown on national television'. Each of these items of further reasoning would strengthen the argument by providing more support for the conclusion. Each is relevant to the conclusion and each increases the degree of adequacy of the reasoning. If you added all of them into the argument, it would be considerably strengthened. Limiting the range of the conclusion The conclusion of the above argument was that court proceedings should be televised. This is a general recommendation. What happens if we reduce the range of this conclusion, by making it less general? Our courts are open to the public because 'justice should be seen to be done'. But most people have never been to a court, especially one in which a case is being heard. Clearly, therefore, we should try an experimental scheme in which the proceedings of some courts are televised. The conclusion is narrowed in two ways. Instead of a general recommendation that court proceedings should be televised, there is one for an experimental scheme only. This less general recommendation strengthens the argument by cutting off some of the possible lines of counter-argument. In particular, it deals with the objection that there might be all sorts of problems with televising court proceedings. The second way in which the less general conclusion strengthens the argument is in its specification of 'some courts' rather than simply 'courts'. Again, this specification cuts off the counter-argument that it might not be appropriate for some cases to be given such widespread public coverage. As you can see, limiting the range of the conclusion has the effect of making the conclusion less demanding of its reasoning. It allows the reasoning to be less comprehensive, to be (as you
would now recognise) less adequate. To strengthen any arguments that you use you should, therefore, do at least one of the following: provide further relevant evidence limit the force of your conclusion. So to weaken any arguments that you come across (and to identify any weakness in your own) you will need to do at least one of the following: produce evidence that supports an opposing conclusion identify any irrelevance in the author's reasoning identify any inadequacy in the author's reasoning. Exercise In this exercise you are given a short argument. Using the evidence which follows it, which items of evidence would strengthen the argument, which would weaken it, and which would have no effect upon it? Argument: The number of prisoners who take illegal drugs whilst in the prison has shown a very large increase over the last year. A system of searching every visitor to the prison must be introduced. Evidence: 1. The number of prisoners in the prison has increased substantially over the past year. 2. Some visitors to the prison have been found to be carrying illegal drugs.
Finding Strengths
3. 4.
Most prisoners in the prison take illegal drugs. Most prisoners in the prison used illegal drugs before they were admitted to prison. A drug education programme has just been started in the prison.
Answers Let's look first at the argument. It's pretty obvious what's going on. The author is assuming that the increase in the number of prisoners taking illegal drugs is explained by the drugs being brought in by visitors. Without this assumption (as further reasoning), the conclusion cannot be drawn. Thus to strengthen the argument we must use evidence which strengthens this line of reasoning (in that no other line is used). By providing an alternative explanation for the increase in drug-taking, (1) has the effect of weakening the conclusion. In other words, if we can explain the increase in the number of prisoners taking illegal drugs simply in terms of an increase in the number of prisoners (the proportion not having changed), then the recommendation of a new system of searching visitors is not easily supported. (2), on the other hand, strengthens the argument. Given that the author has assumed that the increase in drugs is explained by visitors bringing them into the prison, any evidence that supports this line of reasoning will strengthen the argument. Slot it into the argument and see how it does this. (3) has no effect on the argument, unless it is tied to the assumption that visitors are bringing the drugs in. But unlike (2) which provides evidence to support the conclusion, (3) does little more than fill out some of the detail of the first sentence. (4) has no effect on the argument. Even if most prisoners did take illegal drugs prior to their imprisonment, this evidence cannot be used to support a system of searching visitors. Furthermore, even if we accept this evidence as true, it is not
incompatible with the claim that most prisoners in the prison do not take illegal drugs. (5) would weaken the argument. In that it offers a different strategy for dealing with the drugs problem (a strategy that is moreover already in place), the conclusion ceases to have the same force. EXERCISES 1. Write an argument on something for which you have evidence to support the conclusion. What would happen to your argument if you were to find one exception to this conclusion? How would you rescue your argument? Write an argument on something for which you have evidence to support the conclusion. What sort of evidence would weaken this conclusion? What sort of additional evidence would you need to find which would strengthen it? Think of a situation in which the skills of using arguments could help you make better decisions in your personal life (for example, in the area of employment).
Assessing the Credibility of Evidence
ASSESSING ARGUMENTS Skills in assessing arguments should be used not only in evaluating material in books and journals. They should also be used in evaluating more everyday situations. Let us look at an example to see what this involves. In the following passage you are given some information about a situation in which there is a dispute as to the explanation of what happened. Our task is to use this information in order to come to a judgement as to who is to blame in this situation. Read it first. An incident has occurred on a building site where the contractor, Meridew's, are extending a supermarket. The facts are simple. One of the workers Williams (W) fell from part of the scaffolding and has injured his leg, although fortunately not seriously. (W) has blamed the accident on the company he works for, insisting that, because the schedule for the building work was so tight - 'in order to increase profits', he claims - workers had been made to 'cut corners' in order to get things done. The site foreman (F) denies these claims, stressing instead that not only did (W) have a history of disciplinary problems with a number of building companies (one of which had been to do with being drunk on site), but also that (W) had been - as usual - drinking at lunch time, a couple of hours before the accident took place. Another worker on the site, Dawkins (D), agrees with (W) that they had been told that the work had to be done quickly
('bonuses would be paid if we got the job done on time'), but denies that they would have cut corners on safety because it was too risky. (D) admits that (W) was often in trouble and that 'he liked his drink', but insists that he was a very good worker. The architect (A) says that, about an hour before the accident, she had been on the part of the scaffolding from which (W) fell, and had seen nothing which seemed wrong with its construction. However, the paramedic (P) who treated (W) after the accident has explained that she has been called to a Meridew's site on a couple of previous occasions in order to treat accidents. Separating facts from judgements The first thing that we can do is to separate what are facts from what are judgements. The following is a fact which is not in dispute: (W) fell from part of the scaffolding and has injured his leg, although fortunately not seriously. There are some other claims that might, in the real world, be able to be checked. (W)'s apparent history of disciplinary problems (including having been drunk on site). (A)'s claim that, about an hour before the accident, she had been on the part of the scaffolding from which (W) fell. (P)'s claim that she had been called to a Meridew's site on two previous occasions in order to treat accidents. (Although the significance of this fact, if true, needs examination.) What remains in the passage is material that needs our evaluation. Let us look first of all at the evidence provided by (W) himself. He blames Meridew's for the accident and gives as
the reason that 'in order to increase profits' workers had been told to 'cut corners' in their work. There are four possible responses to this claim. (1) Meridew's are to blame for the accident because of workers cutting corners with safety. Meridew's did ask workers to 'cut corners' but this did not affect the safety of the scaffolding. Meridew's did not ask workers to 'cut corners'. Meridew's did ask workers to 'cut corners' but the workers didn't (as (D) claims).
(3) (4)
Looking for motive Let us look at (W)'s claim and evaluate it. What sort of criteria should we use? An obvious one is motive. Why would (W) make this claim? One response is that his motive is to shift the blame for the accident from himself to the company. Why might he want to do this? The need to avoid dismissal is one motive: if he was to blame for the accident (perhaps as a result of his drinking), he would try to shift the blame from himself. Another reason why he might want to shift the blame to the company is to get compensation for the accident. Of course, another motive for saying what he does might be that he is telling the truth (perhaps to highlight the deficiencies in the health and safety policies of the company). Checking corroboration How do we assess these different versions of (W)'s motive for making his claim? Another criterion we need to use is corroboration. Is there someone else who supports his claim? What about (D)? As you can see, (D) provides support for only one part of (W)'s claim: the company, (D) claims, had told the workers that the job should be done quickly (with the promise
of bonuses if the work was done on time). However, (D)'s evidence contradicts (W) about workers on the site being made to 'cut corners'. So, does (D)'s evidence provide enough corroboration for (W)'s claim? The answer is 'no'. What about the evidence of (P)? If we assume (P) to be telling the truth (and we must subject her evidence to the same scrutiny as that of anyone else), then her claim about previous accidents at Meridew's sites corroborates the evidence of (W) in only a very limited way. For example, what sort of time-scale is (P) using? If she has been called to two accidents in two years, this has a different significance than two accidents in two weeks. Furthermore, it might be seen as fairly unremarkable to have been called to two accidents at building sites in that we know that they tend to have relatively high accident rates, given the nature of their work. So, we can see that there is little corroboration for (W)'s claim. This does not, of course, mean that it can be dismissed, just there there is little evidence from other sources which strengthens it. Judging expertise What other criteria should be used in assessing the evidence available? An important one is expertise. How does this criterion help us in evaluating the different evidence? The criterion of expertise focuses on the question of whether any individuals' judgements are more reliable than those of others because these individuals have specifically relevant knowledge and/or experience. Looking at the individuals in the Meridew's scenario, are there any who have special expertise? The site foreman (F) is a good example. We assume that, because he is a foreman, he has both relevant knowledge and experience. He should know if there is a problem with the scaffolding. Another example to consider is (A). As an architect, she will have relevant knowledge (and presumably experience) of some aspects of building construction. Whether or not she would have adequate knowledge of scaffolding construction to
be able to assess its safety is a question that would need examination. You would also need to assess the other evidence against this criterion. For example, both (D) and (W) have some relevant knowledge and experience. Is this the same as (F)'s and (A)'s? Deciding on the ability to see what happened Another criterion which you need to take into account is each individual's ability to see what happened. This is a straightforward source of evaluation. Who of the individuals in our scenario could see what happened? We assume (W) comes into this category in that the accident happened to him. (Of course, he might not be a very reliable source if, as (F) suggests, he had been drunk at the time of the accident.) (A) does not claim to be a witness to the accident itself, but she claims to be able to report on the condition of the scaffolding at the place where the accident took place. So far, then, we have looked at four criteria: motive corroboration expertise ability to see. Looking for vested interest The criterion of motive includes another source of evaluation. This is what we call vested interest. We have already used this when we looked at (W)'s evidence. We considered that he might blame the company for the accident because be might lose his job if he were to blame, and he could get compensation if the company was found to be at fault. In other words, vested interest provides a motive. Do any of the other characters in our scenario have a vested interest which could affect our judgement of their evidence? Is (F) a good example of someone who could have such a vested interest. He is the foreman on the site, so he would have to take some of the responsibility for the health and safety of the workers. In this way, he has a vested interest in
blaming (W) for the accident. This is not to say, of course, that we can dismiss (F)'s evidence simply because he could have a vested interest. It is just to note that an evaluation of his evidence must include a consideration of the vested interest he has in ensuring that he is not blamed - at least, in part - for the accident. Consider what possible vested interests, if any, the other characters might have. Making assumptions explicit What you might have realised is that much of this work in assessing the credibility of evidence is to do with making assumptions explicit. If, for example, you had said that (D)'s evidence was free from the bias of vested interest, your reasoning had to be based on assumptions about the nature of (D)'s motivations in giving his evidence. You would have had to assume the following: (D) was not speaking up for (W) - 'he was a very good worker' - out of more than friendship. (D) was not supporting Meridew's - they would not have compromised on safety - out of fear of losing his job. You would have to assume therefore that (D) was not distorting his evidence to fit with his own interests. If you accepted (A)'s evidence as reliable, you would have to make the following assumptions: She had no vested interest which led her to support Meridew's (or at least (F)'s) and to dispute (W)'s account. She had sufficient experience and knowledge of safety aspects of scaffolding to make an effective judgement about the Meridew's site. She was on that part of the scaffolding where the accident happened about an hour before the accident. As you can see, identifying assumptions in this sort of exercise
is a useful way of checking what sort of judgements you are making. For example, if you think that (A)'s evidence is very likely to be reliable because (A) is an architect, then you are making a whole host of assumptions about the truthfulness of architects. (The same would apply if you argued that (F) should be believed because (F) is a foreman.) Coming to a judgement We have spent some time looking at this scenario about the accident on the building site. Hopefully you will have seen that what started off as an apparently simple task of working out who was to blame for the accident has become more complex as a result of all the criteria that you have to consider. What this exercise should have shown you is that critical thinking is not just an activity that goes on in academic contexts, but that it also has relevance whenever and wherever there is evidence used to support conclusions. In our Meridew's scenario, we can isolate many arguments going on. For example, there is (W)'s argument: Meridew's had made the workers 'cut corners' on safety. (Therefore) the scaffolding was less safe than it should have been. (Therefore) Meridew's are to blame for the accident. There is also (F)'s argument. This has two lines of reasoning: (R) Meridew's had not asked the workers to 'cut corners' on safety. (1C) (Therefore) the scaffolding was as safe as it should have been. (C) (Therefore) Meridew's are not to blame for the accident.
(RI) (W) has a history of disciplinary problems with a number of building companies (including being drunk on site). (R2) (W) had been drinking at lunch time, two hours before the accident took place. (C) (Therefore) (W) is to blame for the accident.
As you can see, much of the passage can be reduced to the form of an argument, and our task is to assess which is the most likely conclusion. There are four possible conclusions: (1) (2) (3) (4) (W) is to blame for the accident. Meridew's are to blame (or, more specifically, (F) is to blame). Both (W) - as a result of his drinking - and Meridew's (or (F)) - as a result of compromises on safety - are to blame. Neither (W) nor Meridew's (nor (F)) are to blame in that the accident was caused by nobody's negligence.
Technically, of course, there are many other conclusions - such as (D) is to blame for having pushed (W) - but the evidence for this sort of conclusion has to go way beyond what we are told. Our task is to form a judgement on the basis of the evidence we are given. You should now have a go at producing a reasoned case, using the criteria which we looked at earlier, so that you make a judgement as to how the accident happened. In doing this, you need to be clear about what assumptions you are making about the evidence of each of the characters involved.
Applying Your Skills
There was a book available in the 1920s which taught children to swim without them ever having to get into water. It did this by showing them all the strokes that were needed for both arms and legs, strokes that they were asked to practise whilst lying on the bedroom carpet. The assumption which is crucial to this teaching technique is that the skills learned on the bedroom floor are able to be transferred to the rather different reality of the swimming pool. There is little point in being able to execute a perfect breast-stroke on the bedroom carpet if all is forgotten in two metres of water. In the same way, this book will not have achieved its purpose if, having worked through it, you cannot apply in your own work the skills it has tried to give you. In other words, when you have to write an essay or report, when you have to give a presentation, when you have to assess information for whatever purpose, you should do it using your critical thinking skills. (Those of you who are preparing for the AS exam should hopefully be able to apply your skills to answering the questions). ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS When you are assessing a passage which contains at least some argument, you need to ask the right evaluative questions. But before you can do this, you need to work out what the argument is: What conclusion does the author come to?
What reasoning does the author use to support this conclusion? What assumptions are necessary for this conclusion to be drawn? These are the basic questions which you need to ask before you can begin to evaluate the argument. Unless you can see what the argument is, you can't assess its strengths and weaknesses. Having found the argument, now ask questions to evaluate it: Does the reasoning support the conclusion? This is a general question, one which you will always have to be asking. In practice, this general question will become a series of specific questions: Does the evidence have the significance that the author intends? Are there explanations for the evidence which would change its significance for the argument? If the author uses any analogies, do they work? What happens if different assumptions are made? What sort of evidence would strengthen the argument? What sort of evidence would weaken the argument? Does the reasoning support a different conclusion? Try this questioning technique with the following short arguments. Though they have the same heading, they are very different arguments. Read version 1 first and think about its
strengths and weaknesses before you read version 2. Version 1: Some smokers have tried to get compensation from the tobacco companies on the ground that smoking has damaged their health. Given that smoking is addictive and that the tobacco companies knew that it was, they should have done something to reduce the addictive nature of cigarettes. Instead, they controlled the level of nicotine in cigarettes in order to keep smokers hooked. Not only that, since the publication of the report by the Royal College of Physicians in 1962 it has been known that there are serious dangers with smoking. Manufacturers of any product have a legal duty to minimise risks to their customers. In that tobacco has been known to be both addictive and harmful, the tobacco companies should compensate smokers who have become ill as a result of smoking. Version 2: Some smokers have tried to get compensation from the tobacco companies on the ground that smoking has damaged their health. The tobacco companies have responded by arguing that people who smoke choose to smoke. Nobody is forced either to start or, having started, to continue. Furthermore, half of all smokers manage to give up smoking. In addition, given that it has been known for many years that smoking is harmful since the Royal College of Physicians report in 1962 smokers should have given up smoking. All the tobacco companies were doing was responding to a demand from smokers. If smokers can get compensation from tobacco companies, what comes next? Law suits against drinks manufacturers over cirrhosis of the liver? An action against the dairy industry by heart-disease sufferers? Clearly, people who smoke should not be given any compensation.
Looking at the significance of evidence As you can see, these two arguments come to completely opposite conclusions. But, in doing so, they used some reasoning which was common to both. This is the 1962 report of the Royal College of Physicians which highlighted the dangers involved in cigarette smoking. In the first version, the author used the report to argue that manufacturers shouldn't have produced cigarettes; in the second, it's used to argue that people shouldn't have bought cigarettes. Can this evidence be used for such completely different purposes? The answer is 'yes, it can'. The 1962 report does support both arguments in that, if the knowledge about the effects of smoking was widespread, then we can argue that both manufacturers and smokers were at fault for ignoring this information. Thus this evidence is a good example of how one can provide more than one significance for it. In consequence, an argument which was based on no more than such a piece of evidence is weakened by our being able to show the other significance. What about some of the other reasoning used? In version 1, we find the claim that 'smoking is addictive', whereas in version 2 we find 'Nobody is forced to either start or, having started, to continue. Furthermore, half of all smokers manage to give up smoking.' Does the evidence in the second version overwhelm the evidence in the first? Or does that in the first significantly weaken the significance of that in the second? They both have the effect of weakening each other, and provide good examples of how one can think of responses to evidence. Checking analogies What about the analogies used in the second version? Do they work? Can you think of any analogies that would work for the first version? Thinking of further reasoning Can you think of further reasoning for both versions? In addition, can you think of how you could extend the conclusions
of each version into a further argument? For example, there has been a suggestion that people who smoke shouldn't be given free health care on the grounds that they knowingly caused their ill-health. How does this fit with version 2? What about the argument that people who are damaged in some way after having taken a medical drug should be able to make a claim against the manufacturer of the drug? How does this fit with version 1 ? What about illegal drugs? Applying your skills to a longer passage Having done some work on evaluation with small passages, now have a look at a longer passage. A huge majority of those convicted of drug offences have committed offences involving only cannabis, and about eighty per cent of all seizures of illegal drugs are of cannabis. Therefore, since cannabis is the main drugs problem to be addressed, we need above all a coherent policy on how to deal with it. The concentration on the problem of hard drugs misses two important aspects of contemporary youth culture. In the first place, drug-taking is not an isolated aspect of young people's lives, but part of growing up in the UK. Second, the assumption that there is an inevitable move from smoking 'dope' to injecting heroin is rejected by young people who instead see a wide gulf between the two, with no necessary link from one to the other (just as there is no necessary move from beer to meths). The health education programme on drugs has focused on the dangers involved in taking them. Young people know that there are some therapeutic benefits in the use of cannabis. Thus lumping cannabis together with drugs like cocaine risks young people rejecting the whole message. Not to change the law on cannabis is to persist in a policy which turns many of our young people into criminals. If the police didn't have to spend so much time chasing the users of
cannabis, they would be able to deal with the serious problem of hard drugs. Therefore cannabis needs to be decriminalised. In being asked to evaluate this passage, you should see that your task is to consider whether the conclusion that 'cannabis needs to be decriminalised' is supported by the author's reasoning. You probably will have noticed that the first paragraph is an argument in itself. An intermediate conclusion that 'cannabis is the main drugs problem to be addressed' is drawn on the strength of the two pieces of evidence in the first sentence. This evidence needs evaluation. The first piece of evidence is concerned with convictions for drug offences. You might see this as strong evidence for the intermediate conclusion, emphasising the significance of 'a huge majority' for 'the main drugs problem'. However, you might want to show that this evidence does not necessarily have the significance that the author intends. Explanations for the 'huge majority' could be given which question the significance of this evidence. For example, even though most 'of those convicted of drug offences have committed offences only involving cannabis', it could be that those selling and/or using cannabis are those most often targeted (this explanation could be usefully linked with the last paragraph in which the author does seem to argue that the police spend a lot of time 'chasing the users of cannabis'). Another explanation could be that those selling and/or using cannabis are more easily caught than those involved in other drugs. The other piece of evidence - 'about eighty per cent of all seizures of illegal drugs are of cannabis' - can also be seen as a strength or a weakness for the author's argument. If you see this as a strength, you will highlight this evidence not only for the intermediate conclusion in this paragraph but also for the hypothetical in the final paragraph ('If the police . . .'). Those of you who see a weakness in this evidence might question the meaning of the words 'of all seizures' (does it mean eighty per
cent by weight, volume, or by number of seizures?). Again, as with the conviction rate, it could be explained by the targeting of cannabis. (An interesting argument could be developed here in which, since the figures show that cannabis is the 'main problem', it is the drug that should be targeted and therefore is.) The author uses the intermediate conclusion that 'cannabis is the main drugs problem' to further conclude that 'we need . . . a coherent policy on how to deal with it.' You could usefully respond that having a coherent policy is necessary whether or not cannabis is the main problem with drugs (coherence being a necessary - though not sufficient - condition for any useful policy). The second paragraph contains much useful material for evaluation. The first part of the paragraph fails to make any distinction between 'hard drugs' and 'drug-taking', a failure that you might want to highlight, especially with the claim that the latter is 'part of growing up in the UK'. In addition, you could question the huge claim that the author makes about young people's use of drugs. For it to be 'part of growing up in the UK', there would have to be the assumption that a significant majority of young people use drugs (and regularly use them?) You could examine this assumption in terms of what it must mean with regard to both the frequency and the quantity of usage. The author claims that young people reject the assumed link between cannabis and heroin usage, a claim that is supported by an analogy of beer and meths consumption. You could make a number of responses to this claim. For example, you could argue the point that, even if young people reject the link, it does not follow that there is still not a problem with cannabis usage. Another response might be to agree with the author that the slippery slope argument from cannabis to heroin usage is very weak, but that there could be less dramatic shifts in usage (from
cannabis to drugs other than heroin). An alternative version of this shift in usage could be from infrequent and light use of cannabis to frequent and heavy use. In other words, you could identify something of a straw man here, with a stronger argument being a problem for the author's argument. (You could adjust the analogy accordingly: the move from beer to meths is very unlikely, but the move from low levels of consumption of beer to heavy beer drinking, or from beer to spirits is more easily supported.) The analogy is likely to be a source of evaluation even if it is not linked in this way. For example, you could argue that even if 'there is no necessary move from beer to meths' it does not follow that there is no necessary move from cannabis to heroin (and/or other drugs). This illustrates the general point about analogies that we considered earlier: analogies are not in themselves conclusive evidence in an argument. They are useful in pointing out possible problems in a counter-argument, such as that of consistency. But, as in this case, even if one could forcefully argue that beer drinking is very unlikely to lead to meths drinking, it does not therefore follow that cannabis use does not lead to the use of heroin. What you are focusing on, of course, is the significance of the words 'just as': you are examining whether one situation is indeed just like another. In addition, you could evaluate the analogy in the context of the author's confusion of categories between 'hard drugs' and 'drugtaking' as 'part of growing up in the UK'. The third paragraph contains the claim that 'Young people know that there are some therapeutic benefits in the use of cannabis'. As a response, you might want to list some of these therapeutic benefits, but you should not spend too much time on this as you need to be getting on with the evaluation of the argument. One line of evaluation would be to argue that though there are therapeutic benefits, it does not follow that there are not also dangers. (You could develop this by giving examples such as morphine, which has similarly therapeutic qualities but
also has dangers in over-usage and in non-medical contexts.) Another argument could be that the therapeutic benefits are in particular situations (such as the treatment of severe pain or of multiple sclerosis) and are therefore not such that one could advocate widespread use (the example of something like morphine could be used again here). This could be made as a general point that, just because something has therapeutic qualities, it does not follow that its use ought not to be restricted. After all, a lot of drugs used in medical care are useful in treating the sick but should never be used by the well. A further point you could make about the argument in this paragraph is to question the rather vague way in which 'therapeutic benefits' is used, almost as if cannabis can be seen in the same way as vitamin tablets. The author uses this claim about young people's knowledge of the therapeutic benefits of cannabis to argue that health education programmes which highlight the dangers of drugs (without distinguishing between them) risk 'young people rejecting the whole message'. You could argue again that, even if the therapeutic benefits are known, it does not follow that there are not also dangers. There is also further mileage to be obtained in linking this part of the author's argument with the second paragraph in which the author argues that drug-taking is part of growing up. Thus, if there are dangers in using cannabis, then health education programmes need to emphasise them. The first sentence of the last paragraph can be shown to have both strength and weakness. Its strength lies in its statement of a problem which supports the author's conclusion. If many of our young people are being turned 'into criminals' by the present law on cannabis, then (if the present law is unjustifiable by other criteria) it should be changed. However, the weakness is that one does not need to change the law to avoid the problem. You could respond by raising the issue of enforcement - if the law is not enforced widely then the number of young people turned 'into criminals' might be relatively small. This question of enforcement might also be used with the second sentence, in
that the police could deal with 'the serious problem of hard drugs' by specifically targeting this problem. (You might want to use examples from other areas of the law which illustrate the point about the police not enforcing it. For example, the majority of motorists who break the speed limits are never detected, because the police don't invest heavily in speed detection.) The conclusion has to be the subject of some explicit evaluation. To what extent is this conclusion supported by the author's reasoning? In addition, you should consider the specific meaning of the conclusion. What does 'decriminalised' mean? Is such a recommendation compatible with the author's intermediate conclusion that we need 'a coherent policy' on cannabis. For example, is a coherent policy one in which the law is unchanged but enforcement is? You might take another line of evaluation by arguing that the author has failed to distinguish between supplying and using cannabis. This will raise many issues. For example, if something can be consumed legally, why should it not be sold legally? Should there be any restrictions on quantity and location of sale? Should there be re strictions on who can buy it? In this way, you can argue that the author has failed to provide the detailed content of the recommendation that cannabis should be decriminalised. Further arguments on this subject should be plentiful. You could argue for different solutions to the problems described by the author. For example, if the problem is one of inadequate resources to deal with the problem of hard drugs, then the Government should provide more resources rather than switch those used in dealing with cannabis. Interesting developments of the author's argument could include those which turn it on its head: if cannabis was to be decriminalised, then young people would not be attracted to it (with the rebellion involved in taking it now gone) and so they would either not use it or would use an illegal drug (with all the extra dangers that are involved). Arguments which provide variations on decriminalisation might fill out some of the detail of the policy which the author fails to
provide. For example, one could argue for a limited decriminalisation (under certain quantities) or for a limited time only (to assess the consequences). Assessing the effect of evidence Before we leave this passage, look at the following items of evidence and consider what effect (if any) they have on the author's argument. (1) (2) (3) About 2,000 people will die of drug abuse this year. Known drug addicts have increased from 3,000 to 43,000 over the past thirty years. According to a MORI poll in 2000, most people of all ages see cannabis as less harmful than tobacco and alcohol. According to the same poll, half the population of the UK wants cannabis to be legalised. In the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, much of Scandinavia, much of Germany, and some US states, personal possession of cannabis is tolerated. Consumption rates of cannabis are lower in the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Scandinavia, and Germany than they are in the UK. Consumption rates of cannabis are higher in the US than they are in the UK. Cannabis is a toxic mixture of over 60 'cannaboids' some of which are harmful, and some therapeutic. According to the Home Office British Crime Survey, 2.5 million people aged 16 to 29 took cannabis in 1997.
(4) (5)
We will look briefly at each of these items of evidence. (1) This evidence could be (and is) used against proposals for reducing the penalties for drug selling and use. Its weakness when used against the above argument is that it is too general. In other words, it does not address the specific argument about cannabis: the deaths from drug abuse are likely to have been
h. Furthermore, you would needto consider the question 'is 2,000 relatively high or relatively low?' You might want to extend your evaluation of this statistic to ask 'how does this figure compare with the number of deaths from tobacco-related disease?' or 'how does this figure compare with the number of deaths which can be attributed to alcohol, including those caused by drink-drivers?' You could also consider whether the figure of 2,000 is an underestimate, not taking into account, for example, deaths caused by people driving whilst under the influence of drugs, including cannabis. (2) This is similar to (1) in that it is evidence which is highly relevant to what sort of policy there ought to be on illegal drugs. There might be all sorts of explanations for the large increase in drug addiction over the past thirty years (and you could try to list some of these), but the issue of drug addiction does not again specifically address the issue of cannabis use. Again, as with (1), you would need to ask questions about the significance of the numbers. For example, you would expect an increase in numbers over a period of thirty years simply as a result of population increase. In addition, how does the figure of 43,000 (and/or the rate of increase) compare with those from other countries? You could also ask about the reliability of the figures. For example, could part of the increase in the figures be explained by the relatively higher profile which drugs have compared with thirty years ago? In other words, are drug addicts more likely to be seeking help because there is now more help available? (3) The argument that there is an inconsistency between our tolerance of tobacco and alcohol and our tolerance of cannabis is often used. It is pointed out that, although tobacco and alcohol are known to be dangerous substances, we put few limits on their consumption. The evidence in (3) takes this question of consistency in a different direction. If the majority of the population see cannabis as less harmful than tobacco and alcohol, this is evidence which would certainly support the author's argument on decriminalisation (in that it provides
another reason for the author's conclusion). This is not to say, of course, that the majority of the public are right. Scientific studies might well show cannabis use to be far more harmful than smoking tobacco or moderate alcohol consumption. (4) The attitude of the public is the sort of evidence which is often used in support of (or against) a proposed measure. However, this evidence goes both ways. If half of the public supports legalisation of cannabis, the other half is likely not to. (It might be, of course, that some of the other half have no strong feeling one way or the other and thus fall into the 'don't know' category.) As a result, this evidence could be used both to strengthen and to weaken the author's argument. You could also subject this evidence to further scrutiny. For example, what is meant by the word 'legalised' ? Does it mean that half of the public wants cannabis to have no legal restrictions upon its sale and use? Does it mean that they want no more than smaller penalties for its sale and use? (5) Evidence from other countries is often used in argument. In this example, one could use the experience of countries such as Spain and Italy to support the author's argument. This uses the general point that if other countries (with similar social systems) have done x, then so should we. However, what this example illustrates is that evidence from other countries can often be selective. Look again at the list of countries referred to. There are many countries with similar social institutions to that of the UK which are not on this list (France, Belgium, Canada, and so on). In addition, only 'some US states' are referred to. Which ones? How many? The majority or very few? Thus this sort of comparative evidence needs to be treated as critically as any other sort. (6) If the evidence in (6) is used together with that from (5), then you would have to consider what sort of relationship there is between the two. You will remember when we looked at post hoc arguments that we must beware of assuming a causal connection between two apparently related pieces of evidence. You can see here that a causal connection could be proposed
such that the toleration of personal possession of cannabis in countries such as the Netherlands is responsible for the lower consumption rates. You would be able to come up with explanations for such a causal connection. But, just as easily, we could reverse the relationship between (6) and (5), such that the relatively lower consumption rates in countries such as the Netherlands were responsible for those countries' policy of toleration. Again, you could show how this relationship might be explained. As you can see, the use of evidence in argument is highly dependent upon the explanation for that evidence. In this example, if we assume that the policy of toleration causes lower rates, then the evidence of (5) and (6) together strongly supports the original argument. If we assume that the lower rates cause the policy, then the two pieces of evidence do not have relevance to the argument. In your evaluation, you need to make it clear what assumptions have to be made for any evidence to strengthen, weaken, or have no effect upon an argument. For (5) and (6) to strengthen the argument, we need to assume that the time scale is such that (6) followed (5). In other words, if the relative consumption rates fell after the introduction of the policy of toleration, then (6) together with (5) strengthens the argument. Of course, as we noted when evaluating (5) on its own, any evidence from other countries (or other examples such as regions, cities, and social groups where there are some similarities) needs to be treated critically. If, for example, we could find countries with relatively low consumption rates of cannabis but without a policy of toleration, then the force of the evidence in (6) is weakened. (7) This piece of evidence highlights many of the problems we have discussed when looking at (5) and (6). Though 'some US states' are referred to in (5), the USA is not mentioned in (6). The force of the evidence in (7) will depend, as we considered when assessing (6), upon the assumptions made about the explanation for it: why is consumption higher in the
USA than in the UK? You should be able to suggest some answers to that question. A more specific question is 'In those US states which have a policy of toleration of personal possession of cannabis, is the consumption rate higher or lower than in the UK?' You can see that, without developing explanatory assumptions, this piece of evidence has a neutral effect upon the argument. (8) Evidence like this can be used to both strengthen and weaken the argument. It will depend which part of it is stressed - the 'harmful' or the 'therapeutic'. The word 'toxic' turns us towards the 'harmful', although clearly all sorts of drugs which are therapeutic (aspirin, morphine, etc.) are also toxic in the wrong dosage. You might want to argue that, without further information, this evidence has no effect upon the argument. Thus, we need to have evidence on the effects of cannabis in the short- and the long term, under what conditions, and so on. (9) At one level, this has a neutral effect upon the argument. Numbers need reference points before we can assess their significance. Is 2.5 million relatively higher or lower than the corresponding figure for countries identified in (5)? Has the figure increased or declined relative to earlier years? In addition, how is 'took' defined? How many of the 2.5 million 'took' cannabis just once, just a few times, or every day? How reliable is this statistic anyway? What sort of survey is the 'British Crime Survey'? As you can see, we are evaluating this evidence against all sorts of yardsticks. This is what you need to do when assessing evidence in an argument. Rehearsing different scenarios As you can see, the evaluation of arguments is essentially an imaginative enterprise. All the time, you are coming up with different possibilities, rehearsing different scenarios, looking at alternative lines of reasoning, and seeing where small changes to the reasoning might lead. This imaginative quality should also be applied to your own work. Use the same questioning approach.
Asking evaluative questions Looking at the evidence that you have collected, what conclusion can it support? What further evidence is needed to produce a stronger conclusion? What assumptions do you have to make about the significance of the evidence you're using? If you know the sort of conclusion you want to be able to draw, what sort of evidence do you need which would do that? What possible counter-arguments can you think of which would seriously threaten your argument? How can you weaken these counter-arguments? Ordering your material As you now will see, by its emphasis on the rehearsal of alternative scenarios (what if things were different...?), critical thinking encourages imagination in your work. But it encourages something else as well: the good ordering of your material. By focusing your attention on the nature of argument, it requires you to have regard to the sequence of your material. Again certain questions need to be asked. The main question, however, is a simple one: What is the best sequence of reasoning for your material? This question includes a number of sub-questions: (a) Does the reasoning build up its case in an effective sequence, each part adding something which is not already established?
(b) If there are intermediate conclusions, do they fit as a useful sequence heading towards the main conclusion? (c) Is there a more effective way of presenting the argument, such that some parts should be expanded and others contracted? (d) As you read through what you have written, can you see that what you are trying to argue - what you are trying to show or prove - is actually argued for? Does it read in a convincing way? Being a critical thinker doesn't just mean being able to identify the strengths and weaknesses in other's arguments; it also means being able to produce greater strengths and avoid weaknesses in your own. If you can do both, you have learned to swim not only on the bedroom carpet but also in the imaginative possibilities of any ocean.
The purpose of this book is to encourage you to use skills of critical thinking rather than requiring you to master the terminology which is used in describing and analysing arguments. Being able to use the skills involved is much more useful than being able to recite terms without using what they refer to. However, some terminology is used in this book, including all of the following. Ad hominem. A type of argument in which a counter-argument is attacked by criticising some feature or features of the author of this counter-argument (rather than the argument itself). Analogy. That part of an argument in which two things are compared, on the assumption that if they are similar in one respect they are also similar in a further, relevant way. Argument. This consists of at least one reason and one conclusion, whose purpose together is to persuade others of the argument's truth. Assumption. Part of an argument which acts as part of the reasoning, but which is unstated. Conclusion. That part of an argument which is supported by reasoning. The general point of an argument will be the main conclusion; on the way to drawing a main conclusion, there might be intermediate conclusions drawn. Deductive argument. A form of argument in which the reasons given for the conclusion are presented in such a way that, if they are true, then so too must be the conclusion. Inductive argument. A form of argument in which the reasons
given for the conclusion are meant to increase the probability of the conclusion being true. Post hoc. A type of argument in which because one thing follows something else, it is assumed that the latter caused the former. Reason. A statement which contains a claim of some sort including evidence and judgements - which is used to support a conclusion. Tu quoque. A type of argument which tries to show that something of which the arguer is accused cannot be used against them in that others are guilty of the same thing.
Further Reading
There are many books on Critical Thinking, so you might want to read beyond this one in order to further develop and practise your skills. In this connection, there is another one that I have written that I hope you will find very useful for this purpose. Critical Thinking for AS Level (How To Books). This covers everything that you will need if you are taking the OCR AS Level examination. But, despite its title, it should also provide a thorough introduction to the skills involved in Critical Thinking for those of you who want to use them in any course of study. There are lots of examples and exercises. A more advanced book for those of you who want to take this subject further is the next one. Critical Reasoning, Anne Thomson (Routledge). A very useful guide to a number of critical thinking issues written by someone who is very experienced in both teaching and assessing students in the subject. It is illustrated by using a wide range of the sort of arguments that you find in newspapers and magazines.
ability to see, 95 analogies, 53-55, 100, 102, 105-106, 116 arguments ad hominem, see 'attacking the arguer' attacking the arguer, 65-66, 76-80, 116 causal, 61-64, 77, 78, 79, 111-112 chain, 83-84 circular, 67-68 deductive, 34-35, 81-85, 116 diagramming, 28-31, 40-45, 48-52 evaluating, 99-100, 115 hypothetical, 79-80, 83-85 importance of, 16 inductive, 34-38, 81, 116-117 persuasive nature of, 9-13, 14, 16-18,69, 116 post hoc, see 'causal' producing further, 102-103, 108-109 restricting the options in, 73, 78,79-80, 81-82 slippery slope, 68-69, 77, 78 straw man, 69-70, 77, 78, 105 strengthening, 64-65, 84-88, 89-90, 102, 110-113 tu quoque, see 'you too' weakening, 88-90, 109-113
you too, 71-72, 117 assumptions, 45-47, 63, 65, 96-97, 100, 114, 116 cause and consequence, 61-63 certainty, 34-38, 81-85 conclusions drawing different, 36-38 function of, 18-19, 116 intermediate, 34-45, 104-105, 115 limiting the range of, 87-89 looking for, 13,24-26 main, 40 conditions necessary, 57-61 sufficient, 57-61 consistency, 71-72 corroboration, 93-94 evidence, 64-65, 94, 102, 104, 109-113 expertise, 94-95 explanations, 17-18, 62, 64-65,
irrelevance, 67, 74-76 motive, 92-93 pity, appealing to, 75-76 popularity, appealing to, 74
probability, 34-38, 81-82, 85-88 questions, asking the right, 99, 100, 114 reasoning adequacy of, 21-22, 55, 85-88 distinguishing from background
information, 32-34 extending, 86-87 function of, 10-12, 24-31 relevance of, 20-21, 55, 72, 75-76, 85-89 summarising, 18-19 vested interest, 95-96
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